Pursey Heugens is a professor of organisation theory, development, and change at the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). His research interests include comparative corporate governance, business ethics, and bureaucracy, institutional, and demographic theories of organisation. Professor Heugens has won numerous awards for his research and teaching. He currently serves on the editorial boards of six scholarly journals. His research has been published in academic journals including the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, Organization Studies, and the Journal of Management Studies. His most recent works argues that the field of organisation theory is locked into a state of permanent failure due to powerful centrifugal forces which prevent it from producing a unified theory of organisational effectiveness – while equally strong centripetal forces keep university administrators and policy makers from cashing in their chips. He offers three research strategies that might end the stalemate by increasing the integration, relevance and realism of current theories of organisation. He obtained his PhD from RSM in 2001.
Article (76)
Academic (70)
Liu, W., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. (2024). Cross-sector collaborations in global supply chains as an opportunity structure: How NGOs promote corporate sustainability in China. Journal of International Business Studies, 55(4), 429-449.
Wang, R., Heugens, P., & Wijen, F. (2024). Green by Affiliation? Ownership Identity and Environmental Management System Adoption in Chinese Business Groups. Journal of Management, 50(4), 1331-1360.
Hendriks, G., Slangen, A. H. L., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. (2024). Country portfolio diversity and firms’ portfolio adjustment decisions: A behavioral perspective. International Business Review, 33(4), Article 102280. Advance online publication.
Lander, M. W., Roulet, T. J., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. (2023). TEMPERING TEMPERANCE? A CONTINGENCY APPROACH TO SOCIAL MOVEMENTS’ ENTRY DETERRENCE IN SCOTTISH WHISKY DISTILLING, 1823–1921. Academy of Management Journal, 66(5), 1384-1410.
Hendriks, G., Slangen, A. H. L., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. (2023). How cross-cultural experience shapes emerging-market multinationals’ domestic performance after a cross-border acquisition. Long Range Planning, 56(4), Article 102342.
Mell, J. N., van Knippenberg, D., van Ginkel, W. P., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. (2022). From Boundary Spanning to Intergroup Knowledge Integration: The Role of Boundary Spanners’ Metaknowledge and Proactivity. Journal of Management Studies, 59(7), 1723-1755.
Liu, W., Heugens, P., Wijen, F., & van Essen, M. (2022). Chinese management studies: a matched-samples meta-analysis and focused review of indigenous theories. Journal of Management, 48(6), 1778-1828.
Berrone, P., Duran, P., Gómez-Mejía, L., Heugens, P., Kostova, T., & van Essen, M. (2020). Impact of informal institutions on the prevalence, strategy, and performance of family firms: a meta-analysis. Journal of International Business Studies.
Aguilera, R., Duran, P., Heugens, P., Sauerwald, S., Turturea, R., & VanEssen, M. (2020). State ownership, political ideology, and firm performance around the world. Journal of World Business, 56(1), Article 101113.
Heugens, P., Engelen, P. J., Turturea, R., van Essen, M., & Bailey, N. (2020). The impact of stakeholders' temporal orientation on short- and long-term IPO outcomes: A meta-analysis. Long Range Planning, 53(2), Article 101853.
Smolka, K., & Heugens, P. (2020). The emergence of proto-institutions in the new normal business landscape: Dialectic institutional work and the Dutch drone industry. Journal of Management Studies, 57(3), 626-663.
Vishwanathan, P., Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., Duran Solis, PA., & Essen, M. (2019). Strategic CSR: a concept building meta-analysis. Journal of Management Studies, 57(2), 314-350.
Heugens, P., Sauerwald, S., Turturea, R., & van Essen, M. (2019). Does State Ownership Hurt of Help Minority Shareholders? International Evidence from Control Block Acquisitions. Global Strategy Journal, Accepted.
Duran, P., Heugens, P., van Essen, M., Kostova, T., & Peng, M. (2019). The impact of institutions on the competitive advantage of publicly-listed family firms in emerging markets. Global Strategy Journal, 9(2), 243-274.
Bergh, D., Ketchen, D., Orlandi, I., Heugens, P., & Boyd, B. (2019). Information asymmetry in management research: past accomplishments and future opportunities. Journal of Management, 45(1), 122-158.
Kroezen, JJ., & Heugens, P. (2019). What is dead may never die: Institutional regeneration through logic reemergence in Dutch beer brewing. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(4), 976-1019.
Tihanyi, L., Aguilera, R., Heugens, P., van Essen, M., Duran, P., Sauerwald, S., & Turturea, R. (2019). State Ownership and Political Connections. Journal of Management, 45(6), 2293-2321.
Essen, M., Heugens, P., Duran, P., Saleh, SF., Sauerwald, S., Oosterhout, H., & Xie, E. (2019). How concentrated owners improve the performance of Asian firms: Filling voids or imposing effective governance? The Multinational Business Review, 28(1), 39-63.
Lander, M., Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., & Pruijssers, J. (2018). Career stage dependent effects of law firm governance: A multilevel study of professional-client misconduct. Human Relations, 72(9), 1497-1529.
Sauerwald, S., Heugens, P., Turturea, R., & van Essen, M. (2018). Are all private benefits of control ineffective? Principal-principal benefits, external governance quality, and firm performance. Journal of Management Studies, 56(4), 725-757.
Cuypers, IRP., Ertug, G., Heugens, P., Kogut, B., & Zhou, T. (2018). The making of a construct: Lessons from 30 years of the Kogut and Singh cultural distance index. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(9), 1138-1153.
