Article (23)
Academic (23)
Bitzer, V., & Schouten, G. (2023). Out of Balance: Global–Local Tensions in Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and the Emergence of Rival Initiatives in Producing Countries. Organization and Environment, 36(3), 387-410.
Vellema, S., Schouten, G., & Knorringa, P. (2023). Connecting the Concepts of Frugality and Inclusion to Appraise Business Practices in Systems of Food Provisioning: A Kenyan Case Study. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 36(3), Article 16.
Schouten, G., Toonen, H. M., & Leeuwerik, D. (2022). Input Legitimacy of Voluntary Sustainability Standards and Acceptance Among Southern Producers: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Global Environmental Politics, 22(3), 104-135.
Vellema, S., Schouten, G., & Faling, M. (2022). Monitoring Systemic Change in Inclusive Agribusiness*. IDS Bulletin, 53(1), 103-122.
Uda, SK., Schouten, G., & Hein, L. (2020). The institutional fit of peatland governance in Indonesia. Land Use Policy, 99.
Vellema, S., Schouten, G., & van Tulder, R. (2020). Partnering capacities for inclusive development in food provisioning. Development Policy Review, 38, 710–727.
Padfield, R., Hansen, S., Davies, Z. G., Ehrensperger, A., Slade, E. M., Evers, S., Papargyropoulou, E., Bessou, C., Abdullah, N., Page, S., Ancrenaz, M., Aplin, P., Dzulkafli, S. B., Barclay, H., Chellaiah, D., Choudhary, S., Conway, S., Cook, S., Copeland, A., ... Struebig, M. J. (2019). Co-producing a Research Agenda for Sustainable Palm Oil. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2, Article 13.,
Schouten, G., & Vellema, S. (2019). Partnering for inclusive business in food provisioning. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 41, 38-42.
Vink, M., & Schouten, G. (2018). Foreign-funded adaptation to climate change in Africa: mirroring administrative traditions or traditions of administrative blueprinting? Review of Policy Research, 35(6), 792-834.
Dentoni, D., Bitzer, V., & Schouten, G. (2018). Harnessing Wicked Problems in Multi-stakeholder Partnerships. Journal of Business Ethics, 150(2), 333-356.
Schouten, G., & Hospes, O. (2018). Public and Private Governance in Interaction: Changing Interpretations of Sovereignty in the Field of Sustainable Palm Oil. Sustainability, 10(12), Article 4811.
Schouten, G., Vink, M., & Vellema, S. (2017). Institutional diagnostics for African food security: Approaches, methods and implications. Njas-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 2017(84), 1-5.
Hospes, O., Kroeze, C., Oosterveer, P., Schouten, G., & Slingerland, M. (2017). New generation of knowledge: Towards an inter- and transdisciplinary framework for sustainable pathways of palm oil production. Njas-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 80(March), 75-84.
Faling, M., Garard, J., Schouten, G., Schultz, K., Veeger, M., Vervoort, J., & Rutting, L. (2017). Innovative Participatory Research Methods in Earth System Governance. The Annual Review of Social Partnerships - ARSP, 12, 76-80.
Schouten, G. (2017). Entering the Gap: An Interview with Pratima (Tima) Bansal on the Network for Business Sustainability (NBS). The Annual Review of Social Partnerships - ARSP, 12, 81-84.
Schouten, G., Vellema, S., & van Wijk, JCAC. (2016). Diffusion of global sustainability standards: the institutional fit of the ASC-shrimp standard in Indonesia. RAE = Revista de Administracao de Empresas, 56(4).
Padfield, R., Drew, S., Syayuti, K., Page, S., Evers, S., Campos-Arceiz, A., Kangayatkarasu, N., Sayok, A., Hansen, S., Schouten, G., Maulidia, M., Papargyropoulou, E., & Hou Tham, M. (2016). Landscapes in transition: an analysis of sustainable policy initiatives and emerging corporate commitments in the palm oil industry. Landscape Research, 41(7), 744-756.
Schouten, G. (2016). Action Research: Learning From, With and Through Partnerships. The Annual Review of Social Partnerships - ARSP, 11, 69-72.
Schouten, G., & Bitzer, V. (2015). The emergence of Southern standards in agricultural value chains: A new trend in sustainability governance? Ecological Economics, 120, 174-184.
Glasbergen, P., & Schouten, G. (2015). Transformative capacities of global private sustainability standards: a reflection on scenarios in the field of agricultural commodities. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 58, 85-101.
Schouten, G., Leroy, P., & Glasbergen, P. (2012). On the deliberative capacity of private multi-stakeholder governance: The Roundtables on Responsible Soy and Sustainable Palm Oil. Ecological Economics, 83, 42-50.
Schouten, G., & Glasbergen, P. (2012). Private multi-stakeholder governance in the agricultural market place: An analysis of legitimization processes of the roundtables on sustainable palm oil and responsible soy. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 15(SPECIALISSUEB), 63-88.
Schouten, G., & Glasbergen, P. (2011). Creating legitimacy in global private governance: The case of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. Ecological Economics, 70(11), 1891-1899.
Chapter (3)
Academic (3)
Schouten, G., & Knorringa, P. (2023). Frugal innovation and legitimacy. In Handbook on Frugal Innovation (pp. 142-153). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Schouten, G., Vellema, S., & Van Wijk, J. (2014). Multinational enterprises and sustainability standards: Using a partnering-intensity continuum to classify their interactions. In International Business and Sustainable Development (pp. 117-139). Emerald Group Publishing.
Knorringa, P., Meijerink, G., & Schouten, G. (2012). Voluntary Governance Initiatives and the Challenges of Inclusion and Upscaling. In Value Chains Social Inclusion and Economic Development: Contrasting Theories and Realities (pp. 42-60). Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Teaching case (2)
Academic (2)
Arellano Geoffroy, P., & Schouten, G., (2020). Rabobank and WWF (A): A Pioneering Partnership for Sustainable Salmon Farming, 9 p., RSM Case Development Centre
Arellano Geoffroy, P., & Schouten, G., (2020). Rabobank and WWF (B): Partnering Dynamics behind the Scenes, 16 p., RSM Case Development Centre
Web publication/site (4)
Popular (1)
Rutten, A., & Schouten, G. (2015). Sociaal ondernemen: ontwikkelingssamenwerking nieuwe stijl?. Web publication/site, OneWorld Research.
Professional (3)
Rietberg, P., & Schouten, G. (2017). Addressing social conflict and equity in oil palm plantation development. Web publication/site, The Foundation for International Development Publications (IDP).
Rutten, A., & Schouten, G. (2016). Social impact funds: finding the balance between financial sustainability and social impact. Web publication/site, Include Platform.
Rutten, A., & Schouten, G. (2016). Social impact funds: finding the balance between financial sustainability and social impact. Web publication/site, The Broker.
Past courses
Cross-sector Partnerships for Sustainable Development
- Study year: 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018
- Code: BMME121
- Level: Master, Master, Master, Master