Prof. dr. W.M. (Martin) de Jong is Scientific Director of the Erasmus Initiative 'Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity', one of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) flagship research initiatives. It was jointly established by Erasmus School of Law (ESL), Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) and Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil) and aims to gain knowledge on the inclusion of weak or less-well represented stakeholders in governance and management. It also has an agenda setting role in the broader societal and political debate on this topic.
Along with the above position he is professor at both ESL and RSM (each for 50% of his time) and has a part-time professor position at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA) of Fudan University in Shanghai. Given his 25 year international experience in research, education and entrepreneurship on public policy, decision making, urban studies, infrastructure development and cross-cultural management, it is his goal to make the initiative both locally relevant through knowledge dissemination in the Randstad Area and to give it strong global exposure by establishing partnerships in a number of leading universities around the world.
Martin de Jong (born 1970 in Vlaardingen, married, three children) has obtained his master’s degree in Public Administration from Erasmus University Rotterdam and Leiden University (joint degree) in 1993. He obtained his PhD degree in Systems Engineering and Policy Analysis from Delft University of Technology in 1999. He spent 25 years of his working life at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Delft University of Technology and climbed the ranks there from PhD student to Antoni van Leeuwenhoek research professor in ‘urban and infrastructure development in China’. In this period he has also worked or been a visiting scholar at University of Amsterdam, George Mason University, Aalto University, Harbin Institute of Technology and Dalian University of Technology. He has been an advisor to the Second Chamber of Dutch Parliament, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Dutch national gas enterprise, Eurocities, the Nordic Road Federation, the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communication, the Chinese cities of Shenzhen (Guangdong province) and Jingmen (Hubei province) and a host of other organisations.
During his career, Martin de Jong has specialized in the following topics: policy and governance, planning and decision-making in China, transport infrastructures, sustainable urban development, city branding, Corporate Social Responsibility and cross-cultural management.
Article (201)
Academic (193)
Zisopoulos, F. K., Fath, B. D., de Oliveira, B. M., Toboso-Chavero, S., D'Assenza-David, H., de Souza, V. M., Huang, H., Scrieciu, Ş., Clark, O. G., Noll, D., Singh, S., Stefanakis, A., Boyd, G., Schraven, D., & de Jong, M. (2025). Towards an ecological metaphor for regenerative circular economies. Ecological Economics, 231, Article 108545.
Dong, Y., de Jong, M., Wang, J., & Yu, N. (2025). The asymmetric impacts of governmental grant funding and block funding on research quality in Chinese universities. International Journal of Educational Research, 130, Article 102552. Advance online publication.
Zisopoulos, F. K., Fath, B. D., Tong, X., & de Jong, M. (2025). Network properties of the global waste trade. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 25, Article 100550.
Zisopoulos, F. K., Fath, B., Toboso Chavero, S., Huang, H., Schraven, D., Steuer, B., Stefanakis, A., Clark, O. G., Scrieciu, S., Singh, S. J., Noll, D., & de Jong, M. (2025). Inequities blocking the path to circular economies: A bio-inspired network-based approach for assessing the sustainability of the global trade of waste metals. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 212, Article 107958.
Noori, N., de Jong, M., Joss, S., & Ranjbar-Sahraei, B. (2024). Smart city modeling: a social network analysis approach. Global Public Policy and Governance, 4(4), 420-446. Article 123299.
Liu, X., Schraven, D., Ma, W., de Jong, M., & Hertogh, M. (2024). Achieving a framework of the circular economy in urban transport infrastructure projects: a meso-scale perspective. Frontiers in Sustainability, 5, Article 1475155.
Zhao, R., Edelenbos, J., & de Jong, M. (2024). Between branding and being: how are inclusive city branding and inclusive city practices related? Journal of Place Management and Development, 18(1), 20-39.
Zhu, J., Gianoli, A., Noori, N., de Jong, M., & Edelenbos, J. (2024). How different can smart cities be? A typology of smart cities in China. Cities, 149, Article 104992.
Sha, K., Taeihagh, A., & De Jong, M. (2024). Governing disruptive technologies for inclusive development in cities: A systematic literature review. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 203, Article 123382.
De Jong, M., Joss, S., & Taeihagh, A. (2024). Smart city development as spatial manifestations of 21st century capitalism. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 202, Article 123299.
Xu, C., Huo, X., Hong, Y., Yu, C., de Jong, M., & Cheng, B. (2024). How urban greening policy affects urban ecological resilience: Quasi-natural experimental evidence from three megacity clusters in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 452, Article 142233.
Yu, N., Dong, Y., de Jong, M., & Yue, J. (2024). How do new university presidents affect research performance? Measuring the impact of pervious career paths in China. Research Policy, 53(2), Article 104946.
Zhu, B., Guo, J., de Jong, M., Liu, Y., Zhao, E., & Jing, G. (2024). Predicting city branding choices made by Chinese metropolitan cities: examining the impact of geographic context and national plans. Journal of Place Management and Development, 17(3), 295-324.
Song, Y., de Jong, M., Yang, W., Wang, B., & Stead, D. (2024). Dreaming the wrong dream: An exploratory case study of a policy change toward sustainable urban development in a medium-sized Chinese city. Journal of Urban Affairs, 46(2), 252-266.
Zhao, R., de Jong, M., & Edelenbos, J. (2023). Will the true inclusive city rise? Mapping the strengths and weaknesses of the city ranking systems. Cities, 143, Article 104617.
Song, Y., de Jong, M., Stead, D., & Liu, Z. (2023). Developing Xiong’an New Area: A new regime for space production in China’s national technopole? Global Public Policy and Governance, 3(3), 292-308. Advance online publication.
Liu, Z., Schraven, D., de Jong, M., & Hertogh, M. (2023). Unlocking system transitions for municipal solid waste infrastructure: A model for mapping interdependencies in a local context. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 198, Article 107180.
Wang, B., de Jong, M., van Bueren, E., Ersoy, A., & Meng, Y. (2023). Transit-Oriented Development in China: A Comparative Content Analysis of the Spatial Plans of High-Speed Railway Station Areas. Land, 12(9), Article 1818.
Zisopoulos, F. K., Noll, D., SIngh, S., Schraven, D., de Jong, M., Fath, B., Goerner, S., Webster, K., Fiscus, D., & Ulanowicz, R. (2023). Regenerative economics at the service of islands: Assessing the socio-economic metabolism of Samothraki in Greece. Journal of Cleaner Production, 408(137136), Article 137136.
Ma, W., de Jong, M., Zisopoulos, F. K., & Hoppe, T. (2023). Introducing a classification framework to urban waste policy: Analysis of sixteen zero-waste cities in China. Waste Management, 165, 94-107.
Alsayel, A., Fransen, J., & de Jong, M. (2023). City branding in a multi-level governance context: comparing branding performance across five institutional models for urban development in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Place Management and Development, 16(2), 267-290.
Noori, N., Hoppe, T., De Jong, M., & Stamhuis, E. (2023). Transplanting good practices in Smart City development: A step-wise approach. Government Information Quarterly, 40(2), Article 101802.
Lu, H., Braun, E., de Jong, M., Song, Y., & Zhao, M. (2023). ‘Thin’ Regional Identities: Economic Instrumentality or Pathway to Thickness? The Case of the Pearl River Delta. Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 114(2), 94-116.
Pazienza, M., de Jong, M., & Schoenmaker, D. (2023). Why Corporate Sustainability Is Not Yet Measured. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(7), Article 6275.
Tong, X., Yu, H., Han, L., Liu, T., Dong, L., Zisopoulos, F. K., Steuer, B., & de Jong, M. (2023). Exploring business models for carbon emission reduction via post-consumer recycling infrastructures in Beijing: An agent-based modelling approach. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 188(106666), Article 106666.
