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The best stories come from authentic voices. Accounts that come from first-hand experiences are the stories most likely to inspire us. We have sourced inspiring stories about people within the RSM community who have something to say about their experiences, and talked to the people behind them to make this podcast series. We call it Let’s Talk Change.

The conversation is informal but always informed. Every episode is about something new or a change in business and management, but also in daily life. The stories and conversations come from all walks of life. Who took risks, who ventured out of their comfort zone, who has succeeded in becoming a force for positive change?

Please note the following episodes were recorded before Covid-19.

Episode 6: The other side of plastics: Coca-Cola's Challenge - Part 2

In the second part of our two-part series, our SDG student ambassador continues his discussions with Coca-Cola's Vice President of Public Affairs and Government Relations, Hans Van Bochove, over the role that politics and socio-economic factors play in their global plastics strategy. 

Episode 5: The other side of plastics: Coca-Cola's Challenge - Part 1

In the first part of our two-part series, our SDG student ambassador talks with Coca-Cola's Vice President of Public Affairs and Government Relations, Hans Van Bochove, to discuss the challenges the multinational faces in attaining their climate goals and the role that plastics play in their global strategy.

SDG Ambassadors

Get to know our Student Ambassadors for the Sustainable Development Goals!

Episode 4: Loneliness in leadership

Why do leaders sometimes feel lonely? Dr Hodar Lam shares his research findings about the stigma around loneliness, if it manifests differently in small and large organisations and levels of management, and why it doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. Dr Lam offers advice for leaders as well as for early-career researchers. For more research on leadership, visit the Erasmus Centre for Leadership.

Episode 3: Algorithms and the humanitarian sector

Algorithms are changing our lives in many ways. Associate Professor Harwin de Vries talks about the opportunities there are to find in applying algorithms and supply chain logistics to humanitarian aid and access to healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa. Research topics we discuss include using algorithms to predict supply of medicines, mapping health clinics along major highways, and family planning.

Alumni stories

Be inspired by the positive change stories from RSM alumni!

Episode 2: Eating our way out of climate change

RSM alumnus Frank Holleman thinks he’s found a way out of climate change – and we can all take part. It’s through food. Frank doesn’t advocate full-on vegetarianism, but a more conscious way of thinking of and preparing our food. He wrote it all in Fork Ranger, a recipe book full of unique food combinations and facts about nature, food production, and impact. Not only does Frank hope to inspire a different way of (food) consumption, he brings topics like mentality, habit, consumerism, and language around climate change to the table.

Episode 1: How to assess ideas and stimulate creativity at work

How can we become more creative at work? How do we measure good ideas? RSM Associate Professor Dirk Deichmann talks about his team’s research on assessing ideas, and how design thinking might be a way to boost creativity. He provides examples of applying design thinking and shares factors that can help, such as creating a work environment where people dare to be more creative and don’t feel like they’ll be punished if ideas don’t work out. We get a peek into how Dirk comes up with new research ideas and what inspires him to renew his own thinking.

Have a story to share?

Eva Rood

Director of RSM's Positive Change Initiative