Pruijssers, J., Heugens, P., & Oosterhout, H. (2018). Winning at a losing game? Side-effects of perceived tournament promotion incentives in audit firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 162, 149-167.
Maas, R., Heugens, P., & Reus, T. (2018). Viceroys or emperors? An institution-based perspective on merger and acquisition prevalence and shareholder value. Journal of Management Studies, 56(1), 234-269.
Simsek, Z., Bansal, P., Shaw, JD., Heugens, P., & Smith, W. (2018). From the editors: Seeing practice impact in new ways. Academy of Management Journal, 61(6), 2021-2025.
Hendriks, G., Slangen, A., & Heugens, P. (2017). How a firm's domestic footprint and domestic environmental uncertainty jointly shape added cultural distances: The roles of resource dependence and headquarters attention. Journal of Management Studies, 55(6), 883-909.
Wang, R., Wijen, F., & Heugens, P. (2017). Government's green grip: Multifaceted state influence on corporate environmental actions in China. Strategic Management Journal, 39(2), 403-428.
Wiaya, HR., & Heugens, P. (2017). Give me a hallelujah! Amen! Institutional reproduction in the presence of moral perturbation and the dynamics of emotional investment. Organization Studies, 39(4), 491-514.
Lander, M., Heugens, P., & van Oosterhout, H. (2017). Towards an integrated framework of professional partnership performance: The role of formal governance and strategic planning. Human Relations, 70(4), 1-27.
Lander, M., & Heugens, P. (2017). Better together: Using meta-analysis to explore complementarities between ecological and institutional theories of organization. Organization Studies, 38(11), 1573-1601.
Lander, M., Heugens, P., & van Oosterhout, H. (2017). Drift or alignment? A configurational analysis of law firms’ ability to combine profitability with professionalism. Journal of Professions and Organization, 4(2), 123-148.
Smolka, K., Verheul, I., Burmeister-Lamp, K., & Heugens, P. (2016). Get it together! Synergistic effects of causal and effectual decision-making logics on venture performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42(4), 571-604.
Mahon, JF., Heugens, P., & McGowan, RA. (2016). Blending issues and stakeholders: In pursuit of the elusive synergy. Journal of Public Affairs, 18(3), e1635.
Carney, M., van Essen, M., Gedajlovic, ER., & Heugens, P. (2015). What do we know about private family firms? A meta-analytic review. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39(3), 513-544.
van Essen, M., Carney, M., Gedajlovic, ER., & Heugens, P. (2014). How does family control influence firm strategy and performance? A meta-analysis of U.S. publicly-listed firms. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 23(1), 3-24.
van Essen, M., van Oosterhout, H., & Heugens, P. (2013). Competition and cooperation in corporate governance: The effects of labor institutions on blockholder effectivess in 23 European countries. Organization Science, 24(2), 530-551.
Drees, JM., & Heugens, P. (2013). Synthesizing and extending resource dependence theory: A meta-analysis. Journal of Management, 39(6), 1666-1698.
van Essen, M., Heugens, P., van Oosterhout, H., & Otten, J. (2012). An institution-based view of executive compensation: A multilevel meta-analytic test. Journal of International Business Studies, 43(4), 396-423.
Carney, M., Gedajlovic, ER., Heugens, P., van Essen, M., & van Oosterhout, H. (2011). Business group affiliation, performance, context, and strategy: A meta-analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 54(3), 437-460.
Heugens, P., & Scherer, AG. (2010). When organization theory met business ethics: Toward further symbioses. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20(4), 643-672.
Heugens, P., & Lander, M. (2009). Structure! Agency! (And Other Quarrels): Meta-Analyzing Institutional Theories of Organization. Academy of Management Journal, 52(1), 61-85.
Heugens, P., van Essen, M., & van Oosterhout, H. (2009). Meta-analyzing ownership concentration and firm performance in Asia: Towards a more fine-grained understanding. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 26(3), 481-512.
Deephouse, DL., & Heugens, P. (2009). Linking social issues to organizational impact: The role of infomediaries and the infomediary process. Journal of Business Ethics, 86(4), 541-553.
van Oosterhout, H., & Heugens, P. (2009). Extant social contracts in global business regulation: Outline of a research agenda. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(4), 729-740.
Lamertz, K., & Heugens, P. (2009). Institutional translation through spectatorship: Collective consumption and editing of symbolic organizational texts by firms and their audiences. Organization Studies, 30(11), 1249-1279.
Heugens, P., Kaptein, M., & van Oosterhout, H. (2008). Contracts to communities: A processual model of organizational virtue. Journal of Management Studies, 45(1), 100-121.
Heugens, P., & Zyglidopoulos, SC. (2008). From social ties to embedded competencies: The case of business groups. The Journal of Management and Governance, 12(4), 325-341.
van Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., & Kaptein, M. (2007). Contractualism vindicated; A response to Boatright. Academy of Management Review, 32(1), 295-297.
Heugens, P., & Otten, J. (2007). Beyond the dichotomous worlds hypothesis: Towards a plurality of corporate governance logics. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15(6), 1288-1300.
Heugens, P., & Dentchev, N. (2007). Taming Trojan Horses: Identifying and Mitigating Corporate Social Responsibility Risks. Journal of Business Ethics, 75(2), 151-170.
Heugens, P., Kaptein, M., & van Oosterhout, H. (2006). The ethics of the node versus the ethics of the dyad? Reconciling virtue ethics and contractualism. Organization Studies, 27(3), 391-411.
van Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., & Kaptein, M. (2006). The internal morality of contracting: Advancing the contractualist endeavor in business ethics. Academy of Management Review, 31(3), 521-539.
