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Henk de Vries
Endowed Professor of Standardisation Management
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

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Henk de Vries is Professor Emeritus of Standardisation Management at the Department of Technology and Operations Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). Standardisation management includes management of standardisation within companies and other organisations, management of standardisation projects in which multiple stakeholders cooperate, and management of a national quality infrastructure. The latter includes standardisation and conformity assessment. Professor De Vries studies this in relation to innovation management. He is the author and co-author of more than 400 publications in the field of standardisation. Until recently he was  President of the European Academy for Standardisation EURAS, in 2024 he became their honorary member. The International Organization for Standardization ISO rewarded his education about standardisation as best in the world. Earlier in his career, Professor De Vries held a number of different positions at the Netherlands Standardization Institute NEN.


Academic (1)
  • Go, FM., de Vries, H., & Alpe, S. (2015). Modelling Innovation Sustainability and Technologies: The necessity for a local level of gastronomic tourism standardization. 69-70. Abstract from Modelling Innovation Sustainability and Technologies, Carcavelos, Portugal.

Academic (64)
  • de Vries, H. J. (2024). Vulnerabilities of European telecommunication systems and the EU’s concerns about ETSI’s legitimacy–a proposal for value-based standardization. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 37(5), 1397-1413.

  • Grillo, F., Wiegmann, P. M., de Vries, H. J., Bekkers, R., Tasselli, S., Yousefi, A., & van de Kaa, G. (Accepted/In press). Standardization: Research Trends, Current Debates, and Interdisciplinarity. Academy of Management Annals.

  • van Wessel, R. M., Kroon, P., & de Vries, H. J. (2023). Scaling Agile Company-Wide: The Organizational Challenge of Combining Agile Scaling Frameworks and Enterprise Architecture in Service Companies. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 51(3), 25-32.,

  • de Vries, H. (2022). Klimaatprobleem innovatief aanpakken. Het Register - Vaktijdschrift van het Register Belastingadviseurs, (5), 19.

  • Riillo, C. A. F., Mijatovic, I., & de Vries, H. J. (2022). Certification to compensate gender prejudice–Analysis on impact of management system certification on export. Applied Economics, 54(33), 3777-3794.

  • Wiegmann, P. M., Eggers, F., de Vries, H. J., & Blind, K. (2022). Competing Standard-Setting Organizations: A Choice Experiment. Research Policy, 51(2), Article 104427.

  • Wu, Y., & de Vries, H. J. (2022). Effects of participation in standardization on firm performance from a network perspective: Evidence from China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175, Article 121376.

  • van Wessel, R. M., Kroon, P., & de Vries, H. J. (2021). Scaling Agile Company-Wide: The Organizational Challenge of Combining Agile-Scaling Frameworks and Enterprise Architecture in Service Companies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

  • Vries, H. (2019). Normalisatie hoort op managementagenda. M en O, 73(4), 35-49.

  • Gharehgozli, A., Vries, H., & Decrauw, S. (2019). The Role of Standardisation in European Intermodal Transportation. Maritime Business Review, 4(2), 151-168.

  • Vries, H., Jakobs, K., Egyedi, TM., Eto, M., Fertig, S., Kanevskaia, O., Klintner, L., Koch, C., Mijatovic, I., Mirtsch, M., Morone, P., Orviska, M., Riillo, C., & Scaramuzzino, G. (2018). Standardization: Towards an Agenda for Research. International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR), 16(1), 52-59.

  • Wiegmann, P., de Vries, H., & Blind, K. (2017). Multi-Mode Standardisation: A Critical Review and a Research Agenda. Research Policy, 46(9), 1370-1386.

  • Kamps, X., de Vries, H., & Kaa, G. (2017). Exploring standards consortium survival in high tech industries: The effects of commitment and internal competition. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 52, 105-113.

  • Heejin, H., Zoo, H., & de Vries, H. (2017). Interplay of Innovation and Standardization: Exploring the relevance in developing countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 118, 334-348.

  • de Vries, H., & Go, FM. (2017). Developing a Common Standard for Authentic Restaurants. The Service Industries Journal, 37(15-16), 1008-1028.

  • de Vries, H., & Veurink, JL. (2017). Cost-Benefit Analysis of Participation in Standardization: Developing a Calculation Tool. International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR), 15(1), 1-15. Article 1.

  • de Vries, H., Winter, B., & Willemse, H. (2017). Achieving Consensus Despite Apposing Stakes: A Case of National Input for an ISO Standard on Sustainable Wood. International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR), 15(1), 29-47. Article 3.

  • de Vries, H., & Verhagen, P. (2016). Impact of changes in regulatory performance standards on innovation: A case of energy performance standards for new-built houses. Technovation, 48-49(6), 56-68.

  • Manders, NB., de Vries, H., & Blind, K. (2015). ISO 9001 and product innovation: A literature review and research framework. Technovation, 48-49(5), 41-55.

  • de Vries, H., & Haverkamp, A. (2015). Overcoming resistance against quality control – A philosophical-empirical approach. The International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 32(1), 18-41.

  • Kaa, G., & de Vries, H. (2015). Factors for winning format battles: A comparative case study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 91, 222-235.

  • Kaa, G., de Vries, H., & Baskaran, B. (2015). Citation Analysis of Computer Standards & Interfaces: Technical or Also Non-Technical Focus? Computer Standards & Interfaces, 41(September 2015), 67-71.

  • Wakke, P., Blind, K., & de Vries, H. (2015). Driving factors for service providers to participate in standardization: Insights from the Netherlands. Industry and Innovation, 22(4), 299-320.

  • Kaa, G., de Vries, H., & Rezaei, J. (2014). Platform Selection for Complex Systems: Building Automation Systems. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 23(4), 415-438.

  • Kaa, G., de Vries, H., & van den Ende, J. (2014). Strategies in network industries: the importance of inter-organizational networks, complementary goods, and commitment. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 27(1), 73-86.

  • Asif, M., & de Vries, H. (2014). Creating Ambidexterity through Quality Management. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 26(11), 1226-1241.

  • Kaa, G., van Heck, E., de Vries, H., van den Ende, J., & Rezaei, J. (2014). Supporting Decision-Making in Technology Standards Battles Based on the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 61(2), 336-348.

  • Uijl, S., & de Vries, H. (2013). Pushing technological progress by strategic manouevring: The triumph of Blu-ray over HD-DVD. Business History, 55(8), 1361-1384.

  • Uijl, S., de Vries, H., & Bayramoglu, DK. (2013). The Rise of MP3 as the Market Standard: How Compressed Audio Files Became the Dominant Music Format. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 11(1), 1-26.

  • Kaa, G., Blind, K., & de Vries, H. (2013). The Challenge of Establishing a Recogned Interisciplinary Journal: A Citation Analysis of the International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 11(2), 1-16. Article 1.

  • Asif, M., de Vries, H., & Ahmad, N. (2013). Knowledge Creation through Quality Management. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 24(5-6), 664-677.

  • Uijl, S., Bekkers, R., & de Vries, H. (2013). Managing Intellectual Property Using Patent Pools - Lessons from Three Generations of Pools in the Optical Disc Industry. California Management Review, 55(4), 31-50.

  • van Wessel, RM., & de Vries, H. (2013). Business Impacts of International Standards for Information Security Management. Lessons from Case Companies. Journal of ICT Standardization, 1(1), 25-40. .122

  • Choi, D., & de Vries, H. (2012). Integrating standardization into engineering education - The case of forerunner Korea. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 23(4), 1111-1126.

  • van den Ende, J., Kaa, G., Uijl, S., & de Vries, H. (2012). The Paradox of Standard Flexibility: The Effects of Co-evolution between Standard and Interorganizational Network. Organization Studies, 33(5-6), 705-736.

  • de Vries, H., Bayramoglu, DK., & Wiele, A. (2012). Business and environmental impact of ISO 14001. The International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 29(4), 425-435. Article 6.

  • Zeng, G., Go, FM., & de Vries, H. (2012). Paradox of Authenticity versus Standardization: Expansion Strategies of Restaurant Groups in China. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(4), 1090-1100.

  • Kaa, G., van den Ende, J., de Vries, H., & van Heck, E. (2011). Factors for winning interface format battles: A review and synthesis of the literature. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(8), 1397-1411.

  • de Vries, H., de Ruijter, J. PM., & Argam, N. (2011). Dominant design or multiple designs: The flash memory card case. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 21(3), 263-276.

  • Choi, D., & de Vries, H. (2011). Standardization as emerging content in technology education at all levels of education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 21(1), 111-135.

  • van Kemenade, EA., Hardjono, TW., & de Vries, H. (2011). The willingness of professionals to contribute to their 0rganisation's certification. The International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 28(1), 27-42.

  • de Vries, H. (2011). Implementing standardization education at the national level. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 9(2), 72-83.

  • de Vries, H., & van Delden, MA. (2011). Standardisation and Knowledge Management in Services. Journal of Standards and Standardization, 1(1), 70-78.

  • van Wessel, RM., Yang, X., & de Vries, H. (2011). Implementing international standards for Information Security Management in China and Europe: a comparative multi-case study. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 23(8), 865-879.

  • de Vries, H. (2011). Professor of Standardization Wilfried Hesser Retires. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 9, vii-viii.

  • Oshri, I., de Vries, H., & de Vries, HJ. (2010). The rise of Firefox in the web browser industry: The role of open source in setting standards. Business History, 52(5), 834-856.

  • Teichmann, H., & de Vries, H. (2009). Language Selection Policies in International Standardization: Perception of the IEC Member Countries. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 7(2), 23-42.

  • Choi, D., de Vries, H., & Kim, D. (2009). Standards Education Policy Development: Observations based on APEC Research. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 7(2), 43-63.

  • Kaa, G., den Hartog, FTH., & de Vries, H. (2009). Mapping standards for home networking. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 31(6), 1175-1181.

  • Fomin, V., Pedersen, MK., & de Vries, H. (2008). Open Standards and Government Policy: Results of a Delphi Study. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 22(25), 459-484.

  • de Vries, H., & Egyedi, TM. (2007). Education about Standardization: Recent Findings. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 5(2), 1-16.

  • de Vries, H. (2006). Best Practice in Company Standardization. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 4(1), 62-85.

  • de Vries, H. (2006). Competing E-Purse Systems: A Standards Battle. Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 8(1), 1-15.

  • Teichmann, H., de Vries, H., & Feilzer, AJ. (2006). Linguistic Qualities of International Standards. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 4(2), 70-88.

  • Dul, J., de Vries, H., Verschoof, S., Eveleens, W., & Feilzer, AJ. (2004). Combining economic and social goals in the design of production systems by using ergonomics standards. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 47(2-3), 207-222.

  • Hendrikse, G., & de Vries, H. (2001). Chipper en Chipknip - strategische interacties. MAB, 75(9), 358-363.

  • de Vries, H. (2001). Banking Chipcards in the Netherlands - One or two Systems? Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 14(2), 78-87.

  • de Vries, H., & Hendrikse, G. (2001). The Dutch Banking Chipcard Game: Understanding a Battle Between Two Standards. International Studies of Management & Organization, 31(1), 106-125.

  • de Vries, H. (2000). Kwaliteitsnormen voor Terminologie-Ontwikkeling. NL-TERM Nieuwsbrief, 3(5), 10-16.

  • de Vries, H. (1999). Possibilities for Better Management System Standards. Homo Oeconomicus, 2, 379-400.

  • de Vries, H. (1999). Formele ICT- normalisatie: passé? Informatie en Informatiebeleid, 17(2), 28-35.

  • Koehorst, H., de Vries, H., & Wubben, EFM. (1999). Standardization of crates: Lessons from the versfust (Freshcrate) project. Supply Chain Management, 4(2), 95-101.

  • de Vries, H. (1998). The classification of standards. Knowledge Organization, 25(3), 79-89.

  • de Vries, H. (1997). Standardization - What's in a name? Terminology, 4(1), 55-83.

Popular (27)
  • de Vries, H. (2023). Help landbouw op basis van wensen. Nederlands Dagblad.

  • de Vries, H. J. (2022). Huizen echt energiezuinger maken? Dan moet het kabinet verder kijken dan die eeuwige hybride warmtepomp. De Volkskrant, 101(29913), 24.

  • de Vries, H. (2021). De Nederlandse driekleur is lastig te veranderen. NRC, 52(42), 19.

  • Vries, H. (2021). Abraham Kuyper kan helpen bij pandemie. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 25.

  • Vries, H. (2020). Leer tijdens de lockdown van Abraham Kuyper. Nederlands Dagblad, 12-12.

  • Vries, H. (2020). Maatwerk coronabeleid bevordert innovatie. Nederlands Dagblad, 12-13.

  • Vries, H. (2020). Corona bestrijden kan beter. Nederlands Dagblad, 12-13.

  • Vries, H. (2020). Geen geld, maar samen doen. Nederlands Dagblad, 11.

  • Vries, H. (2020). CETA-discussie mist belangrijke argumenten. Reformatorisch Dagblad.

  • Vries, H. (2019). EU heeft toekomst als gedeelde belangen voorop staan. Reformatorisch Dagblad.

