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Niels Agatz is Professor of Last-mile Supply Chain Analytics at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, and Scientific Director of TKI Dinalog, a national institute that co-funds research programs. His research focuses on improving last-mile supply chains through analytics, with a particular interest in technology and sustainability in urban logistics, shared mobility, and online (grocery) retailing. Professor Agatz actively collaborates with business stakeholders, bridging the gap between academia and industry. His research has been published in leading academic journals and featured in national and international media. He currently serves as an Area Editor for Transportation Science. Niels Agatz's work has been recognized through grants and awards, including the NWO Rubicon Grant and the INFORMS TSL Stella Dafermos Achievement Award. He teaches courses on distribution networks, management science, and decision making. His academic background includes an MSc in Industrial Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology and a PhD in Logistics and Operations Management from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He has also held visiting positions at the School of Industrial Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Department of Transportation and Logistics Engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.


Academic (31)
  • Visser, T. R., Agatz, N., & Spliet, R. (2024). Managing Concurrent Interactions in Online Time Slot Booking Systems for Attended Home Delivery. Transportation Science, 58(5), 1056-1075.

  • Arslan, A., Agatz, N., & Srour, F. J. (2024). Model formulations for pickup and delivery problems in designated driver services. Computers and Operations Research, 164, Article 106547.

  • Agatz, N., Cho, S. H., Sun, H., & Wang, H. (2024). Transportation-Enabled Services: Concept, Framework, and Research Opportunities. Service Science, 16(1), 1-21.

  • van der Hagen, L., Agatz, N., Spliet, R., Visser, T. R., & Kok, A. L. (2024). Machine Learning-Based Feasibility Checks for Dynamic Time Slot Management. Transportation Science, 58(1), 94-109.

  • Azadeh, S. S., Spliet, R., Agatz, N., & Savelsbergh, M. (2023). Special Issue on 2021 TSL Workshop: Supply and Demand Interplay in Transport and Logistics. Transportation Science, 57(6), 1404-1405.

  • Bhoopalam, A. K., van den Berg, R., Agatz, N., & Chorus, C. G. (2023). The long road to automated trucking: Insights from driver focus groups. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 156, Article 104351.

  • Waßmuth, K., Köhler, C., Agatz, N., & Fleischmann, M. (2023). Demand Management for Attended Home Delivery – A Literature Review. European Journal of Operational Research, 311(3), 801-815.

  • Bhoopalam, A. K., Agatz, N., & Zuidwijk, R. (2023). Platoon Optimization Based on Truck Pairs. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 1-19.

  • Azcuy, I., Agatz, N., & Giesen, R. (2021). Designing integrated urban delivery systems using public transport. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 156, Article 102525.

  • Arslan, A. M., Agatz, N., & Klapp, M. A. (2021). Operational strategies for on-demand personal shopper services. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 130, Article 103320.

  • Agatz, N., Fan, Y., & Stam, D. (2021). The impact of green labels on time slot choice and operational sustainability. Production and Operations Management.

  • Rasini, M., Agatz, N., & Tappia, E. (2020). Anticipatory Shipment for Pickup Point Supply. Omega, 93, 1-11. Article 102089.

  • Agatz, N., Hewitt, M., & Thomas, BW. (2020). “Make no little plans”: Impactful research to solve the next generation of transportation problems. Networks, 77(2), 269-286.

  • Paul, J., Agatz, N., & Savelsbergh, M. (2019). Optimizing Omni-Channel Fulfillment with Store Transfers. Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 129, 381-396.

  • Paul, J., Agatz, N., Spliet, R., & Koster, R. (2019). Shared Capacity Routing Problem ? An omni-channel retail study. European Journal of Operational Research, 273(2), 731-739.

  • Arslan, A., Agatz, N., Kroon, LG., & Zuidwijk, R. (2019). Crowdsourced Delivery -- A Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem with Ad-Hoc Drivers. Transportation Science, 53(1), 222-235.

  • Bouman, P., Agatz, N., & Schmidt, M. (2018). Dynamic Programming Approaches for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone. Networks, 72(4), 528-542.

  • Agatz, N., Bouman, P., & Schmidt, M. (2018). Optimization Approaches for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone. Transportation Science, 52(4), 965-981.

  • Wang, X., Agatz, N., & Erera, A. (2018). Stable Matching for Dynamic Ride-Sharing Systems. Transportation Science, 52(4), 850-867.