Liu, Z., Schraven, D., de Jong, M., & Hertogh, M. (2023). The societal strength of transition: A critical review of the circular economy through the lens of inclusion. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 30(7), 826-849.
Zisopoulos, F. K., Teigiserova, D. A., Schraven, D., de Jong, M., Tong, X., & Ulanowicz, R. E. (2022). Are there limits to robustness? Exploring tools from regenerative economics for a balanced transition towards a circular EU27. Cleaner Production Letters, 3(100014), Article 100014.
Yu, N., Dong, Y., & de Jong, M. (2022). A helping hand from the government? How public research funding affects academic output in less-prestigious universities in China. Research Policy, 51(10), Article 104591.
Wang, B., de Jong, M., van Bueren, E., Ersoy, A., & Song, Y. (2022). Planning and developing a high-speed railway new town under state entrepreneurialism in China. Urban Geography, 45(2), 115-136.
Ma, W., Hoppe, T., & de Jong, M. (2022). Policy Accumulation in China: A Longitudinal Analysis of Circular Economy Initiatives. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 34, 490-504.
Alsayel, A., de Jong, M., & Fransen, J. (2022). Can creative cities be inclusive too? How do Dubai, Amsterdam and Toronto navigate the tensions between creativity and inclusiveness in their adoption of city brands and policy initiatives? Cities, 128, Article 103786.
de Jong, M., & Lu, H. (2022). City branding, regional identity and public space: What historical and cultural symbols in urban architecture reveal. Global Public Policy and Governance, 2(2), 203-231.
Pazienza, M., de Jong, M., & Schoenmaker, D. (2022). Clarifying the Concept of Corporate Sustainability and Providing Convergence for Its Definition. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(13), Article 7838.
Joss, S., Schraven, D., & de Jong, WM. (2022). Bibliometric dataset (1990–2019) concerning 35 city labels dealing with sustainable urbanism. Data in Brief, 41, Article 107966.
Zisopoulos, F. K., Schraven, D. F. J., & de Jong, WM. (2022). How robust is the circular economy in Europe? An ascendency analysis with Eurostat data between 2010 and 2018. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 178, Article 106032.
Liang, D., De Jong, M., Schraven, D., & Wang, L. (2022). Mapping key features and dimensions of the inclusive city: A systematic bibliometric analysis and literature study. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 29(1), 60-79.
Wang, B., Ersoy, A., van Bueren, E., & de Jong, M. (2022). Rules for the Governance of Transport and Land use Integration in High-speed Railway Station Areas in China: The Case of Lanzhou. Urban Policy and Research, 40(2), 122-141.
Schraven, D., Joss, S., & de Jong, WM. (2021). Past, present, future: Engagement with sustainable urban development through 35 city labels in the scientific literature 1990–2019. Journal of Cleaner Production, 292, Article 125924.
Ma, W., de Jong, WM., de Bruijne, M., & Mu, R. (2021). Mix and match: Configuring different types of policy instruments to develop successful low carbon cities in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 282, Article 125399.
Wäckerlin, N., Hoppe, T., Warnier, M., & de Jong, WM. (2020). Comparing city image and brand identity in polycentric regions using network analysis. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 16(1), 80-96.,
Ma, X., de Jong, M., Sun, B., & Bao, X. (2020). Nouveauté or Cliché? Assessment on island ecological vulnerability to Tourism: Application to Zhoushan, China. Ecological Indicators, 113(103), 1-18. Article 106247.
Stout, H., & Jong, M. (2020). Exploring the impact of government regulation on technological transitions: a historical perspective of innovation in the Dutch network-based industries. Laws, 9(2), 1-21. Article 11.
Lu, H., Jong, M., Yun, S., & Zhao, M. (2020). The multi-level governance of formulating regional brand identities: Evidence from three Mega City Regions in China. Cities, 2020(100), 1-18. Article 102668.
Liu, Z., Jong, M., Li, F., Brand, N., Hertogh, M., & Dong, L. (2020). Towards Developing a New Model for Inclusive Cities in China—The Case of Xiong’an New Area. Sustainability, 12(15), 1-25. Article 6195.
Mora, L., Deakin, M., Zhang, X., Batty, M., Jong, M., Santi, P., & Appio, FP. (2020). Assembling Sustainable Smart City Transitions: An Interdisciplinary Theoretical Perspective. Journal of Urban Technology, 28(1-2), 1-27.
Song, Y., Stead, D., & Jong, M. (2020). New Town Development and Sustainable Transition under Urban Entrepreneurialism in China. Sustainability, 12(12), 1-20. Article 5179.
Yang, W., Veeneman, W., Jong, M., & Song, Y. (2020). Integrated transport management: Lessons from a Chinese city, Research in Transportation Economics. Research in Transportation Economics, 2020(83), 1-9. Article 100918.
Noori, N., Hoppe, T., & Jong, M. (2020). Classifying Pathways for Smart City Development: Comparing Design, Governance and Implementation in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi. Sustainability, 12(10), 1-24. Article 4030.
Ma, W., Jong, M., de Bruijne, M., & Schraven, D. (2020). Economic city branding and stakeholder involvement in China: Attempt of a medium-sized city to trigger industrial transformation. Cities, 2020(105), 1-18. Article 102754.
Zhao, M., Xu, G., Jong, M., Li, X., & Zhang, P. (2020). Examining the Density and Diversity of Human Activity in the Built Environment: The Case of the Pearl River Delta, China. Sustainability, 12(9), 1-21. Article 3700.
Noori, N., Jong, M., Janssen, M., Schraven, D., & Hoppe, T. (2020). Input-output modeling for smart city development. Journal of Urban Technology, 27(3), 1-22.
Noori, N., Jong, M., & Hoppe, T. (2020). Towards an integrated framework to measure smart city readiness: the case of Iranian cities. Smart Cities, 3(3), 676-704.
Li, Y., Taeihagh, A., Jong, M., & Klinke, A. (2020). Toward a Commonly Shared Public Policy Perspective for Analyzing Risk Coping Strategies. Risk Analysis, 41(3), 519-532.
Sun, B., Ma, X., Bao, X., & Jong, M. (2020). Mapping Island Ecological Vulnerability to Urbanization: A Study of Twelve Island Counties/Districts, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 95(1), 83-87.
Han, M., de Jong, WM., & Jiang, M. (2019). City branding and industrial transformation from manufacturing to services: Which pathways do cities in Central China follow? Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(21), Article 5992.
de Jong, WM. (2019). From Eco-Civilization to City Branding: A neo-marxist perspective of sustainable urbanization in China. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(20), Article 5608.
Gao, N., Li, F., Zeng, H., van Bilsen, D., & de Jong, WM. (2019). Can more accurate night-time remote sensing data simulate a more detailed population distribution? Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(16), Article 4488.
Liu, X., Schraven, D., de Bruijne, M., de Jong, WM., & Hertogh, MJCM. (2019). Navigating transitions for sustainable infrastructures: The case of a new high-speed railway station in Jingmen, China. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(15), Article 4197.
Ma, W., Schraven, D., de Bruijne, M., de Jong, WM., & Lu, H. (2019). Tracing the origins of place branding research: A bibliometric study of concepts in use (1980-2018). Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(11), Article 2999.
Sun, B., Ma, X., de Jong, WM., & Bao, X. (2019). Assessment on island ecological vulnerability to urbanization: A tale of Chongming Island, China. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(9), Article 2536.
de Jong, WM., Hoppe, T., & Noori, N. (2019). City Branding, Sustainable Urban Development and the Rentier State. How Do Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Dubai Present Themselves in the Age of Post Oil and Global Warming? Energies, 12(9), Article 1657.
