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Cor Molenaar
Emeritus Professor
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

More information


Academic (4)
  • Molenaar, C. (2000). De kaartenbak voorbij. Sales Management, ---.

  • Molenaar, C. (2000). E-strategie. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, ---.

  • Molenaar, C. (1999). E-commerce en E-marketing, model van denken. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, ---.

  • Molenaar, C. (1999). Strategische consequenties voor het toepassen van internet voor marketing. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, ---.

Academic (1)
  • Molenaar, C. (2000). E-strategie, oude regels voor de nieuwe economie. Person Education/Prentice Hall.

Popular (1)
  • Molenaar, C. (2002). The future of marketing: practical strategies for marketers in the post-internet age. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.

Professional (2)
  • Molenaar, C. (1999). Nederlanders, de kunst van het waarnemen. Samson Uitgeverij.

  • Molenaar, C. (1999). Veranderingen door Internet, branches in de toekomst. Samson Uitgeverij.


Past courses

Online Customer Behaviour in the Age of Disruption

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BMME062
  • Level: Master, Master, Master, Master

E-Marketing: marketing strategies for future success

  • Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BKBMIN005
  • Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3

Featured in the media

  • Flink grows steadily in Dordrecht, but will the flash delivery service really remain? 'I doubt it very much'

    Grocery delivery service Flink is growing strongly in Dordrecht and the surrounding area. Since the flash delivery service established itself in January 2022, residents of Drechtstad have apparently placed quite a few orders. "But…

  • Air miles or food containers: which savings programs are worth it?

    RSM visiting fellow Cor Molenaar is quoted in this article about saving promotional stamps, coupons and points. (In Dutch)

  • Economist Cor Molenaar: 'I don't have big dreams anymore'

    Article featuring economist and RSM visiting fellow Prof. Cor Molenaar: 'I don't have big dreams anymore'

  • Blokker's future uncertain: these are your memories of the store

    RSM visiting fellow Prof. Cor Molenaar comments on the shopping habits of Blokker customers compared to those of Hema and Action.

  • Shops with garish shop windows: better than vacancy or bad for the city

    RSM visitng fellow Prof. Cor Molenaar is quoted in this article about Rotterdam shops and the image of the city.

  • Dirt-cheap shops with flashy shop windows in the center: 'Is this what you want as a city?

    RSM visiting fellow Prof. Cor Molenaar is quoted in this article about shops in Rotterdam and what they contribute to the image of the city.

  • Dirt-cheap shops with flashy shop windows in the center: 'Is this what you want as a city?'

    RSM visiting fellow Prof. Cor Moelnaar is quoted in this article about Rotterdam shops and the image of the city.

  • Cor Molenaar over inflatie: 'Winkelier moet juist in deze periode consumenten aan zich binden'

    Cor Molenaar, professor by special appointment of eMarketing and Distance Selling at RSM, discusses the challenges which retailers will face with the rising inflation.

  • 'Supermarkten die klantgedrag het best voorspellen, bepalen de supply chain'

    Cor Molenaar, professor of eMarketing at RSM discusses the battle for the customer by supermarkets.

  • Cor Molenaar legt topsegment langs de meetlat: 'Hebben warenhuizen nog toekomst?'

    Dr. Cor Molenaar, Professor of eMarketing and Distance selling at RSM, questions the future of department stores.

  • Hoogleraar Cor Molenaar: 'Alles weer open, maar wat nu?'

    For physical retail, a new form of cooperation is necessary, a new revenue model and concrete cooperation with the municipalities and real estate. But new entrepreneurship is also needed aimed at customer loyalty and interaction.…

  • McDonald's draait alweer beter dan voor pandemie, komt met persoonlijke aanbod

    Fast food chain McDonald's has more sales worldwide than before the corona crisis. In the Netherlands, the company had a tough last year, which gave rise to still enter the delivery market. And the next step is in the…

  • 'Bedrijven moeten inspelen op andere economie na corona'

    A new dynamic will emerge after corona. These dynamics will lead to changes in consumers' purchasing behavior and in companies in their business model. Is there still a future for many shops in small centers? Is there a need for…

  • 'Natuurlijk is er toekomst voor de fysieke retail, alleen anders dan wij denken'

    'The Economist' published a special about retail under the title 'Retail Renaissance'. Of course there is a future for physical retail, only different than we think. Covid 19, internet and machine learning (data) will radically…

  • Solidariteitsplan-Molenaar komt niet op gang: 'Niemand pakt verantwoordelijkheid'

    Extra tax on normal profit, solidarity surcharge on online orders and cooperation at a local level: this is the solidarity plan for hard-hit entrepreneurs that Cor Molenaar advocated earlier on this site. Almost a month later, the…

  • 'Direct-to-avatar is de ideale manier om jongeren te bereiken'

    Direct-to-avatar is the ideal way to reach young people. This is what Cor Molenaar, professor of eMarketing at the RSM states in the November issue of RetailTrends. In direct-to-avatar, brands sell their product through video…

  • Hoogleraar Cor Molenaar: 'Retailers overleven alleen als zij hun klant écht beter leren kennen'

    Article and Podcast about the survival of retailers, with advice of Cor Molenaar. He suggest that retailers should focus on their relationship with the customers to survive. As an extraordinary professor, Cor Molenaar is…

  • Zit er toekomst in live shopping?

