Justin Jansen is Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship at Rotterdam School of Management
Professor Jansen is intrigued by the notions of growth, scaling as well as strategic renewal of organizations over time. To persist and pursue sustainable, profitable growth over time. No matter whether organizations are for profit or not, embracing and navigating paradoxical demands are key! Even though many organizations want to grow and make impact to address emergent demands or tackle broader societal challanges, only a small minotiry is able to scale-up successfully. Moreover, many organizations seem to stall or crash over time because of having difficulties to renew and explore novel areas for growth beyond the core. Professor Jansen is fascinated about how organizations may revitalize and develop a futureproof identity that serves as an anchor for building and scaling new initiatives. His research provides new insights into the roles of leadership skills and mindsets of (scale-up) entrepreneurs and senior leadership teams, as well as organizational processes and capabilities driving the scalability and viability of organizations over time.
Based on the impact of his research, professor Jansen has been named as one of the most influential scientific minds worldwide by Thomson Reuters. Regarded as ' Hot Research', the ideas generated by and outcomes of Jansen's work have affected the future of management research in important new ways. Professor Jansen has also been named as one of the top-100 leading professors in the field of entrepreneurship, and noted to be one of the individuals cultivating the leaders of tomorrow. His research on strategic leadership, organizational learning and absorptive capacity, organizational ambidexterity and corporate entrepreneurship has been published in various academic journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Leadership Quarterly, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and Strategic Management Journal. Moreover, his research has received recognition throughout the field and several accolades including the ERIM best paper award, the ERIM best dissertation award, and the SAP best strategy paper. He is a recipient of the Erasmus Research Fellowship. Professor Jansen is currently an associate editor of the Journal of Management Studies and serves on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review and the Strategic Management Journal.
Professor Jansen is cofounder and senior fellow of the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE). This center provides a unique platform that ranges from scholarly insights about (corporate) entrepreneurship and new opportunities, startup campuses for ambitious entrepreneurs, to exciting executive programs for leading and initiating entrepreneurial behaviors within established organizations. Moreover, to create a Pan-European platforms for scholars as well as practitioners to build a world-leading scaleup ecosystem, professor Jansen has initiated the European ScaleUp Institute with renowned partner insitutions across Europe.
Justin Jansen acts as a (research) consultant, speaker, and external advisor to a variety of companies as well as governmental agencies. He has designed and developed workshops as well as management programs about the ability of organizations to identify and initiate novel growth paths, to develop strategic leadership, and to combine seemingly opposing forces such as innovation and operational excellence. Moreover, he has advised governmental agencies on the improvement of the entrepreneurial climate in the Netherlands and on spurring the number of fast-growing organizations.
Together with the Erasmus University, professor Jansen has started a new venture - BuildtoGrow - together with professor Tom Mom, to help and support scaleups and grownups to sustain profitable growth over time. Transforming rigorous research into game-based learning offerings, BuildtoGrow offers game-based assessments and personalized learning journeys for leaders and employees of scaleups and grownups to drive and manage persistent growth over time.
Article (51)
Academic (45)
Darnihamedani, P., Block, J., & Jansen, J. (2024). Institutional reforms and entrepreneurial growth ambitions. International Small Business Journal, 42(7), 805-840.
Micheli, M. R., & Jansen, J. (2024). Goal orientation and business model innovation in dynamic environments: Evidence from the creative industries. Creativity and Innovation Management, 33(2), 197-212.
Dizdarevic, A., van de Vrande, V., & Jansen, J. (2024). When opposites attract: a review and synthesis of corporate-startup collaboration. Industry and Innovation, 31(5), 544-578.
Arndt, F., Aharonson, B., Jansen, J., Jiang, J., & Ting, C. (2023). The Past and Future of Absorptive Capacity. Academy of Management Collections, 4(2).
Varga, S., Cholakova, M., Jansen, J., Mom, T., & Kok, G. (2023). From platform growth to platform scaling: The role of decision rules and network effects over time. Journal of Business Venturing, 38(6), Article 106346.
Bomelburg, R., Berger, S., Jansen, J., & Bruch, H. (2023). Regulatory focus climate, organizational structure, and employee ambidexterity: An interactive multilevel model. Human Resource Management, 62(5), 701-719.
Fernandez-Mesa, A., Clarke, R., Garcia-Granero, A., Herrera, J., & Jansen, J. (2023). Knowledge network structure and middle management involvement as determinants of TMT members’ ambidexterity: A multilevel analysis. Long Range Planning, 56(3), Article 102318.
Jansen, J. J. P., Heavey, C., Mom, T. J. M., Simsek, Z., & Zahra, S. A. (2023). Scaling-up: Building, Leading and Sustaining Rapid Growth Over Time. Journal of Management Studies, 60(3), 581-604.
Geradts, T., Jansen, J., & Cornelissen, J. (2022). Let's Profitably Fight Poverty, Shall We? How Managers Use Emotional Framing to Develop Base of the Pyramid Ventures Inside a Large Fast-moving Consumer Goods Company. Organization and Environment, 35(4), 579-606.
Ahmadi, S., Jansen, J., & Eggers, JP. (2022). Using Stretch Goals for Idea Generation Among Employees: One Size Does Not Fit All! Organization Science, 33(2), 671-687.
Tarba, S., Jansen, J., Mom, T., Raisch, S., & Lawton, T. (2020). A Microfoundational Perspective of Organizational Ambidexterity: Critical Review and Research Directions. Long Range Planning, 53(6), Article 10248.
Micheli, M. R., Berchicci, L., & Jansen, J. J. P. (2020). Leveraging diverse knowledge sources through proactive behaviour: How companies can use inter-organizational networks for business model innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(2), 198-208.
Blagoeva, R., Mom, T., Jansen, J., & George, G. (2020). Problem-solving or Self-Enhancement? A Power Perspective on how CEOs affect R&D search in the face of inconsistent feedback. Academy of Management Journal, 63(2).
Blagoeva, R., Kavusan, K., & Jansen, J. (2020). Who violates expectations when? How firms’ growth and dividend reputations affect investors’ reactions to acquisitions. Strategic Management Journal, 41(9), 1712-1742.
Mom, T., Chang, YY., Cholakova, M., & Jansen, J. (2019). A Multilevel Integrated Framework of Firm HR Practices, Individual Ambidexterity and Organizational Ambidexterity. Journal of Management, 45(7), 3009-3034.
Fourne, S., Rosenbusch, N., Heyden, M., & Jansen, J. (2019). Structural and Contextual Approaches to Ambidexterity: A Meta-Analysis of Organizational and Environmental Contingencies. European Management Journal, 37(5), 564-576.
Alexiev, AS., Jansen, J., Volberda, H., & van den Bosch, F. (2019). Contextualizing Senior Executive Advice Seeking: The Role of Decision Process Comprehensiveness and Empowerment Climate. Organization Studies, 41(4), 471-497.
Garcia-Granero, A., Fernandez-Mesa, A., & Jansen, J. (2017). Top Management Team Diversity and Ambidexterity: The Contingent Role of Shared Responsibility and CEO Cognitive Trust. Long Range Planning, 51(6), 881-893.
Fasaei, H., Tempelaar, MP., & Jansen, J. (2017). Firm Reputation and investment decisions: The contigency role of securitie analysts' recommendations. Long Range Planning, 51(5), 680-692.
Ahmadi, S., Khanagha, S., Berchicci, L., & Jansen, J. (2017). Are Managers Motivated to Explore in the Face of a New Technological Change? The Role of Regulatory Focus, Fit, and Complexity of Decision-Making. Journal of Management Studies, 54(2), 209-237.
