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Ying Zhang
Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Chinese Economy and Business
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

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[Dr. ir. Ying Zhang ][Dr. ir. Ying Zhang]owns a cross-disciplinary background including industrial engineering, traditional chinese medicine, economics, and management. She actively contributes as a scholar, educator, advisor, [TEDxSpeaker][], business developer, and a social entrepreneur. At RSM, she is an Associate Dean for China Business & Relations, a tenured Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; she is also the founder and the head of the [Erasmus-Huawei Collaboration Program][],[ ][Link 1][New Silk Road Institute][New Silk Road_Institute], [Erasmus China Business Center][], and executive chairwoman of [Identitat Global Forum][]. Professor Zhang has been a [Visiting Professor and a Research Fellow at Harvard University][] (Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School), [Honorary Professor at Beijing Jiaotong University ][Honorary Professor at Beijing Jiaotong University]and a guest professor at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. She serves as a [strategic advisor][] at Strategic Swiss Partners; a Global Network Partner for [GLORAD][], an Academic Advisory Board Member of [Amsterdam School of International Business][]; and a Senior Academic Advisor for the Steering Group of Dutch National Framework of the BBA Program International Business. Professor Zhang is awarded as one of[ the Top 30 Thinkers][the Top 30 Thinkers] under the Radar by,  [“Top 40 Business School Professor Under 40”][Top 40 Business School Professor_Under 40]  worldwide; [A NativeSociety Featured Business School Professors][A NativeSociety_Featured Business School Professors] in the USA, an Elite Professional Woman by National Association of Professional Women (in the USA), and [Harvard Business Review China Business Mentor][].  She is also an active contributor to the [Belt-Road-Initiative][] in Europe and the Project Leader (from Erasmus) in China’s National Key Research on International Inland Transportation under China’s Belt-Road-Initiative Plan and China’s Strategic International Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation. Professor Zhang's academic insight on United Nations SDG9 has won 2019  ["MOOC Award of Excellence][MOOC Award of Excellence] " from SDGAcademy and UNSDSN.  


 Professor Zhang promotes the relevance of academic research and argues for the necessity of cross-sector collaboration between business, education research,  and social-economic circumstance.  She advocates the value of social innovation as well as the effort to build a sustainable community. Her studies and opinions have been published and quoted by the global leading media and managerial journals such as Bloomberg, Financial Times, ChinaDaily, China Economics Net,  Washington Post, China Policy Review (Formerly China Economic Report), Caixin, EuroBiz, NRC, China Radio International, RushHour(AM1300), EUreporter, People's Daily, EFMD GlobalFocus, Wirtschafts Woche, CKGSB Knowledge, Managerial Insight, SAGE Knowledge, Harvard Business Review, and Harvard Economics Review, etc. Professor Zhang applies phenomena-driven analytical teaching methodology by using her teaching cases from HBS, RSM, and IVEY and encouraging students' cross-disciplinary development.  Her speeches are among with governments, NGOs, Corporates at educational, industrial, and political forums such as with Academic of Management Association, Management and Organization Review, EFMD- AACSB-Associated Deans Meetings, European Union Think-Tanks, Horasis  Conferences, World Economic Forum, European Space Agency, [NRC][], CCTV, as well as [TED Talk ][TED Talk], etc. 


On research, Professor Zhang supervises cross-disciplinary studies at graduate, executive, and Ph.D. level.  Her research and derived social impact are at both macro and micro levels, from both an academic and practice angle, varying from social-economic transition and entrepreneurship development, Inequality-based society towards equality-based sharing value society and [future of jobs][], to corporate entrepr


Featured in the media

  • ‘Niemand haalt al zijn voldoening uit één baan’

    An interview with Ying Zhang, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Chinese Economy and Business at RSM. It discusses several things, like her research and her opinion on fulfilling different roles in one's…

  • 鹿特丹管理学院教授:美国发起贸易战将会自食其果

    Ying Zhang, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Chinese Economy and Business at RSM, had a discussion with a Chinese journalist regarding the Trump-Initiated Trade War, covering impact on USA, China, and EU. …

  • 往期节目单

    Ying Zhang, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Chinese Economy and Business at RSM, had a discussion with a Chinese journalist regarding the Trump-Initiated Trade War, covering impact on USA, China, and EU. …

  • Wie vindt zijn werk echt leuk?