    Article about the introduction of live shopping, the buying of articles through livestreams. Cor Molenaar, professor of eMarketing at RSM Erasmus University, is pessimistic about this. He thinks that the power of online shopping…

  • Moet je als retailer actief zijn op marketplaces?

  • Kun jij als merk of retailer nog wel ontbreken op marketplaces?

  • “Nu klanten zelf een keuze hebben, kiezen ze voor internet”

    An article written by Cor Molenaar of RSM regarding the buying market. Total retail sales increased by 3.2% in 2018, but store sales declined while online sales continued to grow strongly.

  • Met deze nieuwe koers probeert Albert Heijn de concurrentie te slim af te zijn

    An article in which Cor Molenaar of RSM discusses the leading position that supermarket chain Albert Heijn currently has.

  • Bij AH moet 't anders

    Cor Molenaar of RSM has commented on the fact that the Dutch supermarket is struggling to grow.

  • Zorgt voor een nieuwe retail infrastructuur?

    An article written by Cor Molenaar of RSM. The article discusses the Chinese global online shopping site has announced an international expansion, including an investment of at least 20 billion in Europe. Germany,…

  • Achterhoedegevecht supermarkten

    Retail expert Cor Molenaar of RSM has commented on the plan of the British supermarket chains Tesco and the French Carrefour to bulk buy together. He claims that this will ultimately make little difference. He comments that "it is…

  • Retail in het Amazon-tijdperk

    Cor Molenaar, retail expert at RSM, will be a keynote speaker at the IEX Beleggersdag in Amsterdam.

  • Digitale stap voorwaarts

    Cor Molenaar, retail expert at RSM, will be part of the jury of the Shopping Awards XL, which wants to make a positive contribution to e-commerce.

  • Groen worden

    Cor Molenaar, retail expert at RSM, has commented in an article which states that we have to drastically adjust our consumption pattern to counter climate change.

  • Kledingbranche kan borst nat maken als Zalando naar Nederland komt

    Online retail companies like Wehkamp must be prepared for some fierce competition if Zalando decides to open a large distribution centre in The Netherlands. Retail expert Cor Molenaar of RSM commented that "the Dutch are…

  • Het Asterixgevoel van Schoenenketen Van Haren

    Physical shoe stores are struggling whilst the Van Haren chain has already performed remarkably well over the years. New stores, investments in existing stores, as well as a collaboration with Wehkamp. What is the secret of the…

  • Past Black Friday Wel Bij Nederland?

    'Get 3, pay 1', '1 + 1 free' or 'discounts that can go up to 80%'. These are campaigns that companies are using to draw customers this weekend under the guise of 'Black Friday'. From de Bijenkorf to Hema: a lot of retailers in the…

  • Klaar voor digitale markt?

    On 1 December a free symposium on the topic of 'Are you ready for the digital market?' will be held at Plantion in Ede. Speakers include Cor Molenaar of RSM. The event is organized by the Glastuinbouwpact Arnhem-Nijmegen,…

  • haalt het fenomeen Singles Day naar Nederland plans to take the most popular shopping day in the world to the Netherlands: Singles Day. With this, the store will introduce an extra Dutch holiday on 11 November. In Asia, Singles Day is the biggest shopping phenomenon.…

  • wil net als Alibaba flink cashen op koopjesfestijn Singles Day

    The Netherlands will soon be one shopping phenomenon richer: plans to introduce Singles Day in the Dutch market, an event that is already incredibly popular in China. Cor Molenaar of RSM is enthusiastic: "I expect that…

  • Singles Day, dé dag van de mega-uitverkopen in China, kan ook in Nederland supergroot worden

    This Saturday, 11 November, is "Singles Day" in China. This phenomenon creates a great turnout, especially online through special promotions, items, and prices. It started as a response to Valentine's Day, where you send some…

  • haalt het fenomeen Singles Day naar Nederland will bring the most popular shopping day in the world to the Netherlands: Singles Day. By doing so, the site will introduce an extra Dutch holiday on 11 November on which you purchase gifts to spoil yourself. In Asia,…

  • Bol haalt het fenomeen Singles Day naar Nederland

    In Asia, Singles Day is the biggest shopping phenomenon that exists and records are broken year after year. therefore wants to introduce an extra Dutch holiday on 11 November on which you can buy gifts for and pamper…

  • Abonnement = patent op loyaliteit?