Heugens, P. (2006). Environmental issues management: Towards a multi-level theory of environmental management competence. Business Strategy and the Environment, 15(6), 363-376.
Heugens, P., van Oosterhout, H., & Kaptein, M. (2006). Foundations and applications for contractualist business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 68(3), 211-228.
Lamertz, K., Heugens, P., & Calmet, L. (2005). The configuration of organizational images among firms in the Canadian beer brewing industry. Journal of Management Studies, 42(4), 817-843.
Heugens, P. (2005). A neo-Weberian theory of the firm. Organization Studies, 26(4), 547-567.
Heugens, P., & Mol, MJ. (2005). So you call that research? Mending methodological biases in strategy and organization departments of top business schools. Strategic Organization, 3(1), 117-128.
Heugens, P., Kaptein, M., & van Oosterhout, H. (2004). Ties that grind? Corroborating a typology of social contracting problems. Journal of Business Ethics, 49(3), 235-252.
Heugens, P., van Riel, C., & van den Bosch, F. (2004). Reputation Management Capabilities as Decision Rules. Journal of Management Studies, 41(8), 1349-1377.
Mahon, JF., Heugens, P., & Lamertz, K. (2004). Social networks and nonmarket strategy. Journal of Public Affairs, 4(2), 170-189.
Heugens, P., & Braat, E. (2004). The public affairs of corporate restructuring. Journal of Public Affairs, 4(1), 6-9.
Heugens, P., & Schenk, H. (2004). Rethinking corporate restructuring. Journal of Public Affairs, 4(1), 87-101.
Heugens, P., Lamertz, K., & Calmet, L. (2003). Strategic groups and corporate citizenship: Evidence from the Canadian brewing industry. Journal of Corporate Citizenship. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 3(12), 75-92.
Heugens, P. (2003). Capability building through adversarial relationships: A replication and extension of Clarke and Roome (1999). Business Strategy and the Environment, 12(5), 300-312.
Heugens, P., Martens, M., & Lamertz, K. (2003). Issue evolution: A symbolic interactionist perspective. Corporate Reputation Review, 6(1), 82-93.
Wartick, SL., & Heugens, P. (2003). Future directions for issues management. Corporate Reputation Review, 6(1), 7-18.
Heugens, P., van Riel, C., & van den Bosch, F. (2002). Stakeholder Integration: Building Mutually Enforcing Relationships. Business and Society, 41(1), 37-61.
Heugens, P., & van Oosterhout, H. (2002). The Confines of Stakeholder Management: Evidence from the Dutch Manufacturing Sector. Journal of Business Ethics, 40(4), 387-404.
Heugens, P. (2002). Strategic issues management: Implications for corporate performance. Business and Society, 41(4), 456-468.
Heugens, P. (2002). Managing public affairs through storytelling. Journal of Public Affairs, 2(2), 57-70.
Heugens, P., & van Oosterhout, H. (2001). To boldly go where no man has gone before: integrating cognitive and physical features in scenario studies. Futures, 33(10), 861-872.
Popular (1)
Heugens, P., Kaptein, M., & den Nieuwenboer, NA. (2007). Liever high-trust toezicht. Het Financiële Dagblad.
Professional (5)
Heugens, P. (2017). Why can't China clean up its act? RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 30(2), 17-19.
van Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., & van Essen, M. (2013). The effect of blockholders in corporate governance. RSM Insight, 13(1), 18-19.
Heugens, P. (2009). Een mooie toekomst voor een chronisch tekortschietend vakgebied. Holland Management Review, 125, 2-8.
Heugens, P., van den Bosch, F., & van Riel, C. (2001). Stakeholder integratie: werken aan wederzijds versterkende relaties. M en O, 55(4), 5-26.
Heugens, P. (1998). Naar een nieuwe definitie van crisismanagement: plaatsbepaling. Tijdschrift voor Strategische Bedrijfscommunicatie, 4(2), 16-17.
Book (1)
Academic (1)
Heugens, P., van Oosterhout, H., & Vromen, J. (2004). The Social Institutions of Capitalism: Evolution and Design of Social Contracts. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Book editing (1)
Academic (1)
Heugens, P. (2001). Strategic issues management: Implications for corporate performance. ERIM. ERIM Ph.D series research in management
Chapter (23)
Academic (23)
Kroezen, J. J., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. (2012). Organizational Identity Formation: Processes of Identity Imprinting and Enactment in the Dutch Microbrewing Landscape1. In Constructing Identity in and around Organizations Ithaca/Oxford University Press.
Kroezen, JJ., & Heugens, P. (2012). Organizational Identity Formation: Processes of Identity Imprinting and Enactment in the Dutch Microbrewing Landscape. In M. Schultz, S. Maguire, A. Langley, & H. Tsoukas (Eds.), Perspectives on Process Organization Studies Volume 2 (pp. 89-127). Oxford University Press.
Heugens, P. (2011). Social institutions of capitalism. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), Blackwell Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology (pp. 48-49). Blackwell Publishing.
Heugens, P. (2010). Social institutions of capitalism. In G. Ritzer, & J. M. Ryan (Eds.), Concise Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Blackwell Publishing.
Osadchiy, S., Bogenrieder, I., & Heugens, P. (2010). Organizational learning through problem absorption: A processual view. In T. Hernes, & S. Maitlis (Eds.), Perspectives on Process Organization Studies Oxford University Press.
Heugens, P., & van Oosterhout, H. (2008). Much ado about nothing: A conceptual critique of corporate social responsibility. In D. S. Siegel, D. Matten, A. McWilliams, & A. Crane (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 197-223). Oxford University Press.
