Willem Ferwerda is executive fellow at the Rotterdam School of Management - Erasmus University. He is Founder of Commonland, a nonprofit foundation that supports local actors to develop long-term solutions at a landscape scale on biodiversity, carbon, regenerative agriculture, business and communities using the 4 Returns framework for Holistic Landscape Restoration.
Ferwerda studied biology, tropical ecology and agriculture at the University of Amsterdam and Universidad Nacional Colombia. In Colombia he lived and worked with poor farmers on the impact of agriculture and recovery of natural vegetation. After finalizing his studies, he organized expeditions to remote nature areas in Latin America and Europe.
From 1995 Ferwerda set up a Dutch funded Rainforest Grants Program at the Netherlands office of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) to support rainforest conservation organisations and indigenous people worldwide. From 2000-2012 he served as Executive Director of IUCN Netherlands: setting up ecosystem grants programs on wetlands, rainforests, and grasslands in more than 40 countries, supporting 1,500 projects. In 2005 he founded together with Egon Zehnder and McKinsey&Company a business network to enable a dialogue on nature and business between CEOs and conservation leaders in four countries. In the Netherlands this resulted in an agreement on biodiversity between the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO- NCW) and 35 nature organizations in 2010. In India this resulted in a business and nature programme led by IUCN India and the Confederation of Indian Industries.
In 2012 he developed a practical way to restore large landscapes, the 4 Returns framework, that was inspired by the Ecosystem Approach of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. It was published by IUCN and Erasmus University.
In 2013 Ferwerda founded Commonland, an international nonprofit organisation, supported by the Rotterdam School of Management, the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management and Wijnand Pon, founder of the COmON Foundation to build proof of concept on the ground by using the framework. Ferwerda was CEO of Commonland between 2013-2024, which now operates globally in more than 20 countries. In May 2024, Ferwerda handed over his executive responsibilities to a new managing director who will continue to grow the organisation. As Founder within the organisation, Ferwerda will guide the board and executive team on global policy, strategy, fundraising, mentoring landscape partners and inspiring future generations to promote a holistic landscape restoration industry.
He dedicates his time as thoughtleader, advisor and board member within various organizations in the field of nature, biodiversity, agriculture and sustainability, such as the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management, Future for Nature Foundation, 1000 Landscapes for One Billion People, World Economic Forum,, Princess Irene NatureCollege Foundation, Regen10, the Scientific Council for Integral Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition and the Charles Darwin Foundation.
In 2016, Ferwerda was awarded first place in the Sustainable 100, the list of Dutch people with the most influence on the environment and sustainability. In 2019 he received the Dutch sustainable landscape award. In 2023 he was awarded the Wubbo Ockels Brandaris Oeuvre Prize, for individuals who exhibit courage, perseverance, and imagination in their tireless dedication to building a sustainable society.
Article (8)
Popular (8)
Ferwerda, W. (2024). The Trillion-Dollar Promise Of A Landscape Restoration Industry. Forbes.
Ferwerda, W. (2023). We must tackle global risks in an integrated way – here’s how. World Economic Forum.
Ferwerda, W. (2022). War, Food, Fertilisers and Restoration. Medium.
Ferwerda, W. (2021). How the pandemic leads us to landscape ethics. Medium.
Ferwerda, W. (2020). The EU Green Deal requires a Landscape Approach. Medium.
Ferwerda, W., & Moolenaar, S. (2016). Four Returns: A Long-term Holistic Framework for Integrated Landscape Management and Restoration Involving Business. The Solutions Journal.
Ferwerda, W. (2013). How the Ecosystem Approach supports “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”. Medium.
Ferwerda, W. (2012). Ferwerda maakt strijd tegen CO2 zichtbaar. P-Plus.
Book (2)
Popular (1)
Commonland (2024). The 4 Returns Framework in Practice: A guidebook for holistic landscape restoration.
Professional (1)
Ferwerda, W. (2015). Four Returns, Three Zones, 20 Years: a systemic and practical approach to scale up landscape restoration by businesses and investors to create a restoration industry. Elsevier.
