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Ale Smidts is a professor of marketing research and director of RSM's Erasmus Center for Neuroeconomics. Professor Smidts is the former chair of the Department of Marketing Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM, 2012- 2020), the former scientific director of ERIM (2004-2011) and the former dean of RSM Research. He was a board member of the Social Science and Humanities Division (SGW/NWO) of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) from 2012-2019. Since 2015 he is a member of the Advisory Board of the Neuromarketing Science and Business Association (NMSBA).

Professor Smidts current research focus is decision neuroscience and neuromarketing, including the neural processes underlying consumer decision making, social influence and dishonesty. Work in neuromarketing is focused brain metrics predicting market-level success. 

His work on decision neuroscience and neuromarketing has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Psychological Science, the Journal of Economic Psychology, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Marketing Letters and in major journals in the field of neuroscience such as the Journal of Neuroscience, Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Neuroimage, PNAS, TICS and Neuron.

His previous work on behavioral decision making, risk attitudes and persuasive communication has appeared in major journals in the field of management such as Management Science, the Academy of Management Journal, Marketing Science, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology and the Journal of Consumer Research.


Highlighted (17)
  • Boksem, M., van Diepen, R., Eijlers, E., Boekel, W., & Smidts, A. (2024). Do EEG metrics derived from trailers predict the commercial success of movies? A systematic analysis of five independent datasets. Journal of Marketing Research. Advance online publication.

  • van Diepen, R., Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2024). Reliability of EEG metrics for assessing video advertisements. Journal of Advertising. Advance online publication.

  • Chan, H.-Y., Boksem, M., Venkratraman, V., Dietvorst, RC., Scholz, C., Vo, K., Falk, E. B., & Smidts, A. (2024). Neural signals of video advertisement liking: Insights into psychological processes and their temporal dynamics. Journal of Marketing Research, 61(5), 891-913.

  • van Brussel, L., Boksem, M., Dietvorst, RC., & Smidts, A. (2024). Brain activity of professional investors signals future stock performance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(16), e2307982121. Article e2307982121.

  • Casado-Aranda, L. A., Sánchez-Fernández, J., Bigne, E., & Smidts, A. (2023). The application of neuromarketing tools in communication research: A comprehensive review of trends. Psychology and Marketing, 40(9), 1737-1756.

  • Scholz, C., Chan, H.-Y., Poldrack, R. A., de Ridder, D. T. D., Smidts, A., & van der Laan, L. N. (2022). Can we have a second helping? A preregistered direct replication study on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying self-control. Human Brain Mapping, 43(16), 4995-5016.

  • Speer, S. P. H., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. A. S. (2022). Cognitive control and dishonesty. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26(9), 796 - 808.

  • Speer, S. P. H., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. A. S. (2022). Individual differences in (dis)honesty are represented in the brain's functional connectivity at rest. NeuroImage, 246, Article 118761.

  • Speer, S. P., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. A. S. (2021). Cognitive control promotes either honesty or dishonesty, depending on one's moral default. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(42), 8815-8825.

  • Speer, S., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. (2020). Cognitive control increases honesty in cheaters but cheating in those who are honest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 117(32), 19080-19091.

  • Eijlers, E., Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2020). Measuring neural arousal for advertisements and its relationship with advertising success. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14(736).

  • Chan, H., Smidts, A., Schoots, V., Sanfey, AG., & Boksem, M. (2020). Decoding dynamic affective responses to naturalistic videos with shared neural patterns. NeuroImage, 216.

  • Eijlers, E., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. (2020). Implicit measurement of emotional experience and its dynamics. In Neuromarketing Yearbook 2020 NMSBA.

  • Levallois, C., Smidts, A., & Wouters, PF. (2019). The emergence of neuromarketing investigated through online public communications (2002-2008). Business History, 63(3), 443-466.

  • Chan, H., Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2019). Neural profiling of brands: Mapping brand image in consumers' brains with visual templates. In Neuromarketing Yearbook 2019 NMSBA.

  • Eijlers, E., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. (2019). Implicit measurement of emotional experience and its dynamics. PLoS One (online), 14(2), Article e0211496.

  • Chan, H., Smidts, A., Schoots, V., Dietvorst, RC., & Boksem, M. (2019). Neural similarity at temporal pole and cerebellum predicts out-of-sample preference and recall for video stimuli. NeuroImage, 197, 391-401.

Academic (74)
  • Boksem, M., van Diepen, R., Eijlers, E., Boekel, W., & Smidts, A. (2024). Do EEG metrics derived from trailers predict the commercial success of movies? A systematic analysis of five independent datasets. Journal of Marketing Research. Advance online publication.

  • van Diepen, R., Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2024). Reliability of EEG metrics for assessing video advertisements. Journal of Advertising. Advance online publication.

  • Chan, H.-Y., Boksem, M., Venkratraman, V., Dietvorst, RC., Scholz, C., Vo, K., Falk, E. B., & Smidts, A. (2024). Neural signals of video advertisement liking: Insights into psychological processes and their temporal dynamics. Journal of Marketing Research, 61(5), 891-913.

  • van Brussel, L., Boksem, M., Dietvorst, RC., & Smidts, A. (2024). Brain activity of professional investors signals future stock performance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(16), e2307982121. Article e2307982121.

  • Casado-Aranda, L. A., Sánchez-Fernández, J., Bigne, E., & Smidts, A. (2023). The application of neuromarketing tools in communication research: A comprehensive review of trends. Psychology and Marketing, 40(9), 1737-1756.

  • Speer, S. P. H., Keysers, C., Barrios, J. C., Teurlings, C. J. S., Smidts, A., Boksem, M. A. S., Wager, T. D., & Gazzola, V. (2023). A multivariate brain signature for reward. NeuroImage, 271, Article 119990.

  • Speer, S., Martinovici, A., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. (2023). The acute effects of stress on dishonesty are moderated by individual differences in moral default. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Article 3984.

  • Zhang, C., Beste, C., Prochazkova, L., Wang, K., Speer, S. P. H., Smidts, A., Boksem, M. A. S., & Hommel, B. (2022). Resting-state BOLD signal variability is associated with individual differences in metacontrol. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 18425.

