Martin de Bree is researcher at Rotterdam School of Management. He is a renowned scholar in the area of regulation and governance, meta-regulation, system based regulation, self-regulation, compliance management and public and corporate governance. His main research focus is on the effectiveness of regulation and law systems and the interface between public and private parties with regard to law and regulation.
Article (13)
Academic (7)
Huizinga, K., & Bree, M. (2021). Exploring the Risk of Goal Displacement in Regulatory Enforcement Agencies: A Goal-Ambiguity Approach. Public Performance and Management Review, 44(4), 868-898.
de Bree, M., & Dees, M. (2021). Regulating in a complex world. ECPR Conference 2021, ECPR conference, 1-14.
de Bree, M., & Stoopendaal, A. (2020). De- and recoupling and public regulation. Organization Studies, 41(5), 599-620. Article DOI: 10.1177/0170840618800115.
Huizinga, K., & de Bree, M. (2017). Doelverschuiving binnen toezichthoudende organisaties: typologie en optreden. Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, 2017(1), 35-46.
Stoopendaal, A., de Bree, M., & Robben, P. (2016). Reconceptualizing regulation: Formative evaluation of an experiment with System-Based Regulation in Dutch healthcare. Evaluation. The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 22(4), 394-409. Advance online publication.
Stoopendaal, A., de Bree, M., Keuter, F., & Robben, P. (2014). Systeemtoezicht in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg. Een experimentele innovatie van toezicht. Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, 5(2), 27-46.
de Bree, M. (2010). Hoe landelijke inspectiediensten omgaan met systeemtoezicht. Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, 3.
Popular (2)
de Bree, M. (2021). Lerende wetgever ziet kritiek niet als bedreiging. Het Financieele Dagblad, (July 20, 2021).
Vos, RO., & de Bree, M. (2016). Meer zuurstof in het systeem. TPC : tijdschrift voor public governance, audit & control, 2016.
Professional (4)
de Bree, M., Dees, M., & Scheltema, M. (2023). Ex-durante evaluatie van wetgeving en beleid: Nieuw normaal in turbulente tijden. RegelMaat. Kwartaalblad voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken, 38(3), 226-236.
de Bree, M., & Dees, M. (2022). Maatschappelijke dynamiek en complexiteit vergen meer innovatie in beleid en wetgeving. TPEdigitaal, 2022(1), 59-63.
de Bree, M., & Dees, M. (2019). Complexiteit vraagt om een andere manier van regels maken. TPC : tijdschrift voor public governance, audit & control.
de Bree, M. (2016). De promotiegroep Modern Toezicht. Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, 2.
Book editing (2)
Academic (1)
de Bree, M., & van Wingerde, K. (2010). Systeemtoezicht in de procesindustrie. Een symposiumverslag. Erasmus Instituut voor Toezicht en Compliance.
Professional (1)
de Bree, M., & Ruessink, H. (2015). Innovating Environmental Compliance Assurance. INECE.
Chapter (6)
Academic (2)
de Bree, M., & Stoopendaal, A. (2024). A regulatory perspective on organizational integrity. In Handbook of organizational integrity (pp. 243-256). Edward Elgar Publishing.
de Bree, M., & de Haas, JMD. (2017). Using Management Systems in Environmental Supervision. In L. C. Paddock, D. L. Markell, & N. S. Bryner (Eds.), Compliance and Enforcement of Environmental Law (pp. 33-45). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Professional (4)
de Haas, H., & de Bree, M. (2023). Modern Leadership in Regulation; Lessons from Moral Education. In N. Pfeffermann, & M. Schaller (Eds.), New Leadership Communication—Inspire Your Horizon (1 ed., pp. 235-248). Springer Cham.
de Bree, M. (2020). To Mars on a Bike; Images of Regulation. In N. Pfeffermann (Ed.), New Leadership in Strategy and Communication (pp. 15-25). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
de Bree, M. (2014). Overheidstoezicht en Corporate Governance. In M. Luckerath-Rovers, B. Bier, H. van Ees, & S. P. Kaptein (Eds.), Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2014-2015 Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Meerman, P., & de Bree, M. (2014). Compliance Assurance through Company Compliance Management Systems. In L. Paddock, & J. Wentz (Eds.), Next Generation Compliance and Enforcement Environmental Law Institute.