Wang, P., van de Vrande, V., & Jansen, J. (2017). Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Inventions: Quality of Inventions and Team Composition. Research Policy, 46(10), 1836-1850.
Jansen, J., Kostopoulos, K., Mihalache, O., & Papalexandris, A. (2016). A Socio-Psychological Perspective on Team Ambidexterity. Journal of Management Studies, 53(6), 939-965.
Cao, Q., Simsek, Z., & Jansen, J. (2015). CEO Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Orientation of the Firm: Bonding and Bridging Effects. Journal of Management, 41(7), 1957-1981.
Mom, T., Fourne, S., & Jansen, J. (2015). Managers' Work Experience, Ambidexterity, and Performance: The Contingency Role of the Work Context. Human Resource Management, 54(S1), s133-s153.
Simsek, Z., Jansen, J., Minichilli, A., & Escriba-Esteve, A. (2015). Strategic Leadership and Leaders in Entrepreneurial Contexts: A Nexus for Innovation and Impact Missed? Journal of Management Studies, 52(4), 463-478.
Mihalache, RO., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2014). Top Management Team Shared Leadership and Organizational Ambidexterity: A Moderated Mediation Model. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 8(2), 128-148.
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., & Mom, T. (2014). Strategic Agility in MNEs: Managing Tensions to Capture Opportunities Across Emerging and Established Markets. California Management Review, 56(3), 13-38.
Mihalache, O., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2014). Advancing Management Innovation: Synthesizing Processes, Levels of Analysis, and Change Agents. Organization Studies, 35(9), 1245-1264.
van Doorn, S., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2013). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: The moderating role of senior team attributes and environmental dynamism. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(5), 821-836.
Simsek, Z., Heavey, C., & Jansen, J. (2013). Journal Impact as a Diffusion Process: A Conceptualization and the Case of the Journal of Management Studies. Journal of Management Studies, 50(8), 1374-1407.
Mihalache, RO., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2012). Offshoring and Firm Innovativeness: The Moderating Role of Top Management Team Attributes. Strategic Management Journal, 33(13), 1480-1498.
Vaccaro, IG., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2012). Management Innovation and Leadership: The Moderating Role of Organizational Size. Journal of Management Studies, 49(1), 28-51.
Jansen, J., Simsek, Z., & Cao, Q. (2012). Ambidexterity and Performance in Multi-unit Contexts: Cross-level Moderating Effects of Structural and Resource Attributes. Strategic Management Journal, 33(11), 1286-1303.
van Wijk, R., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2012). How Firms shape knowledge to explore and exploit: A Study of Knowledge Flows, Knowledge Stocks and innovative performance across units. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 24(9), 929-950.
Alexiev, AS., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2010). Top Management Team Advice Seeking and Exploratory Innovation: The Moderating Role of TMT Heterogeneity. Journal of Management Studies, 47(7), 1343-1364.
Burgers, JH., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2009). Structural Differentiation and Corporate Venturing: The Moderating Role of Formal and Informal Integration Mechanisms. Journal of Business Venturing, 24(3), 206-220.
Jansen, J., Tempelaar, MP., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2009). Structural Differentiation and Ambidexterity: The Mediating Role of Integration Mechanisms. Organization Science, 20(4), 797-811.
Jansen, J., Vera, D., & Crossan, M. (2009). Strategic leadership for exploration and exploitation: The moderating role of environmental dynamism. The Leadership Quarterly, 20(1), 5-18.
van Wijk, R., Jansen, J., & Lyles, MA. (2008). Inter- and Intra-organizational knowledge transfer: a meta analytic review and assessment of its antecedents and consequences. Journal of Management Studies, 45(4), 830-853.
Jansen, J., George, G., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2008). Senior Team Attributes and Organizational Ambidexterity: The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership. Journal of Management Studies, 45(5), 982-1007.
Bezemer, PJ., Volberda, H., van den Bosch, F., & Jansen, J. (2006). Strategische vernieuwing in Nederlandse non-profit organisaties. MAB, 80(4), 190-197.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2006). Exploratory Innovation, Exploitative Innovation, and Performance effects of organizational antecedents and environmental moderators. Management Science, 52(11), 1661-1674.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2005). Exploratory Innovation, Exploitative Innovation, and Ambidexterity: The Impact of Environmental and Organizational Antecedents. Schmalenbach Business Review, 57(4), 351-363.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2005). Managing Potential and Realized Absorptive Capacity: How do Organizational Antecedents Matter? Academy of Management Journal, 48(6), 999-1015.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2003). Strategische vernieuwing van ondernemingen: het managen van innovatie en efficiency. M en O, 57(6), 25-36.
Popular (1)
Volberda, H., van den Bosch, F., Jansen, J., & Baaij, M. (2005). Geen groot bedrijf het land uit. Het Financiële Dagblad, 9.
Professional (5)
Jansen, J., & van de Vrande, V. (2018). Is it better to look inside or outside for innovation? RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 33(1), 8-10.
Jansen, J. (2016). How to build ambidextrous teams. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 26(2), 16-18.
Jansen, J. (2013). Offshoring and firm innovation. RSM Insight, 14(2), 14-15.
Vaccaro, IG., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2013). Innoveert de CEO wel mee? M en O, 67(5), 91-106.
van den Bosch, F., Volberda, H., & Jansen, J. (2007). Minister Donner staart zich blind op ontslagrecht. Trouw.
Book (3)
Academic (1)
Volberda, H., van den Bosch, F., Jansen, J., Szczygielska, AO., & Vuren, M. (2007). Inspelen op Globalisering; Offshoring, innovatie en versterking van de concurrentiekracht van Nederland. Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming.
Professional (2)
Jansen, J., & Mom, T. (2021). Naar en Gezond Groeibedrijf in Vijf Stappen: Succesvol zijn en blijven in tijden van verandering. (1 ed.) Van Duuren Management.
Volberda, H., van den Bosch, F., & Jansen, J. (2006). Slim Managen en Innovatief Organiseren. Eiffel ism Het Financieele Dagblad, AWVN, De Unie en RSM.
Chapter (5)
Academic (3)
Varga, S., Jansen, J. J. P., Mom, T. J. M., & Cholakova, M. (2024). Collapsing or prospering: High-growth firms and business scaling in a turbulent world. In Strategy in a Turbulent Era (pp. 107-131). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Geradts, T., & Jansen, J. (2022). Paradoxical tensions in business sustainability: How corporations develop sustainable ventures. In G. george, M. Haas, H. Joshi, A. McGahan, & P. Tracey (Eds.), Handbook on the Business of Sustainability: The Organization, Implementation, and Practice of Sustainable Growth (pp. 152-169). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Mihalache, RO., Kawase, M., & Jansen, J. (2011). Offshoring knowledge vs. labor intensive services: A contingency perspective. In A. Verbeke, R. van Tulder, & A. T. Tavares (Eds.), Entrepreneurship in the Global Firm Emerald Group Publishing.
Professional (2)
Mom, T., & Jansen, J. (2011). Inleiding: Investeren en ondernemen tijdens crises? In Corporate Effectuation: Wat managers kunnen leren van ondernemers
Volberda, H., van den Bosch, F., & Jansen, J. (2007). Hoe rendeert sociale innovatie? De innovatie uitdaging in een mondiaal speelveld. In Samen groeien door sociale innovatie: Feiten, meningen en ervaringen uit het NCSI congres 2007 (pp. 38-55). Nederlands Centrum voor Sociale Innovatie.