  • Vries, H. (2019). Niet dragen autogordels maakt auto’s en zorg duurder. Nederlands Dagblad, 75(20209), 15.

  • Vries, H. (2018). Meetmethode tabak - Nu bepaalt de industrie., 17-17.

  • de Vries, H. (2016). Voedselkeurmerken nuttig voor consument en producent. Reformatorisch Dagblad.

  • de Vries, H. (2016). Commercie drukt op organisaties. Nederlands Dagblad, 72(19334), 12-13.

  • de Vries, H. (2013). Minder markt in openbaar vervoer. Nederlands Dagblad, 11.

  • de Vries, H. (2013). Milieubeleid is soms niks doen. Nederlands Dagblad, 10-10.

  • de Vries, H. (2013). Waartoe is een bedrijf op aarde? Katholiek Nieuwsblad, 6-6.

  • de Vries, H. (2012). Laat Nederland overwegen uit de euro te stappen. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 14-15.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Landelijke regels rond evenementen ontbreken. Nederlands dagblad : gereformeerd gezinsblad, 7-7.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Overheid is nodig bij bouw energiezuinige huizen. Nederlands dagblad : gereformeerd gezinsblad, 9-9.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Kwaliteitskunde: zorgen voor doelgerichtheid van waardetoevoegende processen. Synaps, 9(31), 20-21.

  • de Vries, H. (2008). Eindexamens. Nederlands dagblad : gereformeerd gezinsblad, 7-7.

  • de Vries, H. (2008). Integriteitsmanagement - echt iets voor de kwaliteitsmanager. Synaps, 6, 32-33.

  • de Vries, H. (2007). Kritiek op veiligheid producten niet richten op China. Het Financiële Dagblad, 11-11.

  • de Vries, H. (2007). 'Made in China' niet identiek aan rommel. Nederlands dagblad : gereformeerd gezinsblad, 7-7.

  • Schreurs, MJJ., & de Vries, H. (2006). Hindert of stimuleert ISO 9001:2000 productinnovatie? Synaps, 4(21), 7-9.

  • de Vries, H. (2002). Kiezen van een managementsysteemmodel - ISO 9000 en/of INK? Synaps, 1(5), 24-25.

Professional (109)
  • Vries, H. (2021). Samen en soeverein tegen corona - Een kuyperiaanse aanpak van de pandemie. Sophie, 11(1), 8-13. Article 2.

  • Vries, H. (2021). Samen tegen corona – Dynamiek tussen regels en innovaties. Kwaliteit in Bedrijf, 37(5-6), 30-41.

  • de Vries, H. (2019). Postmarkt – Minder is beter. NRC.

  • de Vries, H. (2018). Er is een uitweg voor de Brexit waarin bijna iedereen z'n zin krijgt. Nederlands Dagblad, 12.

  • de Vries, H., Nagtegaal, B., & Veenstra, S. (2017). Business Need and Opportunities for Transatlantic Harmonization of Standards and Conformity Assessment. Standards Engineering, 69(2), 1-12.

  • de Vries, H. (2017). ISO 9001:2015 de sleutel voor vernieuwing? Kwaliteit in Bedrijf, 33(2), Annex, 42-Annex, 42.

  • de Vries, H. (2017). ISO 9001:2015 de sleutel voor vernieuwing? Synaps, 39(39), 29-29.

  • de Vries, H., Nagtegaal, B., & Veenstra, S. (2017). Harmonisation transatlantique des normes et de l'évaluation de la conformité. Enjeux, 2017(378), 65-70.

  • de Vries, H. (2016). Het positieve effect van het Vinkje. Nederlands Dagblad, 12-12.

  • de Vries, H. (2015). Normalisatoren aller landen, verenigt u. NEN Magazine, 3(2), 28-31.

  • de Vries, H. (2014). Building a community of standards professionals. Standards Engineering, 67(1), 8-11.

  • de Vries, H., Blind, K., Mangelsdorf, A., Verheul, HHM., & van der Zwan, J. (2013). New opportunities - Improving SME access to standards. ISO Focus, 4(2), 10-13.

  • Manders, NB., & de Vries, H. (2013). Auf die Umsetzung kommt's an - Metastudie belegt möglichen Nutzwert der ISO 9001. QZ : Qualitat und Zuverlassigkeit, 58(6), 20-22.

  • de Vries, H., & van den Ende, J. (2013). Why industry standards are pivotal. RSM Insight, 14(2), 16-17.

  • de Vries, H., Blind, K., Mangelsdorf, A., Verheul, HHM., & van der Zwan, J. (2013). Cómo mejorar el acceso de las pymes a las normas. Revista de la normalización y la certificación, 2013(281), 43-47.

  • de Vries, H., Blind, K., Mangelsdorf, A., Verheul, HHM., & van der Zwan, J. (2013). Standards in the SME Sector. Fulcrum - Official Bulletin of Standards Association of Zimbabwe, 6(8), 4-5.

  • van de Crommenacker, E., & de Vries, H. (2013). Business Continuity Management conform ISO 22301. Kwaliteits-, Arbo- en Milieumanagementnieuwsbrief, 2013(4), 28-32.

  • Manders, NB., & de Vries, H. (2012). Does ISO 9001 pay? Analysis of 42 studies. Touchstone, (44).

  • de Vries, H. (2012). Vakbond onmisbaar bij normalisatie. Cobouw.

  • de Vries, H. (2012). Normalisatieperspectief op de eurocrisis. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 97(4642), 498-498.

  • Manders, NB., & de Vries, H. (2012). Does ISO 9001 pay? – Analysis of 42 studies. ISO Focus+ (English), 3(9), 34-35.

  • Manders, NB., & de Vries, H. (2012). ISO 9001, un bon investissement? - Analyse de 42 études. ISO Focus+ (English), 3(9), 34-35.

  • de Vries, H. (2011). How to do it - Getting standardization into the classroom. ISO Focus, 2(2), 37-39.

  • de Vries, H. (2011). Question de méthode - Faire entrer la normalisation dans les salles de cours. ISO Focus, 2(2), 37-39.

  • de Vries, H. (2011). Onderwijs - Hoe brengen we het vak normalisatie in de klaslokalen? NBN Revue, 2011(5), 33-36.

  • de Vries, H. (2011). Enseignement - Faire entrer la normalisation dans les salles de cours. NBN Revue, 2011(4), 33-36.

  • de Vries, H. (2011). ??????????.????? (Standardization - A multidisciplinary field of research). Zhongguo Biaozhunhua = China Standardization, 2011(420), 36-41.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). The ISO Award for Higher Education in Standardization. ISO Focus, 1(1), 44-47.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Managementsystemen: meer normen nodig dan alleen ISO 9001. Sigma, 56(1), 34-36.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Le Trophée ISO pur l'enseignement supérieur en normalisation. ISO Focus, 1(1), 44-47.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Assessing benefits - Return on investment soars for participatipon in standardization. ISO Focus, 1(6), 31-33.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Évaluer les bénéfices – Participer à la normalisation: retour gagnant sur l’investissement. ISO Focus, 1(6), 31-33.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Landelijke regels rond evenement ontbreken. Rentit, 7(4), 9-9.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Technology adoption results in additional profits. WSC Newsletter, 1(1).

  • de Vries, H. (2010). SME's participation results in market share gain. WSC Newsletter, 1(1).

  • de Vries, H., & Blind, K. (2009). Management systems need more than just management system standards. ISO Management Systems (English Ed.), 9(6), 7-11.

  • de Vries, H., & Blind, K. (2009). Les systèmes de management ne s’arrêtent pas aux normes de systèmes de management. ISO Management Systems (French Ed.), 9(6), 7-11.

  • de Vries, H. (2008). Normalisation et Enseignement. Enjeux, (281), 58-61.

  • Woltman, R., Vollering, JB., & de Vries, H. (2008). Producten met keurmerk verkopen beter. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, 42(9), 6-6.

  • Vroege, H., de Vries, H., & Hardjono, TW. (2007). Certificatie-instellingen onder de loep. Sigma, 53(5), 4-8.

  • de Vries, H. (2007). Kuinka yritykset hyötyvät osallistumisesta kansainvälisten standardien laadintaan. SFS Tiedotus, 39(2), 10-13.

  • de Vries, H., & Egyedi, TM. (2007). Lessons from Asia - Bridging the gap between theory and practice. ISO Focus, 4(11), 25-27.

  • de Vries, H. (2007). Normalisation et Education. Enjeux, (280), 56-59.

  • de Vries, H. (2006). The paradox of standardization and innovation. ISO Focus, 3(2), 40-43.

  • de Vries, H. (2006). Arbeid - Meer dan het gewone? Business Contact, 15(2), 28-31.

  • de Vries, H., & van Delden, MA. (2006). How to integrate standardization in knowledge management. ISO Focus, 3(3), 37-40.

  • de Vries, H. (2006). Standardisointi Innovaatioiden Tukena. SFS Tiedotus, 38(2), 7-12.

  • Biesheuvel, S., Knook, S., Schimanski, R., & de Vries, H. (2006). iDEAL, de pinpas van het world wide web? Bank- en Effectenbedrijf, 55(7-8), 28-31.

  • Simons, CAJ., & de Vries, H. (2006). Effectiveness of Participation in Standardisation. Synthesis Journal, 2006, 2-015-2-020.

  • de Vries, H. (2005). Normung in vier Generationen FuE-Management. DIN Mitteilungen und Elektronorm, 84(4), 25-33.

  • de Vries, H., Feilzer, AJ., & Siedersleben, W. (2005). Universities cooperate on a curriculum for standardization. ISO Focus, 2(3), 30-34.

  • Helsen, J., de Jong, AM., & de Vries, H. (2004). ISO 9001:2000. NEN Nieuwsbrief. KAM-Management, 8(4), 9-12.

  • Helsen, J., de Jong, AM., & de Vries, H. (2004). Survey reveals Dutch users' views on ISO 9001:2000. ISO Management Systems (English Ed.), 4(1), 46-48.

  • Helsen, J., de Jong, AM., & de Vries, H. (2004). Una encuesta revela la opnion de los usuarios neerlandeses sobre ISO 9001:2000. ISO Management Systems (Spanish Ed), 4(1), 42-44.

  • Helsen, J., de Jong, AM., & de Vries, H. (2004). Une etude revele ce que les utilisateurs neerlandais pensent d' ISO 9001:2000. ISO Management Systems (French Ed.), 4(1), 46-48.

  • de Vries, H. (2004). Reactie op NTA-ISO-IWA 2: Is ISO 9004 toepasbaar voor onderwijs? NEN Nieuwsbrief. KAM-Management, 9(1), 7-8.

  • Dul, J., Willemse, H., & de Vries, H. (2004). Participatory design of work equipment. How end-user data can be integrated into the ISO and CEN systems. Newsletter of the European Trade Union Technical Bureau for Health and Safety, 24, 25-27.

  • Dul, J., Willemse, H., & de Vries, H. (2004). How end-user data can be integrated into the ISO and CEN systems. Newsletter of the European Trade Union Technical Bureau for Health and Safety, (24-25), 25-27.

  • Dul, J., Willemse, H., & de Vries, H. (2004). Conception Participative des Equipements de Travail. Comment integrer les donnees provenant de l'utilisateur final dans les systemes de l'ISO et du CEN. Newsletter du BTS, (24-25), 28-30.

  • de Vries, H. (2003). Learning by example - a possible curriculum model for standartdization. ISO Bulletin, 34(7), 25-30.

  • de Vries, H. (2003). Een bijbelse ondernemer: Nehemia. Reveil, 40(341), 12-15.

  • de Vries, H. (2003). ISO 9001 - Open of gesloten systeem? NEN Nieuwsbrief. KAM-Management, 8(1), 28-29.

  • van Vrouwerf, B., & de Vries, H. (2003). Invoering van ISO 9004:2000. NEN Nieuwsbrief. KAM-Management, 8(3), 27-32.

  • de Vries, H., de Jong, AM., & Wentink, T. (2002). Aux Pays-Bas une etude fait le point sur ISO 9000 dans les entreprises. ISO Management Systems (French Ed.), 2(3), 35-38.

  • de Vries, H., de Jong, AM., & Wentink, T. (2002). Dutch study gets close and personal to ISO 9000 in use. ISO Management Systems (English Ed.), 2(3), 35-38.

  • de Vries, H., de Jong, AM., & Wentink, T. (2002). Un estudio de los Pais Bajos aparta datos practices sobre el uso de ISO 9000. ISO Management Systems (Spanish Ed), 2(3), 35-38.

  • de Vries, H., & Meesters, JMA. (2002). Sturm auf den Kunden? - ISO 9001:2000 auch im professionellen Fussball. QZ : Qualitat und Zuverlassigkeit, 47(7), 696-697.

  • de Vries, H., & van Weerdenburg, TM. (2002). Wie is de klant? NEN Nieuwsbrief. KAM-Management, 7(2), 12-15.

  • de Vries, H., & van Weerdenburg, TM. (2002). Wie is de klant? Sigma, 46(6), 14-20.

  • Hortensius, D., & de Vries, H. (2002). Normalisatie voor milieugerichte productontwikkeling. Constructeur, 41(12), 92-95.

