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In our education we are using teaching cases, assignments and videos to highlight the issues as well as the business challenges posed by the SDGs, and confront students with the complexities of working with the SDGs. Here we share these materials per SDG, showcasing material that is most directly relevant.

The income gap between the lowest-paid and the highest-paid, and between rural and urban populations is widening. At this rate, it won’t be bridged for another 217 years. Inequalities like this persist even when vulnerable populations are lifted out of poverty. SDG 10 Reduced inequalities will require policies that promote social, economic and political inclusion.

This goal aims for autonomy for the fragile among us, and more development aid – including private money – flowing from north to south. And it demands the elimination of discriminatory laws and practices.

Thinking about achieving a goal is obviously easier than going out and getting it done.

Michaela Schippers - Professor of Behaviour and Performance Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

SDG 10: Explaining reduced inequalities

Honours student Nelly Matar is studying for a BSc in International Business Administration. She says: “Inequality is a source of social exclusion which hinders individuals’ performance in society in terms of education and work. The growth of one is the growth of all.”

SDG 10: Academic insights into reduced inequalities

Prof. Michaéla Schippers researches and teaches team reflexivity, team diversity and team leadership, as well as goal-setting, academic performance and the use of team charters to improve student team performance. She explores how goal-setting has a positive influence on performance to foster better life outcomes.

SDG 10: A business case about reduced inequalities

Promoting inclusivity means making sure everyone has the opportunity to excel. Here, RSM’s Dean, Prof. Steef van de Velde explains the School’s goalsetting ‘I WILL’ movement. Its effect has been transformational for subsets of students with high dropout rates.

Why is SDG 10 important to you?

Want to start applying your knowledge? Here are easy tips related to SDG 10:

  • Sponsor a child to attend school.
  • Increase cultural representation in education and media.
  • Learn to respect diverging opinions and beliefs.

Want to do more? Here are the Good Life Goals.

RSM has developed a case series addressing the Sustainable development goals, which contains at least one case that specifically touches upon one of the 17 SDGs.

Cases with a primary focus on SDG 10:

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SDG cases

The SDG teaching cases of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, explore the complexity of sustainable development.

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Positive Change

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