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Citation Note

Based on field research; 8 pages.

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Flying Parts, a mid-sized European component parts manufacturer for the aerospace industry, implemented a range of new technologies in the early 2000's when it become a Tier 1 subcontractor. The implementation of these new technologies triggered an organisational transformation: jobs and roles were redefined, a team structure replaced a hierarchical one, selected lean principle were introduced to increase quality and productvity, and employees became directly implicated in problem-solving, decision-making and innovation. Although absent from the company prior to these innovations, union clubs were invited by employees and welcomed by management when these transformation occurred. This company's successful transformation in becoming a Tier 1 subcontractor is described. This case briefly examines this innovations - technological, process and organisational - that were implemented in the company, as well as their impact on specific employee groups and the organisations as a whole.


1. Evaluate the impact of technological innovations on various employee groups in the manufacturing sector. 2. Analyse methods of change implementations and different lean processes to maximise positive outcomes for the company and its employees. 3. Outline options for organisational innovations and transformation following major technological and process disruptions. 4. Assess the reasons for the implication of trade unions in a company, and evaluate their potential impact on innovations and transformation.

Case Study