Article (2)
Academic (2)
Versteegt, L., van Dijke, M., & van den Bos, K. (2024). Physical distancing during the COVID-19 crisis: The roles of threat and moralization. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 54(3), 162-174.
Versteegt, L., van Dijke, M., van Ruysseveldt, J., & van den Bos, K. (2022). When Employees Experience Low Levels of Job Autonomy, Fair Procedures Buffer Unfair Outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 784853.
Chapter (1)
Academic (1)
Dijke, M., van Houwelingen, G., Hoogervorst, N., & Versteegt, L. (2018). Reflection and action: A study on moral learning consultation within Dutch prison authorities. In M. Kowalski (Ed.), Ethics of counterterrorism Boom Uitgevers.
Report (1)
Professional (1)
van Lent, L., Boone, MM., van den Bos, K., Ansems, LF., Lipman, S., & Versteegt, L. (2016). Klachten tegen niet-vervolging (art. 12 Sv-procedure): Doorlooptijden, instroom, verwachtingen van klagers en het belang van procedurele rechtvaardigheid. Research and Documentation Centre of the Netherlands Ministry of Safety and Justice.
Past courses
Sustainability Ethics & Sustainable Behaviour
- Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022
- Code: BM03GBS
- Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master
Verantwoord leiderschap in organisaties
- Study year: 2021/2022
- Code: BK2101
- Level: Bachelor 2, Pre-master
- Study year: 2020/2021
- Code: BP1105
- ECTS: 4
- Study year: 2020/2021
- Code: BP1103
- ECTS: 5
Premaster Project
- Study year: 2020/2021
- Code: BP1106
- ECTS: 10
Research Methodology
- Study year: 2020/2021
- Code: BMRM3GBS
- ECTS: 4 Level: Master
Spreadsheet Modelling
- Study year: 2020/2021
- Code: BP1104
- ECTS: 3
- Study year: 2020/2021
- Code: BP1101
- ECTS: 4
- Study year: 2020/2021
- Code: BP1102
- ECTS: 3
Research training/bachelor thesis
- Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BKBBTH
- Level: Bachelor 3, Pre-master
Research training/bachelor thesis
- Study year: 2019/2020
- Level: Bachelor 3, Pre-master