Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Are you an RSM student with a great idea for positive change in your surroundings? Could your idea make a difference if only you had some seed money to start? Are you prepared to GO FOR IT, next to studying?

Then apply to the Hummingbird Fundthe next application deadline will be 13 December 2024, at 23:59.

You can pitch your idea to receive funding of between €500 and €3,000 to design your own learning experiences and spark local positive change.

To be eligible for the fund, your project must:

  • help you to have a positive impact on the world
  • directly or indirectly help you and your classmates to learn more about business, management or leadership
  • not directly benefit you or a for-profit business (social enterprises and charities can benefit)
  • encourage learning-by-doing and involve as many RSM students as possible

If your project application is successful, you will receive guidance on how to get started, keep track of its progress, and must agree to be featured in marketing related to the fund.

For questions, please contact us:

To make a positive change, apply to the Hummingbird Fund now!

Download the Hummingbird Fund application form

Contact us

Manuela Zajk

Manuela Zajk

Positive Change Initiative