Conference proceeding (3)
Professional (3)
Budding et al., CT., & de Bree, M. (2019). Rechtmatigheid: Regels en Bedoelingen. In TPC: tijdschrift voor public governance, audit & control.
de Bree, M. (2015). Understanding Compliance Management: Opening the Black Box of Self-regulation. In Special Report on Next generation Compliance INECE.
de Bree, M., Haas, H., & Meerman, P. (2015). Can supervision and enforcement networks make self-regulation work? In M. Faure, P. de Smedt, & A. Stas (Eds.), Environmental Enforcement Networks; Concepts, Implementation and Effectiveness Edward Elgar Publishing.
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
de Bree, M. (2005). Waste and Innovation. [Doctoral Thesis, Delft University of Technology]. Technical University Delft.
Paper (3)
Academic (2)
de Bree, M. (2017). Het gaat heen en weer met meer en minder regulering in een oneindige cyclus.
de Haas, JMD., & de Bree, M. (2016). How punishment and moral education go hand in hand; Four lessons we can learn from educatution and apply to supervision.
Professional (1)
de Bree, M. (2016). Certificatie en overheidstoezicht; Twee werelden zoeken voorzichtig toenadering; Safety! 3.
Report (3)
Professional (3)
Stoopendaal, A., & de Bree, M. (2014). Evaluatieonderzoek Systeemtoezicht op kwaliteit en veiligheid in de zorg; Fase 1. Ontwikkeling van het instrumentarium en eerste ervaringen. Instituut Beleid & Management Gezondheidszorg (iBMG).
de Bree, M. (2013). Private Borging van Regelnaleving in het Omgevingsrecht. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
Haas, JCM., Meerman, P., & de Bree, M. (2012). Compliance Assurance Through Company Compliance Management Systems. IMPEL.
Additional positions (1)
Next Step Management BVStart date approval: 16 Nov 2022End date approval: 15 Nov 2025Place: HELLEVOETSLUISDescription: N/A
Past courses
Professional Development II
- Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Code: BT2104
- Level: Bachelor 2, Bachelor 3
Professionele ontwikkeling II
- Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Code: BK2104
- Level: Bachelor 2
Business skills
- Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017
- Code: BKB011
Mentoring for higher performance
- Study year: 2018/2019, 2017/2018
- Code: BKBMIN016
- ECTS: 15 Level: Bachelor 3
RSM Debat
- Study year: 2018/2019, 2017/2018
- Code: BKBMIN016X
- ECTS: 5 Level: Bachelor 3
Skills 3: Academic Writing
- Study year: 2018/2019
- Code: BAP067
- ECTS: 2 Level: Bachelor 1
Featured in the media
How do you stimulate the large middle group that wants to do well?
Private Supervision as a Catalyst for Genuine Improvement
Sunday, 15 October 2023 -
Lerende wetgever ziet in kritiek geen bedreiging
According to Martin de Bree, a researcher at RSM, Erasmus University, the separation between policy and implementation must be discarded. He proposes that laws must be designed in an open process with the mobilisation and…
Monday, 19 July 2021 -
Martin de Bree
Despite the fact that there are hardly any grey hairs to be found on him, the youthful-looking Martin de Bree turned 58 years old this year. Martin works at RSM, where he also obtained his PhD and specialises in regulation. …
Wednesday, 22 November 2017 -
Het gaat heen en weer met meer en minder regulering in een oneindige cyclus
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Sunday, 10 September 2017 -
Meer zuurstof in het systeem
The government often states it should create more room for professionals. Therefore, here, several ways are presented in which policy of management can create that space within finances of the government without losing content. …
Wednesday, 31 August 2016 -
Twee werelden zoeken voorzichtig toenadering
Martin de Bree writes about private assurance of regulatory compliance and metadata monitoring and then discusses the potential role of certification of management in this.
Thursday, 30 June 2016 -
Regulatory wave to sustainability?
Navigating the Complexity of EU Sustainability Rules: A Call for Collaborative Learning and Action