Article (43)
Academic (42)
Azadeh, K., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Ghorashi Khalilabadi, M. (2025). Zoning Strategies for Human-Robot Collaborative Picking. Decision Sciences, 56(1), 50-70.
Fang, Y., de Koster, R., Roy, D., & Yu, Y. (2025). Dynamic Robot Routing and Destination Assignment Policies for Robotic Sorting Systems. Transportation Science, Article To appear. Advance online publication.,
Ghorashi Khalilabadi, M., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2024). Exploiting travel sequences to optimise facility layouts with multiple input/output points. International Journal of Production Research. Advance online publication.
de Vries, J., & Roy, D. (2024). Cut the scrap? the impact of truck age on driver retention, driving safety, and driving productivity. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal.
Raj, G., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Bansal, V. (2024). Stochastic modeling of integrated order fulfillment processes with delivery time promise: Order picking, batching, and last-mile delivery. European Journal of Operational Research, 316(3), 1114-1128.
Pasparakis, A., de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Roy, D. (2024). In the driver’s seat: the role of transformational leadership in safe and productive truck cargo transport. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. Advance online publication.
Gharehgozli, A., Roy, D., Saini, S., & van Ommeren, J.-K. (2023). Loading and unloading trains at the landside of container terminals. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 25(3), 549-575.
Gorman, M. F., Clarke, J.-P., de Koster, R., Hewitt, M., Roy, D., & Zhang, M. (2023). Emerging practices and research issues for big data analytics in freight transportation. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 25(1), 28-60.
Roy, D., Spiliotopoulou, E., & de Vries, J. (2022). Restaurant analytics: Emerging practice and research opportunities. Production and Operations Management, 31(10), 3687-3709.
Lamballais, T., Merschformann, M., Roy, D., de Koster, M. B. M., Azadeh, K., & Suhl, L. (2022). Dynamic policies for resource reallocation in a robotic mobile fulfillment system with time-varying demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 300(3), 937-952.
Roy, D., Van Ommeren, J.-K., de Koster, R., & Gharehgozli, A. (2022). Modeling landside container terminal queues: Exact analysis and approximations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 162, 73-102.
Dong, Y., de Koster, R., Roy, D., & Yu, Y. (2022). Dynamic Vehicle Allocation Policies for Shared Autonomous Electric Fleets. Transportation Science, 56(5), 1238-1258.
Bansal, V., & Roy, D. (2021). Stochastic modeling of multiline orders in integrated storage?order picking system. Naval Research Logistics.
Kandula, S., Krishnamoorthy, S., & Roy, D. (2021). A prescriptive analytics framework for efficient E-commerce order delivery. Decision Support Systems, 147, Article 113584.
Bansal, V., Roy, D., & Pazour, JA. (2021). Performance analysis of batching decisions in waveless order release environments for e?commerce stock?to?picker order fulfillment. International Transactions in Operational Research, 28(4), 1787-1820.
Lal Kumawat, G., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Adan, IJBF. (2021). Stochastic Modeling of Parallel Process Flows in Intra-logistics Systems: Applications in Container Terminals and Compact Storage Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(1), 159-176.
Kumawat, GL., & Roy, D. (2021). A new solution approach for multi-stage semi-open queuing networks: An application in shuttle-based compact storage systems. Computers and Operations Research, 125.
De Koster, R., Roy, D., Lim, YF., & Kumar, S. (2021). Special Issue of Production and Operations Management Journal “Managing Autonomous and IoT-driven Intralogistics Operations”. Production and Operations Management, 30(1), 293-294.
Kumawat, GL., & Roy, D. (2020). AGV or Lift-AGV? Performance trade-offs and design insights for container terminals with robotized transport vehicle technology. IISE Transactions, 53(7), 751-769.
Lamballais Tessensohn, T., Roy, D., & Koster, R. (2020). Inventory Allocation in Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems. IISE Transactions, 52(1), 1-17.
Roy, D., Koster, R., & Bekker, R. (2020). Modeling and Design of Container Terminal Operations. Operations Research, 68(3), 686-715.
Azadeh, K., Koster, R., & Roy, D. (2019). Design, Modeling, and Analysis of Vertical Robotic Storage and Retrieval Systems. Transportation Science, 53(5), 1213-1234.
Azadeh, K., Koster, R., & Roy, D. (2019). Robotized and Automated Warehouse Systems: Review and Recent Developments. Transportation Science, 53(4), 917-945.
Tappia, E., Roy, D., Melacini, M., & Koster, R. (2019). Integrated Storage-order Picking Systems: Technology, Performance Models, and Design Insights. European Journal of Operational Research, 274, 947-965.
Roy, D., Nigam, SK., Koster, R., Adan, IJBF., & Resing, JAC. (2019). Robot-Storage Zone Assignment Strategies in Mobile Fulfillment Systems. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 122, 119-142.
Roy, D., & Ravikumaran, V. (2019). An Extensive Evaluation of CONWIP-Card Controlled and Scheduled Start Time Based Production System Designs. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 50, 119-134.
