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Asaina Cecilia

Facilities Co-ordinator

I love thinking up ways to improve things and seeing people happy.

Portrait of Asaina Cecilia

How did you end up in Facilities?

“My background is in catering, wherein I’ve worked for 22 years. After I graduated high school, I completed an administrative degree, but it didn’t suit me. I like to think about things and work with my hands. I’m not one to sit still for extended periods of time. So I worked for an agency for a while and rolled into catering which I loved.”

How did you get to RSM?

“In 2011 I came in as a coffee lady (koffiedame) for a few months. Seven years later in 2018, I was called and asked if I was interested to becoming Facilities Co-ordinator in the Mandeville for RSM. I was surprised to be called because I wasn’t entirely sure myself what the role entailed. I don’t do handywork but was told that I would be able to do it. I was so happy that I took on the role – and still am. It was practically meant to be, too, because I was considering changing my mobile number before I got the call. What I relief I didn’t end up doing that!”

What does your role entail?

“I summarise working in Facilities as being here for my colleagues and creating an environment for them that’s nice and comfortable to work in. I want my colleagues to come to work with joy. If you think about it, it’s similar to catering in that sense. In catering, it made my day if people would come to me and compliment the soup. In Facilities, when people tell me things like ‘everything’s looking nice again’, I’m flattered and content with what I’ve done. Right now, I’m particularly busy with a large move for a lot of our colleagues into one building.”

What do you enjoy the most about your job?

“Organising everything and co-ordinating it all is my challenge, daily. When I’m cycling to work, I’m already thinking about my motto “what can I do better than I did yesterday”. I love thinking up ways to improve things and seeing people happy.”

What motivates you?

“My biggest motivation is my children. I’m so proud of them. What drives me too is that I’m now able to care for my father because I have this job. I brought him from Curaçao here (some two years ago) so we can enjoy him, he is 74 now. It also really motivates me to hear from others that I’ve really given the work environment a lift.”

What advice would you give to others now struggling with COVID effects on their work and life?

“I’d say that if your family and friends are healthy, take a moment and be grateful for that. Talk to others when you can. I used to be a closed person and went through everything on my own, but I’ve learned how much you can gain from simply talking to people.”

It surprised me that Asaina called herself closed or even a bit shy, she’s one of the most outgoing, energetic, and infectious colleagues I have met at RSM.

In addition to co-ordinating room changes, keys, and repairs, Asaina also organised a Plant Party in December 2019. She ordered 310 litres of potting compost and collected pots and baby plants to host a festive gardening session for all RSM employees to refresh their office plants and greenery.