  • Meesters, BJMA., & de Vries, H. (2002). ISO 9000 marque des points dans le milieu du football professionel - mais qui est donc le client? ISO Management Systems (French Ed.), 2(6), 51-55.

  • Meesters, BJMA., & de Vries, H. (2002). ISO 9000 scores in professional soccer - but who is the customer? ISO Management Systems (English Ed.), 2(6), 51-55.

  • Meesters, JMA., & de Vries, H. (2002). La serie ISO 9000 se anota un tanto en el futbal professional... pero ?quien es el cliente? ISO Management Systems (Spanish Ed), 2(6), 49-53.

  • de Vries, H. (2002). ISO 9000 en/of INK? NEN Nieuwsbrief. KAM-Management, 7(1), 8-13.

  • de Vries, H. (2001). De teloorgang van een bankpasje. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 16(3), 247-249.

  • Slob, FJC., & de Vries, H. (2001). Wie die (petro)chemische Industrie von Normen profitiert. DIN Mitteilungen und Elektronorm, 80(6), 440-442.

  • de Vries, H. (2001). ISO 9000 in de praktijk - Resultaten van onderzoek naar toepassing van ISO:1994-normen in Nederland. NEN Nieuwsbrief. KAM-Management, 2(6), 20-23.

  • de Jong, AM., Wentink, T., & de Vries, H. (2001). Waardering voor ISO 9000 overwegend positief- Resultaten van onderzoek naar toepassing van ISO 9000:1994 in Nederland. Kwaliteit in Bedrijf, 36-38.

  • de Vries, H. (2001). NEN: oudste algemene normalisatie-instituut. Normalisatie-Nieuws, 10(12).

  • Slob, A., Florens, ., & de Vries, H. (2000). Industrie profiteert van bedrijfsnormen. Chemisch2Weekblad, 96(11), 52-53.

  • de Vries, H. (2000). De nieuwe ISO 9000-normen en CE-markering. Normalisatie Nieuwsbrief. Machinebouw, 9(2), 19-21.

  • de Vries, H. (2000). Nieuwe ISO 9000-normen en CE-markering. Normalisatie Nieuwsbrief. Kwaliteits, -Arbo-en Milieumanagement, 5(1), 3-4.

  • de Vries, H. (2000). Veranderingen door nieuwe ISO 9000-normen by CE-markering. CE-nieuws, 6(4), 6-7.

  • de Vries, H. (2000). Normizacija sto nam to imegovori? Glasilo DZNM, 7(8), 151-159.

  • de Vries, H. (2000). Upravljanje kakvocom bez tjeskobe: Prakticna pomoc za primjenu norma ISO 9000 koja proizlazi iz krscanskofilozofske analize. Glasilo DZNM, 11(12), 260-262.

  • de Vries, H. (2000). Achieving Best Practices in National Standardization - A Benchmarking Study of the National Standardisation Systems of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Italy. Homo Oeconomicus, 3, ---.

  • de Vries, H. (1999). Certification and accreditation performed by national standardization organizations - Does it reinforce or damage the traditional work of NSOs? ASTM Standardization News, 27(11), 26-27.

  • de Vries, H. (1999). Kwaliteit-mag het meer zijn? Beweging, 63(2), 14-16.

  • de Vries, H., Wubben, EFM., & Koehorst, H. (1998). De weg naar een standaard krat: lessen uit het Versfust. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 14(5), 42-45.

  • Hoogers, W., & de Vries, H. (1998). Toezicht op certificatie-instellingen kan beter. Sigma, 1, 8-12.

  • Hoogers, W., & de Vries, H. (1998). Wat is uw ISO-certificaat waard? Laboratorium Praktijk, (maart), 102-103.

  • de Vries, H. (1998). Is beter toezicht op certificatie-instellingen haalbaar? Sigma, 42(2), 18-21.

  • de Vries, H. (1998). Klantafstemming voor minder geld. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, 32(2), 40-43.

  • de Vries, H. (1998). Naar betere normen voor certificatie. Normalisatie Nieuwsbrief. Kwaliteits, -Arbo-en Milieumanagement, 3(1), 3-4.

  • de Vries, H. (1998). Standardization needs in service sectors. DIN Mitteilungen und Elektronorm, 77(11), 828-833.

  • de Vries, H. (1998). Zijn we wel op de goede weg met certificatie? Kwaliteit in Bedrijf, maart, 10-12.

  • de Vries, H. (1997). Standaardisatie van onderdelen; een manier om kosten te besparen. Constructeur, 7(8), 6-7.

  • de Vries, H. (1997). ISO 9000 in het betaald voetbal : De vraag waar het om draait is: Wie is de klant? Kwaliteit in Bedrijf, 13(5), 30-32.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Normen en de integratie van zorgsystemen. Sigma, (3), 10-13.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Meten is weten? Normalisatie-Nieuws, 4(8), 6-7.

  • de Vries, H., & Gelderloos, PJ. (1996). Besparingen door standaardisatie van onderdelen: ervaringen bij Remeha verwarmingsketels. Normalisatie-Nieuws, 4(9), 4-5.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). De rol van normalisatie in Research & Development. Normalisatie-Nieuws, 4(5/6), 12-13.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Normalisatie: schakel tussen R&D en markt. Research & Results. Vakblad voor Vernieuwend Ondernemen, 4(5), 18-19.

  • de Vries, H. (1995). Standaardisatie in marketing. Normalisatie-Nieuws, 3(1).

  • de Vries, H. (1995). Invoering NEN 3140 is lastig. Normalisatie-Nieuws, 3(2).

  • de Vries, H. (1995). Normalisatie bij 'concurrent engineering'. Normalisatie-Nieuws, 3(4).

  • de Vries, H. (1995). Lumiance - Voorbeeldig in normalisatie. Normalisatie-Nieuws, 3(5).

  • de Vries, H. (1995). Waarom kwaliteitszorg normalisatie nodig heeft. Normalisatie-Nieuws.

  • de Vries, H. (1995). Normalisatie en recht. Normalisatie-Nieuws, 3(9).

Academic (8)
  • Idowu, SO., Vries, H., Mijatovic, I., & Choi, D. (2020). Sustainable Development Knowledge and Education About Standardisation. (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance 241 ed.) Springer-Verlag. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance Vol. 241

  • Zeng, G., Vries, H., & Go, FM. (2019). Restaurant chains in China - The dilemma of standardisation versus authenticity. Palgrave.

  • de Vries, H., de Vries, H., & Oshri, I. (2008). Standards-battles in open source software: The case of firefox. Van Gorcum/Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Hesser, W., Feilzer, AJ., & de Vries, H. (2007). Standardisation in Companies and Markets. Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.

  • Willemse, H., de Vries, H., & Dul, J. (2006). Balancing Stakeholder Representation: An Example of Stakeholder Involvement in Ergonomics Standardization. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

  • Simons, CAJ., & de Vries, H. (2002). Standaard of Maatwerk. Academic Service.

  • Simons, CAJ., & de Vries, H. (2002). Standaardisatie, normalisatie en certificatie - Deel 3: Innovatie en bedrijfsnormalisatie. Ten Hagen & Stam BV. Engineering Dossiers

  • de Vries, H. (1999). Standardization: A business approach to the role of national standardization organizations. Kluwer Academic.

Professional (17)
  • Bergenhenegouwen, L., de Jong, AM., Kroeders, A., & de Vries, H. (2008). De 100 meest gestelde vragen over de ISO 9000-serie (3e druk). (KAM-Management 1 ed.) Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut. KAM-Management Vol. 1

  • Roon, J., & de Vries, H. (2003). Ondernemen met God - Christelijke visie op arbeid en ondernemen. Buijten en Schipperheijn. Telos

  • de Vries, H., Bergenhenegouwen, L., & de Jong, AM. (2002). 100 Frequently Asked Questions on the ISO 9000:2000 Series. ASQ Quality Press.

  • Bergenhenegouwen, L., de Jong, AM., & de Vries, H. (2002). Las 100 preguntas mas frecuentes de la serie normas ISO 9000:2000. INLAC - Instituto Latinamericano de la Calidad.

  • Roozendaal, AH., & de Vries, H. (2002). ISO 9000 en/of INK? - Keuzegids voor leiders. Instituut Nederlandse Kwaliteit.

  • de Vries, H. (2002). Procedures voor ISO 9000:2000. (KAM-management 2 ed.) NEN - Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut. KAM-management Vol. 2

  • Bergenhenegouwen, L., de Jong, AM., & de Vries, H. (2001). De 100 meest gestelde vragen over de nieuwe ISO 9000-serie. (Praktijkreeks KAM-management 1 ed.) Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut. Praktijkreeks KAM-management Vol. 1

  • Simons, CAJ., & de Vries, H. (2001). Standaardisatie, normalisatie en certificatie - deel 1: Inleiding en externe normalisatie. Ten Hagen & Stam b.v.

  • Gundlach, HCW., Simons, CAJ., & de Vries, H. (2001). Standaardisatie, normalisatie en certificatie - Deel 2: certificatie en accreditatie; methodiek van normalisatie. Ten Hagen & Stam b.v. Engineering Dossiers

  • de Jong, AM., de Vries, H., & Wentink, T. (2001). ISO 9000 in de praktijk - Onderzoek naar de toepassing van de ISO 9000:1994-normen in Nederland. NEN.

  • de Vries, H. (2001). Het nut van normen en normalisatie. Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut. maart 2001

  • Bergen Henegouwen, L., de Jong, AM., & de Vries, H. (2000). 100 frequently asked questions on the new ISO-9000 series. Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

  • Bergen Henegouwen, L., de Vries, H., & de Jong, AM. (2000). De 100 meest gestelde vragen over de nieuwe ISO-9000 serie. Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

  • de Vries, H. (1999). Kwaliteitszorg zonder onbehagen: Praktische adviezen voor gebruik van ISO 9000 als uitkomst van een christelijk-filosofische analyse. Buijten en Schipperheijn.

  • Bruggen, WA., Postema, JH., de Vries, H., & Werven, G. (1997). Opstellen van Procedures voor een ISO 9000-kwaliteitssysteem : Praktische hulp bij het maken van eenvoudige en gebruiksvriendelijke procedures en werkinstructies. NNI / VCK.

  • Bruggen, WA., Postema, JH., de Vries, H., & Ovink, M. A. E. (1997). Opstellen van procedures voor een ISO 9000-kwaliteitssysteem : Praktische hulp bij het maken van eenvoudige en gebruiksvriendelijke procedures en werkinstructies. Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

  • Heida, JF., Hortensius, D., Stans, J., & de Vries, H. (1997). Werken met ISO 14000 : Handige toelichting bij het gebruik van mondiale normen en Europese richtlijnen voor het opzetten of aanpassen van milieuzorgsysteme. Een onmisbare wegwijzer voor goed milieumanagementn. NNI.

Academic (3)
  • Jakobs, K., de Vries, H., Ganesh, A., Gulacsi, A., & Soetert, I. (2013). Standards: Boosting European Competitiveness - EURAS Proceedings 2013. (EURAS Contributions to standardisation research 7 ed.) Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz. EURAS Contributions to standardisation research Vol. 7

  • de Vries, H., & Brand, H. (2013). 2013 ICES Conference – What does industry expect from Education about Standardization? – Proceedings. ETSI.

  • Hesser, W., Feilzer, AJ., & de Vries, H. (2010). Standardisation in Companies and Markets. Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.

Professional (4)
  • Hesser, W., Feilzer, AJ., & de Vries, H. (2006). Standardisation in Companies and Markets. Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.

  • de Vries, H. (2001). Opstellen van procedures voor een ISO 9000-kwaliteitsmanagementsysteem. (Praktijkreeks KAM-management 2 ed.) Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut. Praktijkreeks KAM-management Vol. 2

  • Bergenhenegouwen, L., de Jong, AM., & de Vries, H. (2000). Praktijkgids: De 100 meest gestelde vragen over de ISO 9000-serie. (Praktijkreeks KAM-management 1 ed.) Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut. Praktijkreeks KAM-management Vol. 1

  • de Vries, H., de Gaaij-van den Berg, A., Hortensius, D., & Scholtens, A. (1999). Praktijkgids: Toepassing van normen bij integratie van managementsystemen. Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

Academic (3)
  • de Vries, H., & van Wessel, RM. (2014). Internet Architecture and Innovation. Business History, 56, 683-685.

  • van Wessel, RM., & de Vries, H. (2012). Internet Architecture and Innovation. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 10, 68-71.

  • de Vries, H. (2003). Standardization essentials - Princliples and Practice. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 1, 74-75.

Professional (2)
  • de Vries, H. (2002). Management van processen. NEN Nieuwsbrief. KAM-Management, 6, 19-20.

  • de Vries, H. (2001). Management van processen. NEN Nieuwsbrief. KAM-Management, 6, 19-20.

Academic (53)
  • Vries, H. (2021). Unfolding Quality. In T. W. Hardono, & E. van Kemenade (Eds.), The Emergence Paradigm in Quality Management – A Way Towards Radical Innovation (pp. 130-131). Springer-Verlag.

