Muel Kaptein is a professor of business ethics and integrity management at the Department of Business-Society Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).
His research interests lie in the area of defining, measuring and managing the ethics of organizations.
Muel wrote eight books and has published 50 peer-reviewed articles in journals like Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organization Studies, Journal of Management, and Academy of Management Review.
He was section-editor of Journal of Business Ethics between 2002 and 2019. He teaches courses in CSR, leadership, business ethics and consultancy.
Muel is also equity partner at KPMG where he helps organizations in developing, protecting and assessing their ethics, integrity and compliance.
Article (162)
Academic (64)
Kaptein, M. (2024). A Profit Cap is not yet a General Moral Duty for Companies: A Corporate Social Contract Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics.
de Bruin, I., R. Russell, A., Kaptein, M., & Meijs, L. C. P. M. (2024). How Moral Goodness Drives Unethical Behavior: Empirical Evidence for the NGO Halo Effect. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 53(3), 589-614.
Gaara, A., Kaptein, M., & Berens, G. (2024). It is all in the name: Toward a typology of public relations professionals' ethical dilemmas. Public Relations Review, 50(1), Article 102418.
Cabana, G. C., & Kaptein, M. (2024). Team ethical culture as a coupling mechanism between a well-implemented organizational ethics program and the prevention of unethical behavior in teams. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility. Advance online publication.
Kaptein, M. (2023). A Paradox of Ethics: Why People in Good Organizations do Bad Things. Journal of Business Ethics, 184(1), 297-316.
Kaptein, M. (2023). Developing a framework for determining when a company should introduce a new ethical norm. Business and Society Review, 128(1), 3-22.
Huberts, L., Kaptein, M., & Koming, B. (2022). Integrity Scandals of Politicians: A Political Integrity Index. Public Integrity, 24(3), 329-341.
Constantinescu, M., & Kaptein, M. (2021). Virtue and virtuousness in organizations: Guidelines for ascribing individual and organizational moral responsibility. Business Ethics, Environment and Responsibility, 30(4), 801-817.
Kaptein, M. (2021). The Moral Duty to Love One’s Stakeholders. Journal of Business Ethics.
Huhtala, M., Kaptein, M., Muotka, J., & Feldt, T. (2021). Longitudinal Patterns of Ethical Organisational Culture as a Context for Leaders’ Well-Being: Cumulative Effects Over 6 Years. Journal of Business Ethics, 177(2), 421-442.
Lobry, MF., Kaptein, M., & Luckerath, M. R. E. (2020). What national governance codes say about corporate culture. Corporate governance, 20(5), 903-917.
Kaptein, M. (2020). How Much You See Is How You Respond: The Curvilinear Relationship Between the Frequency of Observed Unethical Behavior and The Whistleblowing Intention. Journal of Business Ethics.
Hoekstra, A., & Kaptein, M. (2020). The Integrity of Integrity Programs: Toward a Normative Framework. Public Integrity, 23(2).
Cabana, G. C., & Kaptein, M. (2019). Team Ethical Cultures Within an Organization: A Differentiation Perspective on Their Existence and Relevance. Journal of Business Ethics, 170, 761-780.
Kaptein, M. (2019). The Moral Entrepreneur: A New Component of Ethical Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 156(4), 1135-1150.
Kaptein, M., & Helvoort, M. (2019). A Model of Neutralization Techniques. Deviant Behavior, 40(10), 1260-1285.
Kaptein, M. (2019). The Appearance Standard: Criteria and remedies for when a mere appearance of unethical behavior is morally unacceptable. Business Ethics: A European Review, 28(1), 99-110.
Kaptein, M. (2019). Prescribing Outside-Work Behavior: Moral Approaches, Principles, and Guidelines. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 31(3), 165-185.
Huhtala, M., Kangas, M., Kaptein, M., & Feldt, T. (2018). The shortened Corporate Ethical Virtues scale: Measurement invariance and mean differences across two occupational groups. Business Ethics, 27(3), 238-247.
Kaptein, M. (2017). The battle for business Ethics: A struggle theory. Journal of Business Ethics, 144(2), 343-361.
Kaptein, M. (2017). When organizations are too good: Applying Aristiotle's doctrine of the mean to the corporate ethical virtues model. Business Ethics: A European Review, 263, 300-311.
Kangas, M., Kaptein, M., Huhtala, M., Lämsä, AM., Pihlajasaari, P., & Feldt, T. (2016). Why Do Managers Leave Their Organization? Investigating the Role of Ethical Organizational Culture in Managerial Turnover. Journal of Business Ethics, 153(3), 707-723.
Huhtala, M., Kaptein, M., & Feldt, T. (2016). How perceived changes in the ethical culture of organizations influence the well-being of managers: A two-year longitudinal study. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25(3), 335-352.
Hoekstra, A., Talsma, J., & Kaptein, M. (2016). Integrity Management as Interorganizational Activity: Exploring Integrity Partnerships That Keep the Wheel in Motion. Public Integrity, 18(2), 167-184.
Janssens, M. R. E., & Kaptein, M. (2016). The Ethical Responsibility of Companies Towards Animals: A Study of the Expressed Commitment of the Fortune Global 200. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 63, 42-72.
Kaptein, M., & Constantinescu, M. (2015). Mutually Enhancing Responsibility: A Theoretical Exploration of the Interaction Mechanisms Between Individual and Corporate Moral Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 129(2), 325-339.
Kaptein, M. (2015). The Effectiveness of Ethics Programs: The Role of Scope, Composition, and Sequence. Journal of Business Ethics, 132(2), 415-431.
Zuber, FB., & Kaptein, M. (2014). Painting with the Same Brush? Surveying Unethical Behavior in the Workplace Using Self-Reports and Observer-Reports. Journal of Business Ethics, 125(3), 401-432.
Mazereeuw, C., Graafland, JJ., & Kaptein, M. (2014). Religiosity, CSR Attitudes, and CSR Behavior: An Empirical Study of Executives' Religiosity and CSR. Journal of Business Ethics, 123(3), 437-459.
Kaptein, M., & Hoekstra, A. (2014). Understanding Integrity Policy Formation Processes: A Case Study in The Netherlands of the Conditions for Change. Public Integrity, 16, 243-263.
Hoekstra, A., & Kaptein, M. (2013). The Institutionalization of Intergrity in Local Government. Public Integrity, 15, 5-27.
Kaptein, M. (2011). Understanding Unethical Behavior by Unraveling Ethical Culture. Human Relations, 64(6), 843-869.
Kaptein, M. (2011). Towards Effective Codes: Testing the relationship with unethical behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(2), 233-251.
Kaptein, M. (2011). From Inaction to External Whistleblowing: The influence of the Ethical Culture of Organizations on Employee Responses to Observed Wrongdoing. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(3), 513-530.
Kaptein, M. (2010). The ethics of organizations: a longitudinal study of the U.S. working population. Journal of Business Ethics, 92(4), 601-618.
Kaptein, M. (2009). Ethics programs and Ethical culture: A next step in unraveling their multi-faceted relationship. Journal of Business Ethics, 89(2), 261-281.
Heugens, P., Kaptein, M., & van Oosterhout, H. (2008). Contracts to communities: A processual model of organizational virtue. Journal of Management Studies, 45(1), 100-121.
Kaptein, M., & Schwartz, M. (2008). The effectiveness of business codes: a critical examination of existing studies and the development of an integrated research model. Journal of Business Ethics, 77(2), 111-127.
den Nieuwenboer, NA., & Kaptein, M. (2008). Spiraling down into corruption: a dynamic analysis of the social identity processes that cause corruption in organizations to grow. Journal of Business Ethics, 83(2), 133-146.
Kaptein, M. (2008). Developing a measure of unethical behavior in the workplace: a stakeholder perspective. Journal of Management, 34(5), 978-1008.
Kaptein, M. (2008). Developing and testing a measure for the ethical culture of organizations: the corporate ethical virtues model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29(7), 923-947.
van Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., & Kaptein, M. (2007). Contractualism vindicated; A response to Boatright. Academy of Management Review, 32(1), 295-297.
Graafland, JJ., Kaptein, M., & Mazereeuw, C. (2007). Conceptions of God, Normative Convictions, and Socially Responsible Business Conduct: An Explorative Study Among Executives. Business and Society, 46(3), 331-369.
