Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Organisational Neuroscience (NEU), an Interest Group of the Academy of Management, in partnership with Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), offers you a specialised conference in Organisational Neuroscience. The first conference of its kind anywhere in the world, taking place in Rotterdam. Dedicated to generating and using neuroscience knowledge and broader biologically-based approaches at different levels of analysis in organisations, this conference also promotes the various links to management practices.

About the Conference

The Organisational Neuroscience conference programme includes a mix of formats. These include plenary and interactive poster sessions, a PDW, a doctoral consortium, keynote speakers, informal networking and social events.  

Three plenary sessions see invited panellists addressing:

  1. Key research issues in organisational neuroscience
  2. Editors’ perspectives on publishing organisational neuroscience
  3. External stakeholders’ perspectives on the developments, uses and possible pitfalls of Organisational Neuroscience

As an attendee, you may submit your own work for a poster session. Simply follow the instructions listed below. Submission topics pertinent to the poster sessions include but are not limited to:

  • Understanding the neurobiological drivers that underlie organisational behaviour, entrepreneurship and strategic decision making
  • Applying integrative empirical and/or theoretical approaches to broaden our understanding of behaviours and decision-making across levels of analyses and management fields (e.g., strategy, entrepreneurship, OB and more)
  • Applying theories from neuroscience to inform research questions in management and organisational sciences
  • Considering ethical questions that may emerge from neuroscience applications to management research
  • Developing state-of-the-art, methodological applications and innovations in organisational neuroscience

Keynote speaker

Scott Shane

Professor of economics, Weatherhead School of Management

Scott Shane teaches courses in technology strategy and entrepreneurship in his faculty appointments at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Maryland, Georgia Institute of Technology and now at Weatherhead School of Management.


Thursday, June 15

Erasmus Paviljoen



PDW: Neuroscience technologies and tools: making sense of it all


Doctoral consortium: Incorporating organisational neuroscience in your career


Reception with snacks & drinks


12:00-17:00  Registration with coffee/tea 
13:00-14:30 PDW: “The Array of Neuroscience Technologies and Tools: Making Sense of It All” 
14:30-15:00  Coffee Break 
15:00-17:30 Doctoral Consortium: “Incorporating Organisational Neuroscience into Your Career” 
18:00-19:00 Reception with drinks and snacks 

Moderator: Georgios Christopoulos

Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University

Ale Smidts

Erasmus Centre for Neuroeconomics

David Amodio

Psychology, New York University and University of Amsterdam

Ilanit Gordon

Psychology Bar-Ilan University

Maarten Boksem

Erasmus Centre for Neuroeconomics

Friday, June 16

Erasmus Paviljoen



Plenary Session 1: Overarching theory and research issues: addressing reductionism and the big ‘O’ in organisational neuroscience


Plenary Session 2: Journal editors’ perspectives: the value of organisational neuroscience vs. potential pitfalls


Networking with drinks & bites


08:00-08:30  Registration with coffee/tea   
08:30-09:00  Welcome Address: Conference Organizers and Academic Sponsors (Erasmus, AOM NEU)  livestreamed
09:00-10:30 Plenary Session 1: “How Big is the Tent?: Weighing the ‘Big O’ versus the ‘Big N’ in Organizational Neuroscience” livestreamed
10:30-11:00  Coffee Break   
11:00-12:00 Poster Session 1  
12:00-13:00 Lunch   
13:00-13:30  Keynote Address by Scott Shane livestreamed
13:30-15:00 Plenary Session 2: “External Stakeholders’ Perspectives: What do They Want to Get from Our Research?” livestreamed
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break   
15:30-16:30  Poster Session 2   
16:30-17:30 Networking with drinks and snacks   
19.00-22:00 Social Event and Dinner at Euromast, Rotterdam  

Moderator: Daan Stam

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Moderator: Sebastiano Massaro

Surrey Business School

David Waldman

Professor, W. P. Carey School of Business and Global Center for Technology Transfer, Arizona State University

Nicola Lattanzi

IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

Graham Wilkie

Speaker, Head of Unit at Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Cofund and Citizens, European Commission

Pierre Balthazard

Silberman College of Business (SCB) at Fairleigh Dickinson

Pursey Heugens

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Sophia Soyoung Jeong

NYU Abu Dabi

Yair Berson

Leadership Centre, McMaster University

Saturday, June 17

Erasmus Pavilion

Plenary Session 3: External stakeholder perspectives: what do they want to get out of organisational neuroscience research?


