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Professor Eric van Heck: Empower Circular Business with Digital Technologies

Eric van Heck is a chaired Professor of Information Management and Markets, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. His research focuses on harnessing technology for digital and circular business transformations, integrating insights from economics, management science, information systems, and computer science. Key areas of expertise include AI, data analytics, digital ecosystems, and auction markets.

Eric van Heck has co-founded pivotal centers at Erasmus, including the Erasmus Center for Data Analytics (ECDA) and the Erasmus Center for Future Energy Business and at RSM the master programs Business Information Management (BIM) and Business Analytics and Management (BAM). He also led the acclaimed Artificial Intelligence in the Floriculture Chain - iFlow project (2015 - 2020), which brought AI-driven collaboration to the horticulture sector in collaboration with Royal FloraHolland, Zentoo, and Wageningen University.

His research has been published in leading journals such as Information Systems Reseearch, Management Science, and MIS Quarterly, and in business-oriented journals such as California Management Review, Harvard Business Review, and MISQ Executive.

His book Technology Meets Flowers: Unlocking the Circular and Digital Economy (Springer Nature, 2021) has been widely acclaimed for its insights into industry transformation, and its Dutch translation Technologie en Tulpen (Mediawerf, 2022) reinforces his influcence in local markets.

Eric's work has garnered several prestigious awards, including the AIS Impact Award in 2020 and the INFORMS Information Systems Society Design Science Award in 2021.

Eric is also a sought-after educator, teaching the master's elective course on AI Technologies for Circular Business and delivering executive education in digital transformation leadership through RSM's executive education programs.

As a prominent member of the global Association of Information Systems (AIS) community, Eric has served in various leadership roles, including program co-chair of ECIS 2020, the first virtual conference of AIS and as track co-chair for several major international conferences. He continues to actively shape the future of information systems as a mentor and thought leader. 

Eric holds a PhD in Information Systems from Wageningen University, where he also earned his BSc and MSc degrees, majoring in Land and Water Use and Information Management, minoring in Operations Research and Agricultural Economics. His bachelor thesis reseach was executed at the Soil & Water Lab of Cornell University. He has held visiting positions at top institutions such as New York University, MIT-CISR, University of Jyväskylä, and Institute Technology Bandung. 

Before academia, he worked in the corporate sector as a software programmer and system analyst at Cap Gemini, further shaping his interest in real-world business applications.




Academic (57)
Professional (8)
  • van Heck, E. (2017). Selling flowers with analytics. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 31(3), 8-10.

  • Li, T., Kauffman, RJ., van Heck, E., Vervest, P., & Dellaert, B. (2014). Using comsumer informedness as an information strategy. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 20(4), 10-11.

  • van Heck, E. (2010). New ways of working: Microsoft's `mobility' office. RSM Insight, 2(1), 4-6.

  • van Heck, E. (2002). Waarde en Winnaar - Over het ontwerpen van elektronische veilingen. Bedrijfskundig Vakblad, 14(8), 4-8.

  • van Heck, E. (2000). Velingen op internet. Cooperatie, 562, 14-15.

  • Kambil, A., & van Heck, E. (1999). Herontwerpen van de Nederlandse Bloemenveilingen. IT Management (Select), (2), 77-98.

  • van Heck, E. (1998). Eenmaal, andermaal ... verkocht; elektronische veilingen op Internet. IT-Monitor, (1), 12-14.

  • van Heck, E. (1997). Een conferentie op afstand bijwonen met behulp van Internet. Agro Informatica, 10(1), 27-28.

Academic (16)
  • Pau, LFJM., Vervest, P., Preiss, K., & van Heck, E. (2005). Smart business networks (co-editors). Springer-Verlag.

  • Kambil, A., & van Heck, E. (2004). Making Markets, How Firms Can Design and Profit from Online Auctions and Exchanges, Chinese Translation. China Machine Press.

  • Kambil, A., & van Heck, E. (2002). Making Markets, How Firms Can Design and Profit from Online Auctions and Exchanges. Harvard Business School Press.

  • Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, YH., & van Heck, E. (2000). Dynamics in setting up an EDI Community - Experiences from the port of Rotterdam. Uitgeverij Eburon.

  • Bots, EM., van Heck, E., van Swede, V., & Simons, CAJ. (1999). Management en Informatie, Leer- en handboek der Bestuurlijke Informatiekunde. Academic Service.

  • Hogendoorn, R., Tan, DS., Bots, JM., van Heck, E., van Swede, V., & Simons, CAJ. (1999). Bedrijfsinformatica, Inzicht in de Bestuurlijke Informatiekunde. Lansa Publishing.