Huberts, L., Kaptein, M., & Lasthuizen, K. (2007). A study of the impact of three leadership styles on integrity violations. Policing, 30(4), 587-607.
Kaptein, M., & Avelino, S. (2007). Measuring Corporate Integrity. Chinese Medical Journal, (7), 94-97.
Kaptein, M. (2007). Ethical guidelines for compiling corporate social reports. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 2007(27), 71-90.
Heugens, P., Kaptein, M., & van Oosterhout, H. (2006). The ethics of the node versus the ethics of the dyad? Reconciling virtue ethics and contractualism. Organization Studies, 27(3), 391-411.
van Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., & Kaptein, M. (2006). The internal morality of contracting: Advancing the contractualist endeavor in business ethics. Academy of Management Review, 31(3), 521-539.
Graafland, JJ., Kaptein, M., & Mazereeuw, C. (2006). Business dilemmas and religious belief: An explorative study among Dutch executives. Journal of Business Ethics, 66(1), 53-70.
Heugens, P., van Oosterhout, H., & Kaptein, M. (2006). Foundations and applications for contractualist business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 68(3), 211-228.
Kaptein, M., & Avelino, S. (2005). Measuring corporate integrity. Corporate governance, 5(1), 45-54.
Kaptein, M., Huberts, L., Lasthuizen, K., & Avelino, S. (2005). Demonstrating Ethical Leadership by Measuring Ethics: A Survey of U.S. Public Servants. Public Integrity, (4), 299-312.
Heugens, P., Kaptein, M., & van Oosterhout, H. (2004). Ties that grind? Corroborating a typology of social contracting problems. Journal of Business Ethics, 49(3), 235-252.
Kaptein, M. (2004). Business codes of multinational firms: what do they say? Journal of Business Ethics, 50(1), 13-31.
Kaptein, M. (2003). Business Ethics in the Netherlands: A survey. Business Ethics: A European Review, 12(2), 172-178.
Kaptein, M. (2003). The Diamand of Managerial Integrity. European Management Journal, 21(1), 99-108.
Kaptein, M. (2002). Guidelines for the development of an ethics safety net. Journal of Business Ethics, 41(3), 217-234.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (2001). Sustainability Management: Balancing Conflicting Economic, Environmental and Social Corporate Responsibilities. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 2, 91-106.
Kaptein, M., & van Reenen, P. (2001). Integrity management of police organizations. Policing, 24(3), 281-300.
Kaptein, M., & van Dalen, J. (2000). The empirical assessment of corporate ethics: a case study. Journal of Business Ethics, 24(2), 95-114.
Kaptein, M. (1999). Integrity management. European Management Journal, 17(6), 625-634.
Kaptein, M. (1998). The Ethics Thermometer: An audit-tool for improving the corporate moral reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 2(1), 6-9.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1998). Twelve Gordian Knots when developing an organizational code of ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 17(8), 853-869.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1998). The Ethics Report: A means of sharing responsibility. Business Ethics: A European Review, 7(3), 131-139.
Popular (53)
Kaptein, M. (2020). We hebben coronaïsme nodig, want tegenstellingen zijn nu slechts schijn-tegenstellingen. Nederlands Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2020). Omarm het als KLM, Facebook en Google ons helpen in de coronacrisis. Parool.
Kaptein, M. (2020). Een ware leider maakt in crisistijd vuile handen. Trouw.
Kaptein, M. (2020). Wacht met conclusies trekken en los eerst deze crisis op. De Volkskrant.
Kaptein, M. (2020). Hoe langer de crisis duurt, hoe meer de ethiek onder druk staat. Financieele Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2020). Pleidooi voor stakeholderliefde. Financieele Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2018). Zoektocht naar bedrijfsethiek. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 15.
Kaptein, M. (2015). Versterken van integriteit vereist permanente strijd van bedrijven. Financieele Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2014). Waarde van eed in financiële sector blijft onderschat. Financieele Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2014). Roep om bedrijfsethiek leidt tot instrumenteel en calculerend gedrag van ondernemingen. Financieele Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2013). Verkiezingen moeten gaan over integriteit. Trouw.
Kaptein, M. (2013). Accountants zetten goede stappen om de toon aan de top van bedrijven bespreekbaar te maken. Financieele Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2013). Ritselen is uit den boze. NRC.
Kaptein, M. (2013). Het gaat best goed met integriteit bestuurders. Unknown.
Dijkman, PJ., de Jong, G., & Kaptein, M. (2013). Tot een voorbeeld zult gij blijven. Christen Democratische Verkenningen, Herfst, 18-27.
Kaptein, M. (2011). Toeterende baasjes. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 6.
Kaptein, M. (2011). Hypercrisie. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 6.
Kaptein, M. (2010). Druk, drukker, drukst. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 6.
Kaptein, M. (2010). Wat ruikt mijn neus? Reformatorisch Dagblad, 6.
Kaptein, M. (2010). Koeien. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 6.
Kaptein, M. (2009). Bid en werk. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2008). Hypegiaphobia. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 11.
Kaptein, M. (2008). Windmolens en Kameleons. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2008). Er komt zeker nog eens een zaak Kerviel. Rotterdams Dagblad.
Kaptein, M., & den Nieuwenboer, NA. (2008). Er is meer dan hebzucht. Het Financiële Dagblad.
Heugens, P., Kaptein, M., & den Nieuwenboer, NA. (2007). Liever high-trust toezicht. Het Financiële Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2007). De moraal van de Bagelman. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2007). Weg met rationalisaties. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 11.
Kaptein, M. (2007). Positie bepalen. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2006). An Integrity Injection for Business. Unknown.
Kaptein, M. (2006). Liefde in de politiek. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2006). Klokkenluidersregelingen naar een hoger plan tillen. Het Financiële Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2006). Vitamine I voor bedrijven. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 9.
Kaptein, M. (2006). Blind voor eigen zonde. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2006). Effect Gedragscode. Het Financiële Dagblad.
Kaptein, M., & van der Zwet, P. (2006). Geef bedrijven een forse dosis integriteit. Het Financiële Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2006). Moordende concurrentie. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M., & Wallage, P. (2005). Integriteit van mensen en organisatie valt wel te meten. Het Financiële Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2005). Het gevaar van een tunnelvisie. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2005). Een verdiend salaris? Reformatorisch Dagblad, 11.
Kaptein, M. (2005). Integriteitsklimaat onderbelicht. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2004). Welk kerstgeschenk wordt het dit jaar? Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2004). Lessen van Lubbers. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 11.
Kaptein, M., & Klamer, HK. (2004). De implementatie van bedrijfscodes in Nederland. Management Executive, maart, 51-55.
Kaptein, M. (2003). Bedrijfscodes dienen meer handen en voeten te krijgen. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2003). Is de commercie nog te stoppen? Reformatorisch Dagblad, 15.
Kaptein, M. (2003). Ruziezoeker. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2002). Integriteit bij de bron. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 19.
Kaptein, M., & IJzeren, J. (2002). Vertrouwenswerk werkt onvoldoende. Transparant, 8, 6-7.
Kaptein, M. (2002). De integere manager. Contact, winter, 14-17.
Kaptein, M. (2002). Pas op met gul gebaar van Firma Schenk. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 11.
Kaptein, M. (2001). Broeder. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Kaptein, M. (2001). Uw prijs. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13.
Professional (45)
Kaptein, M. (2020). In crisistijd leren we de ware aard kennen. Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, (2).
Hoekstra, A., & Kaptein, M. (2019). Het management van ethiek & compliance: Een meervoudig en dynamisch perspectief. Tijdschrift voor Compliance, 3, 157-163.
Kaptein, M., & Helvoort, M. (2018). De neutralisatiewekker. Tijdschrift voor Compliance, 1, 18-25.
Huberts, L., Kaptein, M., & Koning, de, B. (2018). De VVD en integriteit: Over woorden en daden. Liberale Reflecties, 59(3), 66-79.
Kaptein, M. (2016). Waarom en wanneer alleen al de schijn van niet-integer gedrag niet integer is. Tijdschrift voor Compliance, 239-246.
