Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

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Past courses

Innovation Management

  • Study year: 2014/2015
  • Code: BAD01
  • ECTS: 4 Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3, Pre-master

Featured in the media

  • Wat is de impact van ISO 9001-implementatie?

    Implementing the ISO 9001 standard will lead to operational improvements and market advantages. But the benefits depend on the organizations and its standard, location, sector, company size and the certification period. This was…

  • Norm schuift op richting een meer bedrijfskundige benadering

    Implementing the ISO 9001 standard will lead to operational improvements and market advantages. But the benefits depend on the organizations and its standard, location, sector, company size and the certification period. This was…

  • De nieuwe ISO? Top prioriteit voor de kam-manager in 2017!

    Implementing the ISO 9001 standard will lead to operational improvements and market advantages. But the benefits depend on the organizations and its standard, location, sector, company size and the certification period. This was…

  • Bask Manders wint onderzoeksprijs kwaliteitsmanagement

    Implementing the ISO 9001 standard will lead to operational improvements and market advantages. But the benefits depend on the organizations and its standard, location, sector, company size and the certification period. This was…

  • Basak Manders wint onderzoeksprijs

    Implementing the ISO 9001 standard will lead to operational improvements and market advantages. But the benefits depend on the organizations and its standard, location, sector, company size and the certification period. This was…

  • Welke effecten heeft ISO 9001-implementatie?

    Implementing the ISO 9001 standard will lead to operational improvements and market advantages. But the benefits depend on the organizations and its standard, location, sector, company size and the certification period. This was…

  • Onderzoeksprijs Kwaliteitsmanagement voor Basak Manders

    Implementing the ISO 9001 standard will lead to operational improvements and market advantages. But the benefits depend on the organizations and its standard, location, sector, company size and the certification period. This was…

  • En de winnaar is: Baṣak Manders!

    Implementing the ISO 9001 standard will lead to operational improvements and market advantages. But the benefits depend on the organizations and its standard, location, sector, company size and the certification period. This was…