    Do consumers want to pay for the premium services of one web store? Amazon tested the waters in the retail landscape with Prime a few years ago. Meanwhile, the first Dutch e-commerce companies have launched similar subscriptions.…

  • Abonnement= patent op loyaliteit?

    Are consumers willing to pay for the premium services of a webshop? Amazon set the tone in the retail landscape with the Prime service a few years ago. What does such an "exclusive membership" mean for the loyalty of online…

  • 'Het is keihard werken, maar klanten komen terug'

    Empty, almost eerie shopping streets - a phenomenon experienced all over the country, but especially in small towns. Entrepreneurs need to work harder against the power of the internet to keep consumers happy. Cor Molenaar of RSM…

  • Wehkamp wil nu ook fysieke winkels

    Coolblue already has, Zalando is planning and now internet company Wehkamp is thinking about opening physical stores. Retail expert Cor Molenaar was surprised to hear this and suspects that the company's course was inspired by the…

  • Nervositeit in het levensmiddelenkanaal

    "For a long time, it was fairly quiet in the food sector. Shopping was a physical activity, where the internet offered little opportunities, leaving only some small-scale projects. While the non-food sector grew to an online…

  • Wehkamp wil ook winkels

    Coolblue already has, Zalando is planning and now internet company Wehkamp is thinking about opening physical stores. Retail expert Cor Molenaar was surprised to hear this and suspects that the company's course was inspired by the…

  • Waar blijft de visie op de transformatie van de economie?

    The budget with the economic outlook for 2018 will be presented on Prinsjesdag. How will the economy develop and what impact does it have on consumer purchasing power? Cor Molenaar writes about his thoughts on this year's budget…

  • Waar blijft de visie van Den Haag op de transformatie van de economie?

    The current economic growth is a positive development. Whilst the Dutch do not notice it, the companies feel the pain of change. They are facing increased competition from abroad with other earning models, and must adapt to new…

  • Cor Molenaar: ‘Niet duidelijk wat de aantrekkingskracht van Hudson’s Bay wordt’

    Hudson's Bay, which opened its first Dutch branch at the Amsterdam Rokin on 5 September, has chosen a distinctly different strategy than De Bijenkorf according to RSM's Cor Molenaar. "Hudson's Bay comes with a completely different…

  • De Schoof: oppeppen of uitbreiden?

    Besides the municipality, nobody believes that expansion will be the rescue of De Schoof; they defend the idea that the Jumbo supermarket can be moved to the new building on the other side to increase traffic. Cor Molenaar does…

  • Het marketinggeheim van de Bijenkorf: Álles doen voor je doelgroup

    If a warehouse chain closes almost half of its branches, it usually is not a good sign. However, for the Bijenkorf, it meant the beginning of a new approach, which boosted profits - but how? "De Bijenkorf took a good look at its…

  • Hoe Marktplaats de hete adem van Facebook begint te voelen

    Facebook has begun rolling out their Marktplaats competitor feature "Marketplace" in the Netherlands. Even without this feature, there is already a lot of trade of second-hand items, mainly in Facebook groups. Cor Molenaar…

  • Denken met de klant in plaats van voor de klant

    To provide a good way of parking in an inner city or a shopping area, it is necessary that municipal drivers and owners not only think for, but also with the customer. In order to know what the consumer wants, Evize will be…

  • Op vakantie met... Boekentips van Cor Molenaar: Koninkrijk vol sloppen, The everything store, Alibaba, Blokker en meer

    Cor Molenaar gives some summer reading tips and reviews a few management books.

  • Van massaliteit naar specialiteit: interview met Cor Molenaar

    When is it logical to pay for parking in the city centre? And should the consumer, the resident or maybe even the shopkeeper or real estate operator pay for it? Cor Molenaar answers these questions and asks how the parking…

  • Crowdfunding voor nieuwe people2people platform kijkshop

    Kijkshop will be using crowdfunding to fund its new initiative, TONE, which will allow all consumers to be a co-owner of this retail revolution. Cor Molenaar says that "stores that are not distinct and do not have a unique…

  • Kijkshop streeft via crowdfunding naar 1 miljoen euro voor TONE

    Kijkshop will be using crowdfunding to fund its new initiative TONE. By doing so, consumers will have the opportunity to co-own a part of this new retail revolution. The target amount of 1 million euros should make it possible to…

  • Deelplatformen zullen markten ontwrichten

    In this expert blog written by retail expert Cor Molenaar for, the effects of the rising "share economy" (digital platforms such as AirBnB and Uber) on the general economy are discussed. …

  • Op vakantie met... Boekentips van Cor Molenaar: De disruptieparadox, Humanification & From great to gone

    Cor Molenaar gives some summer reading tips and reviews a few management books.

