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Jelle de Vries is Associate Professor of Operations Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. In his research, Jelle focuses on the influence of behavioral characteristics and outcomes in operational settings. On this topic he has published in well-respected academic outlets such as the Journal of Operations Management (JOM) and Production and Operations Management (POM). He serves as Associate Editor at the Journal of Operations Management (JOM). With his PhD dissertation he won the Jo Van Nunen Prijs, the award for the best PhD dissertation on a logistics-related topic in the Netherlands. In 2018 he received a VENI research grant to further develop his research in Behavioral Operations. Before joining RSM, Jelle worked as Assistant Professor at VU University Amsterdam. He obtained his PhD (cum laude) and MPhil at RSM.   


Highlighted (5)
  • Loske, D., Klumpp, M., De Vries, J., Bührmann, A. D., Giese, J., & Lübke, J. (2024). The Impact of Writing Direction on Order-Picking Performance: Evidence on Diversity and Efficiency in Operations Management. Production and Operations Management.

  • Roy, D., Spiliotopoulou, E., & de Vries, J. (2022). Restaurant analytics: Emerging practice and research opportunities. Production and Operations Management, 31(10), 3687-3709.

  • Zhang, X. L., de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Liu, C. G. (2022). Fast and Faultless? Quantity and Quality Feedback in Order Picking. Production and Operations Management, 31(4), 1536-1559.

  • Vries, J., Roy, D., & Koster, R. (2018). Worth the wait? How restaurant waiting time influences customer behavior and revenue. Journal of Operations Management, 63, 59-78.

  • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2016). Aligning order picking methods, incentive systems, and regulatory focus to increase performance. Production and Operations Management, 25(8), 1363-1376.

Academic (14)
  • de Vries, J., & Roy, D. (2024). Cut the scrap? the impact of truck age on driver retention, driving safety, and driving productivity. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal.

  • Loske, D., Klumpp, M., De Vries, J., Bührmann, A. D., Giese, J., & Lübke, J. (2024). The Impact of Writing Direction on Order-Picking Performance: Evidence on Diversity and Efficiency in Operations Management. Production and Operations Management.

  • Pasparakis, A., de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Roy, D. (2024). In the driver’s seat: the role of transformational leadership in safe and productive truck cargo transport. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. Advance online publication.

  • Nurmala, N., de Vries, J., & de Leeuw, S. (2023). Exploring options to leverage partnership information for designing donation calls. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 14(3), 262-284.

  • Pasparakis, A., de Vries, J., & de Koster, R. (2023). Assessing the impact of human–robot collaborative order picking systems on warehouse workers. International Journal of Production Research, 61(22), 7776-7790.

  • Roy, D., Spiliotopoulou, E., & de Vries, J. (2022). Restaurant analytics: Emerging practice and research opportunities. Production and Operations Management, 31(10), 3687-3709.

  • Zhang, X. L., de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Liu, C. G. (2022). Fast and Faultless? Quantity and Quality Feedback in Order Picking. Production and Operations Management, 31(4), 1536-1559.

  • Nurmala, N., Vries, J., & de Leeuw, SLJM. (2018). Cross-sector humanitarian–business partnerships in managing humanitarian logistics: an empirical verification. International Journal of Production Research, 56(21), 6842-6858.

  • Vries, J., Roy, D., & Koster, R. (2018). Worth the wait? How restaurant waiting time influences customer behavior and revenue. Journal of Operations Management, 63, 59-78.

  • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., Rijsdijk, S., & Roy, D. (2017). Determinants of Safe and Productive Truck Driving: Empirical Evidence from Long-haul Cargo Transport. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 97, 113-131.

  • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2016). Safety Does Not Happen by Accident: Antecedents to a Safer Warehouse. Production and Operations Management, 25(8), 1377-1390.

  • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2016). Exploring the role of picker personality in predicting picking performance with pick by voice, pick to light and RF-terminal picking. International Journal of Production Research, 54(8), 2260-2274.

  • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2016). Aligning order picking methods, incentive systems, and regulatory focus to increase performance. Production and Operations Management, 25(8), 1363-1376.

  • de Vries, J., de Koster, R. B. M., & Stam, D. (2015). Making the Right Pick: Aligning Order Picking Methods, Incentive Systems and Regulatory Focus to Increase Picking Performance. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(3), 585.

Professional (1)
  • de Vries, J., & Roy, D. (2020). Customer loyalty and queuing: was it worth the wait? RSM Discovery, (37), 15. Article 3.

Academic (1)
  • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2014). Experimentally Investigating The Performance Of Various Order Picking Methods In Different Behavioral Contexts. In J. Smith, K. Ellis, R. Koster, de, S. Lavender, B. Montreuil, & M. Ogle (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2014 (pp. 1-17). CICMHE.

Internal (1)
  • de Vries, J. (2016). Behavioral Operations in Logistics. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

Academic (1)
  • De Vries, J., De Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2014). Aligning order picking methods with incentive systems and pickers for performance. Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, ILS 2014, Breda, Netherlands.

Professional (1)
  • Roy, D., Spiliotopoulou, E., & de Vries, J. (2023). How Data-Driven Decisions Help Restaurants Stay Competitive. Web publication/site, Harvard Business Review.


Highlighted (1)
  • Journal of Operations Management (Journal)
    Jelle de Vries (Member of editorial board)
    01 Sep 2023

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Journal of Operations Management (Journal)
    Jelle de Vries (Member of editorial board)
    01 Sep 2023

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)


Primary processes

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BK1214
  • Level: Bachelor 1

Facility Logistics Management

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024
  • Code: BM04SCM
  • Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master

Behavioural Operations Management

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2022/2023, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017
  • Code: BMME105
  • ECTS: 6 Level: Master, Master, Master, Master

Operations Management

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BT1214
  • Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 1

Past courses

OLD STYLE - Research Methods and Skills

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BMRM3SCM
  • Level: Master

Business Management

  • Study year: 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1054
  • Level: Bachelor 3

IM Research clinic

  • Study year: 2019/2020
  • Code: BM-IMRC
  • Level: Master

Operations Management

  • Study year: 2019/2020
  • Code: BT1114
  • Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 1

Operations Management (transition)

  • Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018
  • Code: BAP057

Primaire processen (transition)

  • Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018
  • Code: BKB005

Primary processes

  • Study year: 2019/2020
  • Code: BK1114
  • Level: Bachelor 1

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  • Manager cruciaal bij veiligheid magazijn

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  • Inzicht in motivaties maakt logistiek veiliger

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  • Veiligheid en productiviteit bijten elkaar niet

    Jelle de Vries defends his dissertation 'Behavioral Operations in Logistics'on the 18th of February. In it he states that to improve the safety and efficiency in the logistics sector, one should gain insight in the motivation of…

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