Hoekstra, A., & Kaptein, M. (2011). Twee decennia integriteitsbeleid binnen de overheid: een analyse van graduele en grillige veranderingen. Bestuurswetenschappen, 4, 32-51.
Kiewit, M., & Kaptein, M. (2010). De toekomst van compliance: maak contact persoonlijk en plak post-its. Tijdschrift voor Compliance, (5).
Graafland, J., Jeurissen, R., & Kaptein, M. (2010). De toekomst van bedrijfsethiek. Tijdschrift voor Compliance, (6).
Kaptein, M., & Vink, HJ. (2008). Soft-controls bij de rijksoverheid: Een onderzoek naar de oorzaak van rechtmatigheidsfouten. MAB, 82(6), 256-264.
Kaptein, M., Rozekrans, R., & de Groot, RE. (2005). Integriteit als auditobject. MAB, 79(10), 466-474.
Kaptein, M. (2005). Een deugdenleer voor de controleur. MAB, 79(2), 41-49.
Kaptein, M., & Klamer, HK. (2004). De implementatie van bedrijfscodes in nederland. Finance en Control, 2004(Augustus), 41-49.
Kaptein, M., & Kolthof, E. (2003). Six principles for ethical leadership. PA Times, 26(4), 8-9.
Kaptein, M., & Kerklaan, V. (2003). Controlling the soft controls. Tijdschrift voor Organisatie en Control, 7(6), 8-13.
Kaptein, M. (2003). Het maatschappelijk verslag. MAB, 77(7/8), 325-331.
Kaptein, M. (2003). De bedrijfscodes van multinationals onder de loep. Bedrijfskunde, 75(2), 22-31.
Kaptein, M., & Kolthof, E. (2003). Six principles for ethical leadership. PA Times, 26(4).
Lasthuizen, K., Lamboo, T., Huberts, L., & Kaptein, M. (2002). Integriteit in de veiligheidszorg: opvattingen, onderzoeken en beleid bij de politie. Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid en Veiligheidszorg, 1(2), 25-37.
Buys, M., & Kaptein, M. (2002). Scheve schaats bij geschenken. Facto Magazine, 8(6), 22-25.
Buys, M., & Kaptein, M. (2002). Drogredenen en inconsistenties in de inkoopethiek. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 18(10), 36-38.
Buijs, M., & Kaptein, M. (2002). Drogredenen en inconsistenties in de inkoopethiek. Facility Management, herfst, 22-25.
Kaptein, M. (2002). Zes eigenschappen van een eerlijke manager. Management Rendement, november, 16-17.
Kaptein, M. (2002). Richtlijnen kunnen de maatschappelijke verslaglegging verbeteren. Samen, september, 15-15.
Kaptein, M. (2001). Gedragen gedragscode voor e-mail en internet op de werkplek. Beveiliging, september, 68-71.
Kaptein, M. (2001). De maatschappelijk verantwoorde werkgever is aantrekkelijk. Gids voor Personeelsmanagement, 80(9).
Kaptein, M., & Bartels, W. (2001). De interne compliance-functie: een bundeling van krachten. Tijdschrift voor Compliance, 5, 94-97.
Kaptein, M. (2001). De Integriteitbarometer voor organisaties. Bedrijfskunde, 73(3), 12-18.
Kaptein, M. (2001). Het meten en managen van integriteit. Sigma, 47(6), 10-14.
Kaptein, M., & van Gasteren, J. (2001). De KPN helpdesk security & integriteit. Bedrijfskunde, 73(3), 42-47.
Kaptein, M., & Klamer, H. (2000). De bedrijfscode als effectief managementinstrument. Harvard Holland Review, 17(72), 22-27.
Kaptein, M. (1999). Integriteitsmanagement - Het organiseren van een balans tussen conflicterende belangen. M en O, 53(2), 21-35.
Wempe, JFDB., & Kaptein, M. (1999). Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen. Ethiek en Wetenschap, 9(1), 4-7.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1998). Het ethisch jaarverslag als instrument om verantwoordelijkheid te delen. Holland Management Review, 59, 62-69.
Kaptein, M. (1998). Ethiek Management. Dilemma, 8(3), 6-8.
Kaptein, M. (1998). Integriteitsthermometer brengt culturele inbedding van AO/IC in kaart. De Accountant, 2, 97-97.
Kaptein, M. (1998). Ontwikkelingen in Organisatie-ethiek. PEM, 14(4), 42-42.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1998). Het ethisch aarverslag als instrument om verantwoordelijkheid te delen. Holland Management Review, 1998(59), 62-69.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1996). Overheid & ethiek: integriteitsbeleid bij het Rijk. Dilemma, 6(juli), 4-6.
Kaptein, M. (1995). Christelijke bedrijf: Dubbele onmogelijkheid. Ophef, 4-7.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1995). Een korpscode als wapen voor het versterken van de weerbaarheid. Interface (Rotterdam), 14-23.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1995). Twaalf gordiaanse knopen bij het ontwikkelen van een organisatiecode. Justitiele Verkenningen, 21(4), 34-60.
Wempe, JFDB., & Kaptein, M. (1994). Ethische codes als vorm van bedrijfsveiliging. Security Management, 39-11.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1994). Ethische codes als vorm van bedrijfsbeveiliging. Beveiliging, 7(4), 9-11.
Kaptein, M. (1993). De effectiviteit van ethische bedrijfscodes. Bedrijfskunde, 65(2), 186-195.
Kaptein, M. (1993). Ethische bedrijfscodes: een effectief instrument voor het management van ethiek in de onderneming. Doelmatige Bedrijfsvoering, 5(1/2).
Book (19)
Academic (10)
Kaptein, M. (2020). Why good people sometimes do bad things: 52 reflections on ethics at work. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
Kaptein, M. (2014). The Servant of the People: On the power of integrity in politics and government. Amazon.
Kaptein, M. (2013). Workplace Morality: Behavioral Ethics in Organizations. Emerald Group Publishing.
Kaptein, M. (2013). Dienaren van het Volk: Over de macht van integriteit. Amazon.
Kaptein, M. (2011). Waarom goede mensen soms de verkeerde dingen doen: 52 bespiegelingen over ethiek op het werk. Business Contact.
Kaptein, M. (2008). The Living Code: Embedding ethics into the corporate DNA. Greenleaf Publishing Ltd.
Kaptein, M. (2005). The six principles of managing with integrity. Spiro Press.
Kaptein, M. (2002). De Integere Manager: De top, dilemma's en de diamant. Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (2002). The Balanced Company: A corporate integrity theory. Oxford University Press.
Kaptein, M. (1998). Ethics Management: Auditing and developing the ethical content of organizations. Springer-Verlag. Issues in Business Ethics Vol. 10
Professional (9)
Lückerath-Rovers, M., van Ees, H., Wuisman, I., & Kaptein, M. (Eds.) (2023). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2023-2024. (14 ed.) Wolters Kluwer.
Luckerath-Rovers, M., van Ees, H., Kaptein, M., & Wijsman, I. (Eds.) (2022). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2022-2023. Wolters Kluwer.
Luckerath-Rovers, M., van Ees, H., Kaptein, M., & Wijsman, I. (Eds.) (2021). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2021-2022. Wolters Kluwer.
Kaptein, M. (2019). Maxims: A collection for work. Amazon.
Kaptein, M. (2019). Maximes: Een collectie voor het werk. Amazon.
Kaptein, M. (2018). Ethicisms and their Risks: 150 new cartoons about ethics at work. Amazon.
Kaptein, M. (2018). Ethicismen en hun risico’s: 150 nieuwe cartoons voor het werk. Amazon.
Wempe, JFDB., & Kaptein, M. (2000). Ondernemen met het Oog op de Toekomst: Integratie van economische, sociale en ecologische verantwoordelijkheden. Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming.
Kaptein, M., & Klamer, H. (1991). Ethische Bedrijfscodes in Nederlandse Bedrijven. NCW.
Book editing (21)
Academic (2)
Kaptein, M. (2024). Research Handbook on Organisational Integrity. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kaptein, M. (1996). Maatschappelijke risico's. Risicomanagement Part III. Euroform.
Professional (19)
Luckerath, M., van Ees, H., Kaptein, M., & Wuisman, I. (2020). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2020-2021. Wolters Kluwer.