  • Op vakantie met... Boekentips van Cor Molenaar - The Platform Revolution en De laatste donkere dagen

    Vacation is the perfect opportunity to take a step back, relax and reflect. In this article, retail expert Cor Molenaar shares his best book tips for this summer.

  • Crowdsourcing en co-creatie voor beleving in binnensteden

    We live in an experience-driven economy where we no longer pay for a product or service, but the experience we get with it. To avoid draining urban centres, it is important that cities offer a total experience. Cor Molenaar…

  • Inspirerende leestips voor ondernemen in het internettijdperk – voor je vakantie

    In this column, RSM E-Marketing Professor Cor Molenaar reflects on whether our society is ready to accept new business models as well as some literature that give insight on the internet and technological change. …

  • De iPhone veranderde levens, maar niet de economie

    To be able to read emails in the train on the way to work and home, order shopping, Whatsapp with friends and business relations. Many users will undoubtedly say their productivity has risen sharply through the iPhone. In…

  • 'E-commerce wordt steeds volwassener'

    For some, living without online shopping has become unthinkable - although it has not even been around for twenty years. Retail expert Cor Molenaar argues that the phenomena of e-commerce has only just begun and discusses the…

  • Brussel moet Google niet straffen, Europa moet eigen kampioenen kweken

    In this piece, Cor Molenaar discusses whether the European Commission's choice to fine Google for its prevailing dominance in Europe is fair.

  • Handvatten voor een effectieve platformstrategie voor MKB'ers

    From early on, new platforms like Airbnb and Uber caused distress about disappearing jobs and drivers making too little money. Cor Molenaar says that this fear and a lack of understanding of how such online platforms are changing…

  • 'Ontzeg je bedrijf of jezelf geen digitale toekomst'

    From early on, new platforms like Airbnb and Uber caused distress about disappearing jobs and drivers making too little money. Cor Moleenar says that this fear and a lack of understanding of how such online platforms are changing…

  • Nederland heeft opvolgers van en nodig voor broodnodige banen

    The Internet is international and does not have geographic boundaries. For foreign companies is a Dutch-language site sufficient to sell to Dutch. The growth of foreign (European) providers selling products online in the…

  • ‘Financieel adviseurs moeten overstappen van adviseren naar ontzorgen’

    For the financial adviser as a product vendor, there is little future anymore. Intermediaries need to adjust their business from advising to unsecured. That makes economist and e-marketing expert Cor Molenaar. He draws the…

  • Cor Molenaar schrijft actueel boek over de platformeconomie

    As soon as the latest technologies follow each other, the buying behavior of customers also changes. They spend more and more time online and find their platforms and social media. Through the product, they only come out of a…

  • Platformstrategie: buigen of barsten

    Suddenly everyone has a platform. Websites, portals, marketplaces, everything is called a platform and yet it's a misconception. A platform has an access and exit, there is interaction and communication. These are so-called…

  • Outletcentra betekenen niet het einde voor stadscentra – die moeten zich wel aanpassen

    The municipality of Zevenaar signs a contract with a project developer for an outlet center on Thursday, May 11, aimed at a large area of Arnhem, Nijmegen to parts of Germany. Roermond, Bataviastad and Rosada (Roosendaal) are…

  • Cor Molenaar over De Bijenkorf: 'Dit is wat klanten willen'

    Meeting places, which are places you like to go and stay, are the future. In the physical world, these are fun centers and cozy shops, on the internet the gaming sites, video sites or platforms that offer more than products to…

  • ' doet slimme zet met het nieuwe bezorgabonnement Select' steps in the footsteps of Amazon. Today, the Dutch webshop introduces the Select Delivery Plan, which means that customers will no longer have to pay any shipping costs for products less than 20 euros. A golden move, says…

  • 'Bezorgabonnement slimme zet' steps in the footsteps of Amazon. Today, the Dutch webshop introduces the Select Delivery Plan, which means that customers will no longer have to pay any shipping costs for products less than 20 euros. A golden move, says…

  • De hobbels van House of Men

    Rick Moorman knew that he was born to become a fashion entrepreneur. His struggle to survive in that industry brought him to where he is now: one of the symbols of the blurring discussion. The Retail2020 report, bothers Moorman a…

  • ' doet slimme zet met nieuw bezorgabonnement' steps in the footsteps of Amazon. Today, the Dutch webshop introduces the Select Delivery Plan, which means that customers will no longer have to pay any shipping costs for products less than 20 euros. A golden move, says…

  • ' doet slimme zet met nieuw bezorgabonnement' steps in the footsteps of Amazon. Today, the Dutch webshop introduces the Select Delivery Plan, which means that customers will no longer have to pay any shipping costs for products less than 20 euros. A golden move, says…

  • ' doet slimme zet met nieuw bezorgabonnement' steps in the footsteps of Amazon. Today, the Dutch webshop introduces the Select Delivery Plan, which means that customers will no longer have to pay any shipping costs for products less than 20 euros. A golden move, says…