  • Stiglic, M., Agatz, N., Savelsbergh, M., & Gradisar, M. (2018). Enhancing Urban Mobility: Integrating Ride-sharing and Public Transit. Computers and Operations Research, 90, 12-21.

  • Otto, A., Agatz, N., Campbell, J., Golden, B., & Pesch, E. (2018). Optimization approaches for civil applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or aerial drones: A survey. Networks, 72(4), 411-458.

  • Bhoopalam, A., Agatz, N., & Zuidwijk, R. (2017). Planning of truck platoons: A literature review and directions for future research. Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 107(January), 212-228.

  • Srour, FJ., Agatz, N., & Oppen, J. (2016). Strategies for Handling Temporal Uncertainty in Pickup and Delivery Problems with Time Windows. Transportation Science, 52(1), 3-19.

  • Stiglic, M., Agatz, N., Savelsbergh, M., & Gradisar, M. (2016). Making Dynamic Ride-sharing Work: The Impact of Driver and Rider Flexibility. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 91, 190-207.

  • Stiglic, M., Agatz, N., Savelsbergh, M., & Gradisar, M. (2015). The Benefits of Meeting Points in Ride-Sharing Systems. Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 82, 36-53.

  • Agatz, N., Campbell, AM., Fleischmann, M., van Nunen, JAEE., & Savelsbergh, M. (2013). Revenue management opportunities for Internet retailers. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 12(2), 128-138.

  • Agatz, N., Erera, A., Savelsbergh, M., & Wang, X. (2012). Optimization for Dynamic Ride-Sharing: A Review. European Journal of Operational Research, 223(2), 295-303.

  • Agatz, N., Erera, A., Savelsbergh, M., & Wang, X. (2011). Dynamic Ride-Sharing: A Simulation Study in Metro Atlanta. Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 45(9), 1450-1464.

  • Agatz, N., Campbell, AM., Fleischmann, M., & Savelsbergh, M. (2011). Time Slot Management in Attended Home Delivery. Transportation Science, 45(3), 435-449.

  • Agatz, N., Fleischmann, M., & van Nunen, JAEE. (2008). E-fulfillment and multi-channel distribution - A review. European Journal of Operational Research, 187(2), 339-356.

  • Agatz, N., Campbell, A. M., Fleischmann, M., & Savelsbergh, M. (2008). Challenges and opportunities in attended home delivery. Operations Research/ Computer Science Interfaces Series, 43, 379-396.

Popular (1)
  • Agatz, N., Campbell, AM., Fleischmann, M., van Nunen, JAEE., & Savelsbergh, M. (2008). What E-Tailers Can Learn From Airline Pricing. Unknown.

Professional (5)
Academic (2)
  • Agatz, N., & Fleischmann, M. (2024). Demand Management for Sustainable Supply Chain Operations. In Sustainable Supply Chains : A Research-Based Textbook on Operations and Strategy (Second Edition ed., pp. 241-259). Springer Cham.

  • Agatz, N., Campbell, AM., Fleischmann, M., & Savelsbergh, M. (2008). Challenges and Opportunities in Attended Home Delivery. In B. Golden, R. Raghavan, & E. Wasil (Eds.), The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New Challenges (pp. 370-396). Springer-Verlag.

Academic (1)
  • Agatz, N., Bazzan, A. L. C., Kutadinata, R., Mattfeld, D. C., Sester, M., Winter, S., & Wolfson, O. (2016). Autonomous car and ride sharing: Flexible road trains. GIS: Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems.

Internal (1)
  • Agatz, N. (2009). Demand management in E-fulfillment. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

Academic (5)
  • Agatz, N., Fransoo, J. C., Rabinovich, E., & Sousa, R. (2025). Innovations, Technologies, and the Economics of Last-Mile Operations: A Call for Research in Operations Management. Journal of Operations Management. Advance online publication.

  • Agatz, N., Cho, S. H., Wang, H., & Benjaafar, S. (2023). Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovation in Transportation-Enabled Urban Services, Part 1. Service Science, 15(1), 1-2.

  • Pel, J., Agatz, N., Macharis, C., & Veelenturf, L. (2018). Technologies and control for sustainable transportation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 86, 168-170.

  • Agatz, N., & Pel, A. (2018). Introduction to the Special Section: TRISTAN IX. Transportation Science, 52(6), 1297-1298.

  • Agatz, N., & Campbell, JF. (2018). Preface: Special issue on Drone Delivery Systems. Networks, 72(4), 409-410.