  • Bots, JM., van Heck, E., van Swede, V., & Simons, JL. (1994). Bestuurlijke Informatiekunde in kort bestek. Lansa Publishing.

  • van Heck, E. (1993). Design Management of EDI Systems, published dissertation. Samsom Bedrijfsinformatie.

  • Streng, RJ., Ekering, CF., van Heck, E., & Schultz, JFH. (1992). Scientific Research on EDI. Samsom Bedrijfsinformatie.

  • Bots, JM., van Heck, E., van Swede, V., & Simons, JL. (1992). Bestuurlijke Informatiekunde in kort bestek. Cap Gemini Publishing.

  • Bots, JM., van Heck, E., van Swede, V., & Simons, JL. (1992). Cases Bestuurlijke Informatiekunde. Cap Gemini Publishing.

  • van Heck, E., & Zuurbier, PJP. (1991). Strategische samenwerking. Wageningse Economische Studies.

  • van Heck, E., & Zuurbier, PJP. (1991). Bedrijfskunde en Agribusiness: agro-industriele ontwikkelingen in de jaren negentig. vakgroep Bedrijfskunde, Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen.

  • Zuurbier, PJP., Bots, JM., Edwards, A., van Heck, E., Hendriks, JA., van der Meer, CJ., Stemme, SI., & Zwanenberg, ACM. (1991). Besturen van organisaties: een inleiding tot de Bedrijfskunde. Educaboek.

  • Zuurbier, PJP., Bots, JM., Edwards, A., van Heck, E., Hendriks, JA., van der Meer, CJ., Stemme, SI., & Zwanenberg, ACM. (1991). Werkboek Besturen vanorganisaties: een inleiding tot de Bedrijfskunde, Educaboek.

  • Bots, JM., van Heck, E., van Swede, V., & Simons, JL. (1990). Bestuurlijke Informatiekunde. Cap Gemini Publishing.

Popular (2)
Academic (39)
  • Oosterhout, M., Koenen, E., & van Heck, E. (2009). The adoption of Grid Technology and Its Perceived Impact on Agility. Empirical Evidence from a Business Experiment with Small and Medium Enterprises in the Netherlands. In P. H. M. Vervest, D. W. Liere, & L. Zheng (Eds.), The Network Experience. New Value from Smart Business Networks (pp. 285-300). Springer-Verlag.

  • Oosterhout, M., van Heck, E., Waarts, E., & van Hillegersberg, J. (2008). Business agility: Need, readiness and implications for Smart Business Networks. In P. H. M. Vervest, E. van Heck, & K. Preiss (Eds.), Smart Business Networks 2006 Conference Proceedings (pp. 157-180). Smart Business Networks.

  • Van Heck, E. (2007). Seizing the Value of Online Auctions. In Next Generation Business Handbook: New Strategies from Tomorrow's Thought Leaders (pp. 1169-1182). John Wiley & Sons Inc..

  • Oosterhout, M., Waarts, E., van Heck, E., & van Hillegersberg, J. (2006). Business agility: need, readiness and alignment with IT-strategies. In K. C. Desouza (Ed.), Agile Information Systems: Conceptualization, Construction and Management (pp. 52-69). Butterworth-Heinemann.

  • Kern, T., Willcocks, LP., & van Heck, E. (2006). The winner's curse in outsourcing: How to avoid relational trauma. In L. P. Willcocks, & M. C. Lacity (Eds.), Global Sourcing of Business and IT Services (pp. 114-144). Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Li, T., van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (2006). Customer-Centric Business Networks: Case of the Evolutionary Network of Octopus. In P. Vervest, E. van Heck, & K. Preiss (Eds.), Smart Business Network: A New Business Paradigm Springer-Verlag.

  • Li, T., van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (2006). Dynamic Pricing Strategies for Yield Improvement with Smart Card Adoption in Dutch Travel Industry. In M. Hitz, M. Sigala, & J. Murphy (Eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism Springer-Verlag.

  • van Oosterhout, M., Waarts, E., van Heck, E., & van Hillegersberg, J. (2006). Business Agility: Need, Readiness and Alignment with IT Strategies1. In Agile Information Systems: Conceptualization, Construction, and Management (pp. 52-69). Taylor and Francis AS.

  • Vervest, P., Preiss, K., van Heck, E., & Pau, LFJM. (2005). The Emergence of Smart Business Networks. In P. H. M. Vervest, K. Preiss, E. Heck, & L. F. J. M. Pau (Eds.), Smart Business Networks (pp. 20-30). Springer-Verlag.