  • Scholz, C., Chan, H.-Y., Poldrack, R. A., de Ridder, D. T. D., Smidts, A., & van der Laan, L. N. (2022). Can we have a second helping? A preregistered direct replication study on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying self-control. Human Brain Mapping, 43(16), 4995-5016.

  • Speer, S. P. H., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. A. S. (2022). Cognitive control and dishonesty. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26(9), 796 - 808.

  • Speer, S. P. H., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. A. S. (2022). Individual differences in (dis)honesty are represented in the brain's functional connectivity at rest. NeuroImage, 246, Article 118761.

  • Speer, S. P., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. A. S. (2021). Cognitive control promotes either honesty or dishonesty, depending on one's moral default. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(42), 8815-8825.

  • Speer, S., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. A. S. (2021). Different neural mechanisms underlie non-habitual honesty and non-habitual cheating. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15.

  • Speer, S., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. (2020). Cognitive control increases honesty in cheaters but cheating in those who are honest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 117(32), 19080-19091.

  • Eijlers, E., Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2020). Measuring neural arousal for advertisements and its relationship with advertising success. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14(736).

  • Couwenberg, L., Boksem, M., Sanfey, AG., & Smidts, A. (2020). Neural mechanisms of choice diversification. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, 502.

  • Chan, H., Smidts, A., Schoots, V., Sanfey, AG., & Boksem, M. (2020). Decoding dynamic affective responses to naturalistic videos with shared neural patterns. NeuroImage, 216.

  • Levallois, C., Smidts, A., & Wouters, PF. (2019). The emergence of neuromarketing investigated through online public communications (2002-2008). Business History, 63(3), 443-466.

  • Tuk, M., Verlegh, PWJ., Smidts, A., & Wigboldus, DHJ. (2019). You and I Have Nothing in Common: The Role of Dissimilarity in Interpersonal Influence. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 151, 49-60.

  • Eijlers, E., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. (2019). Implicit measurement of emotional experience and its dynamics. PLoS One (online), 14(2), Article e0211496.

  • Chan, H., Smidts, A., Schoots, V., Dietvorst, RC., & Boksem, M. (2019). Neural similarity at temporal pole and cerebellum predicts out-of-sample preference and recall for video stimuli. NeuroImage, 197, 391-401.

  • Akpinar Uysal, E., Verlegh, PWJ., & Smidts, A. (2018). Sharing product harm information: The effect of self-construal and self-relevance. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35, 319-335.

  • Chan, H., Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2018). Neural profiling of brands: Mapping brand image in consumers' brains with visual templates. Journal of Marketing Research, 55(4), 600-615.

  • Stallen, M., Rossi, F., Heijne, A., Smidts, A., De Dreu, C. K. W., & Sanfey, AG. (2018). Neurobiological mechanisms of responding to injustice. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(12), 2944-2954.

  • Faber, N., de Koster, R., & Smidts, A. (2017). Survival of the fittest: the impact of fit between warehouse management structure and warehouse context on warehouse performance. International Journal of Production Research, 56(1-2), 120-139.

  • Couwenberg, L., Boksem, M., Dietvorst, RC., Worm, L., Verbeke, W., & Smidts, A. (2017). Neural Responses to Functional and Experiential Ad Appeals: Explaining Ad Effectiveness. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(2), 355-366.

  • Leenders, MAAM., Smidts, A., & El Haji, A. (2016). Ambient scent as a mood inducer in supermarkets: The role of scent intensity and time-pressure of shoppers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services : Forging the Link between Research and Practice, 48, 270-280.

  • Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2015). Brain responses to movietrailers predict individual preferences for movies and their population-wide commercial success. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(4), 482-492.

  • Mehta, PH., van Son, V., Welker, KM., Prasad, S., Sanfey, AG., Smidts, A., & Roelofs, K. (2015). Exogenous Testosterone in Women Enhances and Inhibits Competitive Decision-Making Depending on Victory-Defeat Experience and Trait Dominance. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 60, 224-236.

  • Hytonen, KA., Baltussen, G., assem, MJ., Klucharev, VA., Sanfey, AG., & Smidts, A. (2014). Path Dependence in Risky Choice: Affective and Deliberative Processes in Brain and Behavior. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 107(11), 566-581.

  • Smidts, A., Hsu, M., Sanfey, AG., Boksem, M., Ebstein, RB., Huettel, SA., Kable, JW., Karmarkar, UM., Kitayama, S., Liberzon, I., Knutson, B., Lohrenz, T., Stallen, M., & Yoon, C. (2014). Advancing Consumer Neuroscience. Marketing Letters, 25(3), 257-267.

  • Stallen, M., Smidts, A., & Sanfey, AG. (2013). Peer influence: Neural mechanisms underlying in-group conformity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 1-7. Article 50.

  • Schellekens, GAC., Verlegh, PWJ., & Smidts, A. (2013). Linguistic biases and persuasion in communication about objects. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 32(3), 291-310.

  • Faber, N., de Koster, R., & Smidts, A. (2013). Organizing warehouse management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33(9), 1230-1256.

  • Schellekens, GAC., Verlegh, PWJ., & Smidts, A. (2013). Taalgebruik in mond-tot-mond communicatie: Concrete of abstracte taal geeft inzicht in klantverwachtingen en overtuigingskracht op ontvangers. Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek / Jaarboek MOA, 38, 21-35.

  • Boksem, M., Mehta, PH., Van den Bergh, B., van Son, V., Trautmann, ST., Roelofs, K., Smidts, A., & Sanfey, AG. (2013). Testosterone Inhibits Trust but Promotes Reciprocity. Psychological Science, 24(11), 2306-2314.

  • Rossiter, JR., & Smidts, A. (2012). Print advertising: Celebrity presenters. Journal of Business Research, 65(6), 874-879.

  • Yoon, C., Ganzalez, R., Bechara, A., Berns, GS., Dagher, AA., Dube, L., Huettel, SA., Kable, JW., Liberzon, I., Plassmann, H., Smidts, A., & Spence, C. (2012). Decision neuroscience and consumer decision making. Marketing Letters, 23(2), 473-485.