Luckerath, M., van Ees, H., Kaptein, M., & Bier, B. (2019). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2019-2020. Kluiwer.
Luckerath, M., Bier, B., van Ees, H., & Kaptein, M. (2018). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2018-2019. Kluiwer.
Luckerath, M., Bier, B., van Ees, H., & Kaptein, M. (2017). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2017-2018. Kluiwer.
Luckerath, M., Bier, B., van Ees, H., & Kaptein, M. (2016). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2016-2017. Kluiwer.
Lückerath-Rovers, M., Bier, B., van Ees, H., & Kaptein, M. (2015). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2015-2016. Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Lückerath-Rovers, M., Bier, B., van Ees, H., & Kaptein, M. (2014). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2014-2015. Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Lückerath - Rovers, M., Bier, B., van Ees, H., & Kaptein, M. (2013). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2013-2014. Uitgeverij Kluwer.
van Woerden, MJ., Jurgens, M., Kaptein, M., & Leliveld, JTC. (2013). Ondernemen zonder Corruptie: Normenkader, management en praktijkervaringen. Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Dijkman, PJ., de Jong, G., & Kaptein, M. (2013). De Macht van de Moraal. herfst.
Cleef, L., Kaptein, M., Koenders, A., van der Minne, S., Porrio, L., & Zwam, C. (2012). Beveiliging Totaal 2014. Vakmedianet.
Cleef, L., Janse, E., Kaptein, M., Koenders, A., Porrio, L., & Zwam, C. (2007). Beveiliging totaal 2008. Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Kaptein, M., & Willems, P. (2004). Jaarboek Fraudebestrijding 2004. Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Kaptein, M., Menkhorst, H., & Haak, J. (2003). Jaarboek Fraudebestrijding. Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Kaptein, M. (2003). Security Jaarboek 2004. Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Balkenende, J. P., Kaptein, M., Kimman, EJJM., & Toren, JP. (2003). Onderneming & Maatschappij: Op Zoek Naar Vertrouwen. Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.
Kaptein, M., Menkhorst, H., & Haak, J. (2002). Jaarboek Fraudebestrijding. Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Graafland, JJ., Kaptein, M., Klamer, H., & Oorschot, A. (2000). Binnenkamers: Ondernemers over hun ethische dilemma's en geloof. Meinema [etc].
Kaptein, M., Klamer, H., & ter Linden, JCJ. (1999). De integere Organisatie: Het nut van een bedrijfscode. Vereniging NCW.
Chapter (53)
Academic (27)
Kaptein, M. (2021). Business Codes: A Review of the Literature. In The Cambridge Handbook of Compliance (pp. 594). Cambridge University Press.
Constantinescu, M., & Kaptein, M. (2020). Virtue Ethics and CSR: The Two Sides of Sustainable Organizational Performance. In W. Wehrmeyer, S. Looser, & M. Baldo (Eds.), Intrinsic CSR in Competitive Companies: The Categorical Imperative of Doing Well (pp. 119-132). Palgrave Macmillan.
Kaptein, M. (2020). Ethical Climate and Ethical Culture. In D. Poff, & A. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics Springer-Verlag.
Constantinescu, M., & Kaptein, M. (2020). Ethics management and ethical management: Mapping criteria and interventions to support responsible management practice. In O. Laasch, R. Suddaby, R. E. Freeman, & D. Jamali (Eds.), Research Handbook of Responsible Management (pp. 155-174). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Hoekstra, A., & Kaptein, M. (2020). Ethics Management: A pluralistic and dynamic perspective. In C. L. Jurkiewitz (Ed.), Global Corruption and Ethics Management (pp. 109-118). Rowman & Littlefield.
Kaptein, M. (2020). Ethics audit. In D. C. Poff, & A. C. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics Springer-Verlag.
Kaptein, M., & Constantinescu, M. (2018). Corporations as Moral Entities. In D. C. Poff, & A. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics Springer-Verlag.
Kaptein, M., & Van Tulder, R. (2017). Toward effective stakeholder dialogue. In Corporate Business Responsibility (pp. 367-388). Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Constantinescu, M., & Kaptein, M. (2015). CSR standards and corporate ethical virtues: A normative inquiry into the way corporations integrate stakeholder expectations. In S. Idowu S., C. Frederiksen, A. Mermod, & M. Nielsen (Eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance (pp. 159-180). Springer-Verlag.
Kaptein, M. (2013). Business Codes of Multinational Firms: What Do They Say? In A. Michalos, & D. Poff (Eds.), Citation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics (pp. 525-547). Springer-Verlag.
Kaptein, M. (2013). Business codes of multinational firms: What do they say? In Citation Classics from The Journal of Business Ethics: Celebrating the First Thirty Years of Publication (pp. 525-547). Springer Netherlands.
Kaptein, M., & Yip, GS. (2011). The future of business school research. In M. Morsing, & A. Sauquet Roviar (Eds.), Business Schools and Their Contribution to Society (pp. 114-124). Sage.
Kaptein, M. (2006). Sei principi di integrità manageriale. In Impresa e responsabilità sociale. In Impresa e responsabilità sociale (pp. 143-158). FrancoAngeli.
Kaptein, M. (2006). Integer leiderschap. In L. Moratis, & M. van Veen (Eds.), Basisboek MVO (pp. 113-128). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.
Kaptein, M., & Mulder, S. (2006). De Stakeholderdialoog. In L. Moratis, & M. van Veen (Eds.), Basisboek MVO (pp. 239-153). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.
Lasthuizen, K., Huberts, L., & Kaptein, M. (2005). Analyse van Integriteitsopvattingen. In L. W. J. C. Huberts, & J. Naeyé (Eds.), Integriteit van de politie (pp. 69-93). Kerckebosch.
Kaptein, M. (2003). Ethische auditing. In R. J. M. Dassen e.a. (Ed.), Control & Assurance (pp. 273-290). Reed Business Information.
Bartels, W., Kaptein, M., & Sikken, M. (2003). Compliance: stand van zaken binnen beursgenoteerde ondernemingen. In J. P. Balkenende, & S. P. Kaptein (Eds.), Onderneming & Maatschappij (pp. 307-319). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.
Heugens, P., Kaptein, M., van Oosterhout, H., & Wempe, JFDB. (2002). Ethical Criteria for Corporations. In S. P. Kaptein, & J. Wempe (Eds.), The Balanced Company: a Theory of Corporate Integrity (pp. 227-262). Oxford University Press.
Kaptein, M., & Verhoog, MW. (2002). Ethical dilemmas of corporate functioning. In L. Zsolnai, & I. R. Wienen (Eds.), Ethics in the Economy: Handbook of Business Ethics (pp. 8). Peter Lang.
Verhoog, MW., & Kaptein, M. (2002). Integriteit als ondernemingskwaliteit. In R. J. M. Jeurissen, & A. W. Musschenga (Eds.), Integriteit in bedrijf, organisatie en openbaar bestuur (pp. 78-99). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.
van Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., & Kaptein, M. (2000). Normative documents, the contract model, and stakeholder management. In K. A. Getz, & D. Windsor (Eds.), Proceedings Eleventh Annual Conference Essex Junction, March 16-19, 2000 of the International Association for Business and Society (pp. 276-281). International Association for Business /Society.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1999). Working on Integrity: Differences and Similarities between Public and Private Sector Organizations. In L. W. J. C. Huberts, & J. H. J. van den Heuvel (Eds.), Integrity at the Public-Private Interface (pp. 113-131). Shaker Publishing B.V..
Kaptein, M. (1998). Integriteitsmanagement binnen organisaties: het inbedden van een sluitend geheel van regels en procedures? In B. Hessel, & P. de Graaf (Eds.), Over Recht en Bedrijfsethiek: Pleidooien voor Samenwerking (pp. 227-246). Ars Aequi Libri.
Kaptein, M. (1994). Bedrijfskultuur in ethisch perspektief. In J. de Leeuw, & J. Kannekens (Eds.), Bedrijfsethiek (pp. 94-115). Damon.
Kaptein, M. (1993). Een morele audit voor bedrijven: een eerste aanzet. In J. F. Schreinemakers, & B. G. F. Pol (Eds.), Bedrijfskunde en technologie: NOBO zesde onderzoekdag 1993 (pp. 123-130). Universiteit Twente, NOBO.