  • Vesa, J., & van Heck, E. (2005). Are multi-channel technologies adopted in online consumer auction markets in Finland? In Managing Business in a Multi-Channel World: Success Factors for E-Business (pp. 250-267). IGI Global Publishing.

  • van Heck, E. (2004). Innovative Electronic Reverse Auctions in Demand Chains: Prototype and Experiments. In G. W. J. Hendrikse (Ed.), Restructuring Agricultural Cooperatives (pp. 29-50). Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • van Heck, E. (2004). Seizing the Value of Online Auctions. In S. Chowdhury (Ed.), Next Generation Business Handbook: New Strategies from Tomorrow's Thought Leaders (pp. 1169-1182). John Wiley & Sons Inc..

  • Jarkko, V., & van Heck, E. (2003). The Impact of Multi-Access Technologies on Exchange Processes in Five Online Markets in Finland. In P. Walden (Ed.), ICT and Services: Combining Views from IS and Service Research (pp. 155-173). Turku Centre for Computer Science, TUCS General Publication.

  • Ribbers, PMA., Fairchild, A., van Heck, E., & Kleijnen, J. (2002). Creating Alternative Electronic Trading Mechanisms in Time-Sensitive Transaction Markets. In Trust in Electronic Commerce (pp. 147-171). Kluwer Law International.

  • Wolters, M., van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (2002). Modularity in Three Dimensions: A Study of Mass Customization in the Dutch House Building Industry. In Moving into Mass Customization. Information Systems and Management Principles (pp. 211-226). Springer-Verlag.

  • Koppius, O., & van Heck, E. (2002). The role of product quality information, market state information and transaction costs in electronic auctions. In . - (Ed.), Academy of Management Proceedings , 2002 Academy of Management.

  • van Heck, E. (2000). Innovative Electronic Auctions in Supply and Demand Chains: Empirical Research in the Floower Industry. In J. H. Trienekens, & P. J. P. Zuurbier (Eds.), Chain Management in Agribusiness and the Food Industry (pp. 409-418). Wageningen Pers.

  • Koppius, O., Kumar, K., & van Heck, E. (2000). Electronic Multidimensional Auctions and the Role of Information Feedback. In H. R. Hansen, M. Bichler, & H. Mahrer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2000) (pp. 461-468)

  • Wilcocks, L., van Heck, E., & Kern, T. (2000). Evindence of a winner's curse in ICT outsourcing and its effects on the outsourcing relationship. In . - (Ed.), Academy of management conference, Toronto, Canada (pp. ---)

  • van Heck, E. (2000). Winner's Curse in ICT Outsourcing and its Effects on the Outsourcing Relationship. In . -- (Ed.), Academy of Management (AoM) Conference (pp. ---).

  • van Heck, E. (2000). Innovative eAuctions in Supply and Demand Chains. In . - (Ed.), Fourth International Conference on Chain Management (pp. ---).

  • Berger, R., Lansbergen, C., Meijboom, B., Peteri, P., Muller, M., op den Brouw, P., & van Heck, E. (1999). Debat 'Innovative transport systems of the Aalsmeer Flower Auctions'. In . - - (Ed.), Netherlands Industrial Property Office (pp. 39-47). NIPO.

  • van Heck, E., & Ribbers, PMA. (1999). Experiences with Electronic Auctions in the Dutch Flower Industry. In C. Westland, & T. Clarck (Eds.), Global Electronic Commerce: Theory and case Studies (pp. 355-366). The MIT Press.

  • van Heck, E. (1999). Electronic Auctions in the Flower Industry. In R. Dean (Ed.), E-commerce: threats, opportunities & realising the potential/marketing, sales and virtual communities (pp. 47-56). UNICOM.

  • van Heck, E., & Ribbers, PMA. (1999). The Adoption and Impact of EDI in Dutch SME's, TRACK 7: Management of Technology. In R. H. - Spraque (Ed.), Proceeding of: HICSS'99 - 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 1-9). IEEE Computer Society.

  • van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (1999). Web-based auctions: How should CIO's deal with them. In . - ITU (Ed.), Proceeding of: World Telecom99/Inter@ctive99, London (pp. 10-17). ITU.

  • van Heck, E. (1999). Different Electronic Markets. In R. - Dean (Ed.), Implementing E-commerce (pp. 23-48). UNICOM.

  • Matsuda, T., & van Heck, E. (1998). AUCNET's third challenge - critical success factors for new entrants using electronic markets. In J. K. Lee, S. H. Kim, A. B. Whinston, & B. Schmid (Eds.), Proceedings International Conference on Electronic Commerce '98 (pp. 191-197). International Center for Electronic Commerce.