Lu, H., & Jong, M. (2019). Evolution of city branding 2000-2017 in the PRD. Cities, 2019(89), 154-166.
Raven, R., Sengers, F., Spaeth, P., Xie, L., Cheshmehzangi, A., & Jong, M. (2019). Urban experimentation and institutional arrangements. European Planning Studies, 27(2), 258-281.
Li, Y., Taeihagh, A., & Jong, M. (2018). The Governance of Risks in Ridesharing: A Revelatory Case from Singapore. Energies, 11(5), 1-21. Article 1277.
Xiong, L., Jong, M., Wang, F., Cheng, B., & Yu, C. (2018). Spatial spillover effects of environmental pollution in China's Central Plains Urban Agglomeration. Sustainability, 2018(10), 1-15. Article 994.
Rui, M., & Jong, M. (2018). A Tale of Two Chinese Transit Metropolises and the Implementation of Their Policies: Shenyang and Dalian (Liaoning Province, China). Energies, 11(3), 1-18. Article 481.
Zhan, C., & Jong, M. (2018). Financing eco cities and low carbon cities: The case of Shenzhen International Low Carbon City. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018(180), 116-125.
Han, M., Jong, M., Cui, Z., Xu, L., Lu, H., & Sun, B. (2018). City branding in China's Northeastern region: How do cities reposition themselves when facing industrial decline and ecological modernization? Sustainability, 10(1), 1-25. Article 102.
Xin, M., Jong, M., & den Hartog, H. (2018). An eco-island under the smoke of Shanghai; Assessing China’s policy to turn Chongming into a world-class example of sustainable urbanization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018(172), 872-886.
den Hartog, H., Sengers, F., Xie, L., & Jong, M. (2018). Three smart eco city projects in Shanghai. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018(181), 692-702.
Yu, N., Yu, T., Hong, T., & Jong, M. (2018). Causal Linkage between Road Infrastructure and Manufacturing Agglomeration in Northeast China. International Journal of Transport Economics, 45(2), 323-342.
Jong, M., Chen, Y., Joss, S., Lu, H., Zhao, M., & Yang, Q. (2018). City branding in three Chinese mega-city regions: The role of ecological modernization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018(179), 527-543.
Zhan, C., Jong, M., & de Bruijn, H. (2018). Comparative case study in financing eco cities. Sustainability, 10(11), 1-16. Article 4256.
Lu, H., Jong, M., & ten Heuvelhof, EF. (2018). Explaining the variety in smart eco city development in China-What policy network theory can teach us about overcoming barriers in implementation? Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018(196), 135-149.
Noori, N., & Jong, M. (2018). Towards Credible City Branding Practices: How Do Iran’s Largest Cities Face Ecological Modernization? Sustainability, 10(5), 1-16. Article 1354.
Yang, Q., Scoglio, C., Gruenbacher, D., Lu, H., & Jong, M. (2018). A network-based approach to model the development of city branding in China. Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 2018(73), 176-161.
Wei, Y., Veeneman, W., & Jong, M. (2018). Transport Demand Management Policy Integration in Chinese Cities: A Proposed Analysis of Its Effects. Energies, 11(5), 1-22. Article 1126.
Rui, M., & Jong, M. (2018). The Psychology of Local Officials: Explaining Strategic Behavior in the Chinese Target Responsibility System. Journal of Chinese Governance, 3(2), 243-260.
Jong, M., Stout, H., & Sun, L. (2017). Seeing the People’s Republic of China through the Eyes of Montesquieu: Why Sino-European Collaboration on Eco City Development Suffers from European Misinterpretations of “Good Governance”. Sustainability, 9(2), 1-14. Article 151.
Jong, M., & Warmelink, H. (2017). OASISTAN: an intercultural simulation game to understand and apply cultural dimensions. Simulation & Gaming, 48(2), 178-198.
Lin, Y., & Jong, M. (2017). Moving Up the Hierarchy in a Township; An Analysis of the Impact of Real and Fictive Kinship Capital on Career Advancement through Social Networks. Journal of Contemporary China, 26(103), 134-150.
Mukhtarov, F., Jong, M., & Pierce, R. (2017). Political and ethical aspects in the ethnography of policy translation: Research experiences from Turkey and China. Environment and Planning A: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 49(3), 612-630.
Zhan, C., & Jong, M. (2017). Financing Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City: What lessons can be drawn for other large-scale sustainable city-projects? Sustainability, 9(2), 1-17. Article 201.
Zhan, C., Jong, M., & de Bruijn, H. (2017). Article on PPP for urban development in China and the evolution of financial relation for urban development in China. Journal of Urban Technology, 24(4), 73-93.
Lu, H., Jong, M., & Chen, Y. (2017). City branding as a policy instrument; How municipalities in the Greater Pearl River Delta promote themselves as green cities in a multi-level governance context. Sustainability, 9(4), 1-24. Article 496.
Li, H., & Jong, M. (2017). Public participation in eco city projects in Suzhou, in: Journal of Cleaner Production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017(162), 1085-1094.
Xiong, L., Yu, C., Jong, M., Wang, F., & Cheng, B. (2017). Economic Transformation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region: Is It Undergoing the Environmental Kuznets Curve? Sustainability, 9(5), 1-15. Article 869.
Liu, L., Wu, T., Li, S., Jong, M., & Sun, Y. (2017). The drivers of local environmental policy in China: An analysis of Shenzhen’s environmental performance management system, 2007–2015. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017(165), 656-666.
Liu, L., & Jong, M. (2017). The institutional causes of environmental protests in China: a perspective from common pool resource management. Journal of Chinese Governance, 2(4), 460-477.
Yu, N., de Roo, G., Jong, M., & Storm, S. (2016). Does the expansion of a motorway network lead to economic agglomeration? Evidence from China. Transport Policy, 2016(45), 218-227.
Mu, R., Mouter, N., & Jong, M. (2016). Strategic Use of Analytical Information in Transport Planning in China: How Is It Different from Western Democracies? Journal of Urban Technology, 23(2), 3-22.
Jong, M., Yu, C., Joss, S., Yu, L., Wennersten, R., Zhang, X., & Ma, X. (2016). Eco city development in China: Addressing the implementation challenge. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016(134), 31-41.
Mu, R., & Jong, M. (2016). A Network Governance Approach to Transport-Land Use Integration in Transit-Oriented Development: Evidence from Urumqi, China. Transport Policy, 2016(52), 55-63.
Li, Y., Zhan, C., Jong, M., & Lukszo, Z. (2016). Business innovation and government regulation for the promotion of electric vehicle use: lessons from Shenzhen. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016(134), 371-383.
Goess, S., Jong, M., & Meijers, E. (2016). City branding in polycentric urban regions: identification, profiling and transformation in the Randstad and Rhine-Ruhr. European Planning Studies, 24(11), 2036-2056.
Liu, L., Jong, M., & Huang, Y. (2016). Assessing the administrative practice of environmental protection performance evaluation in China: the case of Shenzhen. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016(134), 51-60.
Yu, C., Jong, M., & Cheng, B. (2016). Getting depleted resource-based cities back on their feet again–the example of Yichun in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016(134), 42-50.
Vergragt, P., Dendler, L., Jong, M., & Matus, K. (2016). Transitions to sustainable consumption and production in cities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016(134), 1-12.
Wennersten, R., Sun, Q., & Jong, M. (2016). How can the Gradual Development of More Sustainable Energy Systems Be Integrated in Urban Planning in China? Energy Procedia, 2016(88), 23-30.
Goess, S., van Bueren, E., & Jong, M. (2016). De slag om duurzaamheid in de polycentrische regio’s Randstad en Rijn-Roergebied. Bestuurswetenschappen, 2016(3), 1-10.