  • de Vries, H. (2020). Introduction [to: Sustainable Development: Knowledge and Education about Standardisation]. In S. O. Idowu, H. J. de Vries, I. Mijatovic, & D. Choi (Eds.), Sustainable Development : Knowledge and Education about Standardisation (pp. xi-xiii). Springer-Verlag.

  • Vries, H. (2020). Addressing Sustainability in Education About Standardisation - Lessons from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. In S. O. Idowu, H. J. de Vries, I. Mijatovic, & D. Choi (Eds.), Sustainable Development Knowledge and Education about Standardisation (pp. 57-75). Springer-Verlag.

  • Vries, H. (2020). Sustainable Development: Knowledge and Education About Standardisation - Discussion. In S. O. Idowu, H. J. de Vries, I. Mijatovic, & D. Choi (Eds.), Sustainable Development Knowledge and Education about Standardisation (pp. 211-214). Springer-Verlag.

  • Vries, H., Trietsch, J., & Wiegmann, P. (2020). Learning in Communities of Standardisation Professionals. In S. O. Idowu, H. J. de Vries, I. Mijatovic, & D. Choi (Eds.), Sustainable Development Knowledge and Education about Standardisation (pp. 179-189). Springer-Verlag.

  • Vries, H. (2019). Standardisation - Enabler for nanotechnology innovation. In I. Eisenberger, A. Kallhoff, & C. Schwarz-Plaschg (Eds.), Nanotechnology: Regulation and Public Discourse (pp. 91-99). Rowman & Littlefield.

  • Haverkamp, A., & Vries, H. (2019). Managing In-Company Standardization While Avoiding Resistance: A Philosophical-Empirical Approach. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Corporate Standardization Management and Innovation (pp. 92-125). IGI Global Publishing.

  • van Wessel, RM., & Vries, H. (2019). Company IT Standardization: Anticipated Agile Benefits. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Corporate Standardization Management and Innovation (pp. 68-91). IGI Global Publishing.

  • Vries, H., & Veurink, JL. (2019). Cost-Benefit Analysis of Participation in Standardization: Developing a Calculation Tool. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Disruptive Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 445-460). Business Science Reference.

  • Vries, H. (2019). Blu?ray vs. HD?DVD: How to Win a Battle between Competing Standards? In H. Lee, H. Zoo, & D. Choi (Eds.), The 4th Industrial Revolution and Standardization: Case Collection (pp. 61-81). Parkyoung Publishing Company.

  • Vries, H., Go, FM., & Alpe, S. (2018). The necessity for a local level of gastronomic tourism standardization - The case of Torino's city branding. In A. Dias, B. Salmelin, D. Pereira, & J. M. S. Dias (Eds.), Modeling Innovation Sustainability and Technologies (pp. 205-221). Springer-Verlag.

  • de Vries, H., & Wiegmann, P. (2017). Impact of service standardization on service innovation. In R. Hawkins, K. Blind, & R. Page (Eds.), Handbook of Standards and Innovation (pp. 187-211). Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • van Wessel, RM., de Vries, H., & Ribbers, PMA. (2016). Business Benefits through Company IT Standardization. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Effective Standardization Management in Corporate Settings (pp. 34-52). IGI Global Publishing.

  • Haverkamp, A., & de Vries, H. (2016). Managing In-Company Standardisation while Avoiding Resistance: A Philosophical-Empirical Approach. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Effective Standardization Management in Corporate Settings (pp. 184-214). IGI Global Publishing.

  • De Vries, H. J. (2015). How to implement standardization education in a country. In Standards and Standardization: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 600-612). IGI Global Publishing.

  • de Vries, H. (2015). Standardisation - A developing field of research. In P. Delimatsis (Ed.), The law, economics and politics of international standardisation (pp. 19-41). Cambridge University Press.

  • de Vries, H. (2014). How to implement standardization education in a country? In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Modern Trends Surrounding Information Technology Standards and Standardization within Organizations (pp. 262-275). IGI Global Publishing.

  • van Wessel, RM., & de Vries, H. J. (2014). The Ubiquitous Internet: Into Eternity? In W.-C. Hu (Ed.), Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Telecommunications, Wireless Systems, and Mobile Computing (pp. 81-85). IGI Global Publishing.

  • Uijl, S., de Vries, H., & Bayramoglu, DK. (2014). The Rise of MP3 as the Market Standard: How Compressed Audio Files Became the Dominant Music Format. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Modern Trends Surrounding Information Technology Standards and Standardization within Organizations (pp. 140-169). IGI Global Publishing.

  • de Vries, H., Trietsch, J., & Wiegmann, P. (2014). Towards a community of standardisation professionals. In I. Mijatovi?, J. Filipovic, & A. Horvat (Eds.), Proceedings 11th International Conference “Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A Means of Balkan Countries’Collaboration” (pp. 13-20). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences.

  • Winter, B., de Vries, H., & Willemse, H. (2014). Negotiating a national position: How to manage controversial stages in a national standardisation committee. In I. Mijotovi? (Ed.), EURAS Proceedings 2014 – Cooperation between standardisation organisations and the scientific and academic community (pp. 279-294). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Zoo, H., & de Vries, H. (2014). Innovation, Standardization, and Developing Coiuntries: A Reflection on Literature. In I. Mijotovi?, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2014 – Cooperation between standardisation organisations and the scientific and academic community (pp. 303-317). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • de Vries, H. (2013). How to implement standardization education in a country? In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Innovations in Organizational IT Specification and Standards Development (pp. 116-128). IGI Global Publishing.

  • Kaa, G., & de Vries, H. (2012). Psychology of winning: how to be a winner in a standards battle. In A. M. Columbus (Ed.), The psychology of winning (pp. 165-170). Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

  • van Mourik, P., van der Hoek, H., & de Vries, H. (2012). Standardization and nomenclature. In P. van Mourik, J. van Dam, & S. Picken (Eds.), Materials Science in Design and Engineering (pp. 425-434). VSSD.

  • van Mourik, P., van der Hoek, H., & de Vries, H. (2012). Standardization and Nomenclature. In P. van Mourik, & J. van Dam (Eds.), Materiaalkunde voor Ontwerpers en Constructeurs (pp. 365-374). VSSD.

  • de Vries, H., & Egyedi, TM. (2010). Standardization Education: Developments and Progress. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), New Applications in IT Standards - Developments and Progress (pp. 204-215). Information Science Reference.

  • de Vries, H., Bayramoglu, DK., van Iwaarden, JD., & Wiele, A. (2010). Business and environmental impact of ISO 14001. In J.-C. Graz, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2010 - Services standardisation (pp. 115-126). Mainz.

  • Millenaar, MA., van Ruiven, MIC., Go, FM., & de Vries, H. (2010). Developing a standard for restaurant authenticity – A case of Dutch top-restaurants. In J.-C. Graz, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2010 - Services standardisation (pp. 289-309). Mainz.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Implementing standardisation education at the national level. In J.-C. Graz, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2010 - Services standardisation (pp. 127-135). Mainz.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). Fundamentals of Standards and Standardization. In W. Hesser, A. J. Feilzer, & H. J. de Vries (Eds.), Standardisation in Companies and Markets (pp. 1-43). Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.

  • de Vries, H., Feilzer, AJ., Gundlach, HCW., & Simons, CAJ. (2010). Conformity Assessment. In A. J. Feilzer, H. J. de Vries, & W. Hesser (Eds.), Standardisation in Companies and Markets (pp. 871-904). Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.

  • Pedersen, MK., Fomin, V., & de Vries, H. (2009). Open Standards and Government Policy. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Information Communication Technology Standardization for E-Business Sectors (pp. 188-199). Information Science Reference.

  • de Vries, H., & Slob, FJC. (2008). Case Study 7: Descriptive practice-oriented research - Building a model of best practice in company standardization. In J. Dul, & T. Hak (Eds.), Case Study Methodology in Business Research (pp. 240-249). Butterworth-Heinemann.

  • Teichmann, H., de Vries, H., & Feilzer, AJ. (2008). Linguistic Qualities of International Standards. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Standardization Research in Information Technology - New Perspectives (pp. 86-103). Information Science Reference.

  • de Vries, H. (2008). Best Practice in Company Standardization. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Standardization Research in Information Technology - New Perspectives (pp. 27-47). IGI Global Publishing.

  • de Vries, H. (2008). Standardisation: A Business Science Perspective. In J. Schueler, A. Fickers, & A. Hommels (Eds.), Bargaining Norms Arguing Standards - Negotiating Technical Standards (pp. 18-32). STT Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends.

  • de Vries, H. J., & Slob, F. J. C. (2008). Best practice in company standardization. In Selected Readings on Information Technology and Business Systems Management (pp. 141-162). IGI Global Publishing.

  • de Vries, H. (2007). Developing a Standardization Best Practice by Cooperation Between Multinationals. In K. O'Sullivan (Ed.), Strategic Knowledge Management in Multinational Organizations (pp. 183-194). Information Science Reference.

  • de Vries, H. (2007). Fundamentals of Standards and Standardization. In W. Hesser, A. J. Feilzer, & H. J. de Vries (Eds.), Standardisation in Companies and Markets (pp. 1-43). Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.

  • de Vries, H., Feilzer, AJ., Gundlach, HCW., & Simons, CAJ. (2007). Conformity Assessment. In W. Hesser, A. J. Feilzer, & H. J. de Vries (Eds.), Standardisation in Companies and Markets (pp. 615-648). Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.

  • de Vries, H. (2006). IT Standards Typology. In K. Jacobs (Ed.), Adcanced Topics in Information Technology Standards and Standardization Research (pp. 1-26). Idea Group Publishing.

  • Dul, J., & de Vries, H. (2006). Positioning Ergonomics Standards and Standardization. In W. Karwowski (Ed.), Handbook on Standards and Guidelines in Ergonomics and Human Factors (pp. 47-77). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

  • de Vries, H., & Hendrikse, G. (2006). The Feasibility of Competing E-purse Systems: A Case Study from the Netherlands. In L. C. Williams (Ed.), Monetary Policy and Issues - New Research (pp. 113-137). Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

  • de Vries, H. (2006). Standards for business - How companies benefit from participation in international standards setting. In A. L. Bement, T. Standage, T. Sugano, & K. Wucherer (Eds.), International Standardization as a Strategic Tool - Commended Papers from the IEC Centenary Challenge 2006 (pp. 130-141). IEC.

  • de Vries, H. (2005). Standardization Education. In M. J. Holler (Ed.), EURAS Yearbook of Standardization V (pp. 71-91). Accedo Verlag.

  • de Vries, H. (2002). Standardization - Mapping A Field Of Research. In S. Bollin (Ed.), The Standards Edge (pp. 99-121). Bolin Communications.

  • de Vries, H., Wubben, EFM., & Koehorst, H. (2000). 'De weg naar een standaardkrat'. In . - (Ed.), Handboek Logistiek (pp. 1-9). Uitgeverij Kluwer.

  • de Vries, H. (2000). Quality Management without Uneasiness: Practical Help for Implementing ISO 9000 Resulting from a Christian-Phillosophical Analysis. In P. Molnar, & F. Boross (Eds.), "Business Excellence in the New Millennium-Quality for Society, Congress Proceedings of the 44th Annual European Organization for Quality Hungarian National Committee, Budapest June 13 (pp. 125-132). HNC for EOQ.

  • de Vries, H. (1999). Certification and Accreditation by National Standardization Organizations. In W. Hesser (Ed.), Papers presented at: IWSR: Standardization - Challenges for the Next Millennium (pp. 284-289). Universiteit der Bundeswehr.

  • de Vries, H. (1998). Normalisatie en normen. In . - (Ed.), handleiding Commissieleden (pp. 7-8). Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

  • de Vries, H., & Hortensius, D. (1998). ISO ad hoc group on guidance for drafting MSS. In . - (Ed.), Paper 1st meeting of the ISO ad hoc group on guidelines for the drafting of management systems standards (pp. 1-17). Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

  • de Vries, H. (1997). Standardization in service sectors - Exploration of market needs in the Netherlands. In W. Hesser (Ed.), "Building the Future with Standardization" Proceedings Interdisciplinary Workshop on Standardization Research (IWSR) (pp. 309-334). University of Federal Armed Forces Hamburg.

Popular (2)
  • de Vries, H. (2017). Creating history. In J. van Ramshorst, S. Bezuijen, B. van Groos, R. Wiersma, R.-J. Bosch, & P. de Jong (Eds.), Pioniers - Lustrumboek C.S.R. Delft (pp. 14-15). Civitas Studiosorum Reformatorum.

  • de Vries, H. (2012). Bakeliet en de kracht van C.S.R. In L. van der Graaff (Ed.), Bakeliet - van kiestoon en verbinding - Lustrumboek 50 jaar C.S.R. (pp. 14-16). Civitas Studiosorum Reformatorum.

Professional (17)
  • de Vries, H., Nagtegaal, B., & Veenstra, S. (2017). Transatlantic Harmonisation of Standards and Conformity Assessment - A Business Pertspective. In K. Jakobs, & K. Blind (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2017 - Digitalisation: Challenge and Opportunity for Standardisation (pp. T39-T58). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • de Vries, H. (2014). Well-being: European standardisation. In S. Luitwieler (Ed.), A community of peoples - Europe's values and public justice in the EU (pp. 136-138). Seismos Press.

