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In our education we are using teaching cases, assignments and videos to highlight the issues as well as the business challenges posed by the SDGs, and confront students with the complexities of working with the SDGs. Here we share these materials per SDG, showcasing material that is most directly relevant.

40% of the world population suffers from land degradation. We need urgent action to protect biodiversity and land productivity, and limit the loss of species. Since 2000 we have increased protection for forests and terrestrial ecosystems but more is needed, especially because biodiversity loss is an irreversible process. How can we scale up our efforts to sustainably manage life on land?

We are not Robinson Crusoe, living on a deserted island. We must collaborate to protect, restore, and wisely use the Earth’s natural resources.

Frank Wijen - Associate Professor of Strategic Management, RSM, Erasmus University

SDG 15: Explaining life on land

Malu Boerwinkel (MSc Global Business and Sustainability 2019) points out that because plants contribute to 80 per cent of the human diet, protecting the capacity to grow food is crucial for human survival. So what needs to change?

SDG 15: Academic insights into life on land

Shared resources aren’t working. There’s too much self-interest for the common good of all users, explains Dr Frank Wijen of RSM. It has consequences for the shared natural environment. How can product certifications help?

SDG 15: A business case about life on land

Marcello Palazzi is global ambassador for the B Corp movement. His organisation brings together more than 10,000 corporations around the world to make purpose and profit work together for the benefit of people and planet. Here, he explains the strategy and relevance of the B Corp movement to SDG 15.

Why is SDG 15 important to you?

Want to start applying your knowledge? Here are easy tips related to SDG 15:

  • Eat seasonal, it tastes better, it’s cheaper and it’s more environmentally friendly.
  • Bring your own bag when you shop. Pass on the plastic bag and start carrying your own reusable totes.
  • Reduce your meat consumption, start with one day a week.

Want to do more? Here are the Good Life Goals.

RSM has developed a case series addressing the Sustainable development goals, which contains at least one case that specifically touches upon one of the 17 SDGs.

Cases with a primary focus on SDG 15:

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SDG cases

The SDG teaching cases of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, explore the complexity of sustainable development.

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Positive Change

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