Conference contribution (62)
Academic (61)
Ahmadi, S., Jansen, J., & Khanagha, S. (2016). Fostering dispersed entrepreneurship within large organizations – The role of goals and resource availability ? –Academy of Management Conference: Aanaheim- California- August 2016.
Ahmadi, S., Berchicci, L., & Jansen, J. (2015). A Motivational Perspective of Exploration: The Effects of Regulatory Focus and Managerial Decision-making Complexity on Exploration. Academy of Management Conference, Vacouver- Canada- August 2015.
Fourne, S., Mom, T., & Jansen, J. (2014). The Interaction of Top and Middle Managers in Strategy Implementation. Western Business & Management Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Mihalache, RO., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2013). The influence of TMT learning processes and organizational learning capacity on management innovation. EURAM 2013, Istanbul.
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., Krautwald, ST., & Mom, T. (2013). The Interaction of Top and Middle Managers in Strategy Implementation: Effectively Linking Hierarchical Levels. Swiss Strategy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Researchers’ Meeting, Stechelberg, CH.
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., & Mom, T. (2013). Reconciling Middle Managers’ Role Conflicts: Individual Level Absorptive Capacity and the Contingency Effects of Social Capital. Western Business & Management Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Correia-Lima, BSB., Fourne, S., & Jansen, J. (2013). Exploration and Exploitation: A Meta-Analytic Review of Conceptual and Contextual Factors. Academy of Management Conference (BPS Division), Orlando, FL.
Mom, T., Fourne, S., & Jansen, J. (2013). Managers' Ambidexterity and Performance: Effects of Experience Antecedents and Work Context Moderators. Academy of Management Conference (BPS Division), Orlando, FL.
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., & Mom, T. (2013). The Interaction of Top and Middle Managers in Strategy Implementation: Examining Hierarchical Linking Mechanisms. Strategic Management Society Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Mihalache, RO., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2012). TMT processes as antecedents of management innovation: The moderating role of absorptive capacity. Academy of Management, Boston.
van Doorn, S., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2012). The mediating role of decision making comprehensiveness; How senior team search behavior translates into entrepreneurial orientation.
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., & Mom, T. (2012). Reconciling and mastering middle managers’ role conflicts. Academy of Management Conference (BPS Division), Boston, MA.
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., Mom, T., & Magala, S. (2012). Strategic Renewal and Middle Managers’ Reconciliation of Role Conflicts: Individual Level Absorptive Capacity and the Moderating Effects of Social Capital.. EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, FI.
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., Mom, T., & Magala, S. (2012). Rethinking strategic renewal and role conflict: Middle managers’ absorptive capacity, ambidexterity, and contextual cross-level moderation effects. EURAM Conference, Rotterdam, NL.
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., & Mom, T. (2012). Reconciling and mastering middle managers’ role conflicts: Individual level absorptive capacity and the moderating effects of social capital. Organization Science Winter Conference, Steamboat Springs, CO.
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., & Correia-Lima, BSB. (2012). Middle Managers as Drivers of Strategic Agility: Managing Resource Portfolios Facilitated by Social Networks. Organization Science Winter Conference, Steamboat Springs, CO.
Correia-Lima, BSB., Fourne, S., & Jansen, J. (2012). The Relationship of Exploration and Exploitation: Reaching Consensus on Fundamental Debates Using Meta-Analytic Techniques. Strategic Management Society Conference, Prague, CZ.
Arici, MC., Correia-Lima, BSBC., & Jansen, J. (2010). Sequential Ambidexterity and Firm Performance: Evidence from Patent Data.
Vaccaro, IG., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2009). Management Innovation: Uncovering the Influence of Top Management Teams. Copenhagen Business School Management Innovation Conference, Copenhagen.
Vaccaro, IG., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2009). How does the Top Management Team Influence Management Innovation?. 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona.
Tempelaar, MP., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2009). Exploration-exploitation in a Self-Managed Environment: A Multilevel Analysis of Team- and Individual Characteristics. 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona.
Correia-Lima, BSBC., van den Bosch, F., Jansen, J., & Volberda, H. (2009). Managing Innovation through Resource Deployment: The Effects of Organizational Slack and Strategic Flexibility. 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona.
Heyden, M., van den Bosch, F., Jansen, J., & Volberda, H. (2009). Transforming Externally Acquired Knowledge to Strategically Renew: An Upper Echelon Perspective. 9th EURAM Conference 2009, Liverpool.
Vaccaro, IG., van den Bosch, F., Jansen, J., & Volberda, H. (2009). Management Innovation and Leadership: The Moderating Role of Organizational Size. 9th EURAM Conference 2009, Liverpool.
van Wijk, R., & Jansen, J. (2009). Social capital, knowledge transfer and outcomes: Meta-analytic evidence on a moderated mediation model. Strategic Management Society Conference, Washington DC.
Tempelaar, MP., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2009). Knowledge Sharing and Ambidexterity in Self-Managed Teams: A Multi-Level Analysis of Team and Individual Characteristics. Strategic Management Society Conference, Washington DC, USA, Finalist for the <i>Strategic Management Society PhD Award</i>.
Vaccaro, IG., Jansen, J., & van den Bosch, F. (2008). Management Innovation and Leadership.. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, USA.
Vaccaro, IG., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2008). Management Innovation: A look at the Influence of Leadership and Organizational Size.. EURAM Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Burgers, JH., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2008). Organizational Ambidexterity and Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Differential Effects on Venturing, Innovation and Renewal Processes. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Chapel Hill, USA.
Tempelaar, MP., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2008). Client Social Capital and Ambidexterity: the Moderating Effect of Internal Social Capital. Annual Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, USA.
Szczygielska, AO., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2007). How Offshoring drives Innovation: The moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity.. Strategic Management Society Conference, San Diego, USA.
Tempelaar, MP., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2007). Coordinating Strategic Renewal: Transcending the Exploration-Exploitation Paradox.. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
Burgers, JH., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2007). Structural Differentiation and Corporate Venturing: the Moderating Role of Formal and Informal Integration Mechanisms. Academy of Management, Philadelphia.
Szczygielska, AO., Jansen, J., Volberda, H., & van den Bosch, F. (2007). How offshoring drives innovation: relocation of non-core and core activities. EGOS Conference, Vienna, Austria.
Szczygielska, AO., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2007). How offshoring drives innovation: relocation of non-core and core activities. AIB confernce, Indianapolis, USA.
Burgers, JH., & Jansen, J. (2007). Structural Separation and Corporate Venturing: The Moderating Effects of Formal and Informal Integration Mechanisms. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid.
Burgers, JH., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2007). Structural Differentiation and Corporate Venturing: the Moderating Role of Formal and Informal Integration Mechanisms.. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Burgers, JH., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2007). Structural Differentiation and Corporate Venturing: the Moderating Role of Integration Mechanisms. European Academy of Management Conference, Paris.
Tempelaar, MP., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2007). Levers of strategic renewal: vertical versus lateral coordination mechanisms. EURAM Conference, Paris, France.