  • ' doet slimme zet met nieuw bezorgabonnement' steps in the footsteps of Amazon. Today, the Dutch webshop introduces the Select Delivery Plan, which means that customers will no longer have to pay any shipping costs for products less than 20 euros. A golden move, says…

  • ' doet slimme zet met nieuw bezorgabonnement' steps in the footsteps of Amazon. Today, the Dutch webshop introduces the Select Delivery Plan, which means that customers will no longer have to pay any shipping costs for products less than 20 euros. A golden move, says…

  • ' doet slimme zet met nieuw bezorgabonnement' steps in the footsteps of Amazon. Today, the Dutch webshop introduces the Select Delivery Plan, which means that customers will no longer have to pay any shipping costs for products less than 20 euros. A golden move, says…

  • ' doet slimme zet met nieuw bezorgabonnement' steps in the footsteps of Amazon. Today, the Dutch webshop introduces the Select Delivery Plan, which means that customers will no longer have to pay any shipping costs for products less than 20 euros. A golden move, says…

  • ' doet slimme zet met nieuw bezorgabonnement' steps in the footsteps of Amazon. Today, the Dutch webshop introduces the Select Delivery Plan, which means that customers will no longer have to pay any shipping costs for products less than 20 euros. A golden move, says…

  • V&D-opvolger Frendz markeert de komst van het platformmodel – het draait om producten, niet de webwinkel

    The changes in retail are entering a new phase, which is central to customers' buying behavior. No longer will customers go to a (web) shop to find products, but they will look for products which might become a (web) shop. This is…

  • Platformeconomie: disruptie gaat nieuwe fase in

    The changes in retail are entering a new phase, which is central to customers' buying behavior. No longer will customers go to a (web) shop to find products, but they will look for products which might become a (web) shop. This is…

  • De opmars van outlets en luxe winkelcentra betekent niet dat binnensteden dood zijn

    The sight of the street in the Netherlands is changing radically. The number of physical stores (storefronts) decreases and the number of shops increased sharply in recent years. But this story has not ended yet. Precisely by…

  • ‘Fastfood neemt winkelstraat over’

    With the arrival of Dunkin 'Donuts to the Netherlands there is yet another new fast-food chain. And that fits into a trend too; fast will take over the shopping street. We became accustomed to McDonald's, KFC, Burger King and…

  • Komst Dunkin’ Donuts betekent dat fastfood diverser wordt: lopend je donut verorberen, of zitten met een hamburger

    With the arrival of Dunkin 'Donuts to the Netherlands there is yet another new fast-food chain. And that fits into a trend too; fast will take over the shopping street. We became accustomed to McDonald's, KFC, Burger King and…

  • Dunkin' Donuts keert terug in Nederland - slaagt keten dit keer wel?

    With the arrival of Dunkin 'Donuts to the Netherlands there is yet another new fast-food chain. And that fits into a trend too; fast will take over the shopping street. We became accustomed to McDonald's, KFC, Burger King and…

  • Wie wint de strijd om de modale shopper: Action, Blokker… of toch Hema?

    We no longer have to go to the store, we can choose to. And if we go, such a visit should offer something extra. Originally Dutch chains Blokker and Hema renovate their stores to true experience places. All in the battle for the…

  • Wil de klant nog wel sparen voor korting?

    Finally, there it is: the Hema loyalty card. Customers can collect points and redeem them for a discount voucher using the card or app. But are savings programs still this time?

  • Geen Valentijn voor de retail

    February 14th may have been Valentine's Day, but the news was not very cheerful. The transformation in the retail claimed victims again. Big chains are struggling, one even pulled the plug. Cor Molenaar comprehends the losses in…

  • Strijd tussen Blokker en HEMA om de huisvrouw

    We no longer have to go to the store, we can choose to. And if we go, such a visit should offer something extra. Originally Dutch chains Blokker and Hema renovate their stores to true experience places. All in the battle for the…

  • Winkelen is niet langer functioneel, maar emotioneel

    2017 is a good year, but who is in charge? Cor Molenaar looks back to 2016, learning lessons from its developments and outlining the basis for 2017 with good macroeconomic expectations.

  • Een Republikeinse coup tegen Donald Trump is niet eens zo heel onwaarschijnlijk

    Against the will of the majority of voting Americans and with half-hearted support from his own Republican Party, Donald Trump is the new president of America starting this month. But for how long? …

  • Cor Molenaar maakt meer kapot dan je lief is

    On December 2, Dr. Cor Molenaar, professor of e-marketing, wrote an article about the failure of the outlet center in Assen. In that article, he posited that Assen has no nice center, it is bleak because of the shop vacancy. This…

  • Assen laat een enorme kans liggen als het outletcentrum wordt afgewezen: politiek moet naar burgers luisteren!