Heugens, P. (2007). Social institutions of capitalism. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), The Blackwell encyclopedia of Sociology (pp. 395-398). Blackwell Publishing.
Heugens, P. (2007). Organizations and the theory of the firm. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), The Blackwell encyclopedia of Sociology (pp. 3326-3331). Blackwell Publishing.
Heugens, P. (2005). Issues management: Core understandings and scholarly development. In P. Harris, & C. Fleisher (Eds.), The Handbook of Public Affairs (pp. 481-500). Sage.
Heugens, P., van Oosterhout, H., & Vromen, J. (2004). Social Contract Theories: E Pluribus Unum? In P. P. M. A. R. Heugens, & J. Van Oosterhout (Eds.), The Social Institutions of capitalism: Evolution and Design of Social Contracts (pp. 1-19). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Heugens, P., Kaptein, M., van Oosterhout, H., & Wempe, JFDB. (2002). Ethical Criteria for Corporations. In S. P. Kaptein, & J. Wempe (Eds.), The Balanced Company: a Theory of Corporate Integrity (pp. 227-262). Oxford University Press.
Wassenberg, AFP., & Heugens, P. (2000). Intercorporate Governance: The Institutinal Design of Control between Organization. In . - (Ed.), Paper prepared for SMS-conference (pp. ---). SMS.
van Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., & Kaptein, M. (2000). Normative documents, the contract model, and stakeholder management. In K. A. Getz, & D. Windsor (Eds.), Proceedings Eleventh Annual Conference Essex Junction, March 16-19, 2000 of the International Association for Business and Society (pp. 276-281). International Association for Business /Society.
Heugens, P., van den Bosch, F., & van Riel, C. (2000). 'Capability building through noncooperative stakeholder relationships: A Case Study'. In K. A. Getz, & D. Windsor (Eds.), Proceedings of the IABS 11th Annual Conference (pp. 228-232)
Heugens, P., van den Bosch, F., & van Riel, C. (2000). 'Capability building when issues break'. In . - (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th LAIOOB Conference (pp. 11-22)
Heugens, P., van den Bosch, F., & van Riel, C. (2000). "Capability building through noncooperative stakeholder relationships: A Case Study". In K. A. Getz, & D. Windsor (Eds.), Proceedings of the IABS 11th Annual Conference IABS.
Heugens, P., van den Bosch, F., & van Riel, C. (2000). "Capability building when issues break". In Proceedings of the 6th LAIOOB Conference LAIOOB.
Heugens, P., van den Bosch, F., & van Riel, C. (1999). Building mutually enforcing relationships: Managing diverging interests through stakeholder integration. In D. J. Wood, & D. Windsor (Eds.), Conference-paper pepared for: 10th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society, Paris (pp. 429-434). International Association for Business and Society.
Heugens, P., van den Bosch, F., & van Riel, C. (1999). Second-Order Issues Management: Managing External Dependencies in the Dutch Fats and Oils Industry. In . - - (Ed.), Conference-paper prepared for: 10th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business an Society, Paris (pp. 1-10). International Association for Business and Society.
van Och, AMW., van den Bosch, F., Heugens, P., & van Riel, C. (1999). The Introduction of Genetically Modified Soya as a European Strategic Issue: a multi-country analysis from the perspective of a European Mulitnational Enterprise. In . - - (Ed.), Conference-paper pepared for: 10th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society, Paris (pp. 234-239). International Association for Business and Society.
Heugens, P. (1998). Reputations and rents: the value of corporate reputations from a resource-based perspective. In . redacteur? (Ed.), 2nd International Conference on Reputations, Identity, and Competitiveness (niet naspeurbaar) (pp. pag?-pag?). uitgever?.
Heugens, P. (1998). The embedded competence: conversations between organizations and network partners. In . redacteur? (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1998 CEMS Graduate Conference (niet naspeurbaar!) (pp. pag?-pag?). uitgever?.
Heugens, P., & de Wit, B. (1998). When fortune shrivels: an analysis of bad managerial decision-making under increasing returns. In . redacteur? (Ed.), 14th EGOS colloquium (niet naspeurbaar!) (pp. pag?-pag?). uitgever?.
Comment/Letter to the editor (1)
Academic (1)
Pruijssers, J. L., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., & van Oosterhout, J. (2020). Correction to: Winning at a Losing Game? Side-Effects of Perceived Tournament Promotion Incentives in Audit Firms (Journal of Business Ethics, (2020), 162, 1, (149-167), 10.1007/s10551-018-3991-2). Journal of Business Ethics, 162(1), 169.
Conference article (1)
Academic (1)
Liu, W., Heugens, P., Wijen, F., & Essen, M. (2021). Assessing and extending the unique contributions of Chinese management studies. Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2021(1), Article Best Papers.
Conference contribution (2)
Academic (2)
Dolgova, E., Heugens, P., Wolf, M., & Pandza, K. (2016). Hopes and Fears: Institutional logics and sentiment around MOOCs.. Annual Meeting of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA / Sunbelt Conference), Newport Beach, CA.
Dolgova, E., Heugens, P., Wolf, M., & Pandza, K. (2016). Hopes and Fears: Institutional logics and sentiment around MOOCs.. OMT Paper Development Workshop, Edinburgh, UK.
Conference proceeding (2)
Academic (2)
Liu, W., Heugens, P., & Wijen, F. (2020). State political ideology as a corporate control mechanism: Evidence from China. In Academy of Management Conference proceedings
Otten, J., & Heugens, P. (2008). The managerial power theory of executive pay: A cross-national test and extension. In Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
Heugens, P. (2001). Strategic Issues Management: Implications for Corporate Performance. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Inaugural speech (1)
Popular (1)
Heugens, P. (2008). Organization Theory: Bright Prospects for a Permanently Failing Field. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM).
