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In our education we are using teaching cases, assignments and videos to highlight the issues as well as the business challenges posed by the SDGs, and confront students with the complexities of working with the SDGs. Here we share these materials per SDG, showcasing material that is most directly relevant.

There are two aspects to SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production; so we have made two sets of videos.

First, we deal with responsible consumption, because the way we consume right now is unsustainable. Even when responsibly-produced alternatives already exist, many consumers are neither aware nor willing to try them. Finding ways to invite consumers to make the right choices in their daily lives is in our first set of videos.

Second, we look at responsible production, focusing on producers. What if one company’s waste was another company’s wealth – in a circular economy?

A rise in our living standards should not increase our use of natural resources.

Kartik Krishna Moorthy - MBA Student

SDG 12: Explaining responsible consumption and production

Full-time MBA student Kartik Krishna Moorthy explains the differences between the two concepts addressed by SDG 12. He considers sustainability matters from the producers’ and the consumers’ viewpoints.

SDG 12.1: Academic insights into responsible consumption

Language choice can influence consumers to make more sustainable choices. Dr Anne-Kathrin Klesse is assistant-professor in marketing at RSM, and studies consumer judgement and decision making; she explains how language has an effect on the decisions that consumers make.

SDG 12.2: Academic insights into responsible consumption

Prof. Ferdinand Jaspers of RSM is Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship at RSM and programme director at the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship. He explains how companies can be encouraged to progress towards responsible production using innovation.

SDG 12.1: A business case about responsible consumption

Michaël Wilde is Sustainability and Communications Manager for Eosta, an international distributor of organic fresh produce. He says consumers are primarily interested in finding out about price and convenience – so how does he make sure they also get the message about sustainability?

SDG 12.2: A business case about responsible production

Philips is an international technology company with its origins in the Netherlands. It uses innovation in its products to make the world healthier and more sustainable – and Harald Tepper leads the company’s programme to implement a strategy towards a circular economy.

Why is SDG 12 important to you?

Want to start applying your knowledge? Here are easy tips related to SDG 12:

  • Donate clothes and items you are not using anymore.
  • Shop local. Supporting neighborhood businesses keeps people employed and helps prevent trucks from driving far distances.
  • Collect friends and experiences, not just things.

Want to do more? Here are the Good Life Goals.

RSM has developed a case series addressing the Sustainable development goals, which contains at least one case that specifically touches upon one of the 17 SDGs.

Cases with a primary focus on SDG 12:

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