Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

An internship is your opportunity to experience work life for yourself, and discover what fits you. You can assess the organisation’s culture, and to work out the status of your own competences and if there are skills you need to develop further to grow your opportunities.

Everything you gain during a bachelor internship is valuable for making decisions about choosing your master and which direction you want to take in your career. 

Reasons for doing an internship:

  • Gain valuable work experience
  • Have an advantage in the job market
  • Transition into a job
  • Decide if it is the right career for you
  • Networking opportunities
  • Apply classroom knowledge
  • Gain confidence

Practical information

BSc Students

As a bachelor student you have two options for doing an internship during your studies:

  •  A third-year bachelor internship during Blocks 9 and 10
  •  A voluntary internship (non-curricular) during your studies

In block 9 and 10 of Year 3 year you create your ouwn customized programme of 30 EC from the options available. One option is doing an internship of 20 EC. You still need to obtain 10 EC. The main reason for doing an internship is to get some experience in a company during your studies. The schedule means you can work full time during your internship.

Here are a few of the requirements for your Bachelor internship. For more information about finding an internship and meeting the requirements for receiving credits, please consult the Bachelor Internship manual which you can find on the Canvas page RSM BSc Internship.

  • You can start your internship after you have successfully completed all of your first-year courses. You must pass any resits before the start of your internship.
  • Your 20 EC internship should be at least 14 weeks of full-time work (ie. 13 - 15 weeks of 36 - 40 hrs)
  • The internship takes place in blocks 9 & 10 between September and December (start date is between Monday 26 August 2024 and Monday 16 September 2024)
  • Before you start your internship, it must be registered in Osiris Case and your internship plan must be approved by an academic coach.
  • If you are doing an internship in the Netherlands and you are paid €150 per month or more then you must have at least the basic Dutch health insurance. More information can be found in the Financial matters section of the manual.

Once you have found your internship position, it’s important that you start the registration procedure via Osiris Zaak/Case.

You can find all information about the internship plan in the Canvas Course ‘RSM BSc Internship’,

If you do a 20 EC internship, you still need to earn another 10 ECs in Blocks 9, 10 and 11 to make up the 30 ECs required. More information about electives are published on the website.  

You will be assessed by a company coach during your internship. You need to get a company coach assigned who will evaluate how you’ve performed. The evaluation form will be send to your company coach automatically. As as student you are responsible for the correct email address in Osiris Case.

You can do a voluntary internship (non-curricular) at any time during your studies. Such internships are not mandatory and therefore there are no university requirements, or EC involved.

Legislation in many countries requires you to be registered at a university in order to do an internship. If you remain registered at RSM, we can act as your official contact during a voluntary internship. If the company requires a three-party agreement you can come to RSM Career Centre for the UNL internship agreement template. If you’re not registered as a student at RSM, we cannot do this.

You can do a voluntary internship without university approval, though if you need university to sign a statement or contract please register your internship via > choose to start a new case > select registration internships not part of curriculum.

For non-EU/EEA students
Please note the specific regulations for doing your voluntary internship. See the webpages about internships for non-EU and non-EEA students for more information.

MSc Students

An internship is an opportunity to explore an industry, company or job so that you can make informed decisions about your career. RSM's MSc Graduate Report shows specific data for every master of RSM. The top three ways to find a job: own network, internship, LinkedIn.

As a master student you have two options for doing an internship:

  • As a voluntary internship during, or after via Postponement Active Degree Issuance
  • As an elective in your Master programmes

You can do a voluntary internship (non-curricular) at any time during your studies. Such internships are not mandatory and therefore there are no university requirements, or EC involved.

Legislation in many countries requires you to be registered at a university in order to do an internship. If you remain registered at RSM, we can act as your official contact during a voluntary internship. If the company requires a three-party agreement you can come to RSM Career Centre for the UNL internship agreement template. If you’re not registered as a student at RSM, we cannot do this.

You can do a voluntary internship without university approval. However, if you need the university to sign a statement or contract for you then register your internship via choose to start a new case > select registration internships not part of curriculum. 

Non-EU/EEA students
Please note, there are specific regulations for doing a voluntary internship. See the webpages about internships for non-EU and non-EEA students for more information.

Some MSc programmes offer official internships during your studies for which you gain credits (ECs).