  • van Heck, E., & Ribbers, PMA. (1998). Experiences with electronic auctions in the Dutch flower industry. In R. Dean (Ed.), proceedings of the 11th Conference EEMA. Electronic Commerce is no longer a choice (pp. 31-33). EEMA.

  • van Heck, E. (1998). Veilingen en tenders op het internet: 'eenmaal, andermaal ... verkocht'. In B. Tiggelaar, & M. van Reijsen (Eds.), Onderzoek in nieuwe media, i&i-jaarboek 98 (pp. 85-92). Otto Cramwinkel.

  • van Heck, E., Klein, S., Kambil, A., & Lodbrok, P. (1998). Web-based auctions: theoretical issues and practical experiences. In R. Hirscheim, M. Newmann, & J. I. DeGross (Eds.), Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Information (pp. 431-433). ICIS.

  • van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (1998). Electronic web-based auctions: theory and practice. In R. Bons, S. Klein, R. M. Lee, & H. Williams (Eds.), Fourth Research Symposium on Electronic Markets: Negotiation and Settlement in Electronic Markets (pp. 55-62). EURIDIS.

  • Wolters, M., van Heck, E., Hoogeweegen, MR., & Vervest, P. (1998). A business network redesign approach: conceptual and practical issues. In . Bovy, P.H.L. (Ed.), Transport, Infrastructure and Logisticts: Competition, Innovation and Creativity (pp. 1-19). The Netherlands Trail Research School.

  • van Heck, E. (1998). Say it with flowers. In R. Dean (Ed.), Electronic Commerce is no Longer a Choice (pp. 31-33). EEMA.

  • van Heck, E., & Ribbers, PMA. (1997). Value-creation by reshaping customer and supplier relationships with EDI: The case of Technische Unie in The Netherlands. In R. Galliers, C. Murphy, S. Carlsson, H. R. Hansen, C. Loebbecke, & R. O'Callaghan (Eds.), Proceedings 5th European Conference on Information Systems. Volume III (pp. III, 1234-1250). Cork Publishing Limited.

  • van Heck, E., & Bon, H. (1997). Business value of electronic commerce. Case study: the expected costs and benefits of electronic commerce scenarios for a Dutch exporter. In D. R. Vogel, J. Gricar, & J. Novak (Eds.), Proceedings Tenth International Bled Electronic Commerce Conference "Global Business in Practice". Volume 2: Research (pp. 206-223). Moderna Organizacija.

  • van Heck, E., & Ribbers, PMA. (1997). Introducing electronic auction systems in the Dutch flower industry: a comparison of two electronic auction system initiatives in the Dutch flower auctions. In B. Katzy, K. Kumar, K. Crowston, & C. P. van Fenema (Eds.), Virtual Operations and Agile Organizations. Workshop Proceedings European Agility Forum (pp. 1-28). Copyright Center for Management of Cooperation, EUR.

  • van Heck, E., van Damme, E., Kleijnen, J., & Ribbers, PMA. (1997). New entrants and the role of information technology : The case of the tele flower auction in the Netherlands. In S. Klein, & H. Williams (Eds.), 3rd Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (pp. 35-49). Institut für Wirtsschaftsinformatik der Uv. St. Gallen.

  • van Heck, E., van Damme, E., Kleijnen, J., & Ribbers, PMA. (1997). New entrants and the role of information technology: The case of the Tele Flower Auction in the Netherlands. In J. F. Nunamaker, & R. H. Sprague (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Vol III (pp. 228-237). IEEE Computer Society.

Popular (1)
  • van Heck, E., & Ketter, W. (2010). Software agents supporting decision-makers in complex flower business networks. In Liber Amicorum - In memoriam of van Nunen (pp. 253-260).

Professional (5)
  • Koppius, O., & van Heck, E. (2005). Supply and Demand Driven Coordination in Smart Business Networks. In P. Vervest (Ed.), Smart Business Networks (pp. 273-287). Springer-Verlag.

  • Wolters, M., Vervest, P., & van Heck, E. (2005). Building Networks In-Sync. In P. Vervest, E. Heck, K. Preiss, & L.-F. Pau (Eds.), Smart Business Networks (pp. 211-223). Springer-Verlag.

  • Vervest, P., & van Heck, E. (2004). Vanenburg Science Seminar on Smart Business Networks. In Smart business networks

  • van Heck, E. (1999). Ervaringen met electronische veilingen in de Nederlandse bloemenindustrie. In J. P. Duijker, & . - et al. (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen/Distributiecentra (pp. 1.6.D-01-1.6.D-08). Uitgeverij Kluwer.

