Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Our student adviser team provides a designated point of contact, where you can access professional help, advice and guidance during your studies at Rotterdam School of Management.

The student advisers are independent in their advising. They always take into account the special circumstances and needs of individual students. Do not postpone coming to see us when you have a question(s): for every appointment we take sufficient time and experience has shown that answers and solutions are often closer at hand than you might expect. And in case we cannot help you ourselves, we can get you into contact with someone who can.

All conversation between student and student adviser is strictly confidential and information provided by a student will not be divulged to any third party without the student’s permission. We comply with the code of conduct of the National Association of Study Advisers (LVSA). 

Who are we?

Our student adviser team provides a designated point of contact, where you can access friendly and professional help, advice, and guidance during your studies at RSM.

We are familiar with all aspects of the course programmes. We understand that it is not always easy to come and see us. It is therefore good to realize that you are not only welcome to contact us when there is a problem regarding your studies, but also for help with a realistic study plan, choice between an exchange / internship or advice on choosing a (second) master programme.

Maaike Troost

Menno van der Hoorn

Thea den Hartog

Irèn Galama

Irèn Galama

Eva Smeding

Eva Smeding

Marleen Pasma

Shouhe Kuo

  • The student advisers are independent in their advising. They always take into account the special circumstances and needs of individual students. Do not postpone coming to see us when you have a question(s): for every appointment we take sufficient time and experience has shown that answers and solutions are often closer at hand than you might expect. And in case we cannot help you ourselves, we can get you into contact with someone who can.
  • All conversations between student and student adviser are strictly confidential and information provided by a student is confidential and will not be divulged to any third party without the student’s permission. For more information see also the LVSA. The LVSA is the national association of student advisers.

  • If you have questions regarding studying in general: study planning, study methods, time-management, taking exams etc.
  • If personal circumstances may affect your study progress (illness, family matters etc.)
  • If you need help in case of specific situations: studying whilst having a professional sports career, studying with a disability, study delays in general, special arrangements for taking exams etc.
  • If you are a prospective student and if you want more information about our programmes.
  • If you need advice about possible exemptions.

Study Advice related topics

BSc IBA & English Premaster (online)

Study skills

Personal circumstances

Studying with a functional impairment

Students & top sport


Study skills

Personal circumstances

Studying with a functional impairment

Students & top sport

Find more answers in our student portal

How can you reach us?

By email - for short questions

For BSc IBA & Premaster EN:

For Master:

By phone - for short questions

Go to schedule telephone consultation hour

Schedule an appointment - if you need more time to discuss your situation

Go to our online appointment system

For BSc IBA & Premaster EN students

For Master students