Mu, R., Jong, M., Ma, Y., & Xi, B. (2015). Trading Off Public Values in High-Speed Rail Development in China. Journal of Transport Geography, 2015(43), 66-77.
Nugroho, RP., Zuiderwijk, A., Janssen, M., & Jong, M. (2015). A comparison of national open data policies: lessons learned. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 9(3), 286-308.
Kaasenbrood, M., Zuiderwijk, A., Janssen, M., Jong, M., & Bharosa, N. (2015). Exploring the Factors Influencing the Adoption of Open Government Data by Private Organisations. International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, 2(2), 75-92.
Jong, M., Joss, S., Schraven, D., Zhan, C., & Hartensveld, M. (2015). Zijn eco-steden ook slim? En zijn slimme steden ook eco? Bestuurskunde, 24(1), 49-62.
Jong, M., Joss, S., Schraven, D., Zhan, C., & Hartensveld, M. (2015). Sustainable-Smart-Resilient-Low Carbon-Eco-Knowledge Cities; Making sense of a multitude of concepts promoting sustainable urbanization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015(109), 25-38.
Goess, S., Jong, M., & Ravesteijn, W. (2015). What makes renewable energy successful in China? Energy Policy, 2015(86), 684-696.
Yu, C., Dijkema, G., Jong, M., & Shi, H. (2015). From an eco-industrial park towards an eco-city: a case study in Suzhou, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015(102), 264-274.
Yu, C., Dijkema, G., & Jong, M. (2015). What makes eco-transformation of industrial parks take off in China? Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(3), 441-456.
Zhang, X., Skitmore, M., Jong, M., Huisingh, D., & Gray, M. (2015). Regenerative sustainability for the built environment–from vision to reality: an introductory chapter. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015(109), 1-10.
Yu, N., Yu, B., Jong, M., & Storm, S. (2015). Does Educational Inequality Matter for China's Economic Growth? International Journal of Educational Development, 41(C), 164-173.
Bie, J., Jong, M., & Derudder, B. (2015). Greater Pearl River Delta: Historical evolution towards a global city-region. Journal of Urban Technology, 22(2), 103-123.
Maleki, A., & Jong, M. (2014). A Proposal for Clustering the Dimensions of National Culture. Cross-Cultural Research, 48(2), 107-143.
Yu, C., Jong, M., & Dijkema, G. (2014). A process analysis of eco-industrial park development – the case of Tianjin. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014(64), 464-477.
Jong, M. (2014). The Stakeholder Analysis; Viable and Unviable Options for 798. Urban Education, 2014(September/October), 99-105.
Jong, M., Yu, C., Chen, X., Wang, D., & Hartensveld, M. (2013). Developing robust organizational frameworks for Sino-foreign eco-cities: Comparing Sino-Dutch Shenzhen Low Carbon City with other initiatives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013(57), 209-220.
Jong, M. (2013). Op zoek naar de relevantie van het eco-stad concept in China. Bestuurswetenschappen, 2013(1), 40-52.
Yu, N., Jong, M., Storm, S., & Mi, J. (2013). Spatial spillover effects of transport infrastructure: evidence from Chinese regions, Journal of Transport Geography, 2013(28), 56-66.
Jong, M., Wang, D., & Yu, C. (2013). Exploring the relevance of the eco-city concept in China: the Case of Shenzhen Sino-Dutch Low Carbon City. Journal of Urban Technology, 20(1), 95-113.
Jong, M. (2013). China’s Art of institutional bricolage; how selectiveness in adopting policy transplants benefits a receiving nation. Policy & Society, 32(2), 89-101.
Vaidyanathan, V., King, R., & Jong, M. (2013). Understanding urban transportation in India as a polycentric system. Policy & Society, 32(2), 175-185.
Yu, N., Jong, M., Storm, S., & Mi, J. (2012). Transport infrastructure, spatial clusters and regional economic growth in China. Transport Reviews, 32(1), 3-28.
Mu, R., & Jong, M. (2012). Establishing the conditions for effective transit-oriented development in China: the case of Dalian. Journal of Transport Geography, 24(September), 234-249.
Rui, M., & Jong, M. (2012). Introduction to the issue: The state of the transport infrastructures in China. Policy & Society, 31(1), 1-12.
Jong, M. (2012). The pros and cons of Confucian values in transport infrastructure development in China. Policy & Society, 31(1), 13-24.
Yu, N., Jong, M., Storm, S., & Mi, J. (2012). The growth impact of transport infrastructure investment: A regional analysis for China. Policy & Society, 31(1), 25-38.
Mu, R., Jong, M., Yu, B., & Yang, Z. (2012). The future of the modal split in China's greenest city: Assessing options for integrating Dalian's fragmented public transport system. Policy & Society, 31(1), 51-71.
Groenleer, M., Jiang, T., Jong, M., & de Bruijn, H. (2012). Applying Western decision-making theory to the study of transport infrastructure development in China: The case of the Harbin metro. Policy & Society, 31(1), 73-85.
Jong, M., & Hartensveld, M. (2012). Ecosteden in China: droom of werkelijkheid? Rooilijn, 45(1), 52-59.
Jong, M., & Yu, C. (2012). The influence of Confucian throughts upon China’s infrastructural construction. Xueshu Jiaoliu (Academic Exchange), 224(11), 39-44.
Geerlings, H., & Jong, M. (2011). Exposing weaknesses in interactive planning: the remarkable return of comprehensive policy analysis in the Netherlands. Impact Assessment & Project Appraisal, 21(4), 281-302.
Mu, R., Jong, M., & Koppenjan, J. (2011). The rise and fall of Public-Private Partnerships in China: a path-dependent approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 19, 794-806.
Michael, C., Jong, M., & Ryan, N. (2011). Public Values in Western Europe: A Temporal Perspective. American Review of Public Administration, 41(1), 75-91.
Mu, R., Jong, M., & Koppenjan, J. (2011). The rise and fall of public-private partnership in China: a path-dependent approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 2011(19), 794-806.
Mu, R., & Jong, M. (2011). The Application of Public-Private Partnership Mode in China’s Metro Project. Urban Wisdom, advancing with China, 2011(44), 46-48.
Bax, C. H., De Jong, M., & Koppenjan, J. (2010). Implementing evidence-based policy in a network setting: Road safety policy in The Netherlands. Public Administration, 88(3), 871-884.
Jong, M., Mu, R., Stead, D., Ma, Y., & Xi, B. (2010). Introducing public-private partnerships for subways in China; What’s the evidence? Journal of Transport Geography, 18(2), 301-313.
Levy, D., Brown, H., & Jong, M. (2010). The Contested Politics of Corporate Governance: The Case of the Global Reporting Initiative. Business and Society, 49(1), 88-115.
Mu, R., Jong, M., & ten Heuvelhof, E. (2010). Public-Private Partnerships and the Management of Expressways in China: An Agency Theory Approach. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research (Print), 10(1), 42-62.
Zheng, H., Jong, M., & Koppenjan, J. (2010). Applying policy network theory to policy-making in China: The Case of the Urban Health Insurance Reform. Public Administration, 88(2), 398-417.
Bax, C., Jong, M., & Koppenjan, J. (2010). Managing the implementation of an evidence-based policy in a network-setting. The implications of a shifting policy context for Dutch Road Safety Policy. Public Administration, 88(3), 871-884.
Stoter, S., Stout, H., & Jong, M. (2009). Het legaliteitsbeginsel in mondiaal perspectief. Mind your step! Bestuurswetenschappen, 63(5), 16-28.