  • Levallois, C., Clithero, JA., Wouters, PF., Smidts, A., & Huettel, SA. (2012). Translating upwards: Linking the neural and social sciences via neuroeconomics. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 13(11), 789-797.

  • Smidts, A., Klucharev, VA., & Fernandez, G. (2012). De breinbasis van kuddegedrag. MemoRad, 17(1), 86-88.

  • Stallen, M., De Dreu, C. K. W., Shalvi, S., Smidts, A., & Sanfey, AG. (2012). The herding hormone: Oxytocin stimulates in-group conformity. Psychological Science, 23(11), 1288-1292.

  • Schellekens, GAC., Verlegh, PWJ., & Smidts, A. (2012). Taalabstractie in communicatie over producten: Wanneer beschrijven we een ervaring met een product concreet en wanneer abstract? Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap (print), 40(2), 191-201.

  • Smidts, A. (2012). Beslissen en het brein: Een verkenning van de neuroeconomie en haar toepassing in marketing. M en O, 66(6), 65-80.

  • Klucharev, VA., Munneke, MAM., Smidts, A., & Fernandez, G. (2011). Downregulation of the posterior medial frontal cortex prevents social conformity. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(33), 11934-11940.

  • Stallen, M., Smidts, A., Rijpkema, M., Smit, GE., Klucharev, VA., & Fernandez, G. (2010). Celebrities and shoes on the female brain: The neural correlates of product processing in the context of fame. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31(5), 802-811.

  • Schellekens, GAC., Verlegh, PWJ., & Smidts, A. (2010). Language Abstraction in Word of Mouth. Journal of Consumer Research, 37(2), 207-223.

  • van der Lans, RJA., Cote, JA., Cole, CA., Leong, SM., Smidts, A., Henderson, PW., Bluemelhuber, C., Bottemley, PA., Doyle, JR., Fedorikhin, A., Janakiraman, M., Ramaseshan, B., & Schmitt, B. (2009). Cross-National Logo Evaluation Analysis: An Individual Level Approach. Marketing Science, 28(5), 968-985.

  • Tuk, M., Verlegh, PWJ., Smidts, A., & Wigboldus, DHJ. (2009). Interpersonal relationship moderate the effect of faces on person judgments. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39(5), 757-767.

  • Tuk, M., Verlegh, PWJ., Smidts, A., & Wigboldus, DHJ. (2009). Sales and sincerity: The role of relational framing in word-of-mouth marketing. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(1), 38-47.

  • Tuk, M., Verlegh, PWJ., Smidts, A., & Wigboldus, DHJ. (2009). Wat gebeurt er als je consumenten beloont voor mond tot mond reclame? Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek / Jaarboek MOA, 2009, 119-132.

  • Klucharev, VA., Hytonen, KA., Rijpkema, M., Smidts, A., & Fernandez, G. (2009). Reinforcement learning signal predicts social conformity. Neuron, 61(1), 140-151.

  • Smidts, A., Klucharev, VA., & Fernandez, G. (2009). Een beroemde persoon die een product aanprijst: Wat vindt uw brein daarvan? Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek / Jaarboek MOA, 2009, 103-117.

  • Schellekens, GAC., Verlegh, PWJ., & Smidts, A. (2009). Two types of language bias in word of mouth. Advances in Consumer Research, 36, 544-545.

  • Tuk, M., Verlegh, PWJ., Smidts, A., & Wigboldus, DHJ. (2009). The impact of social categorization on persuasion attempts. Advances in Consumer Research, 36, 596-597.

  • Dubé, L., Bechara, A., Böckenholt, U., Ansari, A., Dagher, A., Daniel, M., Desarbo, W. S., Fellows, L. K., Hammond, R. A., Huang, T. T. K., Huettel, S., Kestens, Y., Knäuper, B., Kooreman, P., Moore, D. S., & Smidts, A. (2008). Towards a brain-to-society systems model of individual choice. Marketing Letters, 19(3/4), 323-336.

  • Klucharev, VA., Smidts, A., & Fernandez, G. (2008). Brain mechanisms of persuasion. How "expert power" modulates memory and attitudes. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 3(4), 353-366.

  • Leenheer, J., van Heerde, HJ., Bijmolt, THA., & Smidts, A. (2007). Do loyalty programs really enhance behavioral loyalty: An empirical analysis accounting for self-selecting members. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(1), 31-47.

  • Klucharev, VA., Smidts, A., & Fernandez, G. (2006). Social context and decision making: fMRI study of advertising effects. Perception, 35(Supplement), 169-170.

  • Tuk, M., Verlegh, PWJ., Smidts, A., & Wigboldus, DHJ. (2005). Activation of salesperson stereotypes affects perceptions of word-of-mouth referral. Advances in Consumer Research, 32(1), 256-257.

  • Shiv, B., Bechara, A., Levin, I., Alba, JW., Bettman, JR., Dube, L., Isen, A., Mellers, B., Smidts, A., Grant, SJ., & McGraw, AP. (2005). Decision Neuroscience. Marketing Letters, 16(3/4), 375-386.

  • Bouma, BJ., van der Meulen, JHP., van den Brink, RBA., Smidts, A., Cheriex, EC., Hamer, HP., Arnold, AER., Lie, KI., & Adal, K. (2004). Validity of conjoint analysis to study clinical decision making in elderly patients with aortic stenosis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 57(8), 815-823.

  • Verlegh, PWJ., Verkerk, C., Tuk, M., & Smidts, A. (2004). Consumers or sellers? The role of persuasion knowledge in customer referral. Advances in Consumer Research, 31(1), 304-305.

  • Pennings, JME., & Smidts, A. (2003). The shape of utility functions and organizational behavior. Management Science, 49(9), 1251-1263.

  • Smidts, A. (2002). Memorabele momenten. Wat onthoudt een consument van een tv-commercial? Onderzoek, 20(1/2), 34-36.

  • Smidts, A., Pruyn, AT., & van Riel, C. (2001). The impact of employee communication and perceived external prestige on organizational identification. Academy of Management Journal, 44(5), 1051-1062.