  • de Vries, H. (2013). Europese normalisatie. In S. Luitwieler (Ed.), In verscheidenheid verenigd - Een positief-kritische visie op de Europese Unie (pp. 109-112). G. Groen van Prinstererstichting - Wetenschappelijk Instituut van de ChristenUnie / Buijten & Schipperheijn.

  • de Vries, H. (2012). Land waar het leven goed is. In T. W. Hardjono, & H. Bos (Eds.), Pamflet : Leidende idealen (pp. 131-133). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.

  • de Vries, H. (2012). De behoefte van aansluiting groeit. In Standaardwerken - Het belang van verbinden (pp. 18-19). ECP / Forum Standaardisatie.

  • de Vries, H. (2012). Doelgericht kwaliteitsmanagement ¿ van verbreding naar verdieping. In T. Hardjono, A. Oostrhoorn, K. de Vaal, & J. Vos (Eds.), Perspectieven op verdieping, verbreding, bundeling en daadkracht (pp. 66-69). Nederlands Netwerk voor Kwaliteitsmanagement (NNK).

  • de Vries, H. (2011). Overheid, mis de aansluiting niet! In P. Wisse (Ed.), Interoperabel Nederland (pp. 368-376). Forum Standaardisatie.

  • de Vries, H. (2005). Werken met God. In T. W. Hardjono, & H. Klamer (Eds.), Breng spirit in je werk (pp. 47-61). Meinema.

  • de Vries, H. (2005). Solidaire ondernemingen. In R. Kuiper, & C. Visser (Eds.), Over de schutting - Op weg naar nieuwe solidariteit (pp. 94-104). Buijten & Schipperheijn / De Vuurbaak.

  • de Vries, H. (2004). Kwaliteit. In P. C. Bosman (Ed.), Handboek Parttime Ondernemen - Gids voor deeltijd ondernemers en freelancers (pp. 123-127). Publimix.

  • Gundlach, HCW., Simons, CAJ., & de Vries, H. (2003). Certificatie en accreditatie; methodiek van normalisatie. In J. Bayens, & A. Buekens (Eds.), Procestechnieken en -engineering (pp. 47/127-47/146). Uitgeverij Kluwer.

  • Simons, CAJ., & de Vries, H. (2003). Normalisatie en innovatie; bedrijfsnormalisatie. In J. Bayens, & A. Buekens (Eds.), Procestechnieken en -engineering (pp. 47/147-47/164). Uitgeverij Kluwer.

  • Simons, CAJ., & de Vries, H. (2003). Standaardisatie, normalisatie en certificatie - Inleiding en externe normalisatie. In J. Bayens, & A. Buekens (Eds.), Procestechnieken en -engineering (pp. 46/139-46/154). Uitgeverij Kluwer.

  • de Vries, H. (2003). Wat is kwaliteit? In Fijnslijpen - Alles over kwaliteitsverbetering (pp. 13-28). SBP BV.

  • de Vries, H. (2001). Standardization - A New Discipline? In T. D. Schoechle, & C. B. Wagner (Eds.), Conference Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (SIIT 2001) , October 3-6, 2001, Boulder, Colorado, USA University of Colorado, Boulder.

  • de Vries, H. (2001). Standardisation - outline of a field of research. In W. Hesser (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third Interdisciplinary Workshop on Standardization Research, Hamburg, 23-25 September 2001 Universitait der Bunderswehr Hamburg.

  • de Vries, H. (2001). Standardization needs in service sectors. In Improving services for consumers - how can standards help? Workshop organized by the ISO Committee on Consumer Policy( ISO/COPOLCO), Oslo, 14 May 2001 ISO.

Academic (2)
  • de Vries, H. (1996). Opportunities for better management system standards. Standards and Society, compendium from The Third EURAS (European Academy for Standardization) conference, Stockholm.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Standardization: what's in a name?. Standards and Society, compendium from the Third Annual EURAS (European Academy for Standardization) conference, Stockholm.

Professional (1)
  • de Vries, H., & Verhagen, P. (2011). Energieprestatienormen - innovatiekansen voor de bouw. Bouwnormalisatiemiddag, Delft.

Academic (53)
  • de Vries, H. (2021). Meeting COVID-19 rules: A multiple case study of standardisation and innovation in the cultural sector. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Joint proceedings EURAS 2021 – Standardisation and Innovation / SIIT 2021 – The Past, Present and Future of ICT Standardisation (Vol. 16, pp. 155-170). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Grillo, F., Yousefi, A., Salvemini , E. M., de Vries, H., Wiegmann, P. M., Bekkers, R., & van de Kaa, G. (2021). Standards and Standardization: an Interdisciplinary Literature Review. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Joint proceedings EURAS 2021 – Standardisation and Innovation / SIIT 2021 – The Past, Present and Future of ICT Standardisation (Vol. 16, pp. 227-244). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Riillo, CAF., Mijatovic, I., & de Vries, H. (2021). Certification to compensate gender prejudice: Analysis on impact of management system certification on export by companies in Central and Eastern Europe. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Joint proceedings EURAS 2021 – Standardisation and Innovation / SIIT 2021 – The Past, Present and Future of ICT Standardisation (Vol. 16, pp. 499-517). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Wu, Y., & de Vries, H. (2020). Technical standards alliance networks and firm performance: The role of knowledge absorptive capacity and environmental uncertainty – A literature review. In K. Jakobs, & D. Kim (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2020 – Standards for Digital Transformation: Blockchain and Innovation (pp. 357-372). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Riillo, CAF., Mijatovic, I., & de Vries, H. (2020). Certification to compensate gender predudice – Analysis on impact of management system certification on export by companies in Central and Eastern Europe. In K. Jakobs, & D. Kim (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2020 – Standards for Digital Transformation: Blockchain and Innovation (pp. 259-277). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Wiegmann, P. M., de Vries, H., & Eggers, F. (2020). Companies’ Choice of Collaboration Forum: A Choice Experiment in the IoT Standardization Context. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2020(1) (pp. 12141). Academy of Management.

  • Grillo, F., de Vries, H. J., & van de Kaa, G. (2020). The Application of Network effects to Standards and Platforms. In K. Jakobs, & D. Kim (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2022: Standardisation and Open Source (Vol. 17, pp. 223-231). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • de Vries, H., & El Osrouti, F. (2019). Impact studies on standards and standardisation – Looking back and moving forward. In K. Jakobs, & P. Morone (Eds.), Proceedings 24th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference – Standards for a Bio-Based Economy (pp. 131-142). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Eble, P., & de Vries, H. (2018). How One of The World’s Oldest Food Safety Standards Approaches Expiration – The Case of German Beer. In K. Jakobs, & R. V. O’Connor (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2018 – Standards for a Smarter Future (Vol. 13, pp. 5-15). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • de Vries, H. (2015). European standardization and the European Commission - Living apart together? In N. Erdo?an (Ed.), 12th International Conference "Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A means of Balkan countries' collaboration" (pp. 65-71). Kocaeli University, Faculty of Architecture and Design.

  • Riegman, T., & de Vries, H. (2013). Establishing a dynamic model for factors favouring multiple designs. In B. Sandalski, M. Vicheva, & R. Dimitrova (Eds.), Standardization and related activities - A means of international and Balkan collaboration (pp. 39-49). Publishing House of Technical University of Sofia.

  • de Vries, H. (2013). The Euro Crisis - A Standardisation Perspective. In K. Jakobs, H. J. de Vries, A. Ganesh, & I. Soetert (Eds.), Standards: Boosting European Competitiveness - EURAS Proceedings 2013 (pp. 379-384). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Alpe, S., Go, FM., & de Vries, H. (2013). Need for a local level of standardisation: the case of Torino. In K. Jakobs, H. J. de Vries, A. Ganesh, A. Gulacsi, & I. Soetert (Eds.), Standards: Boosting European Competitiveness - EURAS Proceedings 2013 (pp. 1-15). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Manders, NB., de Vries, H., & Blind, K. (2013). The relationship between ISO 9001 and financial performance: A meta-analysis. In Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

  • Blind, K., de Vries, H., & Mangelsdorf, A. (2012). External knowledge sourcing and involvement in standardization - Evidence from the community innovation survey. In Technology Management Conference (ITMC), 2012 IEEE International (pp. 1-9). IEEE.

  • de Vries, H., Manders, NB., & Veurink, J. (2012). Materials for academic teaching on standardisation. In M. Orviska, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2012 – Standards and Innovation (Vol. 6, pp. 77-94). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Manders, NB., de Vries, H., & Blind, K. (2012). ISO 9000 and product innovation: A literature review and research framework. In M. Orviska, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2012 – Standards and Innovation (Vol. 6, pp. 241-260). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • Uijl, S., de Vries, H., & Bayramoglu, DK. (2012). The rise of MP3 as the market standard: How data compression formats came to dominate the music industry. In M. Orviska, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2012 – Standards and Innovation (Vol. 6, pp. 55-75). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • de Vries, H., Manders, NB., & Veurink, J. (2012). Materials for academic teaching on standardisation. In The ICES Conference and WSC Academic Day 2012 - Proceedings National Standardization Agency of Indonesia BSN.

  • Argam, N., de Vries, H., & Bode, B. (2011). The Influence of Marketing Communications on the Dominance of Standards. In K. Blind, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (pp. 3-13). IEEE.

  • Haverkamp, A., de Vries, H., & Verkerk, M. (2011). Using philosophy to bridge the gap between business theory and business practice. In G. Glas, H. J. van de Streek, G. J. Buijs, G. Ridder, & J. Chaplin (Eds.), The Future of Creation Order (pp. 66-67). VU University / Association for Reformational Philosophy.

  • Blind, K., de Vries, H., & Wakke, P. (2011). Driving factors of Dutch service companies to participate in formal standardization: cross-sectional and sector-spevific evidence. In EURAS Proceedings 2011 - Standards for Development (pp. 1-17)

  • Blind, K., de Vries, H., & Mangelsdorf, A. (2011). Openness for Innovation and Involvement in Standardization: Evidence from the Community Innovation Survey. In V. V. Fomin, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2011 - Standards for Development (Vol. 5, pp. 19-36). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • van Gent, JGCAA., de Vries, H., Rekom, J., & Jansen, L. (2011). Front of Pack Nutrition Labels: When do consumers use them and does this influence purchase intention? In V. V. Fomin, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2011 - Standards for Development (Vol. 5, pp. 331-349). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • de Vries, H., & Haverkamp, A. (2011). Overcoming resistance against standardisation: a Philosophical-empirical approach. In V. V. Fomin, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2011 - Standards for Development (Vol. 5, pp. 133-153). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

  • de Vries, H. (2011). Establishing an academic standardisation research network. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Standardization Education and Research (pp. 107-112). Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.

  • Fomin, V., & de Vries, H. (2010). How Balanced is Balanced Enough? Case studies of Stakeholders’ (Under-) Representation in Standardization Process. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology SIIT 2009 (Vol. 1, pp. 79-91). Mainz.

  • Uijl, S., & de Vries, H. (2010). Strategic manoeuvring in the high definition optical disc standards battle: The triumph of Blu-ray over HD-DVD. In K. Jakobs (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology SIIT 2009 (Vol. 1, pp. 153-164). Mainz.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). How to get standardization education implemented? In I. Mijatovic (Ed.), Proceedings 7th international conference "Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A means of Balkan countries' collaboration" June 8th - 9th 2010 Zlatibor, Serbia (pp. 91-97). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences.

  • Karaöz, R., & de Vries, H. (2009). Removing barriers for participation in standardization and for taking advantage of standards - Lessons from The Netherlands and Turkey: a welding standard case. In K. Athanassiadis, S. Giossi, & K. Chistodoupoulou (Eds.), Proceedings 6th international conference Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A means of Balkan countries' collaboration October 9 - 10 2009 (pp. 49-64). Union of Hellenic Scientists for Protypation and Standardization (ENEPROT).

  • Teichmann, H., & de Vries, H. (2009). Translatability in IEC Work. In N. Beauvais-Schwartz, F. Bousquet, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), Proceedings 14th Annual Standardisation Conference ‘Standardisation and Corporate Intelligence’ (pp. 309-320). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen.

  • Yang, X., & de Vries, H. (2009). Institutional context of the adopion of ISO/IEC 27001/27002 in China. In N. Beauvais-Schwartz, F. Bousquet, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), Proceedings 14th Annual Standardisation Conference ‘Standardisation and Corporate Intelligence’ (pp. 347-358). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen.

  • Kramer, J., & de Vries, H. (2009). Impact of backwards compatibility on standards dominance: The case of game consoles. In N. Beauvais-Schwartz, F. Bousquet, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), Proceedings 14th Annual Standardisation Conference ‘Standardisation and Corporate Intelligence’ (pp. 149-160). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen.