The programmes listed below offer an internship instead of your Master Free Elective:

Other MSc programmes do not offer internships, but it might still be possible to combine your master thesis with an internship. To do this, consult your thesis supervisor in advance. Master programmes that don’t offer internships as part of the programme are:

As EU/EEA student you have the possibility to do an internship after completing your master nominally. In this case, the internship is not part of the curriculum and will not be included on your grade list. However, it might still be important (to you or your internship company) that you still have a student status.

To re-enroll as a student after 1 September of each year (thus maintaining your student status), you must postpone the issuing of your active degree. If you have already been issued with your diploma and then want to re-register as a student, you’ll be charged a much higher tuition fee (instellingstarief) because you will be technically pursuing a ‘second master’, which is not subsidised.

Please go check the Canvas page,
After enrolling read the course manual carefully.

Which students CANNOT apply to have their degree postponed?

  • Students who have not yet completed all their curriculum components. If you have not completed all the components, your degree won’t be issued yet anyway.
  • Students who have not completed all the components within the nominal timeframe (they do not meet the general conditions) 
  • Students who want to improve a result that is already sufficient (this is not a predefined goal).

Non EU-EEA Students

This section is for students from non-EEA countries who are registered in a full-time BSc or MSc programme at RSM and who would like to do an internship or job during or after their studies in the Netherlands. Please note the following regulations carefully. 

What do you do when, after your studies, you want to stay in the Netherlands and find a job? Luckily, there have been more internationals who wondered about the very same thing and many examples of alumni who found their (first) job in the Netherlands.

Non-EU/EEA students have the possibility to do an internship after completing their master nominally. As regulated by Dutch law, you must hold student status and the internship must be related to your studies. For students to maintain their student status and to be able to re-enroll after 1 September of each year, it is necessary to postpone the issuance of the degree.

Please go check the Canvas page,
After enrolling read the course manual carefully.

Which students CANNOT apply to have their degree postponed?

  • Students who have not yet completed all their curriculum components. If you have not completed all the components, your degree won’t be issued yet anyway.
  • Students who have not completed all the components within the nominal timeframe (they do not meet the general conditions) 
  • Students who want to improve a result that is already sufficient (this is not a predefined goal).

As a student from a non-EU/EEA country, you can still gain work experience in the Netherlands in a job alongside your studies. Your employer, request a work permit (TWV) for you. There is more information about this on the Study in Holland website.

A work permit enables non-EU/EEA students to either work for:

  • a maximum of 16 hours a week 
  • or work full-time during the summer months of June, July and August.

Your employer must apply for your work permit. It generally takes about five weeks to receive the permit so the application must be made on your behalf well in advance.

When you work alongside your studies, you must have a Dutch health insurance. Please check the leaflet on Dutch health insurance for international students.

As a current student or recent graduate from a non-EU/EEA country, you can apply to do an 'orientation year' (zoekjaar/search year) to give you time to find a suitable job in the Netherlands. An orientation year permit allows graduates free access to the Dutch labour market and is valid for a maximum of one year. 

If you have permission to do an orientation year then employers do not need to apply for a work permit for you.

You can apply for the orientation year within three years of graduating from each degree from a Dutch institution (BSc and MSc count separately). There is more information available about this process on the EUR website about doing an orientation year. 

If your employment position continues after the end of your orientation year, you must apply for another type of residence permit from the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service, IND.

There are limited opportunities for non-EU/EEA students from other universities who are on study exchange at RSM to work during their studies. Please see the section about Working during studies.

The RSM Career Centre cannot keep track of all the international work and study rules and regulations, but you can always visit the RSM Career Centre office for specific advice.

Some countries - such as France, Belgium, Germany and Spain - prefer that students’ internship contracts are signed by the school. Please note that your student visa for the Netherlands does not automatically allow you to work in other EU countries.



Financial Matters

Most internships that are offered to RSM students are paid positions. Here's more information about extra financial support during your internship.

Students who receive an OV student travel card from DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs), and who do an internship in another country in 2024 are entitled to €114,92 per month as a travel allowance in stead of the OV student travel card. To receive reimbursements in time, please submit your request to DUO at least two months before you leave the Netherlands. Information on

The RSM Career Centre can sign these documents for you.

