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Jan Rotmans
Professor of Transitions and Transition Management
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

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    Start date approval: 01 Jan 2020
    End date approval: 31 Dec 9999
    Place: ROTTERDAM
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Featured in the media

  • Nice and clean with Chris Naturally from February 17

    Preview of a Rijnmond TV programme references RSM's Prof Jan Rotmans .

  • Sustainable care conference for directors

    RSM Professor Jan Rotmans is to be keynote speaker at the conference 'Sustainability, from vision to implementation'.

  • MISCHA! talks with Jan Rotmans

    MISCHA! praat met Jan Rotmans RSM Professor Jan Rotmas in conversation with presenter Mischa Blok.

  • Dit zeggen anderen

    Jan Rotmans, Professor of Energy Transition is quoted: “In 38 years I have never seen such ambition as with the Green Deal. I expect that because of people's drive and technology, climate solutions can be brought forward by…

  • Zonneparken hebben in Hilvarenbeek meer kans dan windmolens

    During the Climate Summit in Elckerlyc, Professor of Sustainability Jan Rotmans has participated in a lecture discussing the possibilities for an energy transition in Hilvarenbeek.

  • ABP, roep Shell op beter werk te maken van klimaat

    Jan Rotmans, Professor of Transitions and Transition Management at RSM and Rob van Tulder, Professor of International Business-Society Management at RSM, have signed an open letter directed towards their pension fund. The open…

  • Boijmans podcast

    Jan Rotman, Professor of Transitions and Transition Management at RSM, has taken part in a podcast led bij Boijmans Museum regarding their recent exposition called 'Change the System'. …

  • Ons #KantelKonijn Rotmans – waar blijven de lieve meneren in de witte jassen?

    Ninety Dutch professors want the new parliament to invest in green energy and sustainability. They argue for a capital injection of 200 billion euros in the coming decades. Signatories fear that there is a division in society…

  • ‘Afbraak van de fossiele haven gaat razendsnel’

    An interview with transition professor Jan Rotmans advises the Port of Rotterdam Authority on the move to a new economy. "Simultaneously retain fossil and build green can not. You have to choose." …

  • Hoogleraren: Investeren in duurzaamheid kost veel geld maar levert ook banen op

    Ninety Dutch professors want the new parliament to invest in green energy and sustainability. They argue for a capital injection of 200 billion euros in the coming decades. Signatories fear that there is a division in society…

  • Hoogleraren: Investeren in duurzaamheid kost veel geld maar levert ook banen op

    Ninety Dutch professors want the new parliament to invest in green energy and sustainability. They argue for a capital injection of 200 billion euros in the coming decades. Signatories fear that there is a division in society…

  • Hoogleraren roepen nieuwe kabinet op tot grote investering in duurzaamheid

    Ninety Dutch professors want the new parliament to invest in green energy and sustainability. They argue for a capital injection of 200 billion euros in the coming decades. Signatories fear that there is a division in society…

  • Deze 90 hoogleraren roepen het kabinet op Nederland groener te maken

    Ninety Dutch professors want the new parliament to invest in green energy and sustainability. They argue for a capital injection of 200 billion euros in the coming decades. Signatories fear that there is a division in society…

  • Klimaathoogleraar Jan Rotmans: transitie naar duurzame economie gaat pijn doen

    Ninety Dutch professors want the new parliament to invest in green energy and sustainability. They argue for a capital injection of 200 billion euros in the coming decades. Signatories fear that there is a division in society…

  • Activistische hoogleraar Jan Rotmans: transitie naar duurzame economie gaat pijn doen

    Ninety Dutch professors want the new parliament to invest in green energy and sustainability. They argue for a capital injection of 200 billion euros in the coming decades. Signatories fear that there is a division in society…

  • Ons #KantelKonijn Rotmans – waar blijven de lieve meneren in de witte jassen?

    Ninety Dutch professors want the new parliament to invest in green energy and sustainability. They argue for a capital injection of 200 billion euros in the coming decades. Signatories fear that there is a division in society…

  • ‘Begin met minister voor energie’

    Ninety Dutch professors want the new parliament to invest in green energy and sustainability. They argue for a capital injection of 200 billion euros in the coming decades. Signatories fear that there is a division in society…

  • Hoogleraren: 'Duurzamer Nederland voor 200 miljard'

    Ninety Dutch professors want the new parliament to invest in green energy and sustainability. They argue for a capital injection of 200 billion euros in the coming decades. Signatories fear that there is a division in society…

  • De Uber van de bouwsector

    The housing sector in the Netherlands is still plagued by maintenance. About ten percent of the Dutch houses are moderately to poