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Patricia Klopf

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Patricia Klopf is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). She received her PhD in Global Strategy and an MSc in Economics from Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna). She was a visiting scholar at the Villanova School of Business, Villanova University (Pennsylvania, USA).


Patricia is interested in nonmarket strategy and institutional drivers of firm strategy: She is particularly fascinated by how firms access and manage their political context through nonmarket strategies in the context of complex and dynamic institutions.


Academic (6)
  • Klopf, P., Fortwengel, J., & Etter, M. (2024). Interdependent Formation of Symbolic and Regulatory Boundaries: The Discursive Contestation Around the Home-Sharing Category. Journal of Management, Article Advance online publication.

  • Van De Vrande, V., Subramanian, A. M., Lévesque, M., & Klopf, P. (2024). The interdependent influence of lobbying and intellectual capital on new drug development. Research Policy, 53(2), Article 104938.

  • Jiménez, A., Benito-Osorio, D., Puck, J., & Klopf, P. (2018). The multi-faceted role of experience dealing with policy risk: The impact of intensity and diversity of experiences. International Business Review, 27(1), 102-112.

  • Klopf, P., & Nell, PC. (2018). How “space” and “place” influence subsidiary host country political embeddedness. International Business Review, 27(1), 186-197.

  • Holm, AE., Decreton, B., Nell, PC., & Klopf, P. (2017). The dynamic response process to conflicting institutional demands in MNC subsidiaries: An inductive study in the Sub?Saharan African E?commerce sector. Global Strategy Journal, 7(1), 104-124.

  • Müllner, J., Klopf, P., & Nell, PC. (2017). Trojan horses or local allies: Host-country national managers in developing market subsidiaries. Journal of International Management, 23(3), 306-325.

Popular (3)
  • Klopf, P., Leitner, J., & Meissner, H. (2020). Risiken analysieren, aber nicht vermeiden. Unknown, 60-62.

  • Klopf, P., & Schumich, S. (2018). Konkurrenz als Chance: Home-Sharing-Plattformen versus traditionelle Beherbergung. Unknown.

  • Klopf, P., Nell, PC., & Leitner, J. (2017). It's the Politics, Stupid!: Politik als Risikofaktor für Betriebe. Unknown.

Internal (1)
  • Klopf, P. (2019). Nonmarket strategies across complex institutional contexts. [Doctoral Thesis, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)]. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Academic (1)
Academic (1)
  • Nell, PC., Kratochvil, R., & Klopf, P., (2017). Managing a Severe Crisis: Pharmacorp in Ukraine, No. W17324-PDF-ENG

Popular (1)
  • Klopf, P., & Schumich, S. (2018). Luftmatratze vs. Hotel-wie man Home Sharing reguliert. Web publication/site, Blog Arbeit & Wirtschaft.

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