Erasmus+ grant is available for MSc IM/CEMS, BIM, SCM, MI, GBSM students and, for third year Bachelor students who do their internship in another country of the European Union during blocks 9 and 10 from 1 September till 31 December.

RSM Career Centre will nominate students according to their internship proposals. Nominations are sent the EUR International Office, which is responsible for the administration of the Erasmus+ grant programme.

You cannot apply for this grant on your own behalf. The EUR International Office will tell eligible students how to proceed with an application for the Erasmus+ grant.

Full details about the Erasmus+ grant can be found on the EUR’s funding webpage about scholarships and grants, but here is a quick outline of the conditions for being eligible for an Erasmus+ grant.

  • You have to be registered as a full-time student at the Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Erasmus+ grants are available to students on an internship in any country within the European Union except the Netherlands or Switzerland.
  • The internship must be part of your curriculum and count towards your total of study credits (ECs)
  • The internship must last for a minimum of two months and a maximum of 12 months per degree programme.
  • Students doing an internship in their home country are not eligible.

The official deadline for nominations is 30 days before the start of the internship. Once you have started your internship, you cannot be nominated anymore.
This is because the deadline for the grant application is 3 weeks after the start of the internship and this is often not met if you are nominated after the start of the internship.

Subletting your room during your internship can reduce your costs, and also helps RSM to accommodate other incoming exchange students while you are away. Contact your accommodation provider or your landlord to check whether you are allowed to sublet your room.

If you need a statement that provides your internship details, please contact the RSM Career Centre at:

We will need these details:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Student number
  • RSM programme 
  • Company name, address, city and country, and
  • Start and completion date of your proposed internship.

If you are going to another country for an internship, make sure you are properly insured. Requirements differ from country to country. Always check what kind of insurances you need in another country and if your travel insurance cover it too. 

International students who are doing an internship in the Netherlands and receive at least the appropriate minimum wage are under legally required under the Dutch Health Insurance Act. to take out Dutch basic health insurance. If the internship pay is less than this minimum wage, interns are not allowed to take a Dutch basic health insurance.

To calculate of the minimum wage that applies to your specific situation, please see the following tool from the Dutch government (only available in Dutch).

For general questions about health care insurance, please contact the Zorgverzekeringslijn

Forms & Documents

Do you need a university statement for your internship company, or an internship contract? Please check the information below:

If you are a master student and you would like to request a postponement active degree issuance for the academic year then you have to register through Osiris Case,
Registration deadline is 15 June.

Please go check the Canvas page,
After enrolling read the course manual carefully.

BSc students doing an internship during blocks 9 and 10 must register thier internship in Osiris Case/Zaak. More information can be found in the on the Canvas page,

BSc and MSc students doing a voluntary internship, please register your internship via> choose 'start registration internship not part of curriculum'.

Outside the Netherlands  
If your internship is in another country (not in the Netherlands) and the company wants to include RSM as a third-party in the internship agreement, please first ask the RSM Career Centre for help and advice.
Contact us,

In the Netherlands
If your internship is in the Netherlands, you have two options:

  • Either a three-party agreement is signed and then the UNL internship agreement can be used. <o:p></o:p>
  • Or a two-party (you & the company) agreement is signed, and we can provide you a statement that you are allowed to do an internship. <o:p></o:p>

If you are a national from the EU/EEA you are free to live and work in the Netherlands without restrictions and RSM does not need to be part of your internship agreement. Companies often have their own contract, but if they want the university to sign as a third party then email for the template.

If you are a student from a non-EU/EEA country and your internship is part of your curriculum (either it is mandatory or you will receive EC for it - for example a bachelor 3 year internship during blocks 9 and 10, or an elective in one of the Master programmes) then your employer you and the RSM Career Centre needs to sign the UNL internship agreement.

Students from non-EU/EEA countries can also do voluntary internships - there's more information about this on our dedicated web pages about internships for non-EU and non-EEA students.

Do you need a statement from RSM for arranging your visa, or does the company need proof of your enrolment at RSM? The RSM Career Centre can provide it. Please register your internship via> choose ‘start a new case’ > select ‘registration internships not part of curriculum’

At the end of the registration process, you can request your statement. You can add more information in the comment box. 


  • Emergency phone number

    Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) has an emergency phone number (24/7) for EUR students who are abroad, and for international students (and their parents) studying at the EUR:

    0031 6 408 478 82

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