Kaptein, M. (1993). Ethische aspecten van ondernemerschap op de thuismarkten wereldwijd: een zoektocht naar de missie van een onderneming. In J. M. H. J. Hemels, & W. L. A. van Tuyl van Serooskerken (Eds.), Besturen en innovatie (pp. C 0600-1-C 0600-30). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
Popular (3)
Kaptein, M. (2005). Vuistregels voor het omgaan met morele dilemma's. In Handboek voor Interne en Civiele Diensten: Aanvulling 53 (pp. 1-21). Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Kaptein, M. (2004). Zes principes voor de integere manager. In D. J. Stolk, & H. Starren (Eds.), Lijden, leren en leiden: gedachten over het ontwikkelen van leiders en managers. (pp. 123-135). De Baak, Managementcentrum VNO-NCW..
Kaptein, M., & Klamer, HK. (2004). Een bedrijfscode als HRM-instrument. In Methoden, Technieken en Analyses voor Personeelsmanagement (pp. 201-217)
Professional (23)
Kaptein, M. (2020). Moral Entrepreneurship. In D. C. Poff, & A. C. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics Springer-Verlag.
Kaptein, M. (2019). Business Code of Ethics. In D. Poff, & A. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer-Verlag.
Arik, T., Kaptein, M., & Karsing, E. (2018). Ethics Committees. In D. Poff, & A. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics Springer-Verlag.
Kaptein, M., & Bekkum, E. (2013). Soft-controls in de MKB-praktijk: Een handreiking. In Leidraad voor de Accountant (pp. 80, A.2.7-01-22)
Kaptein, M. (2010). Effective Business Codes: Inhalt und Bedingungen. Wieland, R., Steinmeyer, S., Grüninger (Eds). In J. Wieland, R. Steinmeyer, & S. Grüninger (Eds.), Handbuch Compliance-Management: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen praktische Erfolgsfaktoren, globale Herausforderungen. (pp. 291-314). Erich Schmidt Verlag.
Kaptein, M. (2009). The living business code: Improving corporate integrity and reducing corruption form the inside. In Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the private sector. (pp. 83-88). Cambridge University Press.
Kaptein, M. (2009). The living business code: Improving corporate integrity and reducing corruption from the inside. In Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the private sector. (pp. 83-88). Cambridge University Press.
Kaptein, M., & Casteren, J. (2002). Een vangnet voor onregelmatigheden. In S. P. Kaptein (e.a). (Ed.), Jaarboek Fraudebestrijding Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Bartels, W., & Kaptein, M. (2002). Een geintegreerde benadering voor compliance. In Jaarboek Fraudebestrijding (pp. 69-75). Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (2001). Bedrijfsethiek en corporate communication. In C. B. M. van Riel (Ed.), Corporate Communication: het managen van reputatie Adfo.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (2000). Sustainability Management: Een nieuw tijdperk. In Handboek Fraudepreventie en Integriteit (pp. D1020-1-D1020-33). Samson.
Kaptein, M. (2000). Inkoop & Integriteit: de beroepscode van de Nevi. In . - (Ed.), Handboek Fraudepreventie en Integriteit (pp. E2010-26-E2010-26). Samson.
Kaptein, M. (2000). Ethiekmanagement: de case Schiphol. In J. de Leeuw, & J. Kannekens (Eds.), Bedrijfsethiek voor HBO (pp. 121-127). Damon.
Kaptein, M., & van Reenen, P. (1998). Ethiek en praktijk van politiewerk. In P. van Reenen (Ed.), De Geest van Blauw (pp. 39-63). Gouda Quint.
Kaptein, M. (1998). "Integriteitsmanagement binnen de organisaties: het inbedden van een sluitend geheel van regels en prodedures?". In B. Hessel, & P. de Graaf (Eds.), Recht en Bedrijfsethiek (pp. 227-246). Ars Aequi Libri.
Kaptein, M. (1998). "Kwaliteiten management: het waarborgen van morele deugden in het kader van kwaliteitsmanagement". In . - (Ed.), Praktijkgids voor Kwaliteitsmanagement (pp. 1-26). Uitgeverij Kluwer.
van Reenen, P., & Kaptein, M. (1998). Ethiek en praktijk van politiewerk: wat weten we ervan? In P. van Reenen (Ed.), De Geest van Blauw (pp. 39-63). Gouda Quint.
Kaptein, M. (1997). Integriteitszorg voorkomt fraude. In . - (Ed.), Handboek Fraudeprefentie (pp. 1-26). Wolters Kluwer.
Kaptein, M., Nijman, RR., & Verdonk, JF. (1997). Deel IV Maatschappelijke risico's en natuurrisico's. In J. R. R. Emmerich, & M. J. J. Smulders-Van Gennip (Eds.), Schriftelijke Praktijkcursus Risicomanagement (pp. 1-43). Euroforum Uitgeverij BV.
Kaptein, M. (1996). Een morele thermometer als instrument om het morele gehalte van een organisatie te meten. In J. de Leeuw, H. Rijksen, & H. Bennink (Eds.), Onderwijs in Bedrijfsethiek (pp. 48-68). Damon.
Kaptein, M., & Nijman, RR. (1996). III Maatschappelijke Risico's en Natuurrisico's. In J. R. R. Emmerich, & M. J. J. Smulders-Van Gennip (Eds.), Schriftelijke Praktijkcursus Risicomanagement (pp. 1-45). Euroforum Uitgeverij BV.
Kaptein, M. (1993). De bedrijfscontext doorgelicht: een analyse van factoren die aanzetten tot onethisch gedrag. In T. Geurts, & J. de Leeuw (Eds.), Geef bedrijfsethiek een plaats (pp. 72-93). Damon.
Kaptein, M. (1993). Ethische bedrijfscodes. In T. Geurts, & J. de Leeuw (Eds.), Geef bedrijfsethiek een plaats (pp. 56-71). Damon.
Conference contribution (1)
Academic (1)
Wempe, JFDB., & Kaptein, M. (1994). 5 video's t.b.v. het werkoverleg binnen de Luchthaven Schiphol. Begeleiden van de NVLS bij opzetten van ethiekprogramma, juni 1993-februari 1994, Amsterdam.
Conference proceeding (1)
Academic (1)
Gaara, A., Kaptein, M., & Berens, G. (2023). It is all in the name: Toward a typology of public relations professionals’ ethical dilemmas. In 73rd Annual ICA Conference
Doctoral Thesis (2)
Externally prepared (1)
Kaptein, M. (2010). Doing business for heavens sake: Studies on the relationship between religiosity and socially responsible business conduct.
Internal (1)
Kaptein, M. (1998). Ethics Management : Auditing and Developing the Ethical Content of Organizations. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Inaugural speech (1)
Popular (1)
Kaptein, M. (2003). De Open Onderneming: Een bedrijfsethisch vraagstuk. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM).
Other contribution (2)
Professional (2)
Klous, S., & Kaptein, M. (2022, Aug 31). Politieke houdgreep laat de samenleving stilstaan. Algemeen Dagblad (AD).
Kaptein, M. (2020). How business ethics can drive positive change. RSM Discovery Vol. 39
Paper (1)
Academic (1)
Mazereeuw, C., Graafland, J., & Kaptein, M. (2008). Unfolding the relationship between religion and socially responsible business conduct. Paper presented at 68th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2008, Anaheim, CA, United States.
Preprint (1)
Academic (1)
Kaptein, M. (2024). Normatively reconciling shareholder and stakeholder theories: The ethical responsibility of a business is serving its owners by serving its stakeholders.
Report (19)
Academic (3)
Kaptein, M., & Buiter, FI. (2001). De Integere Organisatie 2: Handreiking voor een sluitend vangnet van ongewenst gedrag. Den Haag Media Groep. Nationaal Platform Criminaliteitsbeheersing
Kaptein, M., & van Dalen, J. (1999). The empirical assessment of corporate ethics. (ERASM Management Report Series 18-1999 ed.) [publisher unknown]. ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 18-1999
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1999). Sustainability Management: balancing and integrating economic, social and environmental responsibilities. (ERASM Management Report Series 51-1999 ed.) [publisher unknown]. ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 51-1999
Professional (16)
Kaptein, M., & Bosma, A. (2016). Leiderschap in ethiek. VNO-NCW en MKB Nederland.