Vries, J., Roy, D., & Koster, R. (2018). Worth the wait? How restaurant waiting time influences customer behavior and revenue. Journal of Operations Management, 63, 59-78.
Roy, D., & Koster, R. (2018). Stochastic Modeling of Unloading and Loading Operations at a Container Terminal using Automated Lifting Vehicles. European Journal of Operational Research, 266(3), 895-910.
Mofidi, SS., Pazour, J., & Roy, D. (2018). Proactive vs. Reactive Order-Fulfillment Resource Allocation for Sea-based Logistics. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 114(June), 66-84.
Kumar, A., Roy, D., Verter, V., & Sharma, D. (2018). Integrated Fleet Mix and Routing Decision for Hazmat Transportation: A Developing Country Perspective. European Journal of Operational Research, 264(1), 225-238.
Dhingra, V., Roy, D., Lal Kumawat, G., & Koster, R. (2017). Solving Semi-open Queuing Networks with Time-varying Arrivals: An Application in Container Terminal Landside Operations. European Journal of Operational Research, 267(3), 855-876.
Gupta, A., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Parhi, S. (2017). Optimal Stack Layout in a Sea Container Terminal with Automated Lifting Vehicles. International Journal of Production Research, 55(13), 3747-3765.
Lamballais Tessensohn, T., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2017). Estimating Performance in a Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(3), 976-990.
de Vries, J., de Koster, R., Rijsdijk, S., & Roy, D. (2017). Determinants of Safe and Productive Truck Driving: Empirical Evidence from Long-haul Cargo Transport. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 97, 113-131.
Saini, S., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2017). A Stochastic Model for the Throughput Analysis of Passing Dual Yard Cranes. Computers and Operations Research, 87(November), 40-51.
de Koster, R., Johnson, AL., & Roy, D. (2017). Warehouse design and management. International Journal of Production Research, 55(21), 6327-6330.
Tappia, E., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Melacini, M. (2016). Modeling, Analysis, and Design Insights for Shuttle-based Compact Systems. Transportation Science, 51(1), 269-304.
Roy, D., Gupta, A., & de Koster, R. (2016). A non-linear traffic flow-based queuing model to estimate container terminal throughput with AGVs. International Journal of Production Research, 54(2), 472-493.
Roy, D., Dhingra, V., & de Koster, R. (2015). A Cooperative Quay Crane-based Stochastic Model to Estimate Vessel Handling Time. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 29(1), 97-124.
Gharehgozli, A., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2015). Sea container terminals: New technologies and OR models. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 18(2), 103-140.
Gorman, MF., Clarke, JP., Gharehgozli, A., Hewitt, M., de Koster, R., & Roy, D. (2014). State of the Practice: A Review of the Application of OR/MS in Freight Transportation. Interfaces, 44(6), 535-554.
Pazour, J., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2014). A Novel Approach for Designing Rental Vehicle Repositioning Strategies. IISE Transactions, 46(9), 948-967.
Professional (1)
de Vries, J., & Roy, D. (2020). Customer loyalty and queuing: was it worth the wait? RSM Discovery, (37), 15. Article 3.
Conference proceeding (5)
Academic (5)
Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2020). Optimal Stack Layout Configurations at Automated Container Terminals Using Queuing Network Models. In J. Boese (Ed.), Handbook of Terminal Planning (pp. 437-461). Springer-Verlag.
Azadeh, K., Roy, D., & de Koster, I. R. (2019). Dynamic cobot order picking strategies for a pick-support AGV system. In IISE Annual Conference and Expo 2019 Article 967818 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, IISE.
Nigam, SK., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Adan, IJBF. (2014). Analysis of class-based storage strategies for the mobile shelf-based order pick system. In J. Smith, K. Ellis, M. B. M. De Koster, S. . Lavender, B. Montreuil, & M. Ogle (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research 2014 (Vol. 2014, pp. 1-9). CICMHE.
Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2013). Optimal design of container terminal layout. In A. Carrano, K. de Gue, M. B. M. de Koster, M. Ogle, B. Montreuil, & J. Smith (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2012 (pp. 487-497). MHI.
Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2013). Optimal design of container terminal layout. In B. Kuipers, & R. Zuidwijk (Eds.), Smart Port Perspectives. Essays in honour of Hans Smits (pp. 129-140). Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Web publication/site (2)
Professional (2)
de Koster, R., & Roy, D. (2024). Research: Warehouse and Logistics Automation Works Better with Human Partners. Web publication/site, Harvard Business Review.
Roy, D., Spiliotopoulou, E., & de Vries, J. (2023). How Data-Driven Decisions Help Restaurants Stay Competitive. Web publication/site, Harvard Business Review.
Working paper (1)
Academic (1)
Ghorashi Khalilabadi, M., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2022). A Data-driven Approach to Enhance Worker Productivity by Optimizing Facility Layout. ERIM Report Series Research in Management. ERIM Report Series in Management No. ERS-2022-003-LIS
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- Level: Master
Managing Performance of Manufacturing and Service Systems
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- Code: BMME104
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