  • Wolters, M., van Heck, E., Hoogeweegen, MR., & Vervest, P. (1998). KLM Distributie: ondersteuning voor massa-individualisering. In C. van der Hoeven (Ed.), , conferentie 'De macht van de kllant. Netwerken werken' (pp. 65-74). TVA developments bv.

Academic (3)
  • Koendjbiharie, SR., Koppius, O., Vervest, P., & van Heck, E. (2010). Network Transparency and the Performance of Dynamic Business Networks. 4th IEEE International Conference on digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST), Dubai.

  • Baalen, P., & van Heck, E. (2009). The impact of Trust and Empowerment on Satisfaction and Productivity of IT Knowledge Workers. IFIP 8.2 ICIS 2009 Phoenix, Phoenix.

  • Radkevitch, UL., van Heck, E., & Koppius, O. (2005). Buyer Commitment and Opportunism In An Electronic Market for IT Services..

Academic (35)
  • van Heck, E. (2022). Designing Algorithms for Circular Business: Are We On The Right Track? In Presentation at TREO Talks in conjunction with the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2022 (pp. 1-2)

  • Truong, H. M., Ketter, W., Gupta, A., & van Heck, E. (2021). The impact of price and quantity information of an online pre-sales channel on Dutch auctions performance. In International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2020 - Making Digital Inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global Association for Information Systems.

  • Truong, H., Gupta, A., Ketter, W., & van Heck, E. (2020). The Declining Price Anomaly in B2B Sequential Multi-channel Auctions. In Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS)

  • Truong, H., Gupta, A., Ketter, W., & van Heck, E. (2019). Understanding B2B Buyer Behavior in Multi-channel Markets: How Posted Price Channel Affect Buyers Strategic Behavior in Auctions. In International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)

  • Novales, A., Mocker, M., & van Heck, E. (2019). Producer-side use cases of digitized products: What's best for your company? In 40th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2019 Association for Information Systems.

  • Valogianni, K., Gupta, A., Ketter, W., Sen, S., & van Heck, E. (2019). Multiple Vickrey auctions for sustainable electric vehicle charging. In 40th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2019 Article 2835 Association for Information Systems.

  • Truong, H., Gupta, A., Ketter, W., & van Heck, E. (2018). Integrating Posted price channel with B2B Sequential Dutch Auction System. In Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST)

  • Truong, H. M., Ketter, W., Gupta, A., & Van Heck, E. (2018). Effects of Pre-sales Posted Price Channel on Sequential B2B Dutch Flower Auctions. In ICIS 2017: Transforming Society with Digital Innovation Association for Information Systems.

  • Truong, H., Gupta, A., Ketter, W., & van Heck, E. (2017). Effects of posted price channel on multi-channel Sequential Dutch auction system. In International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)

  • Mocker, M., & Van Heck, E. (2015). Business-driven IT transformation at Royal Philips: Shedding light on (un)rewarded complexity. In 2015 International Conference on Information Systems: Exploring the Information Frontier, ICIS 2015 Association for Information Systems.

  • Mocker, M., Ross, JW., & van Heck, E. (2014). Transforming Royal Philips: Seeking Local Relevance While Leveraging Global Scale. In MIT Sloan CISR Working Paper No. 394, February 2014 MIT Sloan Centre for Information Systems of Research (CISR).

  • Lu, Y., Gupta, A., Ketter, W., & Van Heck, E. (2014). Information transparency in multi-channel B2B auctions: A field experiment. In 35th International Conference on Information Systems "Building a Better World Through Information Systems", ICIS 2014 Association for Information Systems.

  • Brinkkemper, S., Batenburg, R., van Hillegersberg, J., van Heck, E., Spiekermann, S., Connolly, R., & Helms, R. (2013). ECIS 2013 Proceedings. In ECIS 2013 Proceedings University of Utrecht.

  • Koendjbiharie, SR., Koppius, O., Vervest, P., & van Heck, E. (2011). An information-based view on the performance of dynamic business networks: theory and experimental evidence. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management.

  • Kauffman, R., Li, T., & van Heck, E. (2010). A Theory of Informedness and Business Network Co-Production. In R. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the 43th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science IEEE Computer Society.

  • Kauffman, R., Li, T., van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (2009). Consumer Informedness and Resonance Marketing: An Empirical Test of The Hyperdifferentiation Hypothesis. In R. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the 42th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science IEEE Computer Society.