  • de Koning, C., & de Vries, H. (2009). Impact of Formal Service Standardization on Service Innovation - A Case Study in Facility Management. In N. Beauvais-Schwartz, F. Bousquet, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), Proceedings 14th Annual Standardisation Conference ‘Standardisation and Corporate Intelligence’ (pp. 129-148). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen.

  • Choi, D., & de Vries, H. (2008). framework for standards education urricula: empirical analysis based on APEC research. In Proceedings EUROMOT 2008 CERAM Business School.

  • Fomin, V., de Vries, H., & Barlette, Y. (2008). ISO/IEC 27001: Exploring the reasons for low adoption. In Proceedings EUROMOT 2008 CERAM Business School.

  • de Vries, H., Verhagen, P., & Beerepoot, M. (2008). Impact of standards on innovation of constructions - A case of energy performance standards for houses. In Proceedings EUROMOT 2008 CERAM Business School.

  • Haak, J., Choi, D., de Vries, H., & Kim, D. (2008). Standards Education Policy Development. In K. Jakobs, & E. Söderström (Eds.), Proceedings 13th EURAS Workshop on Standardisation (Vol. 40, pp. 69-83). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen.

  • Fomin, V., & de Vries, H. (2008). Vodka war: a teaching case in standardization. In K. Jakobs, & E. Söderström (Eds.), Proceedings 13th EURAS Workshop on Standardisation (Vol. 40, pp. 137-145). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen.

  • de Vries, H., de Ruijter, J. PM., & Argam, N. (2007). Dominant Design or Multiple Designs: The Flash Memory Card Case. In P. Feng, D. Meeking, & R. Hawkins (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Standards and Innovation in Information Technology IEEE.

  • van Wessel, RM., Ribbers, PMA., & de Vries, H. (2007). Towards a Comprehensive Model to Master Company IT Standards. In P. Feng, D. Meeking, & R. Hawkins (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Standards and Innovation in Information Technology IEEE.

  • de Vries, H., & Egyedi, TM. (2007). Education about standardization - Lessons from an International Workshop. In J. Gröndahl, K. Jakobs, & A. I. Zachariadis (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2007 (pp. 57-70). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen.

  • Kaa, G., de Vries, H., van Heck, E., & van den Ende, J. (2007). The Emergence of Standards: a Meta-analysis. In R. H. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Nineth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences IEEE Computer Society.

  • Teichmann, H., de Vries, H., & Feilzer, AJ. (2007). Linguistic shortcomings in international standards - A field study. In ENEPROT (Ed.), Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A Means of Balkan Countries' Collaboration (pp. 80-98). Union of Hellenic Scientists for Protypation and Standardization (ENEPROT).

  • Dul, J., & de Vries, H. (2006). Differences between ergonomics and other ISO/CEN standards. Lessons for standards development. In Proceedings of the 16th world congress on ergonomics

  • Almarini, A., Deusing, RJ., Flipsen, R., Kaa, G., & de Vries, H. (2006). Factors for standard dominance. In H. Coenen, J. Gröndahl, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2006 (Vol. 38, pp. 1-15). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen.

  • van Delden, MA., & de Vries, H. (2006). Standardisation and Knowledge Management in Services. In H. Coenen, J. Gröndahl, & K. Jakobs (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2006 (Vol. 38, pp. 91-97). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen.

  • van Wessel, RM., de Vries, H., & Ribbers, PMA. (2006). Effects of IS Standardization on Business performance: A Case in HR IS Company Standardization. In R. H. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Nineth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences IEEE Computer Society.

  • Van Wessel, R., Ribbers, P., & De Vries, H. J. (2006). Effects of IS standardization on business process performance: A case in HR IS company standardization. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS'06 (pp. 139b). Article 1579572

  • Kaa, G., van den Ende, J., & de Vries, H. (2005). A conceptual framework for the selection of compatibility standards. In Proceedings of the R&D Management Conference 2005, 6-8 July, Pisa University of Manchester.

  • Van Wessel, R., Ribbers, P., & De Vries, H. (2005). On the effects of IS company standards on business process performance. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, 2005 (pp. 267-280). Article 1563813

  • de Vries, H., Feilzer, AJ., & Verheul, HHM. (2004). Removing Barriers for Participation in Formal Standardization. In F. Bousquet, & Y. Buntzly (Eds.), EURAS Proceedings 2004 (pp. 171-176). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen.

  • de Vries, H., Verheul, HHM., & Willemse, H. (2003). Stakeholder identification in IT standardization processes. In J.L. King & K. Lyytinen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Standard Making: A Critical Research Frontier for Information Systems (pp. 92-107). International Conference on Information Systems.

Professional (7)
  • de Vries, H. (2015). Normalisatie voor Smart Industry. In A. J. Nagtegaal (Ed.), De verdienkracht van Normalisatie en Smart Industry (pp. 6-6). FME.

  • de Vries, H. (2011). Stimulating Standardisation Education - A European Perspective. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Standardization Education and Research (pp. 17-27). Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). SME's Access to Standards and Standardisation. In International Symposium on Standardization Research (pp. 59-67). Korean Agency for Technology and Standards KATS & Korean Standards Association KSA.

  • de Vries, H., & Uijl, S. (2010). Standards battle HD-DVD - Blu-ray. In International Symposium on Standardization Research (pp. 185-197). Korean Agency for Technology and Standards KATS & Korean Standards Association KSA.

  • de Vries, H. (2010). EURAS' View: Building a research community. In International Symposium on Standardization Research (pp. 259-266). Korean Agency for Technology and Standards KATS & Korean Standards Association KSA.

  • Dul, J., & de Vries, H. (2006). Differences between ergonomics and other ISO/IEC standards - Lessons for standards development. In R. N. Pikaar, E. A. P. Koningsveld, & P. J. M. Settels (Eds.), Proceedings IEA2006 Congress Elsevier Ltd..

  • de Vries, H., & West, J. (2005). Introduction to the Minitrack on Standards and Standardization. In R. H. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 202). IEEE Computer Society.

Internal (1)
  • de Vries, H. (1999). Standards for the Nation. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

Popular (1)
Academic (1)
  • Jakobs, K., de Vries, H. J., van de Kaa, G., Bekkers, R., Delimatsis, P., Muizer, A., & Wiegmann, P. (Eds.) (2024, Jun 19). Proceedings EURAS 2024: Comprehensive Standardisation for Societal Challenges. Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

Academic (7)
  • Schipper, HW., & de Vries, H. (1996). NNI actief in normen voor dienstverlening.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Checklist gebruikerswensen m.b.t. normen. Paper presented at cursusmateriaal Opleidingen NNI.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Checklist toenemend normalisatiebelang. Paper presented at cursusmateriaal Opleidingen NNI.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Dienstverlening NNI-consultant. Paper presented at Cursus-materiaal NNI Opleidingen.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Goede normen maken. Paper presented at cursusmateriaal Opleidingen NNI.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Overzicht normen voor dienstverlening. Paper presented at cursusmateriaal Opleidingen NNI.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Soorten normen. Paper presented at cursusmateriaal Opleidingen NNI.

Professional (1)
  • Fomin, V., & de Vries, H. (2009). Rat zbog vodke.

Academic (13)
  • van Wessel, RM., & de Vries, H. (2011). Business Impact of ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002 - Lessons learned from survey research. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.

  • Hesser, W., & de Vries, H. (2011). Academic Standardisation Education in Europe. European Academy for Standardisation EURAS.

  • de Vries, H., Blind, K., & Mangelsdorf, A. (2010). SME access to European standardization. Comité Européen de Normalisation and Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique.

  • Dul, J., de Vries, H., Verschoof, S., Eveleens, W., & Feilzer, AJ. (2004). Combining economic and social goals in the design of production systems by using ergonomics standards. (Erim Report Series in Management ERS020LIS ed.) Erim Report Series in Management Vol. ERS020LIS

  • Hesser, W., Hoops, L.-P., Feilzer, AJ., & de Vries, H. (2004). Complexity management and in-company standardization - Research results from a company inquiry. Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.

  • Hesser, W., Hoops, L.-P., Feilzer, AJ., & de Vries, H. (2004). Komplexitatsmanagement und innerbetriebliche Standardisierung - Untersuchungsergebnisse einer Unternehmungsbefragung. Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.

  • Schaap, A., & de Vries, H. (2004). Evaluatie van normalisatie-investeringen - Hoe MKB-bedrijven kunnen profiteren van deelname aan normalisatie. FME-CWM.

  • Gottlieb, A., Verheul, HHM., & de Vries, H. (2003). Project Verbetering formele normalisatieproces - Case ISO 15181: Paints and varnishes - Determination of release rate of biocides in antifouling paints. Centre for Process Management and Simulation.

  • Verheul, HHM., & de Vries, H. (2003). Verbetering formele normalisatieproces. Centre for Process Management and Simulation.

  • Willemse, H., Verheul, HHM., & de Vries, H. (2003). Project Verbetering formele normalisatieproces - Stakeholder-participatie bij de herziening van de norm NEN 1824. Centre for Process Management and Simulation.

  • de Vries, H., & Hendrikse, G. (2001). The Dutch Banking Chipcard Game: Understanding a Battle between Two Standards. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). ERIM Report Series Research in Management (issn 1566-5283)

  • de Vries, H. (1999). Het nut van normen en normalisatie. Nedederlandse Normalisatie-Instituut.

  • de Vries, H. (1998). Wishes concerning services offered by national standardization organizations. (Management Report Series 15-1998 ed.) ERIM. Management Report Series Vol. 15-1998

Professional (21)
  • Choi, D., Puskar, E., & de Vries, H. (2019). Competence of standards professionals - Part 1: In companies (IWA 30-1:2019). ISO.

  • Choi, D., Puskar, E., & de Vries, H. (2019). Competence of standards professionals - Part 2: In standards-related organizations (IWA 30-2:2019). ISO.

  • de Vries, H. (2015). Governance of electrotechnical standardisation in Europe. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.

  • van der Zwan, J., de Vries, H., Zoetmulder, R., & Finch, K. (2010). Open normalisatie – Acties om de betrokkenheid van de zwakke marktpartijen bij normalisatie te vergroten – Eindrapport. NEN.

  • van der Zwan, J., de Vries, H., Zoetmulder, R., & Finch, K. (2010). Open normalisatie – Acties om de betrokkenheid van de zwakke marktpartijen bij normalisatie te vergroten – Bijlagen. NEN.

  • van Wessel, RM., & de Vries, H. (2009). Business Impact of ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002. Rotterdam School of Management, EUR/BSI British Standards.

  • de Vries, H., & van der Zwan, J. (2008). What standards do I need form my product or service? Netherlands Standardization Institute.

  • de Vries, H., Willemse, H., & van der Zwan, J. (2008). Standards for lifts. Netherlands Standardization Institute.

  • Karaoz, R., Verheul, HHM., & de Vries, H. (2004). Project Verbetering formele normalisatieproces - Stakeholder-participatie bij de herziening van een norm voor de kwalificatie van lassers. Centre for Process Management and Simulation.

  • de Vries, H. (2004). Normalisation des services - Recommendations pour repondre aux attentes des consommateurs. ISO/CEI.

  • de Vries, H. (2003). Het nut van normen en normalisatie. Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

  • de Vries, H. (2003). Welke normen heb ik nodig voor mijn product of dienst? Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

  • de Vries, H., & Willemse, H. (2003). Normen bij liften. Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

  • de Vries, H. (2000). Het nut van normen en normalisatie. (3e gewijzigde druk ed.) Nederlands Normalisatie-Instituur.

  • Roon, J., & de Vries, H. (1997). Arbeid en Ondernemen : aanzet tot een christelijke visie. Stichting Carmel Enterprising.

  • de Vries, H. (1997). Het nut van normen en normalisatie voor het midden- en kleinbedrijf. Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

  • de Vries, H., & Schipper, HW. (1997). Normalisatie in dienstverlenende sectoren ; strategische verkenning. Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

  • de Vries, H. (1996). Normalisatie voor NS Railinfrabeheer. [publisher unknown]. Trail Research School, Delft

  • de Vries, H., & de la Fuente, M. (1995). Normen, normalisatie en het MBK. Normalisatie Instituut.

  • de Vries, H. (1995). Company standardization - Importance of company and/or inter-company standardization in addition to the use of national, European and international standards. European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

  • de Vries, H. (1995). Involvement of economic partners with the standards development process of national standards bodies. European Committee of Standardization (CEN).

Professional (1)
  • Schaap, A., & de Vries, H. (2005). Wat levert normalisatie u op?. Software, Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut.

Popular (1)
  • de Vries, H. (2012). Laat Nederland overwegen uit de euro te stappen. Web publication/site, Erdee Media Groep.

Professional (4)
  • de Vries, H. (2021). Samen tegen corona - Dynamiek tussen regels en innovaties. Web publication/site, Nederlands Netwerk voor Kwaliteitsmanagement (NNK).

  • de Vries, H. (2020). Brexit: a business proposal. Web publication/site, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.

  • de Vries, H. (2018). Brexit – the way out. A business perspective. Web publication/site, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.

  • de Vries, H. (2016). Het Vinkje verdwijnt ten onrechte. Web publication/site, ESB.