Szczygielska, AO., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2007). How offshoring drives innovation: relocation of non-core and core activities. EURAM Conference, Paris, France.
van Wijk, R., Jansen, J., & Lyles, MA. (2007). Organizational Knowledge Transfer: A Meta-analytic Review of its Antecedents and Outcomes. Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia.
van Wijk, R., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2006). Unraveling Absorptive Capacity: A Study of Units' Knowledge Flows, Knowledge Stocks and Innovative Performance. Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2006). Exploratory innovation, exploitative innovation, and performance: Effects of organizational antecedents and environmental moderators. 2nd Annual Workshop on Organization Design, Managing Organizational Design Dynamics, University of Southern Denmark.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2005). Exploratory Innovation, Exploitative Innovation and Ambidexterity: the Impact of Environmental and Organizational Antecedents. Copenhagen Conference on Strategic Management, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2005). Ambidexterity in organizations. Competence Based Management Conference, Antwerp, Belgium.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2005). Exploratory Innovation, Exploitative Innovation, and Ambidexterity. EURAM Conference 2005, Munich, Germany.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2005). Exploratory Innovation, Exploitative Innovation, and Ambidexterity. ACCS Conference 2005, Vallendar, Germany.
Jansen, J., van Wijk, R., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2005). The Role of Firms? Knowledge Strategies in Developing Deep and Broad Knowledge. Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu, HI.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2004). Exploratory and Exploitative Innovations in Ambidextrous Organizations: How do Antecedents Matter?. Academy of Management Meeting 2004, New Orleans, August 6-11.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2004). Exploratory Innovation, Exploitative Innovation, or Both Simultaneously: How do Environmental and Organizational Antecedents Matter?. Annual Strategic Management Society Conference 2004, November 1-4, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Volberda, H., van den Bosch, F., van Wijk, R., & Jansen, J. (2004). The Role of Firms? Knowledge Strategies in Developing Deep and Broad Knowledge. Academy of International Business Conference, Stockholm.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2003). Absorptive Capacity, Adaptation, and Performance: An Intra-organizational Perspective. Annual OKLC Conference, April 2003, Barcelona, Spain.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2003). Managing the Exploration and Exploitation Strategy: Organizational Antecedents and Consequences. SMS Conference, Intersections: Strategy Across Conventional Boundaries, Baltimore, USA, November 9-12.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2003). Measuring Absorptive Capacity: Realized and Potential. DRUID Summer Conference, Creating, Sharing and Transferring Knowledge: The Role of Geography, Institutions and Organizations, Denmark, June 12-14.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2003). Managing Potential and Realized Absorptive Capacity: Antecedents and Consequences. BPS Division, Absorptive Capacity and Organizational Slack, Academy of Management Conference, Democracy in a Knowledge Economy, Seattle, USA, August 1-6.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2003). Managing Potential and Realized Absorptive Capacity: Evidence from a Large European Mulit-unit Firm. Annual Academy of International Business Conference, July 1-4, Monterey, USA.
Jansen, J. (2002). Managing a business unit's absorptive capacity: toward a dynamic model. Strategic Management Society Conference, September 2-4, Paris, France.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2002). Adaptation and Selection in Long-lived Companies: A Micro-coevolutionary Perspective on Absorptive Capacity. 18 th EGOS Colloquium, July 4-6, 2002, Barcelona, Spain.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2002). Managing organizational and integrative capabilities. McMaster World Congress on Intellectual Capital, January 10-12, Hamilton, Canada.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2002). Absorptive Capacity Explorative/Exploitative Adaption and Performance: an Intra-Organizational Perspective, Organizing Processes of Building and Leveraging Knowledge. LINK Conference, November 1-2, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jansen, J. (2001). "Managing the organizational knowledge absorption cycle: the microevolution between knowledge processes and integrative capabilities". Academy of Management Conference, August 3-8, 2001, Washington, USA.
Professional (1)
Tempelaar, MP., Jansen, J., & van den Bosch, F. (2008). Knowing Your Clients: The Joint Effect of Client- and Internal Social Capital on Organizational Ambidexterity.. Strategic Management Society Conference, Cologne - Germany.
Conference proceeding (10)
Academic (8)
Mihalache, RO., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2012). TMT processes as antecedents of management innovation: The moderating role of absorptive capacity. In Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., Mom, T., & Magala, S. (2011). Strategic Renewal and Role Conflict: Linking Absorptive Capacity and Middle Managers' Ambidexterity. In Academy of Management Conference (BPS Division), San Antonio, TX
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., Mom, T., & Magala, S. (2011). Strategic Renewal and Middle Managers’ Reconciliation of Role Conflicts: Individual Level Absorptive Capacity and the Moderating Effects of Social Capital. In PREBEM Conference, Rotterdam, NL
Fourne, S., Jansen, J., Mom, T., & Magala, S. (2011). Tensions between Continuity and Change – Reconciling Middle Managers’ Role Conflicts Through Individual Level Absorptive Capacity and the Contingency Effects of Social Capital. In EURAM Mini-Conference, Rotterdam, NL
van Doorn, S., Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2009). Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: The moderating role of senior team attributes and environmental dynamism. In Best paper proceedings AOM conference
van Wijk, R., Jansen, J., & Lyles, MA. (2009). Social capital, knowledge transfer and outcomes: Meta-analytic evidence on a moderated mediation model. In G. T. Solomon (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
van Wijk, R., Jansen, J., & Lyles, MA. (2008). Social capital, knowledge transfer and performance: Meta-analytic evidence and moderating effects. In G. T. Solomon (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
van Wijk, R., Jansen, J., & Lyles, MA. (2007). Organizational Knowledge Transfer: A Meta-analytic Review of its Antecedents and Outcomes. In G. T. Solomon (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
Professional (2)
Fasaei, H., Jansen, J., & Tempelaar, MP. (2014). The Inertial Effect of Good Corporate Reputation on Exploration-Exploitation Interplay. In -
Fasaei, H., Jansen, J., & Tempelaar, MP. (2014). The Dark Side of Good Corporate Reputation: The Effect of Good Corporate Reputation On Over-exploration & Over-exploitation of Firms. In -
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
Jansen, J. (2005). Ambidextrous Organizations: A Multiple-level Study of Absorptive Capacity, Exploratory and Exploitative Innovation, and Performance. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Inaugural speech (1)
Popular (1)
Jansen, J. (2011). Corporate Entrepreneurship: Sensing and Seizing Opportunities for a Prosperous Reseach Agenda. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM).
Report (7)
Academic (4)
Tempelaar, MP., Volberda, H., & Jansen, J. (2014). De Consultancy Index 2014: Drijfveren van omzetgroei in consulting. OOA.
Volberda, H., Heij, K., van den Bosch, F., & Jansen, J. (2012). Erasmus Concurrentie en Innovatie Monitor 2011 – 2012: Nederlandse bedrijven investeren meer in radicale innovaties. INSCOPE - Research for Innovation.
Volberda, H., van den Bosch, F., Jansen, J., & Heij, K. (2012). Sociale innovatie in Vlaanderen: Vlaamse Innovatie Monitor 2012. INSCOPE - Research for Innovation.
Jansen, J., van den Bosch, F., & Volberda, H. (2005). Managing Potential and Realized Absorptive Capacity: How do Organiztional Antecedents Matter? (ERIM Report Series 025-STR ed.) Strategic Management and Business Environment. ERIM Report Series Vol. 025-STR
Professional (3)
Haans, R., & Jansen, J. (2021). Eindrapportage Groeidynamiek van het Nederlandse MKB. Ondernemers in beweging. Jaarbericht Staat van het MKB 2021.
Haans, R., Criaco, G., & Jansen, J. (2020). Eindrapportage Groeidynamiek van het Nederlandse MKB. Ondernemen is vooruitzien. Jaarbericht Staat van het MKB 2020.