  • van Bruggen, G., Smidts, A., & Wierenga, B. (2001). The powerful triangle of marketing data, managerial judgment, and marketing management support systems. European Journal of Marketing, 35(7/8), 796-814.

  • Bouma, BJ., van der Meulen, JHP., van den Brink, RBA., Arnold, AER., Smidts, A., Teunter, LH., Lie, KI., & Adal, K. (2001). Variability in treatment advice for elderly patients with aortic stenosis: A nationwide survey in the Netherlands. Heart, 85(2), 196-201.

  • Pennings, JME., & Smidts, A. (2000). Assessing the construct validity of risk attitude. Management Science, 46(10), 1337-1348.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1998). Effects of waiting on the satisfaction with the service: beyond objective time measures. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 15(4), 321-334.

  • van Bruggen, G., Smidts, A., & Wierenga, B. (1998). Improving decision making by means of a marketing decision support system. Management Science, 44(5), 645-658.

  • Smidts, A. (1997). The relationship between risk attitude and strength of preference: a test of intrinsic risk attitude. Management Science, 43(3), 357-370.

  • van Bruggen, G., Smidts, A., & Wierenga, B. (1996). The impact of the quality of a marketing decision support system: an experimental study. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13(4), 331-344.

  • Schuurmans, A. J., & Smidts, A. (1990). Empirisch onderzoek naar de marktgerichtheid van dierenartsen in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 115(7), 307-320.

  • Schuurmans, A. J., & Smidts, A. (1990). Marketing in de dierenartsenpraktijk; een theoretisch kader. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 115(6), 262-271.

Professional (7)
  • Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2016). Voorspelt EEG filmsucces? Psychologische processen in het brein. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, (Maart), 44-47.

  • Leenders, MAAM., Smidts, A., & El Haji, A. (2016). Using scent to lift customers' moods. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 27(3), 17-19.

  • Morris, R., & Smidts, A. (2014). Paving the way in neuroeconomics. RSM Insight, 17(1), 5-7.

  • Smidts, A., Pruyn, AT., & van Riel, C. (2002). De invloed van interne communicatie en ondervonden externe prestige op bedrijfsidentificatie. Tijdschrift voor Strategische Bedrijfscommunicatie, 8(1), 8-21.

  • van Bruggen, G., Smidts, A., & Wierenga, B. (1994). Effectiviteit van marketing management support systemen. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, 28(5), 66-69.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1993). Consumentenreacties bij wachtrijen (I): literatuuroverzicht en studiebevindingen. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, 27(9), 49-53.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1993). Consumentenreacties bij wachtrijen (II): een theoretisch raamwerk. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, 27(10), 40-46.

Academic (5)
  • Bronner, AE., Dekker, P., de Leeuw, E., Paas, LJ., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A., & Wieringa, JE. (2006). Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek, Jaarboek 2006 MarktOnderzoekAssociatie. De Vrieseborch.

  • Bronner, AE., Dekker, P., de Leeuw, E., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A., & Wieringa, JE. (2005). Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek, Jaarboek 2005 MarktOnderzoekAssociatie. De Vrieseborch.

  • Bronner, AE., Dekker, P., Hoekstra, JC., de Leeuw, E., Poiesz, TC., de Ruyter, K., & Smidts, A. (2004). Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek, Jaarboek 2004 MarktOnderzoekAssociatie. De Vrieseborch.

  • Bronner, AE., Dekker, P., Hoekstra, JC., de Leeuw, E., Poiesz, TC., de Ruyter, K., & Smidts, A. (2003). Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek, Jaarboek 2003 MarktOnderzoekAssociatie. De Vrieseborch.

  • Bronner, AE., Dekker, P., Hoekstra, JC., de Leeuw, E., Poiesz, TC., de Ruyter, K., & Smidts, A. (2002). Recente ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek, Jaarboek MarktOnderzoekAssociatie. De Vrieseborch.

Academic (1)
  • Wierenga, B., Antonides, G., & Smidts, A. (2000). Marketing in the New Millennium - Proceedings of the 29th EMAC Conference, Rotterdam. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

Academic (47)
  • Klucharev, VA., & Smidts, A. (2009). Zit irrationaliteit in de aard van de mens? De neurobiologie van besluitvorming. In W.L. Tiemeijer, C.A. Thomas, & H.M. Prast (Eds.), De menselijke beslisser. Over de psychologie van keuze en gedrag (pp. 213-235). Amsterdam University Press.

  • Schellekens, GAC., Verlegh, PWJ., & Smidts, A. (2008). Heb ik je al verteld over m'n shirt? Vertekende Taalabstractie in Mond-tot-Mond Communicatie. In J. Karremans, B. Beersema, R. Custers, F. van Harreveld, & W. van Rijswijk (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie (pp. 311-324). ASPO Pers.

  • Tuk, M., Smidts, A., Verlegh, PWJ., & Wigboldus, DHJ. (2005). Vriendelijke verkopers of verkopende vrienden. In E. H. Gordijn, & R. Holland (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie (pp. 431-438). ASPO Pers.

  • Smidts, A. (2002). Wat onthoudt een consument van een tv-commercial? Een kijkje in het brein met neuro-imaging technieken. In Bronner, A.E. et al. (Ed.), Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek, Jaarboek MarktOnderzoekAssociatie (pp. 145-155). De Vrieseborch.

  • Rossiter, JR., & Smidts, A. (2002). Janiszweski's hemispheric lateralization finding for picture vs. copy placement in print ads: Repeated failures to replicate. In F. R. Esch, & J. R. Rossiter (Eds.), Advances in Visual Brand Communication (pp. 11-12)

  • Smidts, A., & Rossiter, JR. (2002). Presenter effects in advertising: The VisCAP model. In P. T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc, & T. Elrod (Eds.), Proceedings Marketing Science Conference (pp. 268-268).