Paper (3)
Academic (3)
Kroezen, JJ., Sasaki, I., & Heugens, P. (2021). Craft in Modern Society. Paper presented at 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Berrone, P., Duran, P., Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Heugens, P. P., & Van Essen, M. (2016). The family-legitimizing environment and the prevalence, strategy, and performance of family firms. 314-319. Paper presented at 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2016, Anaheim, United States.
Liket, K., & Heugens, P. (2013). Approaches to social responsibility.
Report (2)
Academic (1)
Heugens, P., van den Bosch, F., & van Riel, C. (1998). Managing external dependencies through second-order issues management: how companies in the Dutch fat and oils sector manage discontinuous events.
Professional (1)
van den Bosch, F., Heugens, P., & van Riel, C. (1998). De introductie van GMO-soja in Nederland. Beschrijving en analyse van de communicatie en de strategie van het margarine-, vetten- en oliën-cluster in de periode 1992-1998. Corporate Communication Centre.
Additional positions (2)
RSM B.V.Start date approval: 24 Nov 2022End date approval: 23 Nov 2025Place: ROTTERDAMDescription: GEMBA cursus "Strategy in a global environment"
Copenhagen Business SchoolStart date approval: 01 Jan 2025End date approval: 31 Aug 2025Place: KOPENHAGENDescription: Visiting professorship: Otto Mønsted Professor
Organisation Theory
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2021/2022, 2019/2020
- Code: BERMASC046
- Level: PhD
Qualitative Methods
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BERMMC003
- Level: PhD
Competitive Strategy
- Study year: 2024/2025
- Code: BMSM10
- Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master
Philosophy of Science
- Study year: 2024/2025
- Code: BPE1102
Philosophy of Science
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024
- Code: BT1207
Past courses
Strategic Management
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: BK2214
- Level: Bachelor 2
Strategisch management
- Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Code: BK2114
- Level: Bachelor 2
Strategic management
- Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018
- Code: BKB1025
- Level: Bachelor 2, Pre-master
Advanced Topics in Organization Theory
- Study year: 2017/2018, 2015/2016
- Code: BERMASC012
- ECTS: 5 Level: Master
Philosophy of Science
- Study year: 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BKB1016
- ECTS: 3
Philosophy of Science
- Study year: 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BAB26
- ECTS: 3
Philosophy of Science
- Study year: 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BAB28
- ECTS: 3 Level: Bachelor 2, Bachelor 2, Pre-master
Philosophy of science
- Study year: 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BKB2016
- ECTS: 3 Level: Bachelor 2, Pre-master
Organisational Theory & Dynamics
- Study year: 2015/2016
- Code: BAB21
- ECTS: 6 Level: Bachelor 2, Bachelor 2, Pre-master
Organisational theory and dynamics
- Study year: 2015/2016
- Code: BKB1014
- ECTS: 6 Level: Bachelor 2, Pre-master
- Study year: 2015/2016
- Code: UC-ACC104
- ECTS: 5 Level: Year 1
- Study year: 2015/2016
- Code: UC-ECB202
- ECTS: 5 Level: Level 200
Publishing Strategy
- Study year: 2015/2016
- Code: BERMSKL010
- ECTS: 1 Level: Master
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Friday, 9 February 2024 -
Cross-sector collaborations in global supply chains as an opportunity structure: How NGOs promote corporate sustainability in China
RSM Prof. Pursey Heugens and Wenjie Liu's paper that presents new theory and evidence on how cross-border, cross-sector collaborations affect the global diffusion of sustainable practices.
Thursday, 7 September 2023 -
Green by Affiliation? Ownership Identity and Environmental Management System Adoption in Chinese Business Groups
How owner identity affects environmental management system (EMS) adoption by business group affiliates. Research based on data from listed Chinese business group affiliates between 2008 and 2019 show that state and family…
Tuesday, 3 January 2023 -
Familiebedrijven koersvaster in crisis
Family businesses are strategically more stable during a crisis than non-family businesses. Although almost all organizations make cutbacks in crisis situations, family businesses mainly invest in the internal company interest.…
Tuesday, 22 June 2021 -
Het recept van familiebedrijven om een crisis te overleven
It is a myth that family businesses are less affected in times of crisis than other businesses. However, they protect their crown jewels better and are less likely to fire experienced employees.t is a myth that family businesses…
Tuesday, 22 June 2021 -
Familiebedrijven herstellen makkelijker na een crisis
In times of crisis, family businesses are hit just as hard as non-family businesses, but they recover faster because they dare to invest. This is shown by research by Erasmus University, BDO and Rabobank. In Rotterdam, Professor…
Tuesday, 22 June 2021 -
JUB Holland wint Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs 2017
The 31st edition of the Horticultural Entrepreneurs Award was won by JUB Holland from Noordwijkerhout. This top entrepreneur can call himself an ambassador of the horticultural sector for a year. The theme of the award ceremony…
Friday, 5 February 2021 -
5 conclusies uit het familiebedrijvenonderzoek van ECFB
The Erasmus Center for Family Business (ECFB) has conducted research into the way in which family businesses aged 100 and older keep themselves vital. The research is based on two studies conducted under the direction of…
Wednesday, 30 September 2020 -
Etaleren familienaam goud waard voor familiebedrijven
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Thursday, 24 September 2020 -
De merknaam is goud waard voor oude familiebedrijven als Dior, Mars of Heineken
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Wednesday, 23 September 2020 -
Familie zowel kracht als zwakte bij voortbestaan familiebedrijven
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Wednesday, 23 September 2020 -
Etaleren familienaam blijkt goud waard voor familiebedrijven
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Wednesday, 23 September 2020 -
Etaleren familienaam goud waard voor familiebedrijven
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. Professor Pursey Heugens explains how…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 -
Familie zowel kracht als zwakte bij voortbestaan familiebedrijven
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 -
Etaleren familienaam goud waard voor familiebedrijven
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 -
'Vitaal familiebedrijf laat zich niet gek maken'
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 -
Etaleren familienaam goud waard voor familiebedrijven
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 -
Familie kracht en zwakte van familiebedrijven
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 -
Het uitdragen van de familienaam blijkt goud waard voor (oudere) familiebedrijven
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 -
Met elke generatie verliest het familiebedrijf meer concurrentiekracht
Article about the power of a family name as company name. It states that family business with a long history and a family name as business name, have a higher stock market value on average. This is evident from research by…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 -
Nieuwe leerstoel voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar familiebedrijven
To contribute to the knowledge and development for family businesses in the Netherlands, a partnership was concluded in 2016 between BDO and Rabobank with the Erasmus Center for Family Business (ECFB). From 2020, this…
Friday, 14 February 2020 -
Amazon, Google, kan een bedrijf te groot zijn om te managen?
