Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

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Past courses


  • Study year: 2021/2022, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017
  • Code: BMA1011
  • ECTS: 4

Internationaal Project

  • Study year: 2021/2022, 2019/2020
  • Code: BMA2102
  • ECTS: 5

Non Profit Management

  • Study year: 2021/2022, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BMA2112

IM Research clinic

  • Study year: 2020/2021
  • Code: BM-IM-RC
  • Level: Master

IM Research clinic

  • Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020
  • Code: BM-IMRC
  • Level: Master

Inclusive and Emergent Leadership

  • Study year: 2020/2021
  • Code: BKBMIN052
  • Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3

Corporate Social Investment as a force for positive social change

  • Study year: 2019/2020
  • Code: BMME143
  • ECTS: 6

Kick-off PMB

  • Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BPA1010

Social Entrepreneurship

  • Study year: 2018/2019, 2017/2018
  • Code: BMME080
  • ECTS: 6 Level: Master, Master

Learning by doing: consulting to social entrepreneurs

  • Study year: 2014/2015
  • Code: BKBMIN020
  • ECTS: 15 Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3

Managing NGO's

  • Study year: 2014/2015
  • Code: RSMME034
  • ECTS: 6 Level: Master

Featured in the media

  • De vijf spelregels... als vrijwilliger

    Lonneke Roza, former PhD candidate at RSM, is quoted in this column about volunteering work.


    Organizations do not only distinguish themselves with their products or services. They make a difference with their social involvement. With things like social return, diversity and inclusiveness and also employee volunteering.…

  • Corporate foundations als zelf-georganiseerde tegenkracht

    An article written by Lonneke Roza of RSM discussing corporate foundations as a self-organized counterforce during the crisis.

  • Save the date: presentatie Geven in Nederland op 15 april

    Lonneke Roza of RSM was mentioned in an article discussing het research into corporate foundations.

  • Werkgevers, geef je vrijwilligersprogramma meer betekenis

    Lonneke Roza of RSM, with the focus on corporate social responsibility and corporate foundations is inextricably linked to corporate foundations. During the symposium of the Corporate Foundations Forum, she and Alliander…

  • Steeds meer bedrijven faciliteren vrijwilligerswerk

  • Vrijwilligerswerk als bonus om personeel te trekken: 'Je moet opvallen'

  • Vrijwilligerswerk onder werktijd: bedrijven kiezen er steeds vaker voor

  • Pressure cooker voor goede doelen: succesvol samenwerken met bedrijven

  • OPEN sessie 3: De impact van corporate volunteering

  • Save the date: presentatie Geven in Nederland op 16 april

  • Iedereen een eigen foundation

    Lonneke Roza, part-time Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Rotterdam School of Management, has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses Roza's research about how entrepreneurs want to give something back for the…

  • 'Miljonairs veranderen de wereld niet'

    Lonneke Roza, deputy assistant-professor at the Rotterdam School of Management, has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses the book 'The Winner takes it all' by Anand Giridharadas. Lonneke Roza writes a background…


    Lonneke Roza, Adjunct Assistant Professor at the RSM, has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses the new book of Anand Giridharadas. Together with Lilian Marijnissen, Roza makes a sketch of the profile of Anand…

  • Bedrijven en goede doelen: van leren daten tot een huwelijk

    Lonneke Roza of RSM has been mentioned in an article regarding her speech at "The Future of Fundraising" event.

  • Scriptie: Wat drijft de Nederlandse major donor?

    Who are the Dutch major donors and what drives them? What challenges do they see and what action do they take? These questions are discussed in depth in the master thesis of Lieke van 't Veer "An exploration of the philanthropic…

  • Three key considerations to put social impact at the core of your employee engagement programme

    Almost 94 per cent of the biggest European companies offer their employees company time to volunteer, but too often the conversation about employee engagement in corporate social initiatives is about the ‘business case’. An…

  • How Companies Can Really Become A 'Force For Good'

    Lonneke Roza of RSM has written an article for Forbes, in which she discusses corporate volunteering. Lonneke states that "an effective action which practically any business can take is to encourage its people to volunteer their…

  • Manager, waag je dichter bij het vuur van non-profits

    An article that discusses the increasing integration between the business and non-profit sector, mentioning Lonneke Roza and Lucas Meijs of RSM. "In the case of non-profits, you have to think of foundations, associations and…