Brown, H., Jong, M., & Levy, D. (2009). Building Institutions Based on Information Disclosure: Lessons from GRI’s Sustainability Reporting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17(4), 571-580.
Jong, M. (2009). Rose’s 10 steps: why process messiness, history and culture are not vague and banal. Policy & Politics, 37(1), 145-150.
Brown, HS., Jong, M., & Lessidrenska, T. (2009). The Rise of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) as a Case of Institutional Entrepreneurship. Environmental Politics, 18(2), 182-200.
Jong, M., & Stoter, S. (2009). Institutional transplantation for international organisations; How their legitimacy can be enhanced by addressing administrative and cultural congruence. Erasmus Law Review, 2(3), 311-330.
Altamirano, MA., & Jong, M. (2009). Opportunistic behavior in road maintenance markets; Exploring the Consequences through Gaming Simulation. Transportation Research Record, 2009(2018), 13-22.
Groenewegen, J., & Jong, M. (2008). Assessing New Institutional Economics’ Potential to Explain Institutional Change; the Case of Road Management Liberalization in the Nordic Countries. Journal of Institutional Economics, 4(1), 51-71.
Stead, D., Jong, M., & Reinholde, I. (2008). Urban transport policy transfer in Central and Eastern Europe. DISP, 172(1), 62-73.
Jong, M. (2008). The effectiveness of public-private partnerships in China’s transport infrastructure. Network Industries Quarterly, 10(2), 10-12.
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Jong, M., & Edelenbos, J. (2007). An Insider’s Perspective of Multilateral Learning in a European Expert Network; Social Interaction and Conceptual replication in a European project on sustainable urban development. European Planning Studies, 15(5), 687-706.
Jong, M., & Stout, H. (2007). The Impact of Government Intervention in Technological Transitions, Evidence from Dutch History. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 7(1), 89-104.
Xi, B., & Jong, M. (2007). Infrastructure network integration and trans-regional governance; Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihaer industrial corridor case and Songhua water crisis case. Chinese Journal of Public Management, 4(4), 17-30.
Jong, M., Waaub, J.-P., & Kroesen, O. (2007). Cross-National Policy Transfer to Developing Countries: Prologue. Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 19(4), 3-8.
Jong, M., & Kroesen, O. (2007). Understanding How to Import Good Governance Practices in Bangladeshi Villages. Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 19(4), 9-25.
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Jong, M., & Xi, B. (2007). Transferring the Technology Policy and Management Concept from the Netherlands to China. Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 19(4), 119-136.
Kroesen, O., Jong, M., & Waaub, J.-P. (2007). Cross-National Policy Transfer to Developing Countries: Epilogue. Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 19(4), 137-142.
van Herk, S., Herder, PM., Jong, M., & Alma, DAC. (2006). Opportunities and Threats for Granting More Design Space to Road Contractors. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 2(2/3), 187-200.
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Stout, H., & Jong, M. (2006). De Koning en de Spreektelegraaf, Een begrippenkader voor de bestudering van de invloed van overheidsincentives op innovatieve ondernemingen. Beleid en Maatschappij, 33(2), 69-82.
Bax, C., Jong, M., & Koppenjan, J. (2006). Verkeersveiligheidsbeleid als uitwedstrijd; Een nieuwe sturingsvisie voor Duurzaam Veilig. Bestuurswetenschappen, 60(6), 467-484.
Jong, M., & Geerlings, H. (2005). Exchanging Experiences on Transport Infrastructure Policy between The Netherlands and Denmark. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 5(2), 181-199.
Kuit, M., Mayer, IS., & Jong, M. (2005). The INFRASTRATEGO Game: an Evaluation of Strategic Behaviour and Regulatory Regimes in a Liberalizing Electricity Market. Simulation & Gaming, 36(1), 58-74.
Jong, M., & Geerlings, H. (2005). Exchanging Experiences between Denmark and the Netherlands on transport infrastructure policies. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 5(2), 181-199.
ten Heuvelhof, EF., Jong, M., Kuit, M., & Stout, H. (2004). Tussen naiviteit en paranoia. De overheid en het ongrijpbare fenomeen strategisch gedrag. Beleidswetenschap, 18(2), 118-136.
Mayer, I., Carton, L., Jong, M., Leyten, M., & Dammers, E. (2004). Gaming the Future of an Urban Network. Futures, 36(3), 311-333.
Mayer, I., & Jong, M. (2004). Combining GDSS and Gaming for Decision Support. Group Decision and Negotiation, 2004(13), 223-241.
Jong, M. (2004). The Pitfalls of Family Resemblance; Why transferring Planning Institutions between 'Similar Countries' is Delicate Business. European Planning Studies, 12(7), 1055-1068.
Jong, M., & van der Voort, H. (2004). Evolutionary Theory in the Administrative Sciences: Introduction. Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 16(4), 16-29.
van der Voort, H., & Jong, M. (2004). The Boston Biobang; The Emergence of a ‘Regional System of Innovation’. Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 16(4), 46-60.
van der Voort, H., Van Wendel de Joode, R., & Jong, M. (2004). Epilogue. Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 16(4), 109-113.
ten Heuvelhof, EF., Jong, M., Kuit, M., & Stout, H. (2004). Tussen naïveteit en paranoia (2004): de overheid en het ongrijpbare fenomeen strategisch gedrag. Beleidswetenschap, 18(2), 118-136.
Jong, M., & Geerlings, H. (2004). Wat kan Nederland leren van de Deense infrastructuurplanning? Bestuurswetenschappen, 2004(3), 193-216.
Jong, M., & Geerlings, H. (2003). De opmerkelijke terugkeer van de kostenbaten-analyse in het centrum van de bestuurspraktijk; hoe het succes van OEEI lacunes in de moderne bestuurskundige theorie blootlegt. Beleid en Maatschappij, 30(3), 166-178.
Mayer, I., Carton, L., Jong, M., Leyten, M., Scalzo, R., Dammers, E., & Verwest, F. (2003). Het spel om de ruimte; experimenteren met ontwikkelingsplanologie in Brabantstad. Bestuurswetenschappen, 2003(6), 494-517.
Jong, M., & Stout, H. (2003). Strategic behaviour and the law; how legal authorities deal with factual strategic behaviour of former monopolists. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 3(1), 38-55.
Jong, M., & Geerlings, H. (2003). The remarkable return of comprehensive policy analysis for transport infrastructure to the centre of administrative practice; how the success of O(E)EI exposes weaknesses in public participation in the Netherlands. Impact Assessment & Project Appraisal, 21(4), 281-291.
La Porte, TM., Demchak, CC., & Jong, M. (2002). Bureaucracy in the Age of the Web: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Speculations. Administration and Society, 34(4), 411-446.
De Vlaam, HIM., & Jong, M. (2002). Infrastructure Co-opetition and the Creation of Value; an Anglo-Dutch Comparison of Regulatory Regimes for the Provision of Rail and Telephony Services. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2(2), 125-143.
Jong, M., & Mentzel, MA. (2001). Policy and Science: Options for democratisation in European countries. Science and Public Policy, 28(6), 403-412.
Jong, M. (2001). The Impact of Institutional Structures on Transport Infrastructure Performance; a Cross-National Comparison on Various Indicators. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research (Print), 1(2), 169-196.
Jong, M. (2001). Manipulative tactics in budgetary processes; the art and craft of getting the money you don’t deserve. Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 14(1), 50-66.
Jong, M., La Porte, TM., & Demchak, CC. (2001). Openheid van publieke organisaties op het web; een internationale vergelijking naar de toegankelijkheid van functionarissen en documenten voor webgebruikers. Informatie en Informatiebeleid, 19(2), 40-42.