Kaptein, M., & Bons, F. (2014). The business codes of the global fortune 200. KPMG.
Kaptein, M. (2013). Samenvatting Boek "Dienaren van het Volk: Over de macht van integriteit". Muel Kaptein.
Bakker, JG., Bartels, W., & Kaptein, M. (2012). New Metrics: nieuw model voor sturing en verantwoording. KPMG.
Wallage, P., Kaptein, M., & Roos, E. (2011). Sturen met gevoel: Een pleidooi voor meer intuïtie in de bestuurskamer. KPMG.
Kaptein, M., & Kiewit, M. (2008). Business code of the Global 200: Their prevalence, content and embedding. KPMG.
Kaptein, M., Wallage, P., & Roos, E. (2008). Hypegiaphobia: Balancing between trust and rules. KPMG.
Kaptein, M., Klamer, HK., & Wierenga, A. (2003). De bedrijfscode. VNO/NCW.
Nieuwenboer, N., Kaptein, M., & Lammers, E. (2002). Bedrijfscodes in Belgie. KPMG.
Nieuwenboer, N., Kaptein, M., & Lammers, E. (2002). Codes d' entreprise, Panorama et Guide. KPMG.
Klamer, H., & Kaptein, M. (2001). De integere manager: discussienota. NCW.
Kaptein, M. (1997). Criminaliteitsbewustzijn en -preventie (rapportage). (Publikatie 15 ed.) Raad voor het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf. Publikatie Vol. 15
Kaptein, M., Oen, BY., & Wempe, JFDB. (1996). Criminaliteitsbewustzijn en -preventie.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1995). Criminaliteitsbestrijding en moreel besef in het midden- en kleinbedrijf.
Kaptein, M., & Wempe, JFDB. (1995). De bespreekbox: een effectief hulpmiddel voor een beleid gericht op het voorkomen van criminaliteit.
Wempe, JFDB., Kaptein, M., & Spierenburg, I. (1995). Rapportage Integriteitsproject 'Met open Vizier'. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Software (1)
Professional (1)
Kaptein, M., & van Kooten, M. (2020). Dilemma Game App. Software, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Web publication/site (10)
Academic (2)
Kaptein, M., & Vink, HJ. (2014). The Soft Side of Hard Controls: A Control Coding Theory.. Web publication/site, SSRN.
Bogers, J., Soeters, JL., & Kaptein, M. (2013). Improving Financial and Material Resources Management: Via Hard-Controls, Soft-Controls or Both?. Web publication/site, SSRN.
Professional (8)
Kaptein, M. (2023). The seven competencies of ESG leaders. Web publication/site
Kaptein, M. (2023). Teleurgesteld over die nieuwe bestuurscultuur? Elk land krijgt de bestuurscultuur die het verdient. Web publication/site, Nederlands Dagblad.
Kaptein, M. (2022). Eight unethical effects that can sneak in to ethical businesses. Web publication/site, RSM Discovery.
Eeftink, E., Kaptein, M., & Klous, S. (2022). Een moderne CEO moet willen aanschuiven bij een talkshow. Web publication/site, Trouw.
Kaptein, M. (2020). Bedrijven moeten nu doorpakken met hun ethiek. Web publication/site, MeJudice.
Kaptein, M. (2014). Appèl tegen corruptie is geen bedrijfseconomisch sommetje. Web publication/site
Kaptein, M. (2014). CEOs vinden dat hun commissarissen te veel tijd besteden aan toezicht. Web publication/site
Kaptein, M. (2013). Roep om bedrijfsethiek heeft geleid tot minder bedrijfsethiek. Web publication/site, MeJudice.
Working paper (1)
Academic (1)
De Bruin Cardoso, I., Kaptein, M., & Meijs, L. C. P. M. (2023). The NGO Halo Effect: How Moral Goodness can Explain Unethical Behavior. ERIM Report Series
Additional positions (5)
PensioenfederatieStart date approval: 02 Jun 2022End date approval: 01 Jun 2025Place: DEN HAAGDescription: lid monitoringscommissie code pensioenfondsen
KPMGStart date approval: 02 Jun 2022End date approval: 01 Jun 2025Place: AMSTELVEENDescription: advisering
Tot heil des volksStart date approval: 16 Jun 2022End date approval: 01 Jun 2025Place: AMERSFOORTDescription: Voorzitter Raad van Toezicht
Erasmus MCStart date approval: 02 Jan 2024End date approval: 01 Jan 2027Place: ROTTERDAMDescription: Voorzitter Commissie Wetenschappelijke Integriteit
Erasmus HoldingStart date approval: 01 Jan 2025End date approval: 18 Dec 2027Place: ROTTERDAMDescription: Raad van Advies van Governance Opleiding
Additional activities (2)
Journal of Business Ethics (Journal)Muel Kaptein (Editor)01 May 2002 - 01 Mar 2019
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
Journal of Business Ethics (Journal)Muel Kaptein (Editor)01 Jan 2001 - 13 Mar 2019
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
- ERIM Top Article Award (2007)
Introduction to business
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Code: BK1201
- Level: Bachelor 1
Verantwoord leiderschap in organisaties
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2020/2021
- Code: BK2101
- Level: Bachelor 2, Pre-master
Consultancy Project PT
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Code: BM28MIM-P
- ECTS: 6 Level: Master
MiM Master Thesis
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023
- ECTS: 16 Level: Master
Introduction to Business
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Code: BT1201
- Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 1
Responsible Business Leadership
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2020/2021
- Code: BT2101
- ECTS: 4 Level: Bachelor 2, Bachelor 3, Pre-master
Past courses
Sustainability Ethics & Sustainable Behaviour
- Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022
- Code: BM03GBS
- Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master
Leiderschap, Management en Bestuur
- Study year: 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018
- Code: BMA2109
- ECTS: 5
Leadership, Sustainability & Governance
- Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018
- Code: BAB29
- Level: Bachelor 2, Bachelor 2, Pre-master
Leadership, sustainability & governance
- Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018
- Code: BKB3029
- Level: Bachelor 2, Pre-master
Philosophy of Science
- Study year: 2020/2021
- Code: BK1207
- Level: Bachelor 1
Introduction to business administration
- Study year: 2019/2020
- Code: BK1101
- Level: Bachelor 1
Philosophy of Science
- Study year: 2019/2020
- Code: BK1107
- Level: Bachelor 1
Leadership, Sustainability & Governance
- Study year: 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BAB27
- ECTS: 5 Level: Bachelor 2, Bachelor 2, Pre-master
Leadership, sustainability & governance
- Study year: 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BKB2029
- ECTS: 5 Level: Bachelor 2, Pre-master
Featured in the media
UWV seeks a culture of accountability
Prof. Muel Kaptein, as chair of the external Integrity Experts Committee (CID), is quoted in this article about integrity in the UWV, the Employee Insurance Agency.
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Integrity, human rights protection in Nigeria
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Culture & Compliance Chronicles: A Journey Into Team Ethical Culture With Guillem Casoliva Cabana (Podcast)
A podcast that delves into the intricacies of corporate culture and compliance with part-time PhD candidate Guillem Casovila Cabana, who references a model by Prof. Muel Kaptein that includes eight dimensions that organizations…
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Tuesday, 12 March 2024 -
Why good people sometimes do bad things
RSM Prof. Muel Kaptein is quoted in the article outlining situations and attitudes that might lead a normally honest employee to start on the slippery slope of unethical behaviour.