  • Gupta, A., Ketter, W., van Heck, E., & Wasesa, M. (2009). Real-time support for auctioneers to determine optimal clock start for multi-unit sequential dutch auctions. In Eigth Workshop on e-Business Association for Information Systems (AIS).

  • Kauffman, R., Li, T., van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (2008). Consumer Informedness and Information Technology: An Empirical Study of Heterogeneous Consumer Choice. In Twentieth Workshop on Information Systems and Economics

  • Kauffman, R., Li, T., van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (2008). A Multi-Method Approach to Integrate and Joint Optimize Service Attribute Bundles and Capacity Management. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems

  • Li, T., van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (2008). Use and Impact of Mobile Ticketing Technologies for Revenue Management. In Academy of Management Meeting

  • Kaa, G., de Vries, H., van Heck, E., & van den Ende, J. (2007). The Emergence of Standards: a Meta-analysis. In R. H. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Nineth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences IEEE Computer Society.

  • Li, T., van Heck, E., & Fleischmann, M. (2007). Understanding Dynamic Pricing in Public Transport: The Role of Smart Card Technology Adoption. In Academy of Management Meeting

  • Li, T., van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (2007). Study of Network Structural Properties of Complex Dutch Railway Transportation Network. In Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting

  • Oosterhout, M., & van Heck, E. (2007). Customer centric IS and the role of agility in public organizations An empirical study in the Netherlands. In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on e-Business (WEB-2007)

  • Radkevitch, UL., van Heck, E., & Koppius, O. (2006). Portfolios of Exchange Relationships: An Empirical Investigation of an Online IT Marketplace for Small Firms. Forthcoming in the proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS). In -

  • Li, T., van Heck, E., Vervest, P., Voskuilen, J., Hofker, F., & Jansma, F. (2006). Passenger Travel Behavior Model in Railway Network Simulation. In Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Winter Simulation IEEE.

  • Li, T., Hofker, F., van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (2006). Do Customers Respond to Differentiated Pricing in Public Transport? -- An Analysis of Behavioral Response Using Stated Preference Experiment. In Proceeding of the TRAIL Research Congress 2006

  • Li, T., Vervest, P., van Heck, E., & Rooijmans, P. (2006). Improve Yield in Public Transport – A Focus on ICT Capability. In Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics

  • Koppius, O., Speelman, W., Stulp, O., Verhoef, B., & van Heck, E. (2005). Why are customers coming back to buy their airline tickets online? Theoretical explanantions and empirical evidence. In J. K. Lee (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Electronic Commerce

  • Meij, S., Pau, LFJM., & van Heck, E. (2003). Auctioning bulk Mobile messages. In H. W. V.Tschammer G.M. Giaglis (Ed.), The second international conference on Mobile Business (pp. 321-336). Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft(Austrian Computer soc.

  • Pau, LFJM., Meij, S., & van Heck, E. (2003). Auctioning bulk mobile messages: a performance evaluation. In Bezalel Gavish, & Alex Bordetsky (Eds.), Proc. 11 th International Conference on telecommunications systems (pp. 204-224).

  • van Heck, E., Koppius, O., & Vervest, P. (1998). Electronic web-based auctions: theory and practice. In W. R. J. Baets (Ed.), Proceedings 6th European Conference on Information Systems, Volume IV (pp. 1584-1590). Euro-Arab Management School.

  • Koppius, O., van Heck, E., & Wolters, M. (1998). Product representation and price formation in screen auctions: empirical results from a Dutch flower auction. In B. Gavish, & A. Basu (Eds.), Proceedings of the First international Conference on Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce (pp. 178-186). ICTEC.

  • Steins Bisschop, J., Leeuw, M., van Heck, E., & Koppius, O. (1997). Net wel of Net niet: Een beoordelingmodel voor websites van financiële marktpartijen. In . ? (Ed.), Seminar The New Game in Financial Services. Proceedings (pp. 4/1-4/7). Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.

  • Van Heck, E., & Ribbers, P. M. A. (1996). Effects of electronic markets: An analysis of four cases in the Dutch flower and transport industries. In Information Systems - Organizational Systems and Technology (pp. 407-415). Article 495363 IEEE Computer Society.

Professional (1)
  • Oosterhout, M., van Heck, E., Koenen, E., Vollaard, H., Emmen, A., Meijer, G., Den Ouden, JC., & Perdeck, M. (2007). Development of a Business Model for Grid networked businesses: experiences from Beingrid DRS pilot. In e-Challenges Conference 2007

Popular (1)
  • van Heck, E. (2002). Waarde en winnaar; over het ontwerpen van elektronische veilingen. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM).