Jong, M., & Mayer, I. (2000). Bay Area Model versus Status Quo; de uitkomsten van twee institutionele structuren vergeleken via een spelsimulatie. Beleid en Maatschappij, 27(3), 129-142.
Weggeman, J., & Jong, M. (2000). Het groene poldermodel in perspectief. Beleidswetenschap, 14(1), 72-96.
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Jong, M. (1999). Survival of the institutionally fittest concepts. Journal of Memetics; Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission, 3(1), 1-18.
Jong, M. (1999). Institutionalised criticism: the demonopolisation of scientific advising. Science and Public Policy, 26(3), 193-199.
Jong, M. (1999). Institutional structures and variation of information; an international comparison of transport infrastructure decision-making. Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 12(2), 52-74.
Jong, M., & Weggeman, J. (1999). Interactieve beleidsvorming dreigt haar krediet te verliezen. Stedebouw & Ruimtelijke Ordening, 80(5), 25-29.
Jong, M. (1998). Rijkswaterstaat (1798 – 1998), na 200 jaar Frans model klaar voor een omwenteling? Beleid en Maatschappij, 25(5), 311-323.
Popular (6)
Jong, M. (2000). Strikte scheiding tussen stad en platteland noodzakelijk. Staatscourant, 4.
Jong, M. (1999). Spreiding of concentratie? Staatscourant, 6.
Jong, M. (1999). Concurrentie bij nutsbedrijven vergt zorgvuldige regulering. Staatscourant, 3.
Jong, M., & van Twist, M. (1999). Nationale ruimtelijke planning kan bestuurlijke competentiestrijd uitlokken. Unknown, 4.
Jong, M., & van Twist, M. (1999). Nationale ruimtelijke planning kan bestuurlijke competentiestrijd uitlokken. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research (Print), 15-16.
Jong, M. (1999). Besluitvorming moet zich aanpassen aan regionalisering. Unknown, 3-5.
Professional (2)
Song, Y., de Jong, M., & Stead, D. (2021). Bypassing Institutional Barriers: New types of transit-oriented development in China. Cities, 2021(113), Article 103177.
Jong, M. (2008). Tibet in 2008: A fight of the blind. Delta 14, 2008(24 april), 9.
Book (7)
Academic (7)
Anttiroiko, A.-V., & Jong, M. (2020). The Inclusive City: The Theory and Practice of Creating Shared Urban Prosperity. Palgrave Macmillan. Pivot Series
Stoter, S., Stout, H., & Jong, M. (2010). Er was eens een bijzonder stepje .... / Er was eens een bijzondere telegraaf. Centre for Law & Innovation.
ten Heuvelhof, E., Jong, M., Kars, M., & Stout, H. (2009). Strategic behaviour in network industries; A Multi-disciplinary approach. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Jong, M., & Geerlings, H. (2005). A Roadmap for Infrastructure Appraisal. A collection of research articles on accessibility , infrastructure and sustainable use of space. (TRAIL studies in Transportations Science S2005/1 ed.) Delft University Press. TRAIL studies in Transportations Science Vol. S2005/1
Stout, H., & Jong, M. (2005). Over spreektelegraaf en beeldtelefoon. De rol van de overheid bij technologische transities in infrastructurgebonden sectoren. Lemma.
de Bruijn, H., van der Voort, H., Dicke, W., Jong, M., & Veeneman, W. (2004). Creating Systems of Innovation; How Large Transitions Emerge. Taylor & Francis.
Jong, M. (1999). Institutional Tansplantation; How to Adopt Good Transport Infrastructure Decision Making Ideas from Other Countries? Uitgeverij Eburon.
Book editing (3)
Academic (3)
ten Heuvelhof, EF., Jong, M., Kuit, M., & Stout, H. (2003). Infrastratego: Strategisch gedrag in infrastructuurgebonden sectoren. Lemma.
Jong, M., Lalenis, K., & Mamadouh, V. (2002). The Theory and Practice of Institutional Transplantation; Experiences with the Transfer of Policy Institutions. (The GeoJournal Library Volume 74 ed.) Kluwer Academic. The GeoJournal Library Vol. Volume 74
Jong, M., & Salet, W. (2001). Institutionele condities voor meervoudig ruimtegebruik; stimulansen en belemmeringen op regionaal niveau. Amsterdam Centre for the Metropolitan Environment / Habiforum.
Book/Film/Article review (5)
Academic (3)
Jong, M. (2012). Book review 'The Politics of Nuclear Energy in China'. Public Administration, 90, 836-838.
Jong, M. (2004). Boekbespreking 'Discovering the Locus of European Integration'. Stedebouw & Ruimtelijke Ordening, 2004, 66-67.
Jong, M. (2001). Drie kaarten, een ruimtelijke wereld? Beleid en Maatschappij, 28, 120-122.
Professional (2)
Jong, M. (2018). Boekbespreking 'Macht is helemaal geen vies woord'. Rooilijn, 2010.
Jong, M., & de Bruijn, H. (2018). Book Review 'Toward a Comparative Institutional Analysis'. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (print), 6, 81-82.
Chapter (45)
Academic (44)
de Jong, M., & Sun, L. (2023). Eco and low-carbon, smart and sponge: Potential and delusion in realising environmental benefits from sustainable city branding. In Handbook on China's Urban Environmental Governance (pp. 186-200). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lu, H., Sun, L., & Jong, M. (2020). The Impact of Public and Private Partnerships on the Liveability of Eco-Cities in China’s Pearl River Delta. In C. van Montfort, & A. Michels (Eds.), Partnerships for Livable Cities (pp. 81-99). Palgrave Macmillan.
Jong, M., Han, M., & Lu, H. (2019). City Branding in Chinese Cities: From Tactical Greenwashing to Successful Industrial Transformation. In X. Zhang (Ed.), Remaking Sustainable Urbanism; Space, Scale and Governance in the New Urban Era (pp. 81-99). Palgrave Macmillan.
Jong, M. (2018). About cosmetics and facelifts; How city branding in China bridges the gap between a grey present and a green future. In H. Stout, & I. Walraven (Eds.), The building speaks its own language; Design and construction of Sanders Building Erasmus School of Law (pp. 180-193). Trichis Publishers.
Zhilin, S., Klievink, B., & Jong, M. (2018). Community self-governance in the smart city: towards a typology. In R. Bolivar, M. Pedro, & A. Munoz (Eds.), E-Participation in Smart Cities: Technologies and Models of Governance for Citizen Engagement (pp. 81-97). Springer-Verlag.
Stout, H., & Jong, M. (2018). Strategisch gedrag en het recht: verschuivingen van het speelveld. In E. ten Heuvelhof, M. de Jong, M. Kuit, & H. Stout (Eds.), Infrastratego; Strategisch gedrag in infrastructuurgebonden sectoren (pp. 223-240). Lemma.
Dijkink, GM., Jong, M., & Salet, W. (2018). De Zuidvleugel van de Randstad: Instituties en discoursen. In Zijlicht op Toekomstverkenningen; Vier Casus, Werkdocument 2, Stuurgroep Toekomst en Strategisch Omgevingsbeleid (pp. 17-122). Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid.
Jong, M., Chen, Y., Zhao, M., & Lu, H. (2017). Urban transformation and city branding in the Greater Pearl River Delta. In F. Caprotti, & L. Yu (Eds.), Sustainable Urbanization in Asia (pp. Chapter 23). Routledge.
Cherelle, E., Hakvoort, R., & Jong, M. (2017). Global trends in the political economy of smart grids. In D. Arent, C. Arndt, M. Miller, F. Tarp, & O. Zinaman (Eds.), The political economy of clean energy transitions (pp. 329-348). Oxford University Press.