    Ying Zhang, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Chinese Economy and Business at RSM, was a keynote speaker at TedXWoman. She has been mentioned in an article in 'Het Financieele Dagblad'. At the TedXWomen…

  • The Belt and Road Initiative and its Influence on East-West Cooperation

    "The Eurasian Silk Road was developed over a thousand years ago, and then revived by China’s President Xi Jinping in 2013 as a part of the country’s economic transition. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also called the New Silk…

  • Your Thoughts: Has China’s Economy Hit A Wall?

    Amongst speculations that the momentum of Chinese growth is likely to slow in the near term, Finance Monthly spoke to several expert sources on China’s economy and prospected continued growth. RSM's Ying Zhang was one of them. …

  • LinkedIn post

    A LinkedIn post by Ying Zhang on the One Belt and One Road (OBOR) initiative: Rotterdam plays an important role in the globalisation and international collaboration between Europe and Asia. This episode of the Chinese show CCTV…

  • Viva Knappe Koppen

    Ying Zhang of RSM has been nominated for the Viva "Knappe Koppen". She promotes the reduction of poverty through educational development in China. By doing so, she focuses not only on the academic achievements of children, but…

  • Huawei forms partnership with Rotterdam School of Management

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    Huawei has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University. The two will exchange expertise on technology, innovation and education and conduct research on trade relations between…

  • Huawei en RSM lanceren het Erasmus-Huawei-samenwerkingsprogramma

    Huawei has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University. The two will exchange expertise on technology, innovation and education and conduct research on trade relations between…

  • Huawei en Rotterdam School of Management lanceren samenwerkingsprogramma

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  • China warned of risk to banks from One Belt, One Road initiative

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  • #WEF2017: Thoughts from #Davos

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  • Meeting Cambodia delegation in #WEF #Davos

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  • How to survive and thrive in the 21st century

    Why are business schools so often wasteful and self-defeating competitors when they could be models of co-operation, co-ordination, and collaboration? There can be transformation says Dr Ying Zhang …

  • Political upheaval may spell trouble for megadeals in the year ahead

    As companies brace for the impact of 2016’s political shocks and looming elections next year, global appetite for mega mergers may slow amid the prospect of increased protectionism. The outcome of the U.S. elections and Brexit…

  • Political Upheavals May Herald Trouble for Megadeals in 2017

    As companies brace for the impact of 2016’s political shocks and looming elections next year, global appetite for mega mergers may slow amid the prospect of increased protectionism. The outcome of the U.S. elections and Brexit…

  • Political Upheavals May Herald Trouble for Megadeals in 2017

    As companies brace for the impact of 2016’s political shocks and looming elections next year, global appetite for mega mergers may slow amid the prospect of increased protectionism. The outcome of the U.S. elections and Brexit…

  • Political upheavals may herald trouble for megadeals in 2017

    As companies brace for the impact of 2016’s political shocks and looming elections next year, global appetite for mega mergers may slow amid the prospect of increased protectionism. The outcome of the U.S. elections and Brexit…

  • Political Upheavals May Herald Trouble for Megadeals in 2017

    As companies brace for the impact of 2016’s political shocks and looming elections next year, global appetite for mega mergers may slow amid the prospect of increased protectionism. The outcome of the U.S. elections and Brexit…

  • Политическите шокове може да се окажат препятствие за мегасделките през 2017 г.

    As companies brace for the impact of 2016’s political shocks and looming elections next year, global appetite for mega mergers may slow amid the prospect of increased protectionism. The outcome of the U.S. elections and Brexit…

  • Political Upheavals May Herald Trouble for Megadeals in 2017

    As companies brace for the impact of 2016’s political shocks and looming elections next year, global appetite for mega mergers may slow amid the prospect of increased protectionism. The outcome of the U.S. elections and Brexit…

  • Political upheavals may herald trouble for mega deals in 2017

    As companies brace for the impact of 2016’s political shocks and looming elections next year, global appetite for mega mergers may slow amid the prospect of increased protectionism. The outcome of the U.S. elections and Brexit…

  • #China: Deglobalization, discrimination and openness

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  • #China: Breaking with globalization is ill-advised

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  • Breaking with globalization is ill-advised

    Many countries advocating protectionism will suffer the consequences of inertia in economic and social growth structures. China's growth in recent decades is an economic miracle. As it lifted 728 million people above the…

  • Do we tend to look at #China through western eyes too much?