  • Pressure Cooker over bedrijven die willen aanhaken bij goede doelen

    Dr. Lonneke Roza of RSM is organising a 'Pressure Cooker' session on new and possibly uncomfortable collaborations of charities and companies on 4 February 2019. This 'Pressure Cooker' is intended for anyone who wants more insight…

  • Bedrijfsfilantropie is meer dan een instrument

    An article written by Lonneke Roza, Academic Researcher at the Department of Business-Society Management at RSM. The article focusses on business philanthropy, reasons as to why businesses may part take in philanthropy and who…

  • De media en goede doelen: alleen de cijfers, nooit de uitleg

    Lonneke Roza, Academic Researcher at the Department of Business-Society Management at RSM, has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses the relationship between fundraisers and the media. A new magazine, called The…

  • Drie bedrijfsmotieven achter liefdadigheid

    Lonneka Roza, Lonneke Roza, Academic Researcher Corporate Philanthropy & Social Responsibility at RSM, has mentioned three motives that companies might have for charity work. The three motives could be that charity it is part of…

  • Vrijwilligerswerk onder werktijd stimuleren? Doen, en wel hierom

    Lonneke Roza is RSM has been mentioned in an article that discusses the increasing popularity of employee volunteering. She states that volunteering provides more mutual understanding and social innovations of products and…

  • Werken als vrijwilliger mag ook best onder werktijd

    Lonneke Roza, Academic Researcher Corporate Philanthropy & Social Responsibility at RSM, has been mentioned in an article that discusses the increasing popularity of employee volunteering.

  • Het Mooiste Contact tegen eenzaamheid

    Lonneke Roza, Academic Researcher Corporate Philanthropy & Social Responsibility at RSM, has given a radio column on how corporate foundations are seen by their partners. She explains how corporate foundations are seen through the…

  • Nieuw: DDB Expert Bedrijfsfilantropie Lonneke Roza

    Lonneke Roza, Academic Researcher Corporate Philanthropy & Social Responsibility at RSM, has taken on a new position at 'De Dikke Blauwe' as an expert in Business Philanthropy.

  • De staat van sponsoring: thematafels

    Lonneke Roza, Academic Researcher Corporate Philanthropy & Social Responsibility at RSM, will be a keynote speaker at the Sponsor Report congres in April, discussing how to make a difference with sponsoring. …

  • Praat mee over sponsoring!

    Lonneke Roza, Academic Researcher Corporate Philanthropy & Social Responsibility at RSM, will be discussing the theme 'Making a social difference with sponsoring' on 19 April at the Sponsor Report Annual Conference 2018. …

  • Vier dagen werken, één dag vrijwilliger

    Lonneke Roza, Academic Researcher at RSM is mentioned in an article discussing a new company that combines volunteering with one's job.

  • Bedrijfsfilantropie & fundraising: ff wennen…

    Lonneke Roza, Academic Researcher at RSM and one of the largest experts in the field of corporate philanthropy in The Netherlands is referenced to in an article regarding business philanthropy and fundraising. …

  • Helpen door te doen – ASR Foundation

    In this radio series on Corporate Social Responsibility, an organisation is the topic of discussion every month. This edition features the ASR Foundation, committed to improve (financial) self-reliance in the Netherlands. Lonneke…

  • Rabobank Foundation in de schijnwerpers

    On this episode of People Power, direction is focused towards one of the largest and oldest foundations in the Netherlands: the Rabobank Foundation. Lonneke Roza of RSM is a guest in the studio and discusses standards and values…

  • Medewerkersvrijwilligerswerk via de Alliander Foundation

    In this series on Corporate Foundations by the Radio People Power, the Alliander Foundation takes centre stage. The session discusses how the Foundation is organised, how they involve their employees and how their impact can be…

  • ‘Het is niet zomaar Sinterklaasje spelen’

    As an entrepreneur, you want to make a difference in society. You can choose to make ad-hoc donations for charities or set up a Corporate Foundation; the latter is a growing trend. An article on foundations by Lonneke Roza for…

  • Innovatie als Effectief Wapen

    In the fifth instalment of this series on corporate foundations, attention is directed to the Philips Foundation. According to RSM researcher Lonneke Roza, this foundation belongs to a group of 'deepening foundations' - which…

  • Hoe duurzaam is mijn vakantie?

