Maartje Schouten is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Organisation and Personnel Management of Rotterdam School of Management. Her research focuses on questions related to teams and hierarchy. She is particularly interested in why and how individuals seek influence and come to be seen as influential. Her research has been published in internationally recognized outlets such as the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Applied Psychology and Organization Science. She has experience teaching in a wide variety of settings and currently teaches courses on Human Resource Management and Negotiations in various programs. Prior to joining RSM, she held academic appointments at Iowa State University and Michigan State University.
Article (6)
Academic (6)
Schouten, M. E., van Knippenberg, D., & Greer, L. L. (2024). Hierarchy conflict: Causes, expressions, and consequences. Organization Science, 35(4), 1535-1551.
Rishani, M., Schouten, ME., & Hoever, I. (2024). Navigating Multiple Team Membership: A Review and Redirection of its Influence on Effectiveness Outcomes. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 18(1), Article e12899.
Greer, L. L., de Jong, B. A., Schouten, ME., & Dannels, J. E. (2018). Why and when hierarchy impacts team effectiveness: A meta-analytic integration. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(6), 591-613.
Beersma, B., Bechtoldt, M., & Schouten, ME. (2018). When Ignorance Is Bliss: Exploring Perspective Taking, Negative State Affect and Performance. Small Group Research, 49(5), 576-599.
Sleesman, DJ., Hollenbeck, JR., Spitzmuller, M., & Schouten, ME. (2018). Initial Expectations of Team Performance: Specious Speculation or Framing the Future? Small Group Research, 49(5), 600-635.
Hollenbeck, JR., Beersma, B., & Schouten, ME. (2012). Beyond team types and taxonomies: A dimensional scaling conceptualization for team description. Academy of Management Review, 37(1), 82-106.
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
Schouten, ME. (2016). The Ups and Downs of Hierarchy. The causes and consequences of hierarchy struggles and positional loss. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Teaching case (1)
Academic (1)
van Koert, M., Schouten, ME., & Yue, T., (2024). Mercy Medical Centre: Orchestrating Diversity and Inclusion in a Dutch Hospital, 9 p.
Human resource management
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024
- Code: BK2102
- Level: Bachelor 2, Pre-master
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023
- Code: BMME150
- Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master
POC Master Thesis
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024
- Level: Master
Human Resource Management
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023
- Code: BT2102
- Level: Bachelor 2, Bachelor 3, Pre-master
Featured in the media
Research Data from Erasmus University Update Understanding of Organization Science (Hierarchy Conflict: Causes, Expressions, and Consequences)
Prof. Daan van Knippenberg and Dr Maartje Schouten's research into hierarchy conflict.
Wednesday, 13 March 2024 -
'Het ligt niet aan jou', dat is fijn
Research conducted by PhD candidate, Maartje Schouten, indicates losing social status has a bigger emotional impact than losing power. Companies should keep this in mind when formulating policies as hierarchies are dynamic. …
Wednesday, 1 June 2016 -
`Verstoten door de groep, dat doet pijn`
Research conducted by PhD candidate, Maartje Schouten, indicates losing social status has a bigger emotional impact than losing power. Companies should keep this in mind when formulating policies as hierarchies are dynamic. …
Monday, 30 May 2016
Featured on RSM Discovery
Discover how prosocial hierarchy conflicts, driven by team-serving motives, lead to better outcomes. Research by Dr. Maartje Schouten explores the positive effects of constructive hierarchy challenges on team performance.