Jansen, J., Roosenboom, P., Veenenbos, J., & Van Ostaijen, M. (2017). Business Angels in Nederland: Een verkenning naar een nieuwe onderzoeksmethode en beleidsaanpak. Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Teaching case (6)
Academic (6)
Varga, S., Arellano Geoffroy, P., Mom, T., & Jansen, J., (2022). Zivver: Scaling Up the Next Generation of Secure Communications, 18 p., RSM Case Development Centre
Arellano Geoffroy, P., Jansen, J., & Mom, T., (2020). Jumbo Group: Reinventing the Supermarket of the Future, No. 320-0052-1, 16 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 320-0052-1
Kleinsmith, N., Jansen, J., & Mom, T., (2019). Exponential Growth in Online Food Ordering and Delivery, No. 319-0041-1, 23 p., Apr 03, 2019. RSM Case Development Centre No. 319-0041-1
Gatt, C., Jansen, J., & Mom, T., (2019). Coolblue: Thriving and Making Customers Happy is the New Blue, No. 419-0100-1, 18 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 419-0100-1
Gatt, C., Mom, T., & Jansen, J., (2019). SecureLink: When Growth Happens Faster Than a Wink, No. 319-0372-1, 8 p., RSM Case Development Centre RSM Case Development Centre No. 319-0372-1
Kleinsmith, N., Jansen, J., & Mom, T., (2019). YoungCapital: Reinventing the Staffing Industry, No. 319-0289-1, 15 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 319-0289-1
Additional positions (5)
Achmea NVStart date approval: 01 Nov 2019End date approval: 31 Dec 9999Place: ZEISTDescription: N/A
BuildtoGrow BVStart date approval: 29 Sep 2022End date approval: 28 Sep 2025Place: ROTTERDAMDescription: Aandeelhouder en bestuurder
ECE BVStart date approval: 01 Nov 2022End date approval: 31 Oct 2025Place: ROTTERDAMDescription: Outreach activities, keynotes, support and advice
RSM BVStart date approval: 01 Nov 2022End date approval: 31 Oct 2025Place: ROTTERDAMDescription: Executive education
De OndernemerStart date approval: 10 Nov 2022End date approval: 09 Nov 2025Place: AMSTERDAMDescription: Member of the Advisory Board
Additional activities (7)
Academy of Management Review (Journal)Justin Jansen (Editor)01 Jul 2012
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
Unknown eventJustin Jansen (Participant)01 Jan 2012
Activity: Attendance > Attending an event (Professional)
Journal of Management Studies (Journal)Justin Jansen (Editor)01 Jan 2011
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
Unknown eventJustin Jansen (Participant)01 Jan 2011
Activity: Attendance > Attending an event (Professional)
Strategic Management Journal (Journal)Justin Jansen (Editor)01 Sep 2010
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
Academy of Management Journal (Journal)Justin Jansen (Editor)01 Jul 2010
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
Unknown eventJustin Jansen (Participant)01 Jan 2010
Activity: Attendance > Attending an event (Professional)
- ERIM Societal Impact Award (2020)
- ERIM Impact Award (2014)
- ERIM Impact Award (2007)
- ERIM Top Article Award (2007)
- ERIM Dissertation Award (2006)
- Fellowship - EUR (2006)
SM-B, Strategische Groei & Corporate Development
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BMA3138
- ECTS: 6
Research Clinic
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024
- Level: Master
Corporate Strategy
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024
- Code: BMSM12
- Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master
Past courses
SM-A, Strategische Vernieuwing & Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Study year: 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BMA3137
- ECTS: 6
SM-M, Majorgebonden Methodologie Seminars
- Study year: 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BMA3139
- ECTS: 2
Advanced Topics in Strategic Entrepreneurship
- Study year: 2019/2020
- Code: BERMASC045
- ECTS: 5 Level: Master
Advanced Topics in Engaged Strategizing
- Study year: 2018/2019, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BERMASC009
- ECTS: 5 Level: Master
Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Study year: 2018/2019
- Code: BMSE04
- ECTS: 5 Level: Master
Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Study year: 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BM04SE
- ECTS: 6 Level: Master
ERIM Research Clinic Strategy and Entrepreneurship
- Study year: 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BERMRC004
- ECTS: 4 Level: Master
Featured in the news
Featured in the media
Lack of innovation puts the brakes on SMEs
Proj. Justin Jansen is quoted in this article about the production value of SMEs and their lack of leadership skills needed for innovation.
Thursday, 14 November 2024 -
After achieving unicorn status, Amsterdam-based Mews wins the Top 250 Golden Scaler Award: Know more
Prof. Justin Jansen presented his research at the Top 250 Golden Scaler Award when Amsterdam-based Mews, a provider of hospitality management cloud, won the title. According to the research conducted by the Erasmus Centre for…
Wednesday, 6 November 2024 -
Mews fastest growing company in the Netherlands: 'Continue to become market leader in hotel software worldwide'
Prof Justin Jansen of RSM and the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship is quoted in this news article about ECE's annual survey of the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands.
Tuesday, 5 November 2024 -
Fewer start-ups are growing fast; Top 250 growers: 'The time of quick money and scaling up is behind us'
The average age of the 250 fastest growing and most innovative companies in the Netherlands rose to 16.4 years this year. "Fewer companies are able to scale up and grow quickly in a very short time," says Professor Justin Jansen…
Thursday, 30 May 2024 -
Fewer fast-growing startups in the Netherlands
'AMSTERDAM - The number of startups in the 250 fastest-growing companies in the Netherlands ranking has halved. Fewer companies are able to scale up and grow quickly, mainly due to the circumstances in the financial markets,…
Thursday, 30 May 2024 -
Fast-growing companies have created more than 200,000 jobs in recent years
Fast-Growing Companies: Job Engines Face Challenges and Adapt in 2023
Sunday, 17 December 2023 -
Government is very late in offering energy cost compensation
Delayed Energy Cost Reimbursement Hits SMEs
Monday, 2 October 2023 -
Justin Jansen: 'Maak de klant koning, juist nu inflatie toeslaat'
Justin Jansen, professor of Entrepreneurship at RSM, discusses inflation.
Saturday, 16 April 2022 -
Te ambitieuze doelstellingen voor personeel: wanneer dat (g)een goed idee is
Justin Jansen, Professor of Entrepreneurship at RSM, discusses flexibility as an entrepreneur.
Monday, 21 March 2022 -
Heb je wel een goed verhaal?
Justin Jansen, professor at RSM, discusses growth stories of entrepreneurs.
Tuesday, 22 February 2022 -
Hoogleraar Jansen: 'Je wilt groeien, maar heb je eigenlijk wel een goed verhaal te vertellen?'
Justin Jansen discusses innovation and growth within companies.
Tuesday, 15 February 2022 -
European Scale-Ups Got Knocked Down by COVID in 2020, But Are Up Again in 2021
Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE) and RSM partnered with a selection of esteemed academic contributors to map the landscape around Europe's drivers of innovation and growth.
Friday, 17 December 2021 -
'Ondernemers maken de wereld iedere dag een stukje beter, laten we ze in het zonnetje zetten'
Justin Jansen, Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship at RSM, highlights the successes of entrepreneurs in his blog.
Wednesday, 17 November 2021 -
Drie vragen van hoogleraar Jansen: dé check hoe gezond jouw bedrijf is
Justin Jansen, Professor of Entrepreneurship, shares questions to reflect on to check the health of your company.
Sunday, 17 October 2021 -
Coronapandemie verhinderde internationale doorbraak snelgroeiende bedrijven
The Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, RSM, and Justin Jansen, Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship at RSM were involved in research about fast-growing companies.