  • Rossiter, JR., & Smidts, A. (2002). Freudian sexual symbolism in ads: Does it work? In F. R. Esch, & J. R. Rossiter (Eds.), Advances in Visual Brand Communication (pp. 12-12)

  • Smidts, A., & Rossiter, JR. (2001). Presenter psychology: A test of the VisCAP-model. In A. Groppel-Klein (Ed.), Proceedings of the European ACR conference, Berlin, Germany, June 2-23, 2001

  • Leenheer, J., Bijmolt, THA., & Smidts, A. (2001). Assessing the effects of loyalty programs on components of buying behavior. In O. Heil, & H. Schunk (Eds.), Marketing Science: A two-way street linking theory and practice. Proceedings Marketing Science Conference, Wiesbaden, July 5-8, 2001

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (2000). Identifying the salient attributes of best and worst retail salespersons: A three-perspective approach. In B. - Wierenga, A. - Smidts, & G. - Antonides (Eds.), Paper prepared for: 29th EMAC Conference, Rotterdam [Session 1.6.1] (pp. ---). Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Wierenga, B., Smidts, A., & Antonides, G. (2000). Marketing in the New Millennium. In . - (Ed.), Proceedings of the 29th EMAC Conference (pp. 208-208). EMAC.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (2000). Identifying the salient attributes for best and worst retail salespersons: A three-perspective approach. In B. Wierenga, A. Smidts, & G. Antonides (Eds.), Marketing in the New Millennium, Proceedings of the 29th EMAC Conference. Rotterdam, Erasmus University (pp. ---). EMAC.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (2000). Idetifying the salient attributes of best and worse retail salespersons: A threeperspective approach. In B. Wierenga, A. Smidts, & G. Antonides (Eds.), Marketing in the New Millenium. Proceedings of the 29th EMAC Conference (pp. 6-6).

  • Smidts, A., Pruyn, AT., & van Riel, C. (2000). Managing organizational identification through employee communication. In M. Hogg, & D. van Knippenberg (Eds.), Social identity processes in organizations. EAESP Small Group Meeting (pp. ---). EAESP Small Group Meeting.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1999). Customer's reactions to waiting: Effects of the presence of ' fellow sufferers' in the waiting room. In E. J. Arnould, & L. M. Scott (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (pp. 211-216). Association for Consumer Research.

  • Pruyn, AT., Smidts, A., & van Dijke, LJ. (1999). Understanding the dynamics of customer experiences throughout extended service processes. In L. Hildebrandt, D. Annacker, & D. Klapper (Eds.), Papere presented at: 28th EMAC Conference, Berlin, 11-14 may 1999 - TRACK: Marketing and Competition in the Information Age (pp. 1-6). Humboldt University.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1999). Environmental analysis, corporate and business strategies and strategic networking in a changing european community. In E. J. Arnould, & L. Scott (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. 26, pp. 211-216). Association for Consumer Research.

  • Leenders, MAAM., Smidts, A., & Langeveld, MM. (1999). Effects of ambient scent in supermarkets: A field experiment. In L. Hildebrandt, & W. Plinke (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th EMAC Conference, Berlin, TRACK: Marketing and Competition in the Information Age (pp. 1-4). Humboldt University.

  • van Bruggen, G., Kacker, M., Smidts, A., Waarts, E., & Wierenga, B. (1999). The impact of internet on marketing distribution systems. In . - (Ed.), Paper presented at: 4th CEMS Academic Conference, Barcelona, Management in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) (pp. 84-93). ESADE - Escuela Superior de Administración de Empresas.

  • Leenders, MAAM., & Smidts, A. (1999). Effects of ambient scent in supermarkets: A field experiment. In A. Basu, T. Mazumbar, & S. P. Raj (Eds.), Papers presented at: MSC - Conference, Syracuse, May 20-23, 1999 TRACK: Reflection and Renewal (pp. 20-23). AMA.

  • Pruyn, AT., Smidts, A., & van Dijke, LJ. (1999). Understanding the dynamics of customer experiences throughout extended service processes. In L. Hildebrandt, D. Annacker, & D. Klapper (Eds.), Marketing and Competition in the Information Age. Proceedings of the 28th EMAC Conference (pp. 7-7). Humboldt University.

  • Smidts, A., Rossiter, JR., & Mcomish, M. (1998). De presentator in reclame: een test van het VisCAP-model. In A. E. Bronner, & E. al (Eds.), Recente Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek 1998 : Jaarboek van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Marktonderzoek en Informatiemanagement (pp. 37-54). Uitgeverij de Vrieseborch.

  • Smidts, A., van Riel, C., & Pruyn, AT. (1998). The impact of employee communication on organizational identification. In P. Andersson, & E. al (Eds.), Marketing Management: Strategy and Organization, Proceedings of Track 3 (pp. 279-290). Stockholm School of Economics.

  • van Bruggen, G., Smidts, A., & Wierenga, B. (1998). Marketing data, marketing cognition, and marketing management support systems. In . - - (Ed.), Managerial and Organizational Cognition (pp. ---). JDM Society Stern School of Business.

  • van Bruggen, G., Kacker, M., Smidts, A., Waarts, E., & Wierenga, B. (1998). The impact of electronic commerce on marketing channels. In J. C. Hoekstra, K. R. E. Eelko, & A. et (Eds.), Proceeding of: Exploring the Interfaces of Marketing Management - Consumer Behavior, Management Sciences, and Information Technology (pp. 112-131). Universiteit van Groningen.

  • Smidts, A., van Riel, C., & Pruyn, AT. (1998). The impact of employee communication and construed external image on organizational identification. In C. Fombrun, & C. B. M. van Riel (Eds.), Book of abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity, and Competitiveness (pp. 35-35). Corporate Communication Center.

  • Pennings, JME., & Smidts, A. (1998). Assessing the construct validity of risk attitude. In H. Gatignon, & E. Anderson (Eds.), Marketing Science in a Global Economy (pp. 133-133). INSEAD.

  • Pennings, JME., & Smidts, A. (1998). Measuring risk attitude of entrepreneurs in the domain of market risk. In M. Strahilevitz (Ed.), Paper presanted at the Conference: Behavioral Decision Research in Management (pp. 25-25). University of Miami.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1998). Customers' reactions to waiting: effects of the presence of 'fellow sufferers' in the waiting room. In E. J. Arnould, & L. Scott (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (pp. 211-216). Provo.