    On December 14th, the provincial States will definitively decide on an outlet center at the TT circuit in Assen. The council is in favour, the residents are in favour, only the existing real estate businesses downtown and shop…

  • 7 dingen die klanten erg belangrijk vinden bij webshops en fysieke winkels

    When visiting a shop customers have different demands than when they step into a store. A store should have a good reputation and excellent service, whereas webshops should have a clear website and fast delivery. …

  • Welk stempel drukt Trump op e-commerce?

    It is clear that Donald Trump will be president. What does this mean for e-commerce? Is it still a politically sensible policy for Dutch and European merchants? Twinkle asked three e-commerce experts to their expectation. …

  • El móvil impone sus reglas

    Physical stores are far from extinct. But the barrier between online and offline worlds is increasingly blurred: Eight out of ten customers use their mobile phone to compare prices. "People live on the phone. People prefer to save…

  • Voorstelling Zilveren Sponsor AGF-Kennis(sen)dag: De Nederlandsche Betaal & Wisselmaatschappij

    The AGF Notice day, a networking event, will take place on 22nd of November in the Sparta stadium. One of the speakers at the event will be Cor Molenaar.

  • Webshops hoeven niet dezelfde dag te leveren

    Large webshops still go into battle with short delivery times, 'same day delivery' is the norm. For smaller sites, this is often not possible, and also not necessary.

  • Wat is nu echt de impact van internet op de retail?

    The dynamics in retail are noticeable every day. The shopping streets experience a metamorphosis as shops featured in the streets constantly change. Developments can no longer be trivialized anymore, a vision for the future of…

  • Parkeerbeleid voor een vitale binnenstad

    On June 20, 2016 Parkeer24 organized the seminar Retail and Parking. The profound changes taking place in the Dutch towns, and what they mean for municipal parking were the focus. Parking Expert Giuliano Mingardo and retail expert…

  • Om deze reden blijft Pieter Zwart van Coolblue gigaspelers als Amazon en Alibaba de baas

    If you have not yet decided whether you want to buy a Samsung or iPhone, Cool Blue helps you. and Amazon, has a big assortment, but they do not help the customer make a choice. Therefore, Cool Blue is able to stay…

  • Om deze reden blijft Pieter Zwart van Coolbue gigaspelers als Amazon en Alibaba de baas

    If you have not yet decided whether you want to buy a Samsung or iPhone, Cool Blue helps you. and Amazon, has a big assortment, but they do not help the customer make a choice. Therefore, Cool Blue is able to stay…

  • Al 45 bedrijven schreven zich in voor de AGF-Kennis(sen)dag

    The AGF Notice day, a networking event, will take place on 22nd of November in the Sparta stadium. One of the speakers at the event will be Cor Molenaar.

  • “Pappen en nathouden is geen innovatie”

    The third Tuesday of September, means Dutch Budget Day and the presentation of the National Political Budget, or in Dutch, Miljoenennota. What are the expectations of the Cabinet for the economy, the purchasing power of consumers…

  • ‘Amazon gaat een dc vestigen in Nederland’

    Fall is around the corner, which is one of the busiest seasons for retail shops. However, Amazon has announced to come to the Netherlands which could, and probably will, have a significant impact on their business. The question is…

  • En daar is Amazon

    Fall is around the corner, which is one of the busiest seasons for retail shops. However, Amazon has announced to come to the Netherlands which could, and probably will, have a significant impact on their business. The question is…

  • Fysieke winkels moeten hun eigen plek veroveren

    Brick and mortar shops need to conquer their place in the consumers minds. Shops continue to close in the streets and therefore Cor Molenaar reflects on the effects internet has had and the changes in consumer behaviour. …

  • Heeft de detailhandel nog toekomst?

    Shops have been disappearing from the streets as retail revenues plummet. Cor Molenaar is quoted stating retail shops should learn how to integrate the internet and technology, or they might not survive. …

  • Genegeerde grijze consument veroorzaakt stroom faillissementen in retail

    Research indicated another reason besides online shopping for the increasing bankruptcy files of retailers. Namely, the raging consumers who feel retail shops do not take them into account sufficiently. This is in line with…

  • Moet de retailbranche treuren om Brexit?

    Cor Molenaar analyzes the possible consequences of the Brexit on the (Dutch) retail market.