  • Journal of Standardisation
    Start date approval: 13 Oct 2022
    End date approval: 12 Oct 2025
    Place: DELFT
    Description: Associate Editor
  • St.Onderwijs Onderzoek Normalisatie Standaardisat
    Start date approval: 13 Oct 2022
    End date approval: 12 Oct 2025
    Place: DELFT
    Description: Lid Programmaraad
  • Schouten University of Applied Sciences
    Start date approval: 08 Dec 2023
    End date approval: 07 Dec 2026
    Description: Docent in Master Kwaliteitsmanagement
  • Journal of ICT Standardization (Journal)
    Henk de Vries (Editor)
    01 Jan 2013

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research (Journal)
    Henk de Vries (Editor)
    01 Jan 2003 - 31 Dec 2011

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Standardization : what's in a name?
    Henk de Vries (Speaker)
    13 May 1996

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Opportunities for better management system standards.
    Henk de Vries (Speaker)
    03 May 1996

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)


Responsible Innovation - Innovation & Standardisation Management

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1038-EUR

Responsible Innovation - Responsible Innovation Management

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1038-RIM

Responsible Innovation - Student Project Group 1

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1038-SPG1

Responsible Innovation - Student Project Group 2

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1038-SPG2

OLD STYLE - Research Fundamentals Course

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: BMRMMI
  • Level: Master

Past courses

Innovation & Standardisation Management

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2015/2016
  • Code: BMME048
  • Level: Master, Master, Master, Master

Responsible Innovation

  • Study year: 2023/2024
  • Code: B3MIN1038

Responsible Innovation - Digital Technologies and Power: Surveillance Capitalism

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1038-UL

Responsible Innovation - Ethics, Culture and Biotechnology

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1038-ECB

Responsible Innovation - Introduction to Responsible Innovation

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1038-TUD

Responsible Innovation - Responsible Management of Risk, Safety and Security

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1038-MRSS

Responsible Innovation - Digital Technologies and Power: Surveillance Capitalism

  • Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020
  • Code: BKBMIN0038-UL

Responsible Innovation - Innovation and Interface Management

  • Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020
  • Code: BKBMIN0038-EUR

Responsible Innovation - Introduction to Responsible Innovation

  • Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020
  • Code: BKBMIN0038-TUD

Responsible Innovation - Student Project Group 1

  • Study year: 2020/2021
  • Code: BKBMIN0038-SPG1

Business process excellence

  • Study year: 2015/2016
  • Code: BMME071
  • ECTS: 6 Level: Master

Featured in the media

  • Opinion: Land consolidation 2.0 is the best route out of the nitrogen swamp

    Henk de Vries' opinion piece around the issue of the government's continued postponement of the nitrogen problems. He proposes a solution: take measures at the area level, as was once done with the land exchange. …

  • Land consolidation 2.0

    Prof. Henk de Vries suggests a solution for the BBB Minister of Agriculture's dealings with angry farmers and the problems at a global, national and regional level. Most measures focus on individual companies, which is the wrong…

  • European Standards and Innovation Award

    Prof. Henk de Vries has been nominated for a European Standards and Innovation Award

  • Henk learned from home to do justice to creation. 'It is a lie that a company must make a profit'

    He tries to avoid advertisements as much as possible. Former professor at Erasmus University Henk de Vries (67) from Delft has been looking for a sustainable life for fifty years. 'You can quickly adopt a lifestyle where you think…


    Henk de Vries' research features in this article about the introduction of standard sizes for containers that revolutionized shipping in the last century. Standardization or normalization can contribute to the green transition…

  • Applying Agile to the entire organization: how Agile and Enterprise Architecture can reinforce each other

    Combining Agile and Enterprise Architecture practices during an agile transformation

  • Tackling climate challenges in an innovative way

    Innovation is needed to tackle climate change

  • Nieuwe Europese normalisatiestrategie

    In this article, Henk de Vries, Professor of Standardization Management at RSM, contributes to a discussion of the new European standardisation.

  • Agile werken en enterprise architectuur versterken elkaar

    Henk de Vries, Professor of Standardization Management at RSM, was part of an investigation about how organisations can complement agile with enterprise architecture.

  • De Nederlandse driekleur is lastig te veranderen

    Henk de Vries, Professor of Standardisation Management at the Department of Technology and Operations Management at RSM, wrote an article about changing the colours of the Dutch flag.

  • Samen tegen corona - Dynamiek tussen regels en innovaties

    The COVID19 virus is spreading around. Companies must comply with rules that are partly imposed by the government and partly recommended by private organizations. This article first shows how this can be done in a systematic way:…

  • Een coronabeleid op maat is nodig om de innovatie in de cultuursector te bevorderen

    Article about the COVID measurements of the Dutch government. The organizations for which those measurements are intended differ. And that pinches. The call for customization is justified. Henk de Vries is professor of…

  • Nog een reden om CETA te skippen

    Henk de Vries of RSM has commented on the CETA trade treaty between The Netherlands and Canada.

  • CETA discussie mist belangrijke argumenten

    An article written by Henk de Vries of RSM, discussing the CETA trade agreement.

  • In the News

  • Met reikhalzend verlangen kijkt de schepping uit naar onze nieuwe levensstijl

  • Oratie Henk de Vries ‘Standardisation Management’

    Henk de Vries, professor Standardisation Management, has been mentioned in the article 'Oratie Henk de Vries ‘Standardisation Management’'. The article discusses his oration about Standardisation Management, in which he argues…

  • Oratie Henk de Vries ‘Standardisation Management’

    Henk de Vries, professor Standardisation Management, has been mentioned in the article 'Oratie Henk de Vries ‘Standardisation Management’'. The article discusses his oration about standards and how vital they are for products and…

  • Oratie Henk de Vries ‘Standardisation Management’

    Henk de Vries, Professor Standardisation Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses his oration 'Standardisation Management'. He discusses that the standards are vital…

  • Delftenaar hoogleraar in Rotterdam

    Henk de Vries, professor Standardisation Management, has been mentioned in the article 'Standardisation Management'. The article discusses his appointment as professor Standardisation Management. …

  • Brieven 6/9/2019

    Henk de Vries of RSM has written an opinion article regarding the fact that 'De Autoriteit Consument & Markt' has banned PostNL to take over Sandd.

  • Normalisatie moet op managementagenda

    Many companies are insufficiently aware of the importance of standardisation for the company. As a result, there is no clear policy. That is what Henk de Vries, professor of Standardization Management at RSM, says. He hopes to…

  • Professor Henk de Vries bekleedt leerstoel Standardisation Management

    On October 4th, Henk de Vries of RSM will give his oration with the title 'Standardisation Management'.

  • The Joint Initiative on Standardisation

    Henk de Vries of RSM was quoted in the Join Initiative on Standardisation brochure published by the European Commission. Henk stated that it is “Remarkable and great that the European Commission, though initiator of the…

  • EU heeft toekomst als gedeelde belangen voorop staan

    An article written by Henk de Vries, Endowed Professor of Standardisation Management at the Department of Technology and Operations Management at RSM regarding the European Union. The article states that there is every reason to…

  • Henk de Vries benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar standaardisatie en normalisatie aan RSM

    Henk de Vries, Endowed Professor of Standardisation Management at RSM, has been appointed as a professor of Standardisation and Normalisation at RSM. The chair has an aim to give more attention to standardisation and normalisation…

  • Henk de Vries bijzonder hoogleraar Normalisatiemanagement

    Henk de Vries, Endowed Professor of Standardisation Management at RSM, has been appointed as a professor of Standardisation and Normalisation at RSM. The chair has an aim to give more attention to standardisation and normalisation…

  • Henk de Vries benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar standaardisatie en normalisatie aan RSM

    Henk de Vries, Endowed Professor of Standardisation Management at RSM, has been appointed as a professor of Standardisation and Normalisation at RSM. The chair has an aim to give more attention to standardisation and normalisation…

  • Getal 666 vraagt om antwoord

    An article written by Henk de Vries of RSM regarding the number 666. The number 666 from Revelation 13 has to do with a power system that humanity has called upon themselves. Henk elaborates on the question of we going along with…

  • Er is een uitweg voor de Brexit waarin bijna iedereen z'n zin krijgt

    Henk de Vries of RSM has written an article regarding Brexit. He suggests that there in which Brexit can be settled and that will satisfy all parties. He suggests to let the Brits go in peace, as that will benefit all. …

  • Interview with Professor Dr. de Vries on ISO 9001:2015 and standardization

    Henk de Vries, Associate Professor of Standardisation at RSM has been interviewed regarding ISO 9001. Henk stated that his research shows that ISO 9001 can be successfully implemented in any culture. Among other things, the…

  • Meetmethode tabak - Nu bepaalt de industrie

    Henk de Vries, Associate Professor of Standardisation at RSM, has written an article in NRC Next. The article discusses the fact that The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Dutch Food and…

  • Brieven 14/5/2018

    Henk de Vries, Associate Professor of Standardisation at RSM has sent in a letter to NRC regarding the fact that The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety…

  • TTIP voordeliger voor Amerikaanse bedrijven dan voor Europese

    Trade agreements such as TTIP seek to encourage international trade, e.g. by improving the alignment of regulations among nations. According to Associate Professor Henk de Vries and Alumnus Stijn Veenstra (MSc Supply Chain…

  • TTIP voordeliger voor Amerikaanse bedrijven dan voor Europese

    Trade agreements such as TTIP seek to encourage international trade, e.g. by better aligning regulation among nations. Using the European system of technical norms, it would be difficult to unlock American practices, warn…

  • Studenten Terug In Antieke Collegezaal

    One of the old college halls in DUWO's office in Delft is being used for its original purpose again: lectures. On Monday and Tuesday, third-year students of the joint Leiden-Delft-Rotterdam minor Responsible Innovation followed a…

  • 'Europese bedrijven hebben meer te verliezen door TTIP dan Amerikaanse'

    If the TTIP free trade treaty is realised, its effects will be more detrimental for European companies than American ones, according to RSM Associate Professor Henk de Vries and Stijn Veenstra (Alumnus, MSc Supply Chain…

  • TTIP voordeliger voor Amerikaanse bedrijven dan voor Europese

    For the European system of technical norms, the adoption of American practices as a result of trade agreements such as TTIP could be poor, warn Henk de Vries and Alumnus Stijn Veenstra (MSc Supply Chain Management) of RSM. The…

  • Theologenblog: Het is niet de kerk die een te dikke vinger in de pap heeft bij de GTU

    On a theological college a synod should not have a say. The church should be at a greater distance. The conflict between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board of the Theological University Kampen indicates a flaw in the…

  • Kerk is niet het probleem maar de verdeeldheid

    On a theological college a synod should not have a say. The church should be at a greater distance. The conflict between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board of the Theological University Kampen indicates a flaw in the…

  • Theologenblog: Het is niet de kerk die een te dikke vinger in de pap heeft bij de GTU

    On a theological college a synod should not have a say. The church should be at a greater distance. The conflict between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board of the Theological University Kampen indicates a flaw in the…

  • Norm schuift op richting een meer bedrijfskundige benadering

    Implementing the ISO 9001 standard will lead to operational improvements and market advantages. But the benefits depend on the organizations and its standard, location, sector, company size and the certification period. This was…

  • Een theologische universiteit is eigen baas. De kerk hoort op grotere afstand

    On a theological college a synod should not have a say. The church should be at a greater distance. The conflict between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board of the Theological University Kampen (ND February 25) indicates…

  • Universiteit is niet van de kerk

    On a theological college a synod should not have a say. The church should be at a greater distance. The conflict between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board of the Theological University Kampen (ND February 25) indicates…

  • Normexperts stropen de mouwen op in Rotterdam

    The Royal NEN was host to the annual assembly of ISO/TC 176 for Quality Management & Quality Assurance. Here, an open forum was held titled 'Certified ISO 9001 systems - search of added value' which was inaugurated with a…

  • Het Vinkje verdwijnt ten onrechte

    The 'I choose consciously' tick symbol disappears from commodity packaging. The information what is a healthy option would be available on an app. The legal complaint from the Consumers' Association against the Checkmark has been…

  • ICES 2016 - Internationale Konferenz zur Ausbildung über Standards

    The 11th International Cooperation Conference on Standardization ICES was held in Frankfurt. Here, Henk de Vries addressed the question of how the university's ranking systems affect standards education …

  • Commercie drukt op organisaties

    Four reports of organizations with a public function. However different, all have to do with a new processing clarity, which can therefore go wrong.

  • Commercie drukt op organisaties

    Four reports of organizations with a public function. However different, all have to do with a new processing clarity, which can therefore go wrong.

  • ‘Strenge energieprestatienorm leidt tot duurzame nieuwbouw'

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Strengere energieprestatienorm heeft gunstig effect op innovatie

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Strengere energienormen voor woningbouw hebben gunstig effect

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Strengere energienorm woning pusht innovatie

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Strengere energienormen woningbouw stimuleren innovatie

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Strengere energienormen woningbouw stimuleren innovatie

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Striktere energienormen zorgen voor innovatie woningbouw

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Strengere energienormen woningbouw stimuleren innovatie

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Normen geen belemmering voor innovatie

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Energienormen stimuleren innovatie

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Strengere energienormen woningbouw stimuleren innovatie

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Strengere energienormen woningbouw stimuleren innovatie

    Research conducted by Henk de Vries and alumnus Pieter Verhagen indicated strict electricity performance norms for new houses encourage the use of innovative products and more innovative cooperations in the Dutch construction…

  • Warme start voor het Infra-Innovatie Netwerk

    On the 9th of July, the launch of the Infra-innovation network took place, where Henk de Vries held a speach. regarding innovation in construction.