    On Tuesday 15 November, EU Reporter, in association with the EU-Asia forum, organized an event which brought together representatives of the expert and media community from Europe and Asia, including Ying Zhang, took place at…

  • How to survive and thrive in the 21st century

    Why are business schools so often wasteful and self-defeating competitors when they could be models of co-operation, co-ordination, and collaboration? There can be transformation according to Dr Ying Zhang. …

  • Business Education - Surviving and Thriving

    Do business schools face a threat to their survival? And what exactly do we mean by “survival” in the case of business schools? Dr. Ying Zhang was invited to give a speech answering these questions at the EFMD conference for…

  • Business Education - Surviving and Thriving

    Dr. Ying Zhang was invited to give a speech on the survival and thriving of business schools at the EFMD conference for international and external relations, marketing, communication, and alumni professionals in Edinburgh. …

  • A ‘One Belt, One Road’ strategy for business schools

    China's remarkable growth has encouraged a growing number of leading international business schools to build their presence in the world's second largest economy. Ying Zhang states RSM's opening of a new office in Chengdu is a…

  • Brexit-Debatte lähmt die Investmentbanken

    As Europe holds its breath over whether or not the U.K. will stay in the union, companies are holding on to their cash. Ying Zhang is quoted this doubt has had a significant negative impact on Chinese investment. …

  • Brexit-Angst sorgt bei Bankern für Langeweile

    As Europe holds its breath over whether or not the U.K. will stay in the union, companies are holding on to their cash. Ying Zhang is quoted this doubt has had a significant negative impact on Chinese investment. …

  • Bankers Bored as Threat of Brexit Kills Off U.K. Dealmaking

    As Europe holds its breath over whether or not the U.K. will stay in the union, companies are holding on to their cash. Ying Zhang is quoted this doubt has had a significant negative impact on Chinese investment. …

  • Bankers Bored as Threat of Brexit Kills Off U.K. Dealmaking

    As Europe holds its breath over whether or not the U.K. will stay in the union, companies are holding on to their cash. Ying Zhang is quoted this doubt has had a significant negative impact on Chinese investment. …

  • CEFC China Energy adds to stake

    The Shanghai-based CEFC China Energy, one of China's leading private companies, had already made a series of investments in the Czech Republic in the previous years , and will be announcing another series of new deals. Zhang Ying…


    An article featuring Dr. Ying Zhang focussing on her successful career and mentality. By many, she is considered a unique talent with a sharp analytical view, combining a global mindset and systematic theoretical approach. …

  • ChemChina-led consortium's German acquisition hailed by analysts

    China National Chemical Corp's acquisition of Germany's KraussMaffei for 925 million euros is seen as a significant deal that will aid an accelerating trend of Chinese industrial upgrades through overseas acquisitions. Ying Zhang…

  • Economy is tale of two growth rates

    China's recent economic development has attracted tremendous attention and heated discussion. However, the Two-speed system seems unavoidable for now as China undergoes major a transition. …

  • Democracy, transparency key words in Xi's speech

    According to Zhang Ying, China has been on the way to Internet governance transformation, but at the same time requests the world to respect and accept its effort. Democracy means variety and freedom; transparency implies respect…

  • Green path set to attract investors

    China’s Belt and Road Initiative is likely to make a major contribution to the global effort to combat climate change, according to analysts. Miss Ying Zhang is quoted stating that "efficient projects is crucial for China’s…

  • Initiative is catalyst for flow of green money

    China's One Belt One Road Initiative is a catalyst for cross-border investment into long-term sustainable and energy -efficient infrastructure. Zhang Ying states that these investments are crucial for China's go-global image,…