  • van Bruggen, G., Smidts, A., & Wierenga, B. (1998). The powerstul triangle of marketing data, managerial cognition and marketing management support systems. In T. Lant, & Z. Shapira (Eds.), Managerial and Organizational Cognition (pp. 16-16). Stern School of Business.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1997). Consumer time orientation: Conceptualization and cross-cultural differences. In D. Arnott, & E. al (Eds.), Proceedings 26th EMAC Conference. Volume 4 Marketing: Progress Prospects Perspectives (pp. 1954-1964). Warwick Business School.

  • Rossiter, JR., Smidts, A., & Mcomish, M. (1996). Rossiter and Percy's Viscap In-Ad Presenter Model: an Experimental Test. In J. Beracs, A. Bauer, & J. Simon (Eds.), Proceedings: 25the EMAC Conference 14-17 May 1996; Marketing for an Expanding Europe, Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Volume II. (pp. 2043-2052). Lang Publishing & Holding Co. Inc.

  • Smidts, A. (1996). Farmers' Intrinsic Risk Attitudes toward Prices. In B. Wierenga, K. Grunert, J.-BEM. Steenkamp, M. Wedel, & A. van Tilburg (Eds.), Agricultural Marketing and Consumer Behavior in a changing World. Proceedings of the 47th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Wageningen, 13-15 March 1996 (pp. 173-176). Wageningen Agricultural University.

  • Smidts, A., & Waarts, E. (1995). Requirements for Applying cooling Technologies for selling cut Flowers at the Retail Level. In R. W. A. W. et al Mulder (Ed.), Proceedings in the 19th International Congress of Refrigeration, the Hague, the Netherlands, August 20-25 1995: Volume II: Storage, Transport and Distribution (pp. 760-767). Institute of Refrigeration.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1995). De psychologie van het wachten: hoe oponthoud de tevredenheid van de klant beïnvloedt. In F. W. Siero, E. C. M. van Schie, D. Daamen, & A. T. H. Pruyn (Eds.), Sociale psychologie en haar toepassingen (pp. 54-70). Uitgeverij Eburon.

  • van Bruggen, G., & Smidts, A. (1995). The measurement of market oriëntation: a promising tool for management for management. In M. Bergadáa (Ed.), Proceedings of the CEMS academic Conference "Recent Developments in economics and business Administration", April 20-22, Wirtschaftuniversität, Vienna, Austria (pp. 1-18). Wirtschaftuniversität.

  • van Bruggen, G., & Smidts, A. (1995). The assessment of market oriëntation: evaluating the measurement instrument as a tool for management. In M. Bergadáa (Ed.), Marketing Today and for the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 24th Annual EMAC Conference, ESSEC, France, May 16-19, 1995 (pp. 2037-2043). ESSEC.

  • Smidts, A., & Pruyn, AT. (1994). How waiting affects customer Satisfaction with the Service: the Role of Subjective Variables. In E. Langeard, & P. Eiglier (Eds.), Management of Services: a Multidisciplinary Approach (pp. 677-696). IAE.

  • van Riel, C., Smidts, A., & Pruyn, AT. (1994). Organisational Identification and Corporate Identity: an Empirical Approach. In J. Balmer, & S. Greyser (Eds.), Proceedings Conference on Corporate Identity Management: towards the Millenium Department of Marketing of the University of Strathclyde.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1994). Effects of a TV in Waiting Rooms of Hospital Clinics: distraction from waiting and Recall of Advertisements. In G. Antonides, & W. F. van Raaij (Eds.), Proceedings IAREP/SABE Conference, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Integrating Views on Economic Behavior, July 10-13, 1994 (pp. 899-899). Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1993). Customers' Evaluations of Queues: Three Exploratory Studies. In W. F. van Raaij, & G. Bamossy (Eds.), European Advances in Consumer Research: Volume 1 (pp. 371-382). Association for Consumer Research.

  • Smidts, A. (1993). De kwaliteit van SERVQUAL: een toepassing bij zeven dienstverlenende organisaties. In A. E. Bronner et al. (Ed.), Recente ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek: jaarboek van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Marktonderzoekers 1993-'94 (pp. 165-185). Uitgeverij de Vrieseborch.

  • Smidts, A., & Pruyn, AT. (1993). Customers' ractions to queues: Towards a theory of waiting and delay. In J. Chias, & J. Sureda (Eds.), Marketing for the New Europe: Dealing with Complexity: Proceedings of the 22nd EMAC Conference, ESADE: Barcelona, May 25-28, 1993 (pp. 1383-1402). ESADE.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1993). Reacties van klanten op wachten en oponthoud: effecten van de aanwezigheid van lotgenoten in wachtkamers. In J. F. Schreinemakers, & B. G. F. Pol (Eds.), Bedrijfskunde en technologie: NOBO zesde onderzoekdag 1993 (pp. 51-60). Universiteit Twente, NOBO.

  • Smidts, A. (1992). Risk Attitude, Strength-of-preference, and Relative Risk Attitude: an Assessment with Multiple Indicators. In J. Geweke (Ed.), Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty: New Models and Empirical Findings (pp. 151-159). Kluwer Academic.

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1992). Customers' Reactions to Waiting and Delay: a Theoretical Framework. In G. Bruggelambert et al. (Ed.), Economic Psychology and Experimental Economics: Volume of Abstracts IAREP/GEW Joint Conference Christian Rieck Verlag.

  • Pruyn, AT., Smidts, A., & Waarts, E. (1991). Spoort de OV-studentenkaart met de wensen in de markt? In A. E. et al. Bronner (Ed.), Recente ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek: jaarboek van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Marktonderzoekers 1991-'92 (pp. 95-118). De Vrieseborch.

Professional (8)
  • Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. A. S. (2021). Neuromarketing: Wat is het en wat kunnen we ermee? In Y. M. Van Everdingen (Ed.), Tools for capturing information to improve business insights: MOA Topic of the Year 2021 (pp. 12-22). MOA, Expertise Center voor Marketing-insights, Onderzoek & Analytics.

  • Eijlers, E., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. (2020). Implicit measurement of emotional experience and its dynamics. In Neuromarketing Yearbook 2020 NMSBA.