Sunday, 11 February 2024 -
Half of employees do not report integrity violations
KPMG Research: Workplace Integrity Violations Impacting Employees and Organizations
Monday, 11 December 2023 -
How Moral Goodness Drives Unethical Behavior: Empirical Evidence for the NGO Halo Effect
Examining the NGO halo effect using a conceptual framework that proposes three mechanisms to explain how NGO moral goodness can lead to NGO unethical behavior, that is, moral justification, moral superiority, and moral naivety. …
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The Seven Competencies of ESG Leaders
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Thursday, 6 April 2023 -
More ethical businesses are more unlikely to experience unethical employee behaviour
The unintended consequences of ethical initiatives
Thursday, 3 November 2022 -
Er zijn 52 redenen waarom we fraude plegen; dit zijn de 25 meest voorkomende
Fraudsters are usually not seasoned criminals, but normal people with a moral compass who are under severe financial pressure. Dr. Muel Kaptein of the RSM investigated what causes people like you and me to commit fraud. He found…
Saturday, 17 July 2021 -
Van zijn zakenpartners moet Sywert het in de mondkapjesaffaire niet hebben
Entrepreneur and activist Sywert van Lienden gets the full brunt because of the millions he made by selling face masks to the government. But his business partners, Bernd Damme and Camille van Gestel, may also have to return their…
Tuesday, 8 June 2021 -
‘Coronacrisis zal bedrijfsethiek steeds meer ondermijnen’
As an academic discipline, the field of business ethics has been around for 40-odd years. It emerged in the 1980s through the establishment of journals and conferences. At that time, businesses were beginning to take notice. Many…
Wednesday, 17 February 2021 -
Politieke Integriteitsindex 2020: CDA haalt VVD in met integriteitsincidenten
Last year, the CDA had by far the most integrity problems counting ten affairs. The VVD only had three. Remarkably little, because the party has topped the Political Integrity Index every year until now. Proposing the corona rules…
Friday, 12 February 2021 -
Niet VVD, maar CDA had met tien affaires de meeste integriteitsproblemen in 2020
Last year, the CDA had by far the most integrity problems counting ten affairs. The VVD only had three. Remarkably little, because the party has topped the Political Integrity Index every year until now. Proposing the corona rules…
Friday, 5 February 2021 -
Hoe bedrijfsethiek positieve verandering kan stimuleren
As an academic discipline, the field of business ethics has been around for 40-odd years. It emerged in the 1980s through the establishment of journals and conferences. At that time, businesses were beginning to take notice. Many…
Thursday, 4 February 2021 -
14 psychological forces that make good people do bad things
Dr. Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at the RSM, has studied bad behavior for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good people to do bad things. What…
Tuesday, 3 November 2020 -
Coronahufter of coronaheld: een lesje bedrijfsethiek in crisistijd
An article in which Muel Kaptein of RSM discusses business ethics during the corona crisis.
Monday, 18 May 2020 -
Wanneer is pr goed?
Muel Kaptein has been mentioned in an article that discusses the role of PR, especially in times of the corona crisis.
Thursday, 23 April 2020 -
Muel Kaptein (KPMG Integrity/RSM Erasmus University): “In times of crisis, true business leaders get their hands dirty”
An article in which Muel Kaptein of RSM has commented how business leaders may react in times of crisis. Muel pleads that during crisis, the main quality business leaders must possess is a willingness to get their hands dirty,…
Thursday, 16 April 2020 -
Wacht met conclusies trekken en los eerst deze crisis op
An article written by Muel Kaptein in De Volkskrant. He argues that people should wait to draw conclusions and resolve this crisis first. There is already plenty of speculation about how our society should change to prevent…
Sunday, 29 March 2020 -
Hoe langer deze crisis aanhoudt, hoe groter de druk op onze ethiek
An article written by Muel Kaptein of RSM, discussing the effect that the corona crisis may have on the trust in business ethics.
Tuesday, 24 March 2020 -
Pleidooi voor stakeholderliefde
An article written by Muel Kaptein of RSM in Het Financieele Dagblad regarding the importance of stakeholder dialogue.
Wednesday, 11 March 2020 -
Nationale Compliance Award 2018 toegekend aan KPMG’er Kaptein
On Thursday 14 February, Muel Kaptein of RSM received the National Compliance Award 2018 from Carolien Merkens and Marlène Jans, judges of the Compliance Award election.
Tuesday, 19 February 2019 -
Muel Kaptein wint Nationale Compliance Award 2018
On Thursday 14 February, Muel Kaptein of RSM received the National Compliance Award 2018 from Carolien Merkens and Marlène Jans, judges of the Compliance Award election.
Friday, 15 February 2019 -
Politieke Integriteitsindex 2018: VVD kent wéér de meeste schandalen
The Dutch political party VVD has been the party with the most scandals for the sixth time in a row. One may almost think that there is a connection between the number of seats a party has and the number of scandals that occur…
Monday, 28 January 2019 -
VVD voor zesde opeenvolgende jaar partij met meeste schandalen
The Dutch political party VVD has been the party with the most scandals for the sixth time in a row. One may almost think that there is a connection between the number of seats a party has and the number of scandals that occur…
Friday, 25 January 2019 -
13 Powerful Psychological Forces That Make You Do Bad Things
Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at RSM has studied 'bad' behaviour for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good people to do bad things. What…
Saturday, 17 November 2018 -
VVD senator criticised for ‘conflict of interest’ in social work reform
Anne-Wil Duthler, a senator with the VVD party has come under fire for voting on a controversial bill to reform social work that was drafted with the help of her own advice bureau. Meul Kaptein of RSM has commented on this,…
Monday, 24 September 2018 -
Mini-conferentie Modern Toezicht
Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at RSM, will be a keynote speaker at a conference regarding supervision.
Wednesday, 4 April 2018 -
Het handelen van de curator op integriteit getoetst
The Political Integrity Index, co-developed by Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at RSM, has been featured in an article.
Saturday, 24 March 2018 -
VVD voor de zesde keer op rij meeste schandalen
Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at RSM has developed a Political Integrity Index together with Vrij Nederland and Leo Huberts.
Monday, 19 February 2018 -
VVD voor zesde maal partij met meeste integriteitsschandalen
Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at RSM has developed a Political Integrity Index together with Vrij Nederland and Leo Huberts.
Monday, 19 February 2018 -
VVD voor zesde jaar op rij partij met meeste integriteitsschandalen
Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at RSM has developed a Political Integrity Index together with Vrij Nederland and Leo Huberts.
Monday, 19 February 2018 -
VVD voor zesde keer op rij meest corrupte partij van Nederland
Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at RSM has developed a Political Integrity Index together with Vrij Nederland and Leo Huberts.
Monday, 19 February 2018 -
De 20 meest voorkomende redenen waarom we fraude plegen
Dr. Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at RSM , researched why ordinary citizens suddenly become fraudsters.
Thursday, 8 February 2018 -
AutoArena Groep verkocht aan Pon en Volkswagen Financial Services
Dealer Group Pon and Volkswagen Pon Financial Services have reached agreement on the acquisition of the AutoArena Group. The acquisition takes place in a period during which Pon Holdings is being negatively perceived in the news;…
Monday, 15 January 2018 -
Er zijn 52 redenen waarom we fraude plegen; dit zijn de 25 meest voorkomende
Fraudsters are usually not seasoned criminals, but normal people with a moral compass under heavy financial pressure. Dr. Muel Kaptein of RSM researched what makes people like us turn to fraud. He found 52 causes of fraud, with…
Tuesday, 9 January 2018 -
Topadviseurs hielpen Pon ontsnappen aan de rechter
Six (former) civil servants stand in court on Tuesday, charged for bribery by the car industry in exchange for information. The car companies go free - partly thanks to three advisors - one of them being Muel Kaptein, Professor of…
Friday, 1 December 2017 -
De markt op met het goede doel
Every person who buys a bar of chocolate from the Tony's Chocolonely brand supports a cocoa farmer in Africa. Gezinsenergie holds collections for a development project in Malawi. And SamSam, also an energy provider, wants to…
Monday, 30 October 2017 -
Symposium commissarissen en internal auditors: nog veel te winnen aan vertrouwen
The internal auditor must dare to speak up, even if a commissioner does not request it. That was one of the statements at a Commissioners Symposium on 9 October 2017, organized by IIA The Netherlands in collaboration with the NBA…
Friday, 13 October 2017 -
Wat laten ondernemers zien op de werkvloer?