Academic (9)
  • Meulen, D., Baalen, P., & van Heck, E. (2014). [Paper title temporarily obscured in accordance with journal guidelines]. Paper presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.

  • Meulen, D., Baalen, P., & van Heck, E. (2012). Please, Do Not Disturb. Telework, Distractions and the Productivity of the Knowledge Worker. Paper presented at International Conference on Information Systems 2012, Orlando.

  • Lu, Y., Van Iterson, P., Gupta, A., Ketter, W., Van Dalen, J., & Van Heck, E. (2012). Buy it now or later: The impact of mari on multi-unit sequential dutch auctions. 249. Paper presented at 22nd Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, WITS 2012, Orlando, FL, United States.

  • Ketter, W., Van Dalen, J., Gupta, A., Van Heck, E., & Lu, Y. (2011). An empirical model for multi-unit sequential dutch auctions: The dutch flower auctions case. 73-78. Paper presented at 21st Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, WITS 2011, Shanghai, China.

  • Gupta, A., Ketter, W., Van Dalen, J., Van Heck, E., & Wasesa, M. (2010). Neural network based recommendation agent for determining the starting price in multi-unit sequential dutch auctions. Paper presented at 20th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, WITS 2010, St. Louis, MO, United States.

  • Baalen, P., Bajema, R., Duits, Y., & van Heck, E. (2009). Developing and Exploring Dimensions for Studying Information Work. A Case Study. Paper presented at OLKC Conference, Amsterdam.

  • van Heck, E., & Weber, B. W. (2009). Are we wise about sub-fields in is? lessons from forming and sustaining a research community. Paper presented at 30th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2009, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

  • Pouloudi, N., Cordella, A., Damsgaard, J., Ferneley, E., Van Der Heijden, H., & Van Heck, E. (2008). Developing a sustainable academic career in IS. Paper presented at 16th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2008, Galway, Ireland.

  • Ibrahim, M., Nicolaou, A., & Van Heck, E. (2008). Investigating the effects of information quality on trust and risk in electronic data exchanges. Paper presented at 13th International Conference on Information Quality, ICIQ 2008, Cambridge, MA, United States.

Academic (11)
  • Quariguasi Frota Neto, J., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., van Nunen, JAEE., & van Heck, E. (2006). Designing and evaluating sustainable logistics networks. (ERS 003_LIS ed.) Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR. ERS Vol. 003_LIS

  • Radkevitch, UL., van Heck, E., & Koppius, O. (2006). Buyer Commitment and Opportunism in the Online Market for IT Services. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR. ERIM Report Series Reference No.ERS-2006-046-LIS

  • Radkevitch, UL., van Heck, E., & Koppius, O. (2006). Leveraging Offshore IT Outsourcing by SMEs through Online Marketplaces. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR. ERIM Report Series Reference No. ERS-2006-045-LIS

  • Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., & van Heck, E. (2005). Knowledge sharing in an emerging network of practice: the role of a knowledge portal. (ERS 003-lis ed.) Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). ERS Vol. 003-lis

  • Oliveira, R., Pozzebon, M., van Heck, E., & Holambra, V. (2004). la commercialisation des fleurs bresiliennes sur les marches internationaux grace aux TI. Centre de cas.

  • Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., van Heck, E., & van de Veire, P. (2003). Het monitoren van de Kennisportal Agrologistiek. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, YH., & van Heck, E. (1999). EDI for In-land Transport. (ERASM Management Report Series 22-1999 ed.) RSM extern. ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 22-1999

  • van Heck, E., Koppius, O., van den Dool, F., & Vermeulen, O. (1999). Adoptie en integratie van webtechnologie bij organisaties in het Midden- en Klein Bedrijf.

  • Kern, T., Willcocks, LP., & van Heck, E. (1999). Relational Trauma: Evidence of a Winner's Curse in ICT Outsourcing. (ERASM Management Report Series 50-1999 ed.) ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 50-1999

  • Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, YH., & van Heck, E. (1999). The Start-up of an EDI-Community: Experiences from the Port of Rotterdam. Erasm Business Support Centre bv. EBSC rapport

  • Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, DS., & van Heck, E. (1999). Dynamics in the Start-Up of an EDI community: Experiences from the port of Rotterdam. ERASM.

Professional (12)
  • Baalen, P., van Heck, E., Oosterhout, M., & Go, FM. (2009). Worlds of Work - Results from the New Worlds of Work Research Report 2008. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.