Poster Session 3


Lunch – Awards Ceremony


Optional excursion to Amsterdam


09:00-10:30        Plenary Session 3: “Journal Editors’ Perspectives: How Do They View the Value of Organizational Neuroscience vs. Potential Pitfalls”  livestreamed
10:30-11:00        Coffee Break   
11:00-12:00        Poster Session 3   
12:00-13:00        Lunch – Awards Ceremony  
14:00 Optional excursion to Amsterdam  

Moderator: David Waldman

W. P. Carey School of Business and Global Center for Technology Transfer, Arizona State University

Floor Rink

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen - Associate Editor at Academy of Management Journal

Jonas Lang

Department of Personnel Management, Work and Organizational Psychology at Ghent University - Associate Editor at Journal of Applied Psychology

Mark Healey

Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester - Associate Editor at Journal of Management Studies

Zhen Zhang

Cox School of Business Southern Methodist University Editor-in-Chief at Personnel Psychology

Register now for the Organisational Neuroscience Conference

More information

Registration information

Early registration – ends 1st June 2023*

FULL Price

Discounted AOM Member  

Discounted AOM Student/
Emeritus Member 


500 Euros 

300 Euros 

200 Euros 

200 Euros 

Late and on-site registration*  

FULL Price

Discounted AOM Member  

Discounted AOM Student/
Emeritus Member 


600 Euros 

400 Euros 

300 Euros 

300 Euros 

*All prices listed are in euros and include VAT (Value Added Tax).

Payment information

Please make all payments in Euros or the equivalent thereof in US Dollars. Note that all the above-listed prices are approximations and are subject to change. Additionally, the exchange rate may vary.

Your registration includes:

  • Access to all sessions
  • Coffee breaks
  • Receptions and lunches each day
  • Networking events
  • Social dinner on Friday 16 June
  • Access to conference outputs
    including proceedings and select session recordings

Online registration fee includes:

  • online access to the sessions marked ‘livestreamed’

Please note that Academy of Management (AOM) membership dues are incurred separately. Additionally, all accommodation costs are incurred separately, with discounted rates organised by the host. Please contact the host for further information.


We welcome submissions for poster presentations. Submissions should summarize empirical work or theory development in the area of organizational neuroscience. An anonymized submission should be up to 3 double-spaced pages in 12-point font Word document (*.doc), inclusive of a required abstract (250-word maximum) on the first page. References, tables, and figures can exceed the 3-pages limit.
It is acceptable that work related to the proposal submitted to this conference may have already been submitted to the 2023 AOM Annual Meeting in Boston. However, submissions must not reflect work that has already been published or accepted for publication by AOM or non-AOM publications. If a paper pertaining to a submission is under review, it must NOT appear in print or online at AOM or non-AOM publications before the Conference. Submissions must follow the AOM Code of Ethics.
If accepted, posters to be presented at the conference may have a maximum size of 120 cm (height) x 90 cm (width). Additional guidelines on posters formatting and presentation will be provided upon acceptance.
In submitting a proposal, the submitter affirms that, if accepted, at least one co-author will register and appear at the conference to present the poster.

Review Process
The blind review process exists to help protect the integrity of the submission and review process. Submissions are double-blind reviewed, and are evaluated on relevance to the conference theme, clarity, analysis, methodological rigor, and overall quality. Double-blind review means that author and submitter information is NOT known to the reviewers, and reviewer information is NOT known to the authors or submitter. Poster submissions should keep this process in mind and attempt to not reveal author information.


Please enter your details

Write down the university/company you are affiliated with.
Key dates
  • Submission system opens: 23 March 2023
  • Deadline for submission: 24 May 2023 at 17:00 ET (UTC-5/GMT-5)
  • Early registration deadline: 1 June 2023
  • Conference: 15-17 June 2023
Conference Awards

Up to two monetary prizes will be awarded on June 17:

  • Best Conference poster award (sponsored by NEU AOM)

    A monetary prize of 1.000 Euros will be awarded to the best overall submission.

  • Best PhD student poster award (sponsored by Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali e Giuridiche, Università della Calabria)

    A monetary prize of 500 Euros will be awarded to the most innovative submission which is first-authored by a PhD student. The student must have not defended their PhD dissertations at the time of the conference submission.

Practical information

The conference will be hosted at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Erasmus Paviljoen, please look at the campus map.


We recommend booking your stay at Inntel Hotel Rotterdam Centre. 

About Rotterdam

Here you can read all about the City of Rotterdam. 

Post conference excursion to Amsterdam

For interested attendees, we will plan a post-conference excursion on Saturday June 17 to Amsterdam. It will involve transportation to and from Amsterdam, some limited time for walking tour, and dinner. More information will be provided as the conference date approaches.

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

David Waldman

Arizona State University

Jakub Edward Cichor

Technical University Munich

Conference organisers

Sebastiano Massaro (Chair)

Surrey Business School

David Waldman

Arizona State University

Daan Stam

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Qi Zhang

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Steering Committee

Chris Berka

Advanced Brain Monitoring Inc.

Constant Beugré

DSU College of Business

Danni Wang

Rutgers University

Ewa Lombard

Montpellier Business School

Georgios Christopoulos

NTU Singapore

Jakub Edward Cichor

Technical University Munich

Jemima Frimpong

New York University-Abu Dhabi

Jenny Kim

City University of Hong Kong

Mark Healey

University of Manchester

Pierre Balthazard

Fairleigh Dickenson University

Susan Zhu

University of Kentucky

Stefan Volk

University of Sydney

Yair Berson

McMaster University

Sponsors, contributors and supporters

For more information, please contact us.