  • Chan, H., Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2019). Neural profiling of brands: Mapping brand image in consumers' brains with visual templates. In Neuromarketing Yearbook 2019 NMSBA.

  • Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2015). Your brain on movie trailers – How brain responses to movie trailers predict individual preferences for movies and their population-wide commercial success. In Neuromarketing Yearbook 2015 NMSBA.

  • Smidts, A., Pruyn, AT., & van Riel, C. (2002). De invloed van interne communicatie en ondervonden externe prestige op bedrijfsidentificatie. In Handboek Interne Communicatie (pp. 3-27)

  • van Riel, C., Smidts, A., & Pruyn, AT. (2001). Organisatie-identificatie en interne communicatie. In C. B. M. van Riel (Ed.), Corporate Communication - Het managen van reputatie Adfo.

  • Smidts, A. (1999). Marktonderzoek. In E. Waarts (Ed.), NIMA Marketing Lexicon: Begrippen en omschrijvingen. (pp. 111-169). Wolters-Noordhoff.

  • Smidts, A., Doorn, LJ., & Post, J. (1993). Marktonderzoek. In N. Lamperjee, & E. Waarts (Eds.), NIMA marketing lexicon: begrippen en omschrijvingen (pp. 99-153). Wolters-Noordhoff.

Popular (1)
  • Dubé, L., Bechara, A., Böckenholt, U., Ansari, A., Dagher, A., Daniel, M., Desarbo, W. S., Fellows, L. K., Hammond, R. A., Huang, T. T. K., Huettel, S., Kestens, Y., Knäuper, B., Kooreman, P., Moore, D. S., & Smidts, A. (2009). Erratum: Towards a brain-to-society systems model of individual choice (Market Lett (2008) 19 (323-336) DOI:10.1007/s11002-008-9057-y). Marketing Letters, 20(1), 105-106.

Academic (4)
  • Smidts, A. (2005). Potential of Neuroimaging for Marketing Science. World Marketing Congress, Muenster.

  • Klucharev, VA., Fernandez, G., & Smidts, A. (2005). Why are celebrities effective? An fMRI study into presenter context effects.

  • van Ketel, E., Smidts, A., & van Bruggen, G. (2004). How Assortment Variety Affects its Attractiveness: The Role of Time Pressure and Product Complexity.

  • van Ketel, E., van Bruggen, G., & Smidts, A. (2003). How Assortment Variety Affects Assortment Attractiveness.

Academic (7)
  • Verlegh, PWJ., Smidts, A., Wigboldus, DHJ., & Tuk, M. (2006). I don't trust you, but I buy what you're saying. In G. J. Avlonitis, N. Papavassiliou, & P. Papastathopoulou (Eds.), Sustainable Marketing Leadership Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference (Vol. 34). EMAC.

  • Klucharev, VA., Smidts, A., & Fernandez, G. (2006). Why celebrities are effective: Brain mechanisms of social persuasion. In G. J. Avlonitis, N. Papavassiliou, & P. Papastathopoulou (Eds.), Sustainable Marketing Leadership Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference (pp. 246-246). EMAC.

  • Klucharev, VA., Fernandez, G., & Smidts, A. (2006). Why are celebrities effective? Brain mechanisms of social persuasion. In Pechman, C., & Price, L.L. (Eds.), Transformative Consumer Research (Vol. 33, pp. 692-692). Association for Consumer Research.

  • Klucharev, VA., Smidts, A., & Fernandez, G. (2006). Brain mechanisms of persuasion: An fMRI study into advertising. In Glimcher, P. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Annual Neuroeconomics Conference Society for Neuroeconomics.

  • Klucharev, VA., Smidts, A., & Fernandez, G. (2006). Brain mechanisms of persuasion: How 'expert power' modulates memory and attitude. In Yoon, Carolyn and Jim Bettman (Ed.), Consumer Neuroscience Association for Consumer Research.

  • Verlegh, PWJ., Smidts, A., & Tuk, M. (2005). The "who?", "how?", and "why?" of word of mouth. In C. P. Haugtvedt, D. Merunka, & L. Warlop (Eds.), The La Londe seminar - 32nd International Research Seminar in Marketing (pp. 312-322)

  • Tuk, M., Smidts, A., Verlegh, PWJ., & Wigboldus, DHJ. (2005). An interesting study on persuasion:The role of source perception and ulterior motives in interpersonal influence. In Proceedings of the 34th EMAC conference EMAC.

External (1)
  • Smidts, A. (1990). Decision making under risk: A study of models and measurement procedures with special reference to the farmer's marketing behavior. [Doctoral Thesis, Wageningen University & Research]. Wageningen University & Research.

Popular (1)
  • Smidts, A. (2002). Kijken in het brein: Over de mogelijkheden van neuromarketing. Erasmus Research Institute of Management - Inaugural Lectures. ERIM Inaugural Lectures

Academic (11)
  • Peffer, G., Fenton O'Creevy, M., Adam, M., van Overveld, M., & Smidts, A. (2013). xDELIA: Emotion-centred financial decision making and learning. CIMNE, Final Report for the EU Commission.

  • Smit, GE., Klucharev, VA., Smidts, A., & Fernandez, G. (2006). The effect of fame as a context: An fMRI study. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.

  • Leenheer, J., Bijmolt, THA., Smidts, A., & van Heerde, HJ. (2002). Do loyalty programs enhance behavioral loyalty: An empirical analysis accounting for program design and competitive effects. (CentER Discussion paper 2002-65 ed.) CentER Discussion paper Vol. 2002-65

  • Smidts, A., van Riel, C., & Pruyn, AT. (2000). The Impact of the Employee Communication and Perceived External Prestige on Organizational Identification. (ERIM Report Series Research in Management (issn 1566-5283 01 ed.) Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). ERIM Report Series Research in Management (issn 1566-5283 Vol. 01

  • van Bruggen, G., Smidts, A., & Wierenga, B. (2000). The Powerful Triangle of Marketing Data, Managerial Judgment, and Marketing Management Support Systems. (ERIM Report Series Research in Management (issn 1566-5283) 33 ed.) ERIM. ERIM Report Series Research in Management (issn 1566-5283) Vol. 33