  • van Heck, E., & Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM. (2006). Network Orchestration in Global Business networks: towards innovative products and responsive chains in the dutch flower industry. Transforum.

  • Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., van Heck, E., & van de Veire, P. (2003). Eindrapportage Kennisportal Agrologistiek. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • van Heck, E., & Thiadens, THJG. (2003). Hoe kan een organisatie elektronische markten gebruiken? Checklisten Informatiemanagement.

  • Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., van Heck, E., & van de Veire, P. (2003). Community en kennisportal Agrologistiek. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., van Heck, E., & van de Veire, P. (2003). Analyse Kennisportal Agrologistiek. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • van Heck, E. (2002). How to seize the value of online auctions. European Business Forum.

  • van Heck, E. (2002). Het ontwerp van eAuctions, in: Wietze van der Aa. Management education & e-learning.

  • Kamil, A., & van Heck, E. (2002). Regulation: Minding Online Markets. Harvard Business Review Working Knowledge.

  • van Heck, E., Wilcocks, L., & Kern, T. (1999). Relational trauma: evidence of a winner's curse in ICT outsourcing; working paper. Oxford institute of information management (OXIIM).

  • van Heck, E. (1997). Electronic Web-Based Auctions. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Wolters, M., van Heck, E., Hoogeweegen, MR., & Vervest, P. (1997). A business network redesign approach. Conceptual and practical issues. (Management Report Series 48(13) ed.) ERIM. Management Report Series Vol. 48(13)

Academic (1)
  • Greeven, M., Yang, S., van Heck, E., & Krug, B., (2012). The Business Network of the Alibaba Group: How the Alibaba Group’s Strategy and Implementation in China is Creating Sustainable Value for Suppliers, Partners, and Customers?, No. 310-125-1, 15 p., Dec 10, 2012. RSM Case Development Centre No. 310-125-1


  • Aalto University School of Business
    Start date approval: 04 Sep 2024
    End date approval: 18 May 2027
    Place: HELSINKI
    Description: Scientific Advisory Board member
  • De Nederlandse UMTS veiling
    Eric van Heck (Speaker)
    05 Jul 2009

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Decision Support Systems (Journal)
    Eric van Heck (Editor)
    01 Jan 2007 - 01 Jun 2010

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Waarde en Winnaar. Over het ontwerpen van elektronische veilingen
    Eric van Heck (Speaker)
    28 Jun 2002

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Professional)

  • Journal of Information Technology (Journal)
    Eric van Heck (Editor)
    01 Jun 2002 - 01 Jun 2010

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Behavior of Off-line and Online Buyers in Auctions; Empirical Evidence from the Dutch Flower Industry
    Eric van Heck (Speaker)
    14 Dec 2000

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Global support for local action - Electronic Grocery Shopping at Royal Ahold
    Eric van Heck (Speaker)
    13 Dec 2000

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Electronische markten en veilingen, Postdoctorale Opleiding Electronic Commerce
    Eric van Heck (Speaker)
    24 Nov 2000

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Electronic Commerce Ontwikkelingen en de sierteeltsector
    Eric van Heck (Speaker)
    23 Nov 2000

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Electronische markten en veilingen
    Eric van Heck (Speaker)
    22 Nov 2000

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Electronische markten en veilingen, Executive Course Electronic Commerce Strategy
    Eric van Heck (Speaker)
    14 Nov 2000

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)


Information Strategy

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BM01BIM
  • Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master

Business Architecture and Transformation

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BM03BIM
  • Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master

BIM Research Methods

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: BM06BIM
  • Level: Master

AI Technologies for Circular Business

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BMME154
  • Level: Master, Master, Master

BIM Master Thesis

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BMMTBIM
  • Level: Master

BIM Thesis Clinic

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BMRM1BIM
  • Level: Master

Past courses

Digital Business

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023
  • Code: B3102
  • Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3

Customer-centric Digital Commerce

  • Study year: 2020/2021
  • Code: BMME009
  • ECTS: 6 Level: Master, Master, Master, Master

BIM Research Methods I - Old style

  • Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BM05BIM
  • ECTS: 2

BIM Research Methods II - Old style

  • Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BMRMBIM
  • ECTS: 4

Introduction to business administration

  • Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017
  • Code: BKB001

Introduction to Business

  • Study year: 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BAP064
  • ECTS: 5 Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 1

ERIM/CentER Workshop on Information Management Research

  • Study year: 2016/2017
  • Code: BERMASC008
  • ECTS: 5 Level: Master

BIM Honours Course

  • Study year: 2015/2016
  • Code: BMHONBIM
  • ECTS: 10 Level: Master

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