Pursey Heugens of RSM has been mentioned in an article that discusses the fact that increasingly larger companies are emerging and some have more than one million employees. Can giants such as Amazon or Alphabet (Google) also be…
Friday, 10 January 2020 -
How Business Research Contributes to the Issues Behind World Science Day for Peace and Development
Een familiebedrijf, wel of geen goede werkgever?
An article about research done by RSM into family businesses.
Thursday, 23 May 2019 -
Familiebedrijven schenken minder aandacht aan duurzaamheid in keten door minder druk stakeholders
A new report from 'Winnen werkgeverschap', to which Pursey Heugens of RSM made a contribution to. Family businesses invest on average less in their employees than comparable non-family businesses. For example, 85% of family…
Wednesday, 8 May 2019 -
Creating a strong Business School research culture
Pursey Heugens of RSM has written an article regarding creating a strong business school research culture. A strong research culture fosters innovation, rewards creativity and promotes a School’s image, but requires time,…
Friday, 5 April 2019 -
De strategiemakers aan het woord: ‘Iedereen kon z’n ei kwijt’
Pursey Heugens of RSM was the chairman of the lab 'Excellent scientific research anchored in society'. In the article, he discusses his experience as a chairman of one of the seven Strategy Design Labs, each focusing on a…
Friday, 25 January 2019 -
An article about Pursey Heugens of RSM in Fambizz. In the article, Heugen discusses topics like the influence of different generations on successful continuation of a family business, the conservative image of family businesses…
Thursday, 6 September 2018 -
Waar kan ik heen? Europese landen met het beste vestigingsklimaat voor familiebedrijven
A study conducted by Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), regarding family businesses has…
Saturday, 31 March 2018 -
Niet-familielid helpt familiebedrijf in het buitenland vooruit
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Tuesday, 27 March 2018 -
Externe invloed helpt familiebedrijf over de grens
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Friday, 23 February 2018 -
'Nederland trekt straks minder familiebedrijven'
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented in an article in Trouw that The…
Wednesday, 21 February 2018 -
Externe invloed helpt familiebedrijf over de grens
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Wednesday, 21 February 2018 -
"Externe invloed beter voor buitenlandse prestaties van familiebedrijf"
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Wednesday, 21 February 2018 -
Buitenland lonend voor mkb
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Tuesday, 20 February 2018 -
Familiebedrijven hebben een zetje nodig
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Tuesday, 20 February 2018 -
BDO/Rabo: 'Buitenland lonend voor familiebedrijf'
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Tuesday, 20 February 2018 -
'Buitenland lonend voor familiebedrijf'
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Tuesday, 20 February 2018 -
"Uitstap buitenland lonend voor familiebedrijf"
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Tuesday, 20 February 2018 -
'Niet-familielid helpt familiebedrijf in het buitenland vooruit'
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Tuesday, 20 February 2018 -
Onderzoek ECFB, BDO en Rabobank: externe invloed helpt familiebedrijf over de grens
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Tuesday, 20 February 2018 -
Familiebedrijven met externe bestuurder internationaal actiever
Pursey Heugens, Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change, Scientific Director ERIM, Dean of Research RSM and head of Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB), has commented on the new study by ECFB. This study…
Tuesday, 20 February 2018 -
Nieuwe wetenschappelijke directeur ERIM
Professor Pursey Heugens succeeds Professor Marno Verbeek as Scientific Director of the Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), the joint research institute of Rotterdam School of Management and Erasmus School of…
Tuesday, 27 June 2017 -
‘Je kunt als familiebedrijf sociaal wat conservatiever zijn en technologisch heel innoverend’
Family businesses are not innovative? That is a misconception. Whether for stairlifts or other products, often family run in the lead in R&D. Pursey Heugens says "The idea that family would not be innovate because they have values…
Wednesday, 5 April 2017 -
Familie Eureka
During a press conference in Amsterdam, BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change is the…
Friday, 31 March 2017 -
Familiebedrijven fusies & overnames
During a press conference in Amsterdam, BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change is the…
Friday, 31 March 2017 -
Familiebedrijven met sterke familiewaarden blinken meer uit
During a press conference in Amsterdam, BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change is the…
Monday, 20 March 2017 -
During a press conference in Amsterdam, BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change is the…
Wednesday, 1 March 2017 -
Familiebedrijf werkt net een stapje harder
During a press conference in Amsterdam, BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change is the…
Wednesday, 22 February 2017 -
Doorgeven familiewaarden cruciaal voor concurrentiekracht
During a press conference in Amsterdam, BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change is the…
Monday, 20 February 2017 -
Familiebedrijven scoren beter op financiële waarde en rentabiliteit
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Friday, 17 February 2017 -
‘Familiebedrijven presteren beter, maar zijn kwetsbaar bij generatiewisselingen’
During a press conference in Amsterdam, BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change is the…
Friday, 17 February 2017 -
Waarde familiebedrijven gemiddeld 7 procent hoger
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Friday, 17 February 2017 -
Doorgeven familiewaarden cruciaal voor concurrentiekracht
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Friday, 17 February 2017 -
Waarde familiebedrijven gemiddeld 7 procent hoger
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Friday, 17 February 2017 -
Familiebedrijven doen het beter dan ‘gewone’ ondernemingen
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Thursday, 16 February 2017 -
Doorgeven familiewaarden cruciaal voor concurrentiekracht
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Thursday, 16 February 2017 -
Familiewaarden van onschatbare waarde voor concurrentiekracht
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Thursday, 16 February 2017 -
Onderzoek: doorgeven familiewaarden cruciaal voor concurrentiekracht
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Thursday, 16 February 2017 -
Bedrijven met sterke familiewaarden presteren beter
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Thursday, 16 February 2017 -