Conference proceeding (1)
Professional (1)
Ferwerda, W. (2014). Inspiration in a Business Model for Ecosystem Restoration: Four Returns from Landscape Restoration. In Proceedings of the Second International Forum of the Qur’anic Botanic Garden (pp. 121-135)
Digital or Visual Products (20)
Academic (3)
Ferwerda, W. (2020). Conservation, Ecosystem Restoration & Regenerative Development - A conversation w/ Willem Ferwerda. Digital or Visual Products
Ferwerda, W. (2016). How business schools can contribute to ecosystem restoration. Digital or Visual Products
Ferwerda, W. (2012). Sustainability Matters: Willem Ferwerda. Digital or Visual Products, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
Popular (7)
Ferwerda, W. (2024). Kickstarted the restoration industry with Commonland 11 years ago, now finally big money shows interest, but we need billions. Digital or Visual Products
Ferwerda, W. (2024). Episode 10: Landscape Scale Regeneration: 100 MM Hectares by 2024!. Digital or Visual Products, CapInstitute.
Ferwerda, W. (2024). Commonland's 4 Returns: A Path to Sustainable Landscapes, with Willem Ferwerda. Digital or Visual Products, Designing Nature's Half.
Ferwerda, W. (2023). Springtij 2023 - Wubbo Ockels Brandaris Prijs. Digital or Visual Products, Springtij Forum.
Ferwerda, W. (2023). Zo zorgt Commonland voor grootschalig natuurherstel. Digital or Visual Products, BNR.
Ferwerda, W. (2022). De Speer - Kees Klomp in gesprek met Willem Ferwerda. Digital or Visual Products, Circl Podcast.
Ferwerda, W. (2022). The Decade Podcast: Restoring our Planet, 2022. Digital or Visual Products, The Decade.
Professional (10)
Ferwerda, W. (2021). Willem Ferwerda - Een verdienmodel voor mens en natuur; over economie en ecologie. Digital or Visual Products, Purpose Minds.
Ferwerda, W. (2021). Willem Ferwerda over economie en ecologie. Digital or Visual Products, CirclNL.
Ferwerda, W. (2021). COVID & the Wolf: Willem Ferwerda on making landscape restoration & Spirit the heart of economy . Digital or Visual Products, The Regen Narration.
Ferwerda, W. (2021). Explanation of the 4 Returns Framework. Digital or Visual Products, Commonland.
Ferwerda, W. (2020). Ecologische en financiële Winst met Willem Ferwerda. Digital or Visual Products, Ecosofie.
Ferwerda, W., & Halvorson, S. (2020). "Ask an Expert" with Willem Ferwerda and Sharla Halvorson. Digital or Visual Products, IKEA Foundation.
Ferwerda, W. (2019). Willem Ferwerda. Digital or Visual Products, Ecosystem Restoration Deep Dive Webinar.
Ferwerda, W. (2018). ep. 28: Willem Ferwerda - CEO of Commonland. Digital or Visual Products, Sourcing
Ferwerda, W. (2017). Duurzame Troonrede 2017 door Willem Ferwerda. Digital or Visual Products, Duurzame Dinsdag.
Ferwerda, W. (2016). Ecorestaurateur Willem Ferwerda duurzaamste Nederlander. Digital or Visual Products, P Plus.
Other contribution (4)
Academic (1)
Ferwerda, W. (2015, Sept 3). The need for an ecosystem restoration industry, based on a holistic approach of four returns. Dick de Zeeuw Foundation.
Popular (2)
Ferwerda, W. (2024, Feb 29). Un pequeño ejército de 500 agricultores y activistas combate la desertificación del sudeste peninsular.
Ferwerda, W. (2024). Klimaat effecten van meer natuur in white paper “Verbind klimaat en biodiversiteit voor samenleving, economie en natuur”(2024) Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities. Whitepaper Biodiversiteit en klimaat_7.pdf
Professional (1)
Ferwerda, W. (1987). The Influence of Potato Cultivation on the Natural Bunchgrass Páramo in the Colombian Cordillera Oriental.
Report (9)
Professional (9)
Bertels, J., Ferwerda, W., Lear, E., Gutierrez, V., Ding, H., Krolopp, A., Spors, F., Zimmer, D., Chatterton, P., Bery, A., del Valle, C., Ewerton, M., Galgani, P., Guarnaschelli, S., Hart, S., Herrera, D., Kerkhoven, D., Kleiterp, N., Kiss, E., ... Zabel, A. (2023). Towards financing large-scale holistic landscape restoration in Europe.