    Last weekend, a girlfriend confronted me - with a smile on her face - with the question: Lonneke, you are going on holiday for a week twice this year. Two trips with the plane ... How does that fit in your sustainable lifestyle? I…

  • Foundation Poetst Imago KPN Op

    RSM researcher Lonneke Roza is quoted in this article about the KPN Mooiste Contact Foundation, which focuses on preventing loneliness and social isolation. She argues that such social programmes allow customers to relate to and…

  • We moesten iets doen! Vebego Foundation

    In the third episode in a series about corporate foundations, attention is directed to the Rabobank Foundation. How has this million euro foundation organised its business? According to researcher Lonneke Roza of RSM, this can…

  • We moesten iets doen! Vebego Foundation

    In this radio interview, Lonneke Roza of RSM states that more attention is being paid to donors than to beneficiaries who can not afford to give feedback. The challenge for the foundation is then to learn a lot about the effects…

  • Meer dan winst

    More and more companies are involved in society. But why, and what role do they play? A networking event was recently held at Parc Spelderholt in Beekbergen by Stichting Present Apeldoorn. One of the speakers was Dr. Lonneke Roza,…

  • Erven, schenken en nalaten

    In this first episode in a series of profiles of corporate foundations attention for the Achmea Foundation, the company fund of the co-operative insurer. Researcher Lonneke Roza specializes in corporate foundations. "A foundation…

  • Medewerkervrijwilligerswerk: Wat is het effect?

    In the studio two top experts in this area discuss volunteering Lucas Meijs, Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at Erasmus University and Dr. Lonneke Roza of Erasmus University, expert in the field of employee involvement through…

  • Hoe jouw bedrijf Nepal aan schoon water kan helpen

    Philanthropy may seem more suitable for large corporations and wealthy entrepreneurs, but in reality, SME's do the most charitable actions. Only it is not so structured or organised. "We all know the local baker who has been…

  • Hoe jouw bedrijf Nepal aan schoon water kan helpen

    Philanthropy may seem more suitable for large corporations and wealthy entrepreneurs, but in reality, SME's do the most charitable actions. Only it is not so structured or organised. "We all know the local baker who has been…

  • Business school RSM hosting open day for professionals

    This Saturday RSM, according to the Financial Times one of Europe’s top 10 business schools, is organising an open day for professionals aimed at helping them gain insight in how they can further develop their business skills. On…

  • Business school RSM organiseert open dag voor professionals

    This Saturday RSM, according to the Financial Times one of Europe’s top 10 business schools, is organising an open day for professionals aimed at helping them gain insight in how they can further develop their business skills. On…

  • ‘Een corporate foundation is meer dan alleen een duurzaam imago’

    Philanthropy may seem more suitable for large corporations and wealthy entrepreneurs, but in reality, SME's do the most charitable actions. Only it is not so structured or organised. "We all know the local baker who has been…

  • 'Bedrijfsfilantropie is niet alleen iets voor grote bedrijven'

    Philanthropy may seem more suitable for large corporations and wealthy entrepreneurs, but in reality, SME's do the most charitable actions. Only it is not so structured or organised. "We all know the local baker who has been…

  • Pionierscongres ‘booming’ bedrijfsfondsen bij jarige Achmea Foundation

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • Bedrijven springen in gat dat staat laat liggen

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • Bedrijfsleven ontdekt liefdadigheid

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • Bedrijven springen in gat dat staat laat liggen

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • Bedrijven springen in gat dat staat laat liggen

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • Bedrijven springen in gat dat staat laat liggen

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • Bedrijfsleven ontdekt liefdadigheid

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • Bedrijfsleven ontdekt liefdadigheid

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • Bedrijfsleven ontdekt liefdadigheid

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • Nederlandse bedrijven starten steeds vaker corporate foundations

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…


    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • ‘De vrijwilliger van de toekomst is corporate’

    The number of employees volunteering through a business fund, has at least doubled in the last 10 years, estimates Lonneke Roza. Using company funds staff is employed as a volunteer for a good cause. Netherlands now has at least…

  • Je bent jong en je wilt wat (worden)

    In big companies you can be miles away from the powerful positions, in smaller companies you can be in the middle of the action. This allows you to reach the whole sector with your new ideas and policies in a relatively short…

  • ‘Bedrijven kunnen sleutelrol spelen in vrijwilligerswerk’

    Research conducted by Lonneke Roza concludes corporate volunteering programmes can attract people that otherwise would not have been active in regular community volunteering as they also attract younger people and those with a…

  • Companies are an effective gateway to volunteering

    Research conducted by Lonneke Roza concludes corporate volunteering programmes can attract people that otherwise would not have been active in regular community volunteering as they also attract younger people and those with a…

  • Gorcumse Lonneke Roza promoveert

    Research conducted by Lonneke Roza concludes corporate volunteering programmes can attract people that otherwise would not have been active in regular community volunteering as they also attract younger people and those with a…

  • Voor leden, van leden of met leden?