BDO: Doorgeven familiewaarden cruciaal voor concurrentiekracht
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Thursday, 16 February 2017 -
Doorgeven familiewaarden cruciaal
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Thursday, 16 February 2017 -
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Wednesday, 15 February 2017 -
‘Familiewaarden cruciaal voor concurrentiekracht’
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Wednesday, 15 February 2017 -
‘Familiebedrijven met sterke waarden presteren beter’
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Wednesday, 15 February 2017 -
'Doorgeven familiewaarden cruciaal voor concurrentiekracht familiebedrijf'
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Wednesday, 15 February 2017 -
‘Bedrijven met sterke familiewaarden presteren beter’
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Wednesday, 15 February 2017 -
During a press conference in Amsterdam, BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change is the…
Wednesday, 15 February 2017 -
BDO, Rabo en ECFB presenteren resultaten familiebedrijvenonderzoek
During a press conference in Amsterdam, presenting BDO, Rabobank and the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB) presented the first results of their family research which started in 2016. Change strategy after generation change…
Tuesday, 14 February 2017 -
JUB Holland wins 2017 Entrepreneur's Prize
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is won by JUB Holland. Professor Pursey Heugens from RSM Erasmus University has been announced as keynote speaker and will explore the theme of…
Monday, 16 January 2017 -
Flower bulb specialist JUB Holland wins Horticultural Entrepreneur's Prize 2017
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is won by JUB Holland. Professor Pursey Heugens from RSM Erasmus University has been announced as keynote speaker and will explore the theme of…
Friday, 13 January 2017 -
Nieuwe tool legt diversificatie portefeuiles bloot
Portfolio managers and investors use various financial and non-financial indicators to describe equity portfolios and compare. A new set of indicators developed by Ghassan Chammas, now provides additional insight into the degree…
Friday, 13 January 2017 -
Wie maalt om sneuvelend familiebedrijf?
Business succession in horticulture requires urgent attention according to Rabobank and Flynth. Two-thirds of the second-generation family go bankrupt. Only 10% survive the third generation, and only a few procent can speak of…
Thursday, 12 January 2017 -
JUB Holland wint Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is won by JUB Holland. Professor Pursey Heugens from RSM Erasmus University has been announced as keynote speaker and will explore the theme of…
Thursday, 12 January 2017 -
JUB Holland wint Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs 2017
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is won by JUB Holland. Professor Pursey Heugens from RSM Erasmus University has been announced as keynote speaker and will explore the theme of…
Thursday, 12 January 2017 -
Bloembollenspecialist JUB Holland wint Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs 2017
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is won by JUB Holland. Professor Pursey Heugens from RSM Erasmus University has been announced as keynote speaker and will explore the theme of…
Thursday, 12 January 2017 -
Overdracht familiebedrijf risicovol
Prof Dr. Pursey Heugens RSM University, one of the speakers during the presentation of the Horticulture Business Award in Lisse yesterday, indicates that the transfer of a family business is a tough one. He talked about the…
Thursday, 12 January 2017 -
NL: Registration open for Horticultural Entrepreneur's Prize ceremony
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is designed to recognize progressive growers who embrace technology and modern, sustainable production practices, market innovatively, deliver…
Wednesday, 11 January 2017 -
Familiebedrijven, de kunst van succesvol overdragen
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is designed to recognize progressive growers who embrace technology and modern, sustainable production practices, market innovatively, deliver…
Wednesday, 11 January 2017 -
JUB Holland wins highest accolade in Dutch horticulture
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is won by JUB Holland. Professor Pursey Heugens from RSM Erasmus University has been announced as keynote speaker and will explore the theme of…
Wednesday, 11 January 2017 -
Overdracht familiebedrijf risicovol
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is designed to recognize progressive growers who embrace technology and modern, sustainable production practices, market innovatively, deliver…
Tuesday, 10 January 2017 -
Gartenbau-Unternehmerpreis: "Familienbetriebe und die Kunst der erfolgreichen Nachfolge"
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is designed to recognize progressive growers who embrace technology and modern, sustainable production practices, market innovatively, deliver…
Monday, 9 January 2017 -
Familiebedrijf centraal bij Tuinbouwprijs
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is designed to recognize progressive growers who embrace technology and modern, sustainable production practices, market innovatively, deliver…
Friday, 30 December 2016 -
Family-run companies and the art of successful succession
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is designed to recognize progressive growers who embrace technology and modern, sustainable production practices, market innovatively, deliver…
Friday, 23 December 2016 -
'Familiebedrijven en de kunst van het succesvol overdragen ervan' als centrale thema bij Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is designed to recognize progressive growers who embrace technology and modern, sustainable production practices, market innovatively, deliver…
Wednesday, 21 December 2016 -
Wie wint de Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs 2017
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is designed to recognize progressive growers who embrace technology and modern, sustainable production practices, market innovatively, deliver…
Monday, 19 December 2016 -
Horticultural Entrepreneur Award: young entrepreneurs share how they over took family business
Now in its 31st year the annual Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Award is designed to recognize progressive growers who embrace technology and modern, sustainable production practices, market innovatively, deliver…
Thursday, 1 December 2016 -
Pittige conclusies jonge opvolgers bij uitreiking ondernemersprijs
On January 11 will be awarded the Horticulture Business Award in Keukenhof for the 31st time the entrepreneur who performs best on innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship. The theme of the meeting is "Family businesses,…
Thursday, 24 November 2016 -
Wie wint de Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs 2017?