Friday, 15 October 2021 -
Hoogleraar Jansen: 'Recordstand voor AEX. Heel mooi, maar wat hebben we eraan?'
Professor of Entrepreneurship and academic director of the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, Justin Jansen discusses the record position for the AEX.
Wednesday, 22 September 2021 -
Durf te investeren in leiderschap!
Successfully scaling up is an almost impossible task for many start-ups. Yet they rarely look for leadership talent that can help them with this, notes Justin Jansen, Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship at RSM. …
Thursday, 9 September 2021 -
Hoogleraar Ondernemerschap Jansen: 'Is winstminimalisatie niet veel beter dan maximalisatie?'
Justin Jansen, Professor of Entrepreneurship at RSM, and academic director of the Erasmus Centre of Entrepreneurship, questions profit being a measure for success. Profitability as a success factor results in companies and their…
Friday, 20 August 2021 -
'Zet je ongemak deze zomer om in vernieuwingsdrang'
Discomfort is often the source of creativity and innovation. The most impactful ideas and business models have arisen because people experience discomfort with current solutions to problems. Especially in this summer when nothing…
Wednesday, 21 July 2021 -
Hoogleraar Justin Jansen: 'In ieder bedrijf schuilt een platformbedrijf'
Platform companies have become an integral part of our daily practice. And quickly conquer the world. In no time we order food, a taxi, or all kinds of products. Many existing companies find it difficult to respond to the rapid…
Monday, 14 June 2021 -
'De toekomst van de economie? Kijk naar een snelgroeiend bedrijf als Coolblue', stelt hoogleraar Jansen
Look at Coolblue and you know what the future of the economy is. In Professor Justin Jansen's speech about growth companies - the annual Top 250 - the well-known web giant from Rotterdam invariably comes back. …
Thursday, 10 June 2021 -
Hoogleraar Justin Jansen nieuw lid Raad van Advies De Ondernemer
Justin Jansen has joined the Advisory Board of De Ondernemer. Justin is professor of Entrepreneurship at the RSM, academic director of the Erasmus Center for Entrepreneurship and co-author of the bestseller 'Towards a healthy…
Wednesday, 28 April 2021 -
Slim groeien: leer zélf van de succesvolste bedrijven
'Healthy growth is a must for every company', says entrepreneurship professor Justin Jansen of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Yet almost half of the Dutch business sector is not growing (anymore). Together with nlgroeit and the…
Friday, 12 March 2021 -
Around the Universities
A roundup of recent research on leadership and management from across the UK and internationally. Traditionally, stretch goals aim to inspire higher levels of commitment and fresh ideas, and lead to radical outcomes. But Dr…
Sunday, 1 November 2020 -
‘Toename snelgroeiende bedrijven viel voor corona al stil’
Article about the halt to the increase in the number of fast-growing companies and the number of start-ups that continue to grow. Researchers at Erasmus University Rotterdam warn against this. According to them, that development…
Friday, 23 October 2020 -
Article about the halt to the increase in the number of fast-growing companies and the number of start-ups that continue to grow. Justin Jansen, Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship at the RSM, warns against this. According to…
Friday, 23 October 2020 -
'Veerkracht Nederlandse economie al voor corona in het slop'
Article about the halt to the increase in the number of fast-growing companies and the number of start-ups that continue to grow. Justin Jansen, Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship at the RSM, warns against this. According to…
Friday, 23 October 2020 -
De coronapandemie zet een rem op de aanwas van scale-ups en ‘dat is slecht in crisistijd’ – ‘richt coronasteun op groei bedrijven’
Article about the halt to the increase in the number of fast-growing companies and the number of start-ups that continue to grow. Justin Jansen, Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship at the RSM, warns against this. According to…
Friday, 23 October 2020 -
Toename aantal snelgroeiende bedrijven kwam al voor de coronacrisis tot stilstand
Article about the halt to the increase in the number of fast-growing companies and the number of start-ups that continue to grow. Justin Jansen, Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship at the RSM, warns against this. According to…
Friday, 23 October 2020 -
Investeren in herstel en groei van het mkb
Justin Jansen, Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship at RSM, has been mentioned in a presentation by the Nederlands Comité voor Ondernemerschap regarding the growth of SMEs.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020 - opnieuw snelste groeier van Nederland
Justin Jansen of RSM has commented on the fact that has been selected for another prize as the fastest grower.
Monday, 9 March 2020 -
New research reveals when stretch goals work
Research conducted by Justin Jansen of RSM has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses stretch goals, and claims that stretch goals are a double-edged sword, and firms need to be careful and judicious in deciding when…
Tuesday, 4 February 2020 -
An interview with Justin Jansen of RSM with BNR radio.
Monday, 3 February 2020 -
Hoe krijgt Nederland meer Picnics, Adyens en Takeaways? ‘Het vliegwiel dreigt nu te gaan draaien’
An article that discusses that the Dutch government wants the Netherlands to become the best location in Europe for young, fast-growing companies. However, qrowth and upscaling is a major obstacle for startups and scaleups.…
Friday, 24 January 2020 -
Klimaat voor snelgroeiende bedrijven in Nederland is verslechterd
Groot deel van Nederlandse mkb groeit niet of nauwelijks
Justin Jansen, professor of corporate entrepreneurship at RSM, has been mentioned in an article discussing Dutch SMEs. He finds that Dutch small and medium-sized businesses must grow. In order to compete with innovative…
Tuesday, 25 June 2019 -
'CFO moet meegaan in disruptie'
Justin Jansen, professor of corporate entrepreneurship at RSM, conducts research into strategic leadership. It intrigues him that most organisations focus on existing businesses and clients and are unable to leave the beaten track…
Friday, 10 May 2019 -
Boeiend kennisprogramma voorafgaand aan uitreiking Nationale Meeting Award 2019
Prof. Justin Jansen of RSM will be a keynote speaker at the 'Nationale Meeting Award 2019'. The theme's he will discuss are innovation and leadership.