  • Samenwerking is essentieel, maar wel van twee kanten

    Cor Molenaar and Giuliano Mingardo are on opposite sides on the free city centre parking debate. Therefore, the two sides are clearly represented here. However, it seems the bankruptcy rate of retail shops can only improve through…

  • Stadhuis is bestemd voor de burger

    In the past week, debates have taken place in the town hall regarding the construction of a city hall in the center of Den Helder. However, the public's opinion does not seem to be included as it did not take part in the…

  • Oud-topman HEMA mag webwinkel V&D optuigen

    Ronald van Zetten is in charge of the success of the web shop of the V&D, a retail chain that recently filed for bankruptcy. Cor Molenaar doubts the success potential as online competition is even tougher than in retail. …

  • Ondernemers nul op rekest

    Cor Molenaar and Giuliano Mingardo are on opposite sides on the free city centre parking debate. Therefore, they have co-written this article with a clear message: the economy can only improve through cooperation. …

  • Proef in Zeist: parkeren betalen met OV-chipkaart of stadspas

    Due to the current debate regarding free parking, the Retail en Parkeren seminar was organised, where the two opposing views of Cor Molenaar and Giuliano Mingardo will discuss the matter.

  • Onderzoek winkelbeleving Schagen

    The 'Belevings monitor' has started studying the shopping experience in Schagen. The results will be collected and analyzed by the Erasmus University in collaboration with Cor Molenaar. …

  • Gratis parkeren voor bezoekers in de binnenstad?

    Cor Molenaar and Giuliano Mingardo are on opposite sides on the free city centre parking debate. Therefore, the two sides are clearly represented here. However, it seems the bankruptcy rate of retail shops can only improve through…

  • Gratis parkeren voor bezoekers in de binnenstad?

    Cor Molenaar and Giuliano Mingardo are on opposite sides on the free city centre parking debate. Therefore, the two sides are clearly represented here. However, it seems the bankruptcy rate of retail shops can only improve through…

  • Waarom maaltijdbox-verkopers jou lastigvallen

    Meal box companies are annoying the customers into buying their product as sales have been low so far. However, Cor Molenaar states three ways to create a bond with the customers, which might be a more effective strategy. …

  • Moet de bezoeker gratis parkeren?

    Cor Molenaar and Giuliano Mingardo are on opposite sides on the free city centre parking debate. Therefore, they have co-written this article with a clear message: the economy can only improve through cooperation. …

  • Gratis parkeren voor bezoekers in de binnenstad?

    Cor Molenaar and Giuliano Mingardo are on opposite sides on the free city centre parking debate. Therefore, the two sides are clearly represented here. However, it seems the bankruptcy rate of retail shops can only improve through…

  • Gratis parkeren voor bezoekers in de binnenstad?

    Cor Molenaar and Giuliano Mingardo are on opposite sides on the free city centre parking debate. Therefore, the two sides are clearly represented here. However, it seems the bankruptcy rate of retail shops can only improve through…

  • “Blokker duikt in gat V&D, daarnaast profiteren vooral webwinkels”

    Cor Molenaar reflects on the conclusions of the ING Economisch Bureaureport stating web shops, shop keepers and other online entrepreneurs can expect a continuation of the increase in revenue and possibly expand, due to the…

  • Wat leert de val van British Home Stores?

    Years ago, the English shopping streets were filled with huge stores such as C&A. However, times have changed and here Cor Molenaar lists several lessons we can learn from the fall of the British stores. …

  • "De context verandert, verander mee"

    Brick and mortar stores are facing increasing difficulty surviving. People quickly assume it's because consumers buy online, however an interview with Cor Molenaar shows a different point of view: a changing context. …

  • Multi zintuiglijke beleving

    On the seminar of Retail and Parking, Mark van Doorn talks about how the sensory perception determines the success of a city center. Cor Molenaar and Giuliano Mingardo are mentioned to discuss the effects of free parking in city…

  • Waarom is gratis parkeren van belang voor de consument?

    Although, the Netherlands is recovering from the financial crisis, many small and medium size cities still have difficulties in retail. Cor Molenaar explains how free parking could help solve that problem. …

  • 'Winkels hebben wel degelijk toekomst'

    Although current shop streets are becoming more empty, Cor Molenaar states hope is not lost. Shops should collaborate and involve the hospitality industry to create a "gezellig" environment, where people want to consume more. …


    Blokker, a big retail chain in the Netherlands, is downsizing to avoid bankruptcy. Cor Molenaar comments on Blokker's focus on home product which can allow them to distinct themselves in quality. …

  • 'We gaan van Blokker weer een winnaar maken'

    Blokker, a big retail chain in the Netherlands, is downsizing to avoid bankruptcy. Cor Molenaar comments on Blokker's focus on home product which can allow them to distinct themselves in quality. …

  • Blokker is niet dood, alleen in transformatie

    Blokker, a big retail chain in the Netherlands, is downsizing to avoid bankruptcy. Cor Molenaar comments on Blokker's focus on home product which can allow them to distinct themselves in quality. …

  • 'We gaan van Blokker weer een winnaar maken'

    Blokker, a big retail chain in the Netherlands, is downsizing to avoid bankruptcy. Cor Molenaar comments on Blokker's focus on home product which can allow them to distinct themselves in quality. …

  • 'We gaan van Blokker weer een winnaar maken'

    Blokker, a big retail chain in the Netherlands, is downsizing to avoid bankruptcy. Cor Molenaar comments on Blokker's focus on home product which can allow them to distinct themselves in quality. …

  • Shopping 3.0: Shopping, the Internet or Both?