Jong, M., & Edelenbos, J. (2012). Knowledge exchange in trans-national city-networks; Evolutionary mechanisms in cross-local learning among European cities. In M. van Geenhuizen, & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), Creative knowledge cities: Myths, Visions and Realities (pp. 364-382). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Jong, M., Vernay, A., & Yu, C. (2012). Developper un <living lab> en Chine: le project d’eco-cite ZONE ECO-2 a Shenzhen. In P. Ingallina (Ed.), Universites et enjeux territoriaux; Une comparaison internationale de l’economie de la connaissance (pp. 183-195). Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
Jong, M., & Unalan, D. (2011). Structuring and evaluating the garbage can model of policy transfer. In A. Hull, E. R. Alexander, A. Khakee, & J. Woltjer (Eds.), Evaluation for Sustainability and Participation in Planning (pp. 355-374). Routledge.
Stead, D., Jong, M., & Reinholde, I. (2010). West-east policy transfer; the case of urban transport policy. In P. Healy, & R. Upton (Eds.), Crossing Borders: International exchange and planning practices (pp. 173-190). Routledge.
Altamirano, MA., & Jong, M. (2009). Liberalization and privatization of road management in Finland and Spain. In J. Groenewegen, R. Kunneke, & J.-F. Auger (Eds.), The Governance of Network Industries: Institutions, Technology and Policy in reregulated infrastructures (pp. 61-86). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Jong, M. (2008). Drawing institutional lessons across countries on making transport infrastructure policy. In B. Flyvbjerg, H. Priemus, & B. van Wee (Eds.), Decision-Making on Mega-Projects (pp. 304-326). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Stout, H., & Jong, M. (2007). Dutch Legal Culture and Technological Transitions; the Impact of Dutch Government Interventions. In V. Gessner, & D. Nelken (Eds.), European ways of law; Towards a European sociology of law (pp. 327-347). Harf Publishers.
Jong, M., & van Wee, B. (2007). A new guideline for ‘ex ante’ evaluation of large infrastructure projects in the Netherlands. In E. Haezendonck (Ed.), Transport Project Evaluation: Extending the Social Cost-Benefit Approach (pp. 151-167). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Jong, M., Geerlings, H., & Molin, E. (2007). In search of the ideal institutional structure for decision-making on transport infrastructure; A conjoint analysis of expert opinions on hybrid forms of German, Danish and Dutch decision-making. In E. Haezendonck (Ed.), Transport Project Evaluation: Extending the Social Cost-Benefit Approach (pp. 197-216). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Koppenjan, J., Bax, C., & Jong, M. (2006). Chapter 15. Implementation. In F. Wegman, & L. Aarts (Eds.), Advancing Sustainable Safety, National Road Safety Outlook for 2005-2020 SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research.
Mayer, I., Leijten, M., Carton, L., Jong, M., Scalzo, R., Dammers, E., & Verwest, F. (2005). The Urban Network Game; A Simulation of the Future of Joint City Interests. In R. Shiratori, K. Arai, & F. Kato (Eds.), Gaming, Simulations and Society (Research Scope and Perspective) Springer-Verlag.
Bax, C., Jong, M., & Koppenjan, J. (2005). Organisatie beleidsuitvoering. In F. Wegman, & L. Aarts (Eds.), Door met Duurzaam Veilig, Nationale Verkeersveiligheids-verkenning voor de jaren 2005-2020 (pp. 212-222). Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWVO.
Jong, M. (2004). Good practices in het buitenland. In H. Priemus (Ed.), Grote Projecten: inzichten en uitgangspunten. Achtergrondstudies (pp. 140-157). Sdu Uitgevers.
Jong, M. (2003). De institutionele benadering. In L. Boekesteijn (Ed.), Meervoudig (be)schouwen : vier manieren om tegen vraagstukken bij beleidsvorming en -uitvoering aan te kijken (pp. 16-21). Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer.
Salet, W., & Jong, M. (2003). Spatial Detachment and new Challenges of Metropolitan Governance. In S. Musterd, & W. Salet (Eds.), Amsterdam Human Capital (pp. 269-286). Amsterdam University Press.
ten Heuvelhof, E., Jong, M., Kuit, M., & Stout, H. (2003). Veranderende infrastructuurgebonden sectoren en strategisch gedrag. In E. ten Heuvelhof, M. de Jong, M. Kuit, & H. Stout (Eds.), Infrastratego; Strategisch gedrag in infrastructuurgebonden nutssectoren (pp. 13-26). Lemma.
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Carton, L., Jong, M., Leijten, M., Mayer, I., Scalzo, RG., Dammers, E., & Verwest, F. (2002). The urban network game: innovations in development planning. In I. Mayer, & W. Veeneman (Eds.), Games in a world of Infrastructures; Gaming-simulation for research, learning and intervention (pp. 39-67). Uitgeverij Eburon.
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Jong, M., & de Vries, J. (2002). The Merits of keeping Cool while hearing the Siren Calls; an Account of the Preparation and Establishment of the Flemish Spatial Planning System. In W. M. de Jong, K. Lalenis, & V. Mamadouh (Eds.), The Theory and Practice of Institutional Transplantation; Experiences with the Transfer of Policy Institutions (pp. 231-246). GeoJournal Library, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Jong, M., Lalenis, K., & Mamadouh, V. (2002). Drawing Lessons about Lesson Drawing; what the Case Reports tell us about Institutional Transplantation. In W. M. de Jong, K. Lalenis, & V. Mamadouh (Eds.), The Theory and Practice of Institutional Transplantation; Experiences with the Transfer of Policy Institutions (pp. 283-300). GeoJournal Library, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Jong, M., & Mayer, I. (2002). The Incodelta Game: Alternative Decision Making Models for Transport Corridors. In I. Mayer, & W. Veeneman (Eds.), Games in the World of Infrastructures (pp. 67-83). Uitgeverij Eburon.
Jong, M., & Mayer, I. (2002). Incodelta: private betrokkenheid en creatieve concurrentie bij strategische planvorming. In H. van Ham, & J. Koppenjan (Eds.), Publiek-private samenwerking bij transportinfrastructuur; Wenkend of wijkend perspectief (pp. 317-336). Lemma.
Jong, M. (2002). Surpassing the Swedish model of Road Management Liberalization; Finland’s Use of Patience and Selectivity in adopting Foreign Models. In BRA/NRA Seminar on Restructuring Rod Management _Trend or Necessity? – Experiences of Institutional and Managerial Reforms in Baltic and Nordic Road Administrations, 26-27 September 2002, in Parnu, Estonia, Technical Report (pp. 109-143). BRA/NRA.
Jong, M. (2002). De institutionele benadering. In Beleid in perspectieven; Begrippenkader voor een bestuurlijke blik op beleidsvorming en –uitvoering (pp. 13-50). Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat.
Jong, M., & van Twist, M. (1999). Nationale ruimtelijke planning kan bestuurlijke competentiestrijd uitlokken. In Infrastructuur, onmacht in de polder, nr. 89. (pp. 15-16)
Jong, M. (1998). Een erfenis uit de Bataafse periode; de Franse wortels van Rijkswaterstaat. In K. d'Angremond, & et al. (Eds.), Watertovenaars, Delftse ideeën voor nog 200 jaar Rijkswaterstaat (pp. 24-40). Bèta Imaginations.
Professional (1)
ten Heuvelhof, EF., Jong, M., Kuit, M., & Stout, H. (2003). Veranderende infrastructuurgebonden sectoren en strategisch gedrag. In E. F. ten Heuvelhof, W. M. de Jong, M. Kuit, & H. D. Stout (Eds.), Infrastratego. Strategisch gedrag in infrastructuurgebonden sectoren (pp. 13-26). Lemma.