  • Smidts, A., Go, FM., Spee, R., van der Laak, R., & Robberegt, K. (2000). De beleving van Gran Dorado Resorts; Kwaliteit, tevredenheid en loyaliteit. Centre for Tourism Management

  • Smidts, A., van Riel, C., & Pruyn, AT. (1999). The impact of employee communication and perceived external prestige on organizational identification. (ERASM Management Report Series 16-1999 ed.) ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 16-1999

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1998). Customers' reactions to waiting: effects of the presence of 'fellow sufferers' in the waiting room. (Management Report Series 44-1998 ed.) ERIM. Management Report Series Vol. 44-1998

  • Smidts, A., & Pennings, JME. (1998). Assessing the construct validity of risk attitude. (Management Report Series 53-1998 ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 53-1998

  • Rossiter, JR., Smidts, A., & Mcomish, M. (1996). The VisCAP advertising presenter model: an experimental test. (Management Report Series 270 ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 270

  • van Bruggen, G., Smidts, A., & Wierenga, B. (1996). Improving Decision Making by Means of an MDSS: An Experimental Study. (Management Report Series 278 ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 278

Professional (9)
  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1995). Effects of waiting on the Evaluation of the Service; beyond objective time Measures. (Management Report Series 204 ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 204

  • Smidts, A. (1995). The Relationship between Risk Attitude and Strength of Preference: a Test of Intrinsic Risk Attitude. (Management Report Series 244 ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 244

  • van Bruggen, G., Smidts, A., & Wierenga, B. (1994). The Effectiveness of Marketing Decision Support Systems and the Mediating Role of Experience, Cognitive Style, and Time-pressure. (Management Report Series 179 ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 179

  • van Bruggen, G., Smidts, A., & Wierenga, B. (1994). The Impact of the Quality of a Marketing Decision Support System an Experimental Study. (Management ReportSeries 196 ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 196

  • Pruyn, AT., van Riel, C., & Smidts, A. (1993). De Rotterdamse Organisatie Identificatie Test (ROIT): een onderzoek naar de communicatie binnen en identificatie met de Sociale Verzekeringsbank. Faculteit der Bedrijfskunde, Department Marketing Management.

  • Smidts, A. (1992). Risk Attitude, Strength of Preference and Intrinsic Risk Attitude: a Multiple Measurement Approach. (Management Report Series 125 ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 125

  • Pruyn, AT., van Riel, C., & Smidts, A. (1992). ROIT bij AKZO. Department Marketing Management. External Report

  • Pruyn, AT., van Riel, C., & Smidts, A. (1992). ROIT bij Gemeente Rotterdam. Department Marketing Managememt. External Report

  • Pruyn, AT., & Smidts, A. (1992). De psychologische beleving van wachtrijen. (Report 126 ed.) Report Vol. 126

Professional (6)
  • Speer, S., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. (2020). Why honest people cheat. Web publication/site, RSM Discovery.

  • Chan, H., Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2019). All in the mind? How neuroscience can help measure the emotional impact of brand image and video engagement. Web publication/site

  • Chan, H., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. (2019). Brain scans reveal engagement levels of videos. Web publication/site, RSM Discovery.

  • Eijlers, E., Smidts, A., & Boksem, M. (2019). Tracking emotions real time in the brain. Web publication/site, RSM Discovery.

  • Chan, H., Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2018). Identifying strong brands in the brain. Web publication/site, RSM Discovery.

  • Couwenberg, L., Boksem, M., & Smidts, A. (2017). Brain scans reveal what makes a TV advert effective. Web publication/site, RSM Discovery.


  • MarktOnderzoekAssociatie (MOA)
    Start date approval: 09 Nov 2022
    End date approval: 08 Nov 2025
    Place: ROTTERDAM
    Description: Voorzitter Keurmerk Controle Commissie
  • Institute for Service Leadership
    Start date approval: 15 Nov 2022
    End date approval: 14 Nov 2025
    Description: N/A
  • Ministerie OC&W
    Start date approval: 16 Jan 2024
    End date approval: 15 Jan 2027
    Place: DEN HAAG
    Description: Commissie Sectorplan SSH
  • Journal of Consumer Psychology (Journal)
    Ale Smidts (Editor)
    01 Jan 2015

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics (Journal)
    Ale Smidts (Editor)
    01 Sep 2009

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERiM) (External organisation)
    Ale Smidts (Member)
    01 Jan 2004 - 01 Jan 2011

    Activity: Other activity > Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Academy of Management Journal (Journal)
    Ale Smidts (Editor)
    01 Jan 2002

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Managing organizational identification through employee communication
    Ale Smidts (Speaker)
    05 Jul 2000

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Journal of Marketing Research (Journal)
    Ale Smidts (Editor)
    01 Jan 1999

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Customers' reactions to waiting: Effects of the presence of 'fellow sufferers' in the waiting room
    Ale Smidts (Speaker)
    01 Oct 1998

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Consumer time orientation: Conceptualization and cross-national differences
    Ale Smidts (Speaker)
    22 May 1997

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Jaarboek NVMI (Journal)
    Ale Smidts (Editor)
    01 Mar 1997 - 01 Jan 2018

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Waiting for service: Cognitive and affective responses to delay
    Ale Smidts (Speaker)
    07 Nov 1996

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)


Neuroeconomics: how the brain decides

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1018
  • Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3

Topics in Marketing Research A

  • Study year: 2024/2025
  • Code: BERMASC054
  • Level: PhD


  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BMME057
  • Level: Master, Master, Master, Master

Past courses

Current Topics in Marketing Research

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BERMASC040
  • ECTS: 5 Level: PhD

IM Research clinic

  • Study year: 2022/2023
  • Code: BM-IM-RC
  • Level: Master


  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BK2103
  • Level: Bachelor 2, Pre-master

Research Project

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BT2103
  • Level: Bachelor 2, Bachelor 3, Pre-master

Going Viral: Ideas that Spread Around the World

  • Study year: 2021/2022
  • Code: B3EL104
  • Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3

Neuroeconomics: how the brain decides

  • Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BKBMIN018
  • Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3

ERIM Research Clinic Marketing

  • Study year: 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BERMRC003
  • ECTS: 4 Level: Master

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