Popular (1)
  • Agatz, N. (2023). Everything at your doorstep - is the last mile the longest? Address delivered at the occasion of accepting the appointment as Professor of last-mile supply chain analytics at the Rotterdam School of Management. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). ERIM Inaugural Address Series Research in Management

Academic (1)


  • WU-Wien
    Start date approval: 09 Apr 2024
    End date approval: 09 Apr 2025
    Place: WENEN
    Description: Elective seminar master SCM
  • Transportation Science (Journal)
    Niels Agatz (Member of editorial board)
    01 Jan 2021

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Networks (Journal)
    Niels Agatz (Member of editorial board)
    01 Jan 2019 - 01 Dec 2022

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)


Distribution Networks

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BM06SCM
  • Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master

SCM Master Thesis

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BMMTSCM
  • Level: Master

Supply Chain Decision Analytics

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BMRM1SCM
  • Level: Master

Past courses

OLD STYLE - Research Methods and Skills

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BMRM3SCM
  • Level: Master

Supply Chain Fundamentals

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: BM01SCM
  • Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master

SCM Company-based Research Project

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BMBPSCM
  • Level: Master

SCM Honours Class

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BMHONSCM
  • Level: Master

OE1,Operational Excellence

  • Study year: 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018
  • Code: BMA3205
  • ECTS: 6

OE2, Majorgebonden Methodologie Seminars

  • Study year: 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BMA3206
  • ECTS: 2

OLD STYLE - Distribution Networks

  • Study year: 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020
  • Code: BM03SCM
  • ECTS: 4 Level: Master

Decision theory

  • Study year: 2020/2021
  • Code: BK1215
  • Level: Bachelor 1

Pricing and Revenue Management

  • Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BMME072
  • ECTS: 6 Level: Master, Master, Master, Master, Master

Quantitative Decision Making

  • Study year: 2020/2021
  • Code: BT1215
  • Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 2, Pre-master

Decision theory

  • Study year: 2019/2020
  • Code: BK1115
  • Level: Bachelor 1

Quantitative Decision Making

  • Study year: 2019/2020
  • Code: BT1115
  • Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 2, Pre-master

Closed-loop Supply Chains

  • Study year: 2018/2019
  • Code: BMME068
  • ECTS: 6 Level: Master

Advances in SCM

  • Study year: 2017/2018
  • Code: BMHON-SCM-A
  • ECTS: 4 Level: Master

Advances in SCM

  • Study year: 2017/2018
  • Code: BMHONSCM-A
  • ECTS: 6 Level: Master

Decision theory

  • Study year: 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BKB006
  • ECTS: 5 Level: Bachelor 1

Research Methodology and Design

  • Study year: 2015/2016
  • Code: BMRM2SCM
  • ECTS: 3 Level: Master

Featured in the media

  • Researchers formalize concept of transportation-enabled services

    Article summarises a paper co-authored by Niels Agatz which sets out a general framework to highlight relationships between stakeholders comprising TRENS providers, which would be companies such as Uber, Singapore-founded Grab or…

  • Researchers formalize concept of transportation-enabled services

    In the past two decades, technological leaps in urban infrastructure have driven an explosion of convenience and industry in services such as ride-hailing and delivery of goods. Recently academics have formalized the collective…

  • Growing annoyance: parcel delivery people ring the doorbell late at night and bang on the windows; Delivery person at the door at 10:30 PM is no longer an exception

    Feature about the annoyance of parcel deliveries late into the evening, with a comment from Niels Agatz who recently philosophized in a study about packages delivered by drone: developments are moving fast, he predicts on the…

  • Managing Concurrent Interactions in Online Time Slot Booking Systems for Attended Home Delivery

    Niels Agatz's research considers the problem of dynamically managing the offered time slots and delivery bookings for online shopping given the available fleet capacity and what happens when multiple customers interact with the…

  • Transportation-Enabled Services: Concept, Framework, and Research Opportunities

    RSM's Prof. Niels Agatzz's research is published in Service Science Journal. The paper introduces the concept of transportation-enabled services (TRENS), which is a service model that uses transportation systems to enable and…

  • Join the discussion: Should free returns of items be banned?