Digital or Visual Products (1)
Professional (1)
Altamirano, MA., Jong, M., & Herder, PM. (2007). Cross-National Benchmark of Innovative Contracts in Road Infrastructure: the Use of Games for Investigating Future Scenarios. Digital or Visual Products, .
Paper (8)
Academic (8)
Jong, M., Xu, S., & Stead, D. (2008). Applying public-private partnership to subway construction in China: What is the evidence?. Paper presented at IEEE/NGI conference on infrastructures, Rotterdam.
Mu, R., Jong, M., & ten Heuvelhof, E. (2008). Public-private partnerships for expressways in China: An agency theory approach. Paper presented at IEEE/NGI conference on infrastructures, Rotterdam.
Altamirano, M., Herder, P., & Jong, M. (2008). Road roles; Using Gaming Simulation as decision technique for future asset management practices. Paper presented at IEEE international conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2008), Singapore.
Jong, M., Xu, S., & Stead, D. (2008). Current best practices in applying public-private partnerships to metropolitan subways in China. Paper presented at China Planning Network Conference, Beijing.
Jong, M., & Stout, H. (2007). The impact of government regulation on technological transitions through history. Evidence from five cases from the world of network-based industries. Paper presented at VSR 2007 Annual Conference, Schiermonnikoog.
Frantzeskaki, N., Jong, M., & Bots, P. (2007). The sour and sweet grapes of an institutional transition; Impacts of institutional change on public policy design in water management sector in the Netherlands. Paper presented at 11th International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM XI), Potsdam University, Germany.
Stead, D., Jong, M., & Reinholde, I. (2007). Sustainable urban transport policy transfer in Central and Eastern Europe. Paper presented at AESOP conference 2007, Naples.
Jong, M. (2002). Uue avaliku halduse põhjamaa mudeli täiuseni viimine; Kannatlikkuse ja valivuse strateegline kasutamine teehalduse libealiseerimisel Soomes. Paper presented at BRA/NRA Seminar ‘Restructuring Road Management – Trend or Necessity?', Pärnu, Estonia.
Report (17)
Academic (16)
Pakkala, P., Jong, M., & Aijo, J. (2007). International overview of innovative contracting practices for roads. Tiehallinto/NGI/Ramboll/TU-Delft.
Jong, M., & Geerlings, H. (2005). oads to evaluation; A Study into Infrastructure Decision Making, Accessibility and Sustainable Land Use. TRAIL Research.
ten Heuvelhof, E., Jong, M., & Kuit, M. (2004). Gedragingen van spelers in de gassector in Noord-West Europa. Faculteit TBM.
Jong, M., & Leyten, M. (2004). Het juiste bedrijf op de juiste plaats; Locatie- en vestigingsbeleid in twee Nederlanse en twee Vlaamse gemeenten. Kenniscentrum Grote Steden.
Jong, M., & Geerlings, H. (2004). Wegen voor beoordeling; Een onderzoek ten dienste van bereikbaarheid, infrastructuur en duurzaam ruimtegebruik. TRAIL.
Jong, M., & Vries, J. (2003). Planningspraktijken in Vlaanderen en Nederland: groeien ze naar elkaar toe? Directoraat-Generaal Ruimte, Ministerie VROM.
Kuit, M., Jong, M., & ten Heuvelhof, E. (2003). Gedragingen van spelers in en vrije gassector. Technische Universiteit Delft.
de Bruijn, H., Dicke, W., Jong, M., Veeneman, W., & van der Voort, H. (2003). Sturingsvraagstukken bij systeeminnovatie; Intrigerende voorbeelden uit het buitenland. COS.
Jong, M., & Aijo, J. (2002). Tienpidon uudelleenorganisointi; Suomi verrattuna muulla tapahtuneeseen kehitykseen. Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communication.
Jong, M., & Aijo, J. (2001). Infrastratego, Strategic behaviour shown by actors in liberalised road design, construction and maintenance markets in various countries. Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University.
Mayer, I., & Jong, M. (2001). Bouwstenen voor een Mainport strategie Rotterdam; Verslag van een werkbijeenkomst in de Group Decision Room. Technische Universiteit Delft.
Salet, WGM., & Jong, M. (2000). Institutionele condities voor Meervoudig Ruimtegebruik. AME onderzoeksrapport.
Jong, M. (1999). International Comparison of Decision making on Infrastructure. Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. Research Series of the Directorate for Strategy and Co-ordination
Jong, M., & Mayer, I. (1999). Incodelta-game: impressies en conclusies; een bestuurlijk experiment met het San Francisco Bay Area Model in de Brabantse Zuidoost Corridor. Technische Universiteit Delft.
Jong, M. (1998). Internationale Vergelijking Besluitvorming Infrastructuur. Ministerie Verkeer en Waterstaat. Onderzoeksreeks Directie Strategie en Coördinatie
Jong, M., & Fransen, W. (1998). Bestuurlijke vitaliteit; mogelijkheden voor het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat om de besluitvorming te moderniseren. Technische Universiteit Delft.
Professional (1)
Geerlings, H., & Jong, M. (2010). Een bestuurskundige reactie op de rapportage Achterlandcongestie en de rol van short-sea en binnenvaart. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Additional positions (1)
Fudan UniversityStart date approval: 26 Jan 2023End date approval: 25 Jan 2026Place: SHANGHAI,CHINADescription: Onderzoekssamenwerking
Additional activities (10)
Regenerative economics for cities: challenges and opportunitiesMartin de Jong (Speaker)23 Apr 2024
Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)
Regenerative economics: Assessing and monitoring transitions towards a circular economyMartin de Jong (Speaker)03 Oct 2023
Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)
Tools for a regenerative and inclusive circular economy: Applications at a European and at an island levelMartin de Jong (Speaker)04 Jul 2023
Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)
Towards the regenerative city – Insights by applying tools from regenerative economics at the EU levelMartin de Jong (Speaker)08 Nov 2022
Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)
Simron J. SinghMartin de Jong (Host)11 Jul 2022
Activity: Host visitor > Hosting an academic visitor (Academic)
Regenerative economics at the service of islands: Assessing the socio-economic metabolism of Samothraki in GreeceMartin de Jong (Speaker)27 Jun 2022
Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)
Towards inclusive and circular urban waste management systemsMartin de Jong (Chair)14 Jun 2022
Activity: Attendance > Organising and contributing to an event (Academic)
1st physical meeting of IWWCs NL teamMartin de Jong (Chair)12 Aug 2021
Activity: Attendance > Organising and contributing to an event (Academic)
An ecological perspective for developing circular urban waste management systems in the EUMartin de Jong (Speaker)28 Jun 2021
Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)
Ascendency analysis as a diagnostic tool for the robustness of resource flow networks – Insights from the EU27 and its potential for assessing waste management systems of small islandsMartin de Jong (Speaker)10 Jun 2021
Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)
Featured in the media
Smart cities as spatial manifestations of 21st century capitalism
Prof. Martin de Jong's research on the billions of dollars of investment globally that smart cities attract, with related market opportunities forecast to grow year-on-year.
Thursday, 30 May 2024 -
Smart cities as spatial manifestations of 21st century capitalism
Prof. Martin de Jong's research on the billions of dollars of investment globally that smart cities attract, with related market opportunities forecast to grow year-on-year.
Thursday, 30 May 2024 -
‘Dit boek gaf geen antwoorden, maar context’
Interview with Martin de Jong about his reading behavior before and during corona times. Martin de Jong is Scientific Director of the Erasmus Initiative "Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity," one of the flagship initiatives of…
Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Featured on RSM Discovery
Martin de Jong highlights the importance of nuanced discussion even in hard times and presenting all ethnic groups to a great variety of role models.