Gutierrez, V., Ferwerda, W., Cortina-Sergarra, J., Ding, H., Ghazoul, J., Griffin, C., Hill, M., Illife, R., Krolopp, A., Muller, K., Nuvelstijn, P., del Río Murillo, A., van Waas, M., Vargas, A., Worms, P., Zimmer, D., Bertels, J., Díaz, A., Walz, K., ... Soto, C. (2022). Recommendations on delivering the European Green Deal through landscape restoration: inspirational, social, natural and financial returns. A policy brief published by Commonland and the Landscape Finance Lab.
van der Weijden, W. J., Lammerts van Bueren, E. T., Seidell, J. C., Staman, J., Ferwerda, W., Huber, A., Datema, A., Jetten, T. H., Kranstauber, H., Lauwers, L., Blom, P., Garssen, J., & Wijffels, H. H. F. (2021). Gezondheid in drievoud: Naar een gezond voedselsysteem voor planeet, consument en boer. Wetenschappelijke Raad voor Integrale Duurzame Landbouw en Voeding.
Dudley, N., Baker, C., Chatterton, P., Ferwerda, W., Gutierrez, V., & Madgwick, J. (2021). The 4 Returns Framework for Landscape Restoration. UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Report.
Ferwerda, W., & Gutierrez, V. (2021). Large-Scale Landscape Restoration in Spain. in Ghazoul J. and Schweizer D. (eds). 2021 Forests for the future: Restoration success at landscape scale - what will it take and what have we learned? Prince Bernard Chair Reports (issue 1). Series editors Almond, R.E.A., Grooten, M. and Van Kuijk, M., WWF-Netherlands, Zeist and Utrecht University, Netherlands.
Ferwerda, W., & Schoenmaker, D. (2020). Financiële sector kan transitie naar duurzame landbouw versnellen.
Bertels, J., & Ferwerda, W. (2020). Calculating the Value of 4 Returns Landscape Restoration. Towards a comprehensive method to put monetary value on financial, natural, social and inspirational returns. Based on seven years of field experience.
Brasser, A., & Ferwerda, W. (2015). 4 returns from landscape restoration. A systemic approach to restore degraded landscapes.
Ferwerda, W. (2012). Nature Resilience: ecological restoration by partners and business for next generations.
Teaching case (1)
Academic (1)
Ferwerda, W., Comiteau, L., & Yue, T., (2014). The Business of Ecosystem Restoration, No. 714-029-1, 9 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 714-029-1
Additional activities (1)
Royal Address on SustainabilityWillem Ferwerda (Speaker)05 Sep 2017
Activity: Talk or presentation > Invited talk (Professional)
Featured in the media
The Trillion-Dollar Promise Of A Landscape Restoration Industry
Willem Ferwerda writes about long-term investment in holistic landscape management and restoration being the key to future-proofing the planet while creating sustainable livelihoods for communities. …
Friday, 1 March 2024 -
A small army of 500 farmers and activists is fighting desertification in the southeast of the peninsula
Willem Ferwerda is quoted in this article about an ecological restoration project that includes the planting of 240,000 trees, shrubs and plant covers on crops in the south east of Spain.
Thursday, 29 February 2024 -
We must tackle global risks in an integrated way – here’s how
The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report identifies 10 interrelated risks facing humanity in the next decade. Landscape degradation is central to these risks as both a catalyst and cause of human-induced climate change and…
Monday, 13 March 2023 -
How the Ecosystem Approach supports “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”
Willem Ferwerda writes about what should be on the minds of the world leaders convening at the World Economic Forum in order to heal our ecosystems, safeguard biodiversity and build a more equitable and collaborative world. …
Tuesday, 17 January 2023 -
War, Food, Fertilisers and Restoration
What high food prices and soaring demand for fertilisers mean for addressing the biodiversity crisis through integrated landscape management.
Wednesday, 9 March 2022 -
How the pandemic leads us to landscape ethics
Willem Ferwerda's blogpost about interdependency found within natural systems and policy for biodiversity and climate.
Sunday, 4 April 2021 -
The EU Green Deal requires a Landscape Approach
Willem Ferwerda's blogpost about taking a landscape approach, which he says is missing from the EU Green Deal.
Tuesday, 16 June 2020 -
Redesigning economics based on ecology
Willem Ferwerda, Executive Fellow at the Rotterdam School of Management and special advisor to the IUCN, explains why the restoration of damaged ecosystems is an economic imperative.
Friday, 3 March 2017 -
Ferwerda makes the fight against CO2 visible
To make the fight against too much of the greenhouse gas CO2 visible, we need to make degenerated areas green again. To be precise: 2 billion hectares. That is the new mission of Willem Ferwerda, former director of the IUCN …
Saturday, 20 October 2012