Saturday, 2 February 2019 -
Research has shown that - contrary to what may sound logical - startups grow less quickly than already established companies. This is due to the complexity, says Justin Jansen, professor of entrepreneurship at RSM. …
Tuesday, 27 November 2018 -
Nederlandse startups hebben moeite om de stap naar scale-up te zetten – maar iets oudere mkb-bedrijven groeien wel hard door
Dutch startups are struggling to take the step to scale-up - but somewhat older SME's are growing fast. "Startups seem to have more trouble with scaling up. It becomes more complex. Interviews with young, fast-growing companies…
Tuesday, 27 November 2018 -
Start-ups groeien niet; gevestigd MKB juist wel
For the first time in years, more than half of the established SME's in The Netherlands are growing. However, the increase in the number of young, fast-growing companies, or the startups that grow into scale-up, is stagnating.…
Tuesday, 27 November 2018 -
Nederlandse bedrijven groeien hard, start-ups blijven achter
The Netherlands has more and more fast-growing companies, so-called scale-ups. This is shown by research by RSM. It is striking that not so many start-ups, but mainly established companies are fast growers. According to Justin…
Monday, 26 November 2018 -
Quadia's masterclass-serie Groeimasters van start
Justin Jansen of RSM will be a guest at Groeimasters' first of ten of master classes. These classes are targeted at ambitious entrepreneurs who have been working for a few years and want to grow their company into a scale-up. …
Wednesday, 31 January 2018 -
Quadia en nlgroeit dagen ondernemers uit om 450 minuten te investeren in groei
The new series of master classes Groeimasters is targeted at ambitious entrepreneurs who have been working for a few years and want to scale-up their business. Justin Jansen of RSM will be a guest at the first of ten classes. …
Tuesday, 30 January 2018 -
Masterclass-serie Groeimasters van start: werken aan de volgende stap
The new series of master classes Groeimasters is targeted at ambitious entrepreneurs who have been working for a few years and want to scale-up their business. Groeimasters wants to provide these entrepreneurs with concrete…
Tuesday, 30 January 2018 -
Quadia en nlgroeit lanceren serie online masterclasses
The new series of master classes Groeimasters, an initiative by Quadia and nlgroeit, has been made for ambitious entrepreneurs who have been working for a few years and want to make a scale-up of their company. Guests at the first…
Tuesday, 30 January 2018 -
3 maatregelen waarmee ieder bedrijf in 2018 kan innoveren
At the end of 2017, the FD shared the news that the number of fast-growing start-ups in the Netherlands has risen by no less than 220% between 2014 and 2016. Justin Jansen of RSM claims that in addition to the fast-growing young…
Monday, 22 January 2018 -
Ontwikkelaar van tool voor webshops groeide met 5463 procent
The future of business is in the hands of startups. But nine out of ten newcomers do not get their business going. Justin Jansen of RSM argues that there is no formula to succeed as a start-up and grow into a scale-up, but…
Monday, 4 December 2017 -
Een op de tien snelgroeiende bedrijven in Nederland komt voort uit een startup
The number of start-ups growing into fast-growing multi-million companies, otherwise known as 'scale-ups', is rising strongly. Growth in established companies, however, is lagging behind, according to the recently published…
Monday, 4 December 2017 -
The Netherlands needs to relax start-up visa rules, says prince
This article on Dutch regulations on staffing references the annual ScaleUp Dashboard 2017 study, led by Justin Jansen of RSM.
Friday, 24 November 2017 -
Meer Startups Worden Scale-Ups
Although more and more startups are making the step to scale up, considerable efforts are still needed to keep catch up with countries like China, Israel and America, says Prince Constantijn van Oranje, envoy of StartupDelta. "In…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Europe’s Top 41 High Growth Potential Cleantech Companies Announced at the Tech Tour 2017 Cleantech Summit
Tech Tour has announced the top 41 high growth potential cleantech companies in Europe, chosen by a selection committee of active cleantech investors and industry experts, who will present at the Tech Tour 2017 Cleantech Summit in…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Nederland telt fors meer startups die harde groeiers worden – 5 opvallende trends
More and more startups are growing into a fast-growing multi-million companies, according to a study led by Justin Jansen of RSM. In 2016, 331 startups grew into a fast-growing company, compared to 98 in 2014. …
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
“Realiseren van groei steeds nijpender voor gevestigde bedrijven”
The number of startups growing into fast-growing multi-companies, so-called 'scale-ups', is rising strongly. However, established companies are lagging behind. These findings were made in the annual ScaleUp Dashboard 2017, led by…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Meer starters worden miljoenenbedrijf
Start-ups are more likely to grow in to million-euro companies in the Netherlands, according to a new study led by Justin Jansen of RSM. Researchers scanned the market and found 331 start-ups last year that grew significantly. …
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
'Startups groeien hard door, rest bedrijven blijft achter'
The number of startups that have successfully grown to the status of 'scale-up' has grown rapidly in recent years. But these positive developments ignore the vast majority of all other Dutch companies. Of these, 85 percent did not…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Steeds meer start-ups groeien uit tot miljoenenbedrijf
More and more starting start-ups are succeeding at growing into million-euro companies according to the annual StartUp Dashboard study, led by Justin Jansen of RSM.
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Flink meer snelgroeiende bedrijven in Nederland
The number of young Dutch companies that is growing fast has increased considerably. Last year 5.4 percent so-called 'scale-ups' were added in the Netherlands. This figure was found in the annual ScaleUp Dashboard study led by…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
'Meer startups worden snelgroeiend bedrijf'
There is a significant increase in the number of startups that are developing into fast-growing million-euro companies. According to the annual ScaleUp Dashboard study, led by Justin Jansen of RSM, 331 start-ups grew into…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Hackermiljonair start investeringsfonds; dj zet 'eigen Facebook' op
The number of young Dutch companies that are growing fast is rising sharply. Last year, there was a 5.4% growth in 'scale-ups' in the Netherlands. The annual ScaleUp Dashboard study was led by Justin Jansen of RSM. …
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Explosive Growth in the Number of Startups that Turn into a Scale-Up
The number of startups that grow into fast-growing companies, known as 'scale-ups', is growing immensely. On the other hand, the growth of established companies lags behind. This is one of the conclusions of the Scale-up Dashboard…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
10 belangrijke dingen die zich nu afspelen in de wereld
Good and bad news: the number of companies that made the jump from startup to 'scale up' increased last year by 5.4 percent to 3,237 companies, according the annual ScaleUp Dashboard study led by Justin Jansen of RSM. These are…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Explosieve groei aantal startups tot miljoenenbedrijf
The number of startups that have successfully grown to the status of 'scale-up' has grown rapidly in recent years. But these positive developments ignore the vast majority of all other Dutch companies. Of these, 85 percent did not…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
“Realiseren van groei steeds nijpender voor gevestigde bedrijven”
The number of startups growing into fast-growing multi-companies, so-called 'scale-ups', is rising strongly. However, established companies are lagging behind. These findings were made in the annual ScaleUp Dashboard 2017, led by…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Kopgroep van start-ups groeit door naar miljoenenbedrijf
Start-ups are more likely to grow into million-euro companies in the Netherlands, according to a new study led by Justin Jansen of RSM. The study found that the Netherlands had 331 start-ups last year that grew into scale-ups,…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Dit fonds investeert enkel en alleen in medicatie tegen ALS - Rabobank stort er alvast 3 miljoen in
The only investment fund in the world to focus on the cure of a single disease has raised 3 million euros from Rabobank. The Dutch bank is the first large investor to invest in the ALS Investment Fund, a fund with a…
Monday, 6 November 2017 -
Oudste start-up competitie New Venture ter ziele
The curtain has fallen for the entrepreneurial contest New Venture. Mission succeeded: twenty years ago, twenty year-olds did not know how to write a business plan. Now, there are many initiatives in the Netherlands to help…
Monday, 9 October 2017 -
Additive Industries Wins the new Champions Competition
Additive Industries, a Netherlands-based manufacturer of industrial metal additive manufacturing (AM) systems—has been named winner of De Nieuwe Kampioenen (The New Champions), a competition to seek out the most promising young…
Monday, 10 July 2017 -
Het recept voor hyper groei
Hypergrowth is the holy grail of entrepreneurs and investors searching for the ultimate hit. Justin Jansen answers the questions how extreme fast growth works and how an entrepreneur achieves it. …
Saturday, 1 April 2017 -
Acht Nieuwe Kampioenen zijn de beloften van vandaag
For the third time the FD begins the series The New Champions. The search for innovative growth companies provides again a diverse harvest of contenders. A jury investor Robert Verwaayen, company director Jan Hommen, consultant…
Monday, 20 March 2017 -
Acht Nieuwe Kampioenen zijn de beloften van vandaag
"Many companies are not able to enter new growth markets. But because changes are speeding, they will still have to break new ground. And there's the pain, "said Justin Jansen.