  • Initiative success hinges on infrastructure funding

    China's One Belt One Road Initiative will be a strong factor in leading the world out of economic recession, through facilitating regional integration and coordinating much needed infrastructure investment. Zhang Ying is…

  • Belt and Road to build 'new world order'

    China's Belt and Road Initiative will play a crucial role in facilitating the global economic recovery, connecting international markets and forming a new order for world development. Zhang Ying stated that think tanks will help…

  • Initiative to facilitate regional integration

    China's One Belt One Road Initiative will be a strong factor in leading the world out of economic recession, through facilitating regional integration and coordinating much needed infrastructure investment. Zhang Ying is…

  • Win, lose or draw? Partnering with Chinese universities

    Dr Ying Zhang, Erasmus University (RSM), looks at how the partnership model has developed in China and outlines some of the difficulties of this process.

  • 's Werelds beste jonge business-schoolhoogleraren

    Poets & Quants asked their readers to choose the best business school professors younger than 40. One that seemed to jump out is Ying Zhang who is academic director of the Master-programme Chinese Economy and Business and…

  • Futures is here

    Ying Zhang contributed to this story about why and how Chinese firms gained more participation on international commodity platforms in recent years. What the implications of this is for China and other global commodity trading…

  • China a big player in commodities

    An article discussing China's role financially, economically and politically in the global market. China is currently the top consumer of raw materials and second-largest economy.

  • Doing Business in China

    China was the obvious choice when Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), a leading European business school based in the international port city of Rotterdam, moved to the next strategic step in its…

  • 'Wiskunde was in China veel moeilijker'

    Tianyi Zhang is a soon-to-be student of RSM and is announced in the newspaper due to his outstanding results.

  • First Cooperation Conference between Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) and School of Business Administration (SBA)

    Ying Zhang visited SWUFE in April and discussed the cooperation agreement between RSM and School of Business Administration in China, Bejing. This article reports.

  • Delegation from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Visited BJTU

    Steef van de Velde visited Beijing Jiaotong University on April 23. This article writes about the meeting between Steef van de Velde, Zhang Ying and Cao Gouyong.

  • 2015 Best 40 Under 40 Professors: Ying Zhang, Rotterdam School

    Ying Zhang is one of the professors in the 'Top 40 under 40 Professors'. This article is an interview with Ying Zhang and explains a little about her background.

  • MBA教育中心成功举办“创业型领导行为与认知”前沿讲座 / Success "Entrepreneurial Leadership Behavior and Cognition" forward talks MBA Education Center

    Ying Zhang gave a talk at our strategic partner university Beijing Jiaotong University on their MBA seminar, regarding the topic of “entrepreneurial leadership and cognition: the Chinese issue” on April 8. …

  • Happiness and Catching-up

    An article co-written by Zhang Ying regarding the extent to which China will be able to catch up to the West. In this new series of columns they analyze and recommend several dimensions of how China and Chinese firms can catch…

  • Experts: Europe a good bet despite crises

    Establishing a free trade agreement between China and the EU would lead to great benefits, but numerous challenges still exist according to experts. Ying Zhang also replies and says a potential free trade agreement would force…

  • Road to deal with EU has many hurdles

    Establishing a free trade agreement between China and the EU would lead to great benefits, but numerous challenges still exist according to experts. Ying Zhang also replies and says a potential free trade agreement would force…

  • French assets attract Chinese attention

    Establishing a free trade agreement between China and the EU would lead to great benefits, but numerous challenges still exist according to experts. Ying Zhang also replies and says a potential free trade agreement would force…

  • The offered $1.3 billion takeover of Club Mediterranee SA...

    Chinese companies are seeking opportunities to invest in France, due to the good assets at a lower price due to the crisis. Ying Zhang responds.

  • Chinese Buy French Companies as Club Med Caps Busiest M&A Year

    Chinese companies are seeking opportunities to invest in France, due to the good assets at a lower price due to the crisis. Ying Zhang responds.

  • Achieving China's Next Stage of 'Catch-up'

    An article co-written by Zhang Ying regarding the extent to which China will be able to catch up to the West. In this new series of columns they analyze and recommend several dimensions of how China and Chinese firms can catch…