    An article on Cor Molenaar's book 'Shopping 3.0', which examines the habits and motives of different types of customers - from shoppers from the couch to those for the world would not have betrayed the bricks and mortar. …

  • AM Driving Business Remarketing visie en praktijk

    Automobile Management organizes the Driving Business Remarketing event , focusing on the automobile industry. Cor Molenaar is mentioned to speak and open the event.

  • Opheffingsuitverkoop bij V&D: dit kun je verwachten

    Next week the very last Sale at the bankrupt V&D will start. Cor Molenaar comments that it will probably be on only V&D products and that the sale will be high and very popular.

  • Gemeenten experimenteren met het schrappen van betaald parkeren; heeft dat zin?

    Municipalities experiment with free parking, this might help certain shopping areas to survive as it removes shopping barriers, according to Cor Molenaar.

  • Lege winkels ingenomen door 'witte raven', barbier legt klanten in de watten met glaasje whisky

    Due to the changes in shopping behaviour, many retail shops who do not adapt close. However, the ones that adapt start creating a better customer experience. Although this improves the chances of survival, there is still a tough…

  • Winkelcentrum Leidsenhage: een voorbeeld van hoe het niet moet én ‘voorbeeld voor de toekomst’

    Shopping mall Leidsenhage is according to Cor Molenaar, the sad example of how it should not be; a lot of gray concrete and empty shops. Due to the many bankruptcies, it seems to be the future. However, Cor Molenaar presents the…

  • Pindakaas, popcorn en pepernoten: hebben winkels met maar één product de toekomst?

    More mono-shops, shops only selling one product such as peanut-butter and popcorn, are opening in Amsterdam. Cor Molenaar comments that these shops should differentiate substantially and could potentially be a way for big firms to…

  • Onderzoek naar beleving consument van start

    As Commissioned by Entrepreneur association (HOB) and the Ravelijn Center, the research led by Cor Molenaar regarding consumer experience in Den Helder will start Wednesday. It should lead to more insights in consumer expectations…

  • Hoe kunnen winkels Den Helder betere beleving bieden?

    As Commissioned by Entrepreneur association (HOB) and the Ravelijn Center, the research led by Cor Molenaar regarding consumer experience in Den Helder will start Wednesday. It should lead to more insights in consumer expectations…

  • Gooise Meren wil nu aan de gang met projecten centrum Bussum

    Municipal Gooise Lakes will finally start with several major projects to remodel and improve the center of Bussum. Cor Molenaar has stated a warning before, as the city centre should become more attractive to encourage consumers…

  • Rek uit tabletmarkt

    The demand for tablets in the Netherlands has not risen for the first time since their introduction, as stated in the research conducted by Telecompaper. Cor Molenaar comments by stating the tablets are being surpassed by more…

  • Nederlandse tabletverkoop stagneert

    The demand for tablets in the Netherlands has not risen for the first time since their introduction, as stated in the research conducted by Telecompaper. Cor Molenaar comments by stating the tablets are being surpassed by more…

  • Rek uit tabletmarkt

    The demand for tablets in the Netherlands has not risen for the first time since their introduction, as stated in the research conducted by Telecompaper. Cor Molenaar comments by stating the tablets are being surpassed by more…


    The municipality of Rotterdam will enable entrepreneurs to mix hospitality and retail to draw more people to the shop street. Cor Molenaar is stated to be positive on the initiative but warns it will only be successful for certain…

  • Het gevecht om V&D en de winkelpanden

    Cor Molenaar comments on the acquisition negotiations between Cool Investments and the bankrupt V&D administrators. Especially as it is possible the proprietors are unwilling to rent out the retail shops. …

  • 'Kijken, niet kopen nekt Foto Klein'

    An increasing amount of consumers is buying online, leaving the traditional shops, including Klein, struggling to make profits. Cor Molenaar is quoted stating this battle is occurring across industries and shopkeepers need to take…

  • Lege winkels ingenomen door 'witte raven', barbier legt klanten in de watten met glaasje whisky

    Due to the changes in shopping behaviour, many retail shops who do not adapt close. However, the ones that adapt start creating a better customer experience. Although this improves the chances of survival, there is still a tough…

  • Hoogleraar Cor Molenaar: Assen moet kansen OutleTT benutten

    An outlet centre is important for the life of Assen, say almost three-quarters of its inhabitants, who are in favor of OutleTT. Last year, Cor Molenaar commissioned an investigation into the desirability of OutleTT and its impact…

  • Dirt-cheap shops with flashy shop windows in the center of Rotterdam: what do you think?

    RSM visiting fellow Cor Molenaar is quoted in this article about Rotterdam shops and the image of the city.