An opinion piece on how - and whether - religious values should be incorporated into the workplace. According to a VNO-NCW working group in 2016, our society needs ethical leadership. RSM's Muel Kaptein was one of the contributors…
Saturday, 23 September 2017 -
Zo meet je de zachte waarden van je bedrijfsresultaat
Terms such as integrity, transparency and security are becoming increasingly important for companies. But how do you measure those soft values? Muel Kaptein has developed a method using eight soft controls that can be used. …
Thursday, 27 July 2017 -
14 Psychological Forces That Make Good People Do Bad Things
Dr. Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, has studied bad behavior for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good…
Thursday, 27 April 2017 -
Verliefd op je collega
One in three employees says to have had a romantic relationship with one of their colleagues, but is this ethical? Muel Kaptein conducted research on codes of conduct in major companies, and 70% had a passage regarding conflict of…
Wednesday, 22 March 2017 -
14 psychological reasons because good people do bad things
Dr. Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, has studied bad behavior for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good…
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 -
13 more psychological reasons why good people do bad things
Dr. Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, has studied bad behavior for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good…
Tuesday, 20 December 2016 -
Herziene Corporate Governance Code met focus op cultuur: ‘Dat is bepalend voor succes, en falen, van een organisatie’
Chairman Jaap van Manen wrote the revised Corporate Governance Code last week. Previously, the focus was on the remuneration of directors and auditors. However, now, "The development is one in which culture determines the success…
Friday, 16 December 2016 -
14 psychological reasons why good people do bad things
Dr. Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, has studied bad behavior for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good…
Friday, 16 December 2016 -
11 psychological reasons why good people do bad things
Dr. Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, has studied bad behavior for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good…
Friday, 16 December 2016 -
‘De Code schrijft niet voor wat de gewenste cultuur is, dat wordt overgelaten aan het bestuur zelf’
Chairman Jaap van Manen wrote the revised Corporate Governance Code last week. Previously, the focus was on the remuneration of directors and auditors. However, now, "The development is one in which culture determines the success…
Thursday, 15 December 2016 -
13 Powerful Psychological Forces That Make You Do Bad Things
Dr. Muel Kaptein, Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, has studied bad behavior for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good…
Wednesday, 14 December 2016 -
‘Zonder aandacht verschrompelt integriteit’
The Dutch companies can not expect that integrity just comes naturally in their organization. According to Professor Muel Kaptein, a thorough analysis is urgently needed to achieve a real breakthrough. …
Wednesday, 30 November 2016 -
Waarom goede mensen soms de verkeerde dingen doen
Dr. Muel Kaptein, has studied bad behavior for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good people to do bad things. What follows are 14 of Dr. Kaptein’s most compelling findings into how…
Saturday, 3 September 2016 -
Stapelverliefd op een collega
One in three employees says to have had a romantic relationship with one of their colleagues, but is this ethical? Muel Kaptein conducted research on codes of conduct in major companies, and 70% had a passage regarding conflict of…
Monday, 4 July 2016 -
Stapelverliefd op een collega
One in three employees says to have had a romantic relationship with one of their colleagues, but is this ethical? Muel Kaptein conducted research on codes of conduct in major companies, and 70% had a passage regarding conflict of…
Monday, 4 July 2016 -
Verliefd op je collega
One in three employees says to have had a romantic relationship with one of their colleagues, but is this ethical? Muel Kaptein conducted research on codes of conduct in major companies, and 70% had a passage regarding conflict of…
Wednesday, 22 June 2016 -
Een romance met je collega, mag dat wel?
One in three employees says to have had a romantic relationship with one of their colleagues, but is this ethical? Muel Kaptein conducted research on codes of conduct in major companies, and 70% had a passage regarding conflict of…
Tuesday, 21 June 2016 -
NITEC, Digitization & ‘Servants of The People’
Muel Kaptein offers insight and practical assistance for officials in the public sector in his book “The Servant of the People: the power of integrity in politics and government”. He claims there is great power in integrity for…
Thursday, 9 June 2016 -
It's not your fault 14 psychological forces that push you to go wrong
Dr. Muel Kaptein, has studied bad behavior for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good people to do bad things. What follows are 14 of Dr. Kaptein’s most compelling findings into how…
Sunday, 22 May 2016 -
14 Psychological Forces That Make Good People Do Bad Things
Dr. Muel Kaptein, has studied bad behavior for decades. A study he recently published sheds considerable light on what motivates good people to do bad things. What follows are 14 of Dr. Kaptein’s most compelling findings into how…
Monday, 16 May 2016 -
Dank voor uw interesse in de journalistieke producties van MENA.NL. © 2016 MENA.NL ---- Hoogleraar Muel Kaptein van KPMG over hoe een sector zijn integriteit kan verbeteren
An interview with Muel Kaptein regarding the exact meaning of integrity in the workplace, where things go wrong and what we can do about it.
Monday, 2 May 2016 -
'We zijn doorgeslagen in het managen van ethiek'
In an interview with Muel Kaptein, he gives us an insight in the current affairs of ethics in business, based of years of research.
Sunday, 1 May 2016 -
Gefahr der Gier: Was Betrug begünstigt
Here 14 of Dr. Kaptein’s most compelling findings into how the mind tricks good people into losing their moral compass and going astray are presented.
Sunday, 17 April 2016 -
Powerful Psychological Forces That Make Good People Do Bad Things
Here 14 of Dr. Kaptein’s most compelling findings into how the mind tricks good people into losing their moral compass and going astray are presented.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016 -
Powerful Psychological Forces That Make Good People Do Bad Things
Here 14 of Dr. Kaptein’s most compelling findings into how the mind tricks good people into losing their moral compass and going astray are presented.
Sunday, 27 March 2016 -
Hoogleraar: Integriteit van Alexander Pechtold 'ernstig geschaad' door privéjet-gate
Alexander Pechtold's business trip with a private jet to the Ukraine harms the integrity of the Netherlands, politics, the D66 and Alexander Pechtold personally, according to Muel Kaptein.
Thursday, 17 March 2016 -
Toedeledokie. Einde carriere Alexander Pechtold
Alexander Pechtold's business trip with a private jet to the Ukraine harms the integrity of the Netherlands, politics, the D66 and Alexander Pechtold personally, according to Muel Kaptein.
Thursday, 17 March 2016 -
Persuitnodiging Ethiek conferentie VNO-NCW en MKB-Nederland
The VNO-NCW and MKB-Netherlands Conference 'The gain of leadership in ethics' will take place on the 22nd of March. Muel Kaptein, will discuss the gain of ethics for entrepreneurs and what the do's & don'ts are. …
Wednesday, 16 March 2016 -
Private equity in debat bij KPMG op NVP en M&A Lentebijeenkomst
On the 9th of March, during the M&A and NVP spring drinks, speakers will debate on the changes in private equity. One of the speakers is professor Muel Kaptein.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016 -
Leiderschap in ethiek levert pure winst op
Eppy Boschma and Muel Kaptein wrote the book ‘Leiderschap in ethiek. Inspiratie voor een baanbrekende ethiek voor bedrijven’ (Leadership in ethics. Inspiration for a groundbreaking ethics for companies). Here a small insight is…
Tuesday, 23 February 2016 -
Bedrijfsleven: Werk maken van ethiek loont
Muel Kaptein co-wrote the book ‘Leiderschap in ethiek. Inspiratie voor een baanbrekende ethiek voor bedrijven’ (Leadership in ethics. Inspiration for a groundbreaking ethics for companies). Here a small insight is provided on the…
Monday, 22 February 2016 -
Leiderschap in ethiek levert pure winst op
Eppy Boschma and Muel Kaptein wrote the book ‘Leiderschap in ethiek. Inspiratie voor een baanbrekende ethiek voor bedrijven’ (Leadership in ethics. Inspiration for a groundbreaking ethics for companies). Here a small insight is…
Monday, 22 February 2016 -
Hoogleraar: Integriteit van Alexander Pechtold 'ernstig geschaad' door privéjet-gate
Alexander Pechtold's business trip with a private jet to the Ukraine harms the integrity of the Netherlands, politics, the D66 and Alexander Pechtold personally, according to Muel Kaptein.
Featured on RSM Discovery
Explore how professors Mijntje Lückerath and Muel Kaptein are revolutionising boardroom ethics through groundbreaking research, a PhD program, and practical toolbox development for ethical decision-making.
How can we learn from our response to the pandemic to become a more resilient society? This magazine describes business developments and organisational forms that can be beneficial.