    What motivates people to become active members of a professional or industry association? And how should the association professionals enthuse their members and facilitate participation? These were the questions answered in the…

  • Impact Investing in 2016

    An overview of Impact Investing of 2015 is provided. This includes the study of Prof. dr. Lucas Meijs and drs. Lonneke Roza where they discussed how capital funds legitimised and positioned themselves in the market and society. …

  • Jaaroverzicht 2015 + Linked In Pulse

    An overview of the year is presented including the following event. On the 24th of November, the FIN (Association of capital funds in the Netherlands) presented how they handled complex social problems. Lonneke Roza and Lucas…

  • Vermogensfondsen staan middenin actualiteit

    On the 24th of November, the FIN (Association of capital funds in the Netherlands) presented how they handled complex social problems. Lonneke Roza and Lucas Meijs discussed how they legitimised and positioned themselves in the…

  • De business case van Maatschappelijk Betrokken Ondernemen

    Sustainable entrepreneurship has grown into a concrete goal, where the strategy is determined. One can achieve it by involving employees and making the work environment more sustainable.

  • Sessies tijdens de FIN-jaarbijeenkomst: Hoe vermogensfondsen kunnen samenwerken op de actuele thema's

    During the FIN General Assembly and Annual Meeting, Lucas Meijs and Lonneke Roza discussed the Corporate Foundations Circle and the internal and external legitimization of positioning of company funds. …

  • Medewerker vrijwilligerswerk

    A podcast in which people discuss; wat does it mean if employees do voluntary work? How does that help the firm? How to organize it properly? The interview is done with Lonneke Roza, an RSM PhD candidate. …

  • Eigenwijze filantropen zijn van toegevoegde waarde

    An article written by Lucas Meijs regarding the value of philanthropy and how this works. He mentions research by Lonneke Roza.

  • Durf eisen te stellen aan vrijwilligerswerk van bedrijven

    An article written by Lucas Meijs and PhD candidate Lonneke Roza regarding voluntary work and the demands Non-Profit Organisations should make regarding their needs.

  • Medewerkers vrijwilligerswerk onder de loep

    Page 30 onwards; an elaborate article about volunteers and voluntary work. Also it explains how they are connected to the Vebego Foundation.

  • Financieringsbronnen (movie)

    Lucas Meijs talks about different sources of funding for voluntary organizations. He gave three presentations about this topic to the sub-municipality Alexanderpolder.

  • Does Good Corporate Citizenship Lead to Happier Employees?

    PhD candidate Lonneke Roza writes about the outcome of her research - together with Prof. Dr. Katharina Spraul, Prof. Dr. Lucas Meijs and Prof. Dr. Femida Handy - on the impact of IBM’s On Demand Community (ODD) program on…

  • Vrijwilliger of beroepskracht?

    Can professionals be replaced by volunteers? This article, co-written by Lucas Meijs and Lonneke Roza, gives 6 reasons to choose volunteers.

  • Vrijwilligerswerk geeft sociale sector legitimiteit

    Volunteering creates legitimacy. This article, co-written by Lucas Meijs and Lonneke Roza, is the fourth and final part in a series about the value of volunteering.

  • Vrijwilligerswerk niet verplichten

    More and more municipalities decide that the unemployed are obliged to do voluntary work. This article, co-written by Lucas Meijs and Lonneke Roza, explains why this is a bad idea.

  • Wie profiteert van de kostenbesparing?

    Lucas Meijs and Lonneke Roza (researcher at RSM) write about the value of volunteering. They comment on the legitimacy of the call of municipalities upon volunteers.

  • Made in China vanuit Nederland

    This article reports on a study of the connection between offshoring and the results for companies by PhD Marja Rosa.

  • Inspelen op nieuwe vrijwilligers

    This article is about the latest trend of volunteer work by employees and how companies can implement this. It has been written by faculty members Lucas Meijs and Lonneke Roza.

  • Pressure Cooker over partnerships met bedrijven

    Dr. Lonneke Roza of RSM is organising a 'Pressure Cooker' session on new and possibly uncomfortable collaborations of charities and companies on 4 February 2019. This 'Pressure Cooker' is intended for anyone who wants more insight…