On January 11 will be awarded the Horticulture Business Award in Keukenhof for the 31st time the entrepreneur who performs best on innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship. The theme of the meeting is "Family businesses,…
Wednesday, 23 November 2016 -
Thema prijsuitreiking Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs is familiebedrijven
On January 11 will be awarded the Horticulture Business Award in Keukenhof for the 31st time the entrepreneur who performs best on innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship. The theme of the meeting is "Family businesses,…
Wednesday, 23 November 2016 -
Ferry Muller (CFO Vebego International) wint Familiebedrijven Award 2016
During FM Day 2016 Ferry Muller (CFO Vebego International) was declared the winner of the CFO of Family Businesses Award. Pursey Heugens was mentioned as being one of the judges of the Award.
Friday, 7 October 2016 -
Wie wordt CFO van het jaar bij het familiebedrijf 2016?
On October 6th during the FM Day the CFO of the Family Business Award will be awarded. One of the judges will be Pursey Heugens.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016 -
De wet: Succesvolle bedrijfsoverdracht
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. Here, 6 tips are provided to prevent this. This was discovered in the Nieuw bloed, nieuwe koers…
Tuesday, 3 May 2016 -
Twee derde familiebedrijven over de kop na overdracht
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. This was discovered in the Nieuw bloed, nieuwe koers (New blood, new course) study carried out…
Tuesday, 3 May 2016 -
Familiebedrijf ten onder aan overdracht
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. This was discovered in the Nieuw bloed, nieuwe koers (New blood, new course) study carried out…
Monday, 2 May 2016 -
Onderzoek 70%
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Sunday, 1 May 2016 -
Wat is er mis met het familiebedrijf?
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 21 April 2016 -
Overdracht nekslag voor familiebedrijf
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Monday, 18 April 2016 -
Two-thirds of family businesses do not survive a transfer.
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Saturday, 16 April 2016 -
Doodsbang om het fout te doen
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Wednesday, 13 April 2016 -
Slechts 30% van familiebedrijven overleeft eerste overdracht
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Monday, 11 April 2016 -
Kleinkind maakt familiebedrijf op
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Monday, 11 April 2016 -
Overdracht gaat bij veel familiebedrijven mis
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Friday, 8 April 2016 -
Familiebedrijf kopje onder na overdracht
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Friday, 8 April 2016 -
Familiebedrijf is toch niet zo solide
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Friday, 8 April 2016 -
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Friday, 8 April 2016 -
Oude baas blijft baas
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Friday, 8 April 2016 -
Bedrijf overdragen aan kind faalt vaak
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Friday, 8 April 2016 -
Overdracht gaat bij veel familiebedrijven mis
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Friday, 8 April 2016 -
Two-thirds of family businesses do not survive a transfer
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Friday, 8 April 2016 -
Tweederde familiebedrijven overleeft overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Friday, 8 April 2016 -
Twee derde familiebedrijven overleeft overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Friday, 8 April 2016 -
Overdracht loopt vaak mis bij familiebedrijven
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
'Overdracht van familiebedrijf gaat vaak mis'
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Tweederde familiebedrijven overleeft eerste overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Veel familiebedrijven overleven overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Gros familiebedrijven overleeft overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Twee op drie familiebedrijven overleven overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Tweederde familiebedrijven overleeft overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Waarom de overdracht vaak misgaat bij familiebedrijven
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
BDO: Tweederde familiebedrijven overleeft overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Generatiewisseling familiebedrijven gaat vaak fout
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Oprichter familiebedrijf houdt touwtjes in handen
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
‘Overdracht bij familiebedrijven gaat zeven van de tien keer mis’
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Tweederde familiebedrijven overleeft overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Overdracht gaat bij veel familiebedrijven mis
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Overdracht gaat bij veel familiebedrijven mis
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Tweederde familiebedrijven overleeft overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Tweederde familiebedrijven overleeft overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Tweederde familiebedrijven overleeft overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016 -
Tweederde familiebedrijven overleeft overdracht niet
Seven out of ten transfers of family businesses to succeeding generations don’t end well because founders hold onto too much control. But improvements can be achieved by drawing up plans at an early stage, continuing to invest in…
Thursday, 7 April 2016