    Entrepreneurs Push for Legal Ban on Free Returns

  • ‘Logistieke innovatie via Topsector is voor maatschappelijke doelen’

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    Jan Fransoo and Niels Agatz talking about a smart approach of the vaccination campaign. Niels Agatz is an Associate Professor of Transportation and Logistics at the RSM, Erasmus University,

  • Nieuwe oplossingen voor vaccinatielogistiek

    Top sectors in The Netherlands have been challenged to look ahead and come up with creative ideas for the vaccination program against COVID-19. The assignment was: design an integrated logistical and creative solution for a…

  • Prikken in plaats van Polderen

    While countries like England and France are already announcing it end of spring most of the population vaccinated against Covid-19, the Netherlands is only expected to go vaccinate en masse in summer. How did that happen? Critics…

  • 8 manieren om duurzamer pakketjes te bestellen

    Article about making online shopping more sustainable. It mentions the research from Niels Agatza at the RSM, that states that consumers are willing to choose the most sustainable option. The article gives you tips on the last…

  • Delivery drones could land on public transport to extend their range

    Niels Agatz, Associate Professor for the Department of Technology and Operations Management at the RSM, has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses delivery drones and its usefulness in public transport. They could be…

  • Studying for an MSc in Supply Chain Management

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  • Milieu-impact slechts beperkt meegewogen in beslissing over luchtvaart

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    Last-mile delivery is critical for e-commerce success, and companies are rushing to come up with innovative solutions in the quest to win over the customer, right on the doorstep. “I'm working on a concept that combines a truck…

  • Zeven consortia bezig met 'Complexiteit in Transport en Logistiek'

    Seven consortia carry out research in 2017 on the operation of large, complex systems and sub-systems in transport and logistics with the aim to get a grip on its functioning. One took place on the 23rd of November. Here,…

  • LIVE: Rodetafelgesprek Tweede Kamer over uitbuiting transport

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  • Omoda is Logistieke Webshop van het Jaar

    Omoda is the winner of the Logistics Webshop of the Year 2016 award. The shoe retailer received the award yesterday at the Evoluon in Eindhoven. Niels Agatz was mentioned as one of the jury members. …

  • Van klant tot postbode

    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…

  • Klant bezorgt tegen betaling bestelling bij andere klant

    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…

  • Rotterdamse klanten gaan bestellingen thuis afleveren

    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…

  • Onderzoekers: buur is pakketbezorger van de toekomst

    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…

  • Worden we straks allemaal pakketbezorger?

    Research conducted by RSM has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for online retailers. …

  • Worden we straks allemaal pakketbezorger?

    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…


    Research conducted by RSM has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for online retailers. …

  • Rotterdams systeem laat winkelende klant pakket bezorgen

    Research conducted by RSM has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for online retailers. …

  • Nu ook crowdsourcen voor pakketbezorging

    Research conducted by RSM has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for online retailers. …

  • 'Crowdsourcen last mile zorgt voor forse kilometerbesparing'

    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…

  • Pakketje ophalen? Neem gelijk dat van de buurman mee

    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…

  • Erasmus ontwikkelt social bezorgsysteem

    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…

  • VIDEO – Crowdsourcing: klanten worden transporteur

    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…


    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…

  • Video Vrijdag: afhalers worden bezorgers

    Research conducted by Alp Arslan and Niels Agatz has created a system where people visiting a physical store can deliver packages, that have been ordered online, for a fee. This might replace the expensive transportation costs for…

  • Burgerkoeriers in strijd tegen Rotterdamse stadsfiles

    Research conducted by Niels Agatz indicated that employing more shop visitors to deliver a package to their neighbours could significantly reduce traffic jams in the city. Moreover, they would reduce the delivery costs for the…


    Research conducted by Niels Agatz indicated that employing more shop visitors to deliver a package to their neighbours could significantly reduce traffic jams in the city. Moreover, they would reduce the delivery costs for the…

  • Picnic lost more than 500 million in 9 years: will it ever be profitable?

    The number of customers of online supermarket Picnic is increasing, but so are the losses. 'Niels Agatz, professor of 'last mile delivery' at Erasmus University, is also gloomy. A study by Rotterdam School of Management shows…

Featured on RSM Discovery

Calculating the optimal delivery time for your groceries

Discover how online supermarkets can enhance their delivery efficiency and profitability. Professor Niels Agatz from Rotterdam School of Management shares expert insights on tackling the last-mile delivery challenges.

The 40th edition of RSM Discovery is now live!

Scale-ups are the engine of growth and innovation of economies; they create jobs and help develop sustainable solutions for socio-economic challenges.

Discovery 40: Fine-tuning the engine of long-term sustainable growth

Discover how start-ups and scale-ups drive sustainable economic growth in the Netherlands. Explore insights from experts on entrepreneurship, scaling strategies, and the need for stronger support systems.