  • Voedselkeurmerken nuttig voor consument en producent

    Food quality labels have a positive impact on consumer and producer, as it makes the product more interesting for consumers and increasing the willingness to buy. However, the effects of it on innovation are still under…

  • Report on ICES and WSC international conferences in Seoul, Korea

    Report on ICES and WSC international conferences in Seoul, where Henk de Vries reviewed ICES' history, goals and challenges in the first panel on the Past Ten Years. Professor Knut Blind discussed Technische University Berlin's…

  • GCC forum on education standardisation begins

    The first GCC forum on standardisation in education kicked off yesterday with the participation of a large number of experts and officials from the GCC states and representatives of specialist international organizations.…

  • Normalisatoren aller landen, verenigt u

    A summary of the article 'Building a community of standards professionals' in Standards Engineering, Volume 67, No 1. Here, Henk de Vries argues why a association of professionals in normalization and standardization is…

  • In a class of its own

    An interview with Henk de Vries regarding the importance of standardization education, the standards themselves, the approach, benefits and advice for implementation.

  • Inspelen op disrupties met business continuity management

    An article about the ISO norm and its added value. It is an article regarding the research by Erik van de Crommenacker, who is under the guidance of Henk de Vries.

  • De overtreffende trap van ISO 9001?

    In the second half of 2015 ISO 9001 will be revised. In a series of columns the standards committee of quality management reflects on the establishment of the revised ISO 9001. Basak Manders and Henk de Vries are mentioned in this…

  • Свечано је отворена 19. EURAS годишња конференција о стандардизацији

    In September the yearly Standardization conference took place. Henk de Vries was one of the key-note speakers. This article gives a small summary on what he spoke about. He was also re-elected as EURAS President. …

  • Toegevoegde waarde van ISO 22301 en certificering

    Erik van de Crommenacker received a research award for his thesis "Business Continuity Management conform ISO 22301" during the Business Improvement Event organized by NNK. Henk de Vries was his thesis supervisor. …

  • Marco Bijl verkozen tot Business Improvement Manager van 2014

    Erik van de Crommenacker received a research award for his thesis "Business Continuity Management conform ISO 22301" during the Business Improvement Event organized by NNK. Henk de Vries was his thesis supervisor. …

  • Normen en certificaten in de biobased economy. Wat, hoe en waarom?

    A publication from 'Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland' about standards and certifications in the bio-based economy. Henk de Vries is one of the contributing authors.

  • Werk en Prive

    The VIVA400 features the most successful young women in the Netherlands. One of them is Lisanne van Zwol. Together with another Jente de Vries and Chantal Engelen she started the initiative "Kromkommer". Their goal is to get…

  • Cómo mejorar el acceso de las pymes a las normas

    This is a Spanish translation of the article "New opportunities - Improving SME access to standards". Many SMEs could derive greater benefit from standardization, although standards are sometimes perceived as a burden rather than…

  • NOS news - Kromkommer (video)

    Alumni students Jente de Vries and Lisanne van Zwol started the initiative "Kromkommer". Their goal is to get misshapen fruits and vegetables on the supermarket shelves, in order to avoid waste. (video from 10:40) …

  • Winnaars scriptieprijs bezoeken dc DPD in Parijs

    Earlier this year, Jelle de Vries won the price for best Master Thesis Logistics. As a price, he travelled along several logistic centers, from van Duuren in Vianen to DPD in Paris.

  • Qualität wirkt nachweislich und nachhaltig auf betriebs- und volkswirtschaftlicher Ebene

    This German article is about the proven impact of quality on business. They refer to the article written by Basak Manders and Henk de Vries, "Auf die Umsetzung kommt´s an", which showed that quality management is not only a…

  • Auf die Umsetzung kommt's an

    This German article, written by Basak Manders and Henk de Vries, is about the ISO 9001; do norms, standards and certification also bring financial benefits? Based on several studies, the authors argue that the implemenation and…

  • Pick-by-vision is hot maar (nog) niet robuust genoeg

    Pick-by-vision: will this technique outflank the popular voicepicking? Several professionals, including PhD candidate Jelle de Vries, give their view.

  • Karakter bepaalt productiviteit

    A recent study on order picking focusses on the interaction between people and technology. It shows that each system requires people with a suitable character. PhD candidate Jelle de Vries explains. …

  • Aantal pickfouten verschilt per opleidingsniveau

    This article reports on the outcome of the thesis study of Jelle de Vries on various order picking methods like pick-to-light and voice picking.

  • Milieubeleid is soms niks doen

    This article, written by Henk de Vries, is about a study he conducted on the effects of demands made on the energy performance of homes.

  • New opportunities - Improving SME access to standards

    Many SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) could derive greater benefit from standardization, although standards are sometimes perceived as a burden rather than an advantage. This article highlights the obstacles that prevent…

  • 'Ik beloof niet te frauderen'

    “Do you [name] promise to uphold the principles on ethical research behaviour as outlined in the pledge?”, Finn Wynstra asked 37 PhD Candidates and students. EUR is the only university that asks its students to take an integrity…

  • Waartoe is een bedrijf op aarde?

    Social businesses have a calling to care for others, but do are they really pursuing the right goals? Henk de Vries gives his view in this article.

  • Ingezonden: Nederland uit de euro

    The autor of this piece, Henk de Vries, argues that the Netherlands should consider to drop out of the euro. In this article he explains why.

  • Bij milieu investeringen moet je meer redeneren vanuit kansen en minder vanuit kosten

    In this article Henk de Vries explains about our RSM Faculty and the Erasmus University. The focus is on subjects like standardisation and normalisation, sustainability and future developments.

  • “Voicepicking is toch een eyeopener voor veel mensen”

    This article provides information about the Order Picking Experience, an initiative from Erasmus University, the ROC Zadkine and the Material Handling Forum (MHF). The experiment took place during the Logistica 2012 event. PhD…

  • 'Scala Logistica biedt ons meer interactie met bedrijfsleven'

    This article provides information about the Order Picking Experience, an initiative from Erasmus University, the ROC Zadkine and the Material Handling Forum (MHF). The experiment took place during the Logistica 2012 event. Rene de…

  • Does ISO 9001 pay? - Analysis of 42 studies

    In 1987, ISO published the first ISO 9000 series of quality management standards (QMS). Since then, more than one million organizations in 178 countries have achieved ISO 9001 certification. But have they enjoyed financial…

  • ‘Logistiek manager bepaalt veiligheid magazijn'

    For his Master thesis, RSM student Jelle de Vries conducted research amongst logistics managers and warehouse employees. His study shows that logistics managers have a strong influence on safety in the workplace and in the…

  • Class is in - Big steps for education about standardization

    The article reports about a series of three standardisation conferences at Bali, Indonesia in which RSM had major involvement: the ISO/KATS regional workshop partly lead by Henk de Vries, the ICES conference 2013 and the WSC…

  • Mening: Normalisatieperspectief op de eurocrisis

    In this article, Henk de Vries gives his view on the euro. We can look at the Euro as being a norm so that we can study the dynamics of it in standardization research.

  • Roadtrip naar Mongolië

    2 RSM students, Jasperina de Vries and Roel van der Duin, will travel to Mongolia in a small car and raise money for the Rode Kruis organisation (Red Cross).

  • Malaysia: 'Straigt A students'

    Malaysia recently organised a workshop on the development of education about standardization activities in the country. Previous winners of the ISO Award for higher education, including, Henk de Vries, were speakers at this…

  • Vakbond onmisbaar bij normalisatie

    Henk de Vries argues that the FNV, CNV and MHP put themselves offside by no longer paying for participation in standards committees. Input from users is extremely important for the quality of standards. …

  • 'Vakbeweging buitenspel door stopzetten deelname normcommissies'

    Henk de Vries argues that the FNV, CNV and MHP put themselves offside by no longer paying for participation in standards committees. Input from users is extremely important for the quality of standards. …

  • Blog:Shooting in Rotterdam – interviewing Henk de Vries and Robert van Wessel of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

    In this blog, Sofie Sandell tells about her experience making a video with experts in standardization Henk de Vries and Robert van Wessel.

  • Standardization-A multidisciplinary field of research

    This paper, written by Henk de Vries, shows which disciplines can contribute to standardization research by confronting a characterization of standardization with a systematic listing of sciences. The paper argues that…

  • Hoe brengen we het vak normalisatie in de klaslokalen?

    In this article (p.33) Henk de Vries discusses standardization, a subject that, he feels, is often overlooked in education. The same article in French is also included in the French version of NBN Revue that was published in April…

  • Faire entrer la normalisation dans les salles de cours

    In this French article (p.33) Henk de Vries explains about standardization, a subject that, he feels, is often overlooked in education. The same article in Dutch is also included in the Dutch version of NBN Revue that will be…

  • Standards-Battles in Open Source Software

    This is an introduction of the book 'Standard Battles in Open Source Software: the case of Firefox' by Huibert de Vries, Henk de Vries and Ilan Oshri.

  • How to do it - Getting standardization into the classroom

    In this article Henk de Vries explains about standardization, a subject that, he feels, is often overlooked in education.

  • Masterclass Standaardisatie voldoet aan verwachtingen

    This article reports on the Masterclass Standardization that was held at the Erasmus University.

  • Volledig programma Masterclass Standaardisatie bekend

    This article is about the upcoming (free) masterclass Standardization on 16 December 2010.

  • Aanvullende cases bekend van ‘Masterclass Standaardisatie’

    This article is about the upcoming (free) masterclass Standardization on 16 December 2010.

  • Thema 'standaardisatie' volledig doorgespit tijdens masterclass in Rotterdam

    This article announces a free masterclass on standardization on 16 December. Several speakers share their knowledge on the subject.

  • De tweede browseroorlog

    This article is about the ongoing competition between Microsoft and Netscape, referred to as the second browserwar. The article refers to the book 'Standard Battles in Open Source Software: the case of Firefox' by Huibert de…

  • STAR chairman participated in radio debate "what does today's student life look like"

    Recently appointed STAR Chairman Jasperina de Vries participated in an hour-long radio debate on the topic of “what does today’s student life look like”. The discussion was around the question whether or not a student should…

  • Radio discussion, Henk de Vries on Sunday opening hours of shops

    Henk de Vries commented in BNR Newsradio on a bill for the extension of Sunday opening hours of shops. He argued that the economic effects would not be that big as at the end of the day, people spending power will not increase.…

  • 'Landelijke regels voor evenementen ontbreken'

    This article is an introduction to Henk de Vries' article on event safety regulations in the Nederlands Dagblad and it provides a link to the full article.

  • Landelijke regels rond evenement ontbreken

    This article is an introduction to Henk de Vries' article on event safety regulations in the Nederlands Dagblad and it provides a link to the full article.

  • Landelijke regels rond evenement ontbreken

    This article is about the safety of festivals in the Netherlands and the importance of regulation. Henk de Vries concludes in this article that the current regulation system is a good start, but the programme needs broadening and…

  • Overheid is nodig bij bouw energiezuinige huizen

    The Netherlands are behind in making houses more energy efficient. The building sector can not handle this organizationally at the moment. Our country could take a leading position in this, Henk de Vries explains in this article. …

  • Assessing benefits

    This article is about companies and organizations investing in participating in the development of standards. How can they calculate the benefits?

  • Centraal of decentraal, dat is de vraag

    This article reports that Leiden University will shut down its central international office in 2011 and explores whether university internationalisation policies should operate at the faculty or central level …

  • Managementsystemen: meer normen nodig dan alleen ISO 9001

    In this article Henk de Vries explains how more ISO standards (next to the ISO 9001) can contribute to quality management.

  • The ISO Award for Higher Education in Standardization

    This article reports that RSM has won the 2009 ISO Award for Higher Education in Standardization and in this article Henk de Vries, who received the award on behalf of the school, explains more about the importance of…

  • Award for Dutch business school

    This article announces RSM as the winner of the 2009 ISO Awards for Higher Education in Standardisation.

  • MSS+ Management systems need more than just management system standards

    This article is about integrated management systems, written by Henk de Vries and Knut Blind.

  • Dutch business school wins ISO Award for Higher Education in Standardization

    This article is about the ISO Award, presented to RSM for its standardisation programmes on 19 Septembert 2009 in Cape Town, South Africa.

  • Evaluating the Benefits of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002

    BSI British Standards announces a joint research project with RSM to investigate the business benefits of companies using ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 in the area of information security management. The two-year project will be…

  • Rechter wikt en weegt over gratis normen

    Debates have arisen in the construction sector surrounding the obligation to abide by NEN (Nederlandse Normalisatie-instituut) guidelines and the fact that these guidelines are copyright protected and made accessible only on…