Monday, 20 March 2017 -
Gezocht: heel erg veel personeel
The Netherlands scores above average on the percentage of fast growing companies, as was shown by the ScaleUp Dashboard of RSM and ECE led by Justin Jansen. Here, the consequences of such a high percentage are presented. …
Saturday, 25 February 2017 -
The Hyve listed in The Top 250 Scale-ups 2017
The Hyve is listed in The Top 250 Scale-ups 2017. The Top 250 Scale-ups 2017 (Top 250 Groeibedrijven 2017) is based on our ScaleUp Dashboard, which is an annual research into Dutch scale-ups conducted by our Academic Director and…
Wednesday, 8 February 2017 -
Cosmetics group Rituals is fastest growing Dutch firm
The cosmetics brand Rituals created 1,097 new jobs in the period 2012-2016 and tops a new list of the fastest growing Dutch firms compiled by researchers at the Rotterdam School of Management. ‘The ScaleUp Dashboard is the first…
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 -
Werknemers met ideeën, graag
Eight in every hundred workers in Europe is an "intrapreneur. That was shown in a report from the World Economic Forum last week. Only in the United States, Canada and Australia, that number is higher. Europe is doing relatively…
Wednesday, 28 December 2016 -
Werknemers met ideeën, graag
Eight in every hundred workers in Europe is an "intrapreneur. That was shown in a report from the World Economic Forum last week. Only in the United States, Canada and Australia, that number is higher. Europe is doing relatively…
Tuesday, 27 December 2016 -
Top Nederlands bedrijfsleven zet in op samenwerken met start-ups
Corporate businesses and startups met extensively during the first How To Get There Summit. During the event, the two worlds were combined, with the aim to accelerate innovation in the Netherlands. Because the power of innovation…
Sunday, 20 November 2016 -
Zorgen om tweedeling binnen Nederlands bedrijfsleven
The number of fast-growing companies in the Netherlands rose for the first time in seven years. Still 70 percent of businesses fail to grow, or even shrink. A worrying development, notes Professor Justin Jansen of ScaleUp…
Thursday, 17 November 2016 -
'Snelgroeiende bedrijven hebben een specifiek DNA'
All attention is focussed on the positive effect startups have had on the business climate in the Netherlands. "The Dutch business climate has become more professional in recent years, causing more young companies to develop into…
Thursday, 17 November 2016 -
Building Ambidextrous Teams
Sustainable business success, delivering consistent long-term results, depends not only on present performance but also on keeping a constant eye to the future. Therefore, Justin Jansen, based on his research, urges companies to…
Thursday, 25 August 2016 -
Deze HR-tools verhogen innovatie
The consultancy index 2015, created by dr. Michiel Tempelaar, Prof. dr. Justin Janssen and Prof. dr. Henk Volberda has been published online. This index provides an insight in the consultancy industry, including how to recognise a…
Tuesday, 9 August 2016 -
Nieuw onderzoek van Ooa en Erasmus Universiteit naar valkuilen en successen van consultants
The consultancy index 2015, created by dr. Michiel Tempelaar, Prof. dr. Justin Janssen and Prof. dr. Henk Volberda has been published online. This index provides an insight in the consultancy industry, including how to recognise a…
Friday, 5 August 2016 -
Koppert Biological Systems wint FD-prijs De Nieuwe Kampioenen
Koppert Biological Systems won the FD-prize for New Champions as rapidly growing companies that show entrepreneurship, invest in research and engage in corporate social entrepreneurship. Justin Jansen was one of the judges in the…
Friday, 1 July 2016 -
Nederland startupland? Dan moet er een flinke schep ambitie bij
If the Netherlands wants to become the start up hub of Europe, it will need to change its mentality. Justin Jansen comments the one of the bottle necks for start ups in the Netherlands is capital acquirement, leading many to leave…
Saturday, 21 May 2016 -
De Nieuwe Kampioenen: op zoek naar vernieuwende bedrijven met ambitie
For the second time the FD organizes the search for De Nieuwe Kampioenen. Here companies will compete by putting a whole new product on the market by serving a niche market and being part of the trend of social entrepreneurship.…
Tuesday, 29 March 2016 -
Ineens moet jij ook ondernemer zijn
Suddenly the word entrepreneurial seems to be a requirement for all employees. However, employees do not bear the risk or the benefits of entrepreneurship, neither do CEO's, according to Henk Volberda. However, Justin Jansen says…
Monday, 28 March 2016 -
Voorbij de ideeënbus
Suddenly the word entrepreneurial seems to be a requirement for all employees. However, employees do not bear the risk or the benefits of entrepreneurship, neither do CEO's, according to Henk Volberda. However, Justin Jansen says…
Thursday, 24 March 2016 -
Heavyweights on new Advisory Board for PortXL port accelerator
On the 16th of February, the advisory board of experts the innovation acceleratorprogramme PortXL was announced. These experts will provide advice to ten selected start-ups Justin Jansen is mentioned to be part of the advisory…
Friday, 19 February 2016 -
Top Experts in Advisory PortXL
On the 16th of February, the advisory board of experts the innovation acceleratorprogramme PortXL was announced. These experts will provide advice to ten selected start-ups Justin Jansen is mentioned to be part of the advisory…
Friday, 19 February 2016 -
Heavyweights on new Advisory Board for PortXL port accelerator
On the 16th of February, the advisory board of experts the innovation acceleratorprogramme PortXL was announced. These experts will provide advice to ten selected start-ups Justin Jansen is mentioned to be part of the advisory…
Thursday, 18 February 2016 -
Topexperts in adviescommissie PortXL
On the 16th of February, the advisory board of experts the innovation acceleratorprogramme PortXL was announced. These experts will provide advice to ten selected start-ups Justin Jansen is mentioned to be part of the advisory…
Thursday, 18 February 2016 -
Zwaargewichten in adviescommissie havenaccelerator PortXL
On the 16th of February, the advisory board of experts the innovation acceleratorprogramme PortXL was announced. These experts will provide advice to ten selected start-ups Justin Jansen is mentioned to be part of the advisory…
Wednesday, 17 February 2016 -
Groeikapitaal gezocht
The Netherlands scores above average on the percentage of fast growing companies, as was shown by the ScaleUp Dashboard of RSM and ECE led by Justin Jansen. Here, the consequences of such a high percentage are presented. …
Sunday, 31 January 2016 -
Groeikapitaal gezocht
The Netherlands scores above average on the percentage of fast growing companies, as was shown by the ScaleUp Dashboard of RSM and ECE led by Justin Jansen. Here, the consequences of such a high percentage are presented. …
Sunday, 31 January 2016 -
Groeikapitaal gezocht
The Netherlands scores above average on the percentage of fast growing companies, as was shown by the ScaleUp Dashboard of RSM and ECE led by Justin Jansen. Here, the consequences of such a high percentage are presented. …
Sunday, 31 January 2016 -
'Doorgroeien is nog altijd lastig in Rotterdam'
According to Nestpick startup founder Fabian Dudek, Rotterdam is not the start-up city it would like to be as it has too little investors and personel. According to Justin Jansen. his criticism is in line with the results from the…
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Featured on RSM Discovery
Scale-ups are the engine of growth and innovation of economies; they create jobs and help develop sustainable solutions for socio-economic challenges.
Discover how start-ups and scale-ups drive sustainable economic growth in the Netherlands. Explore insights from experts on entrepreneurship, scaling strategies, and the need for stronger support systems.
Explore the challenges faced by start-ups and scale-ups in the Netherlands. Learn how investment, leadership, and mentorship can drive business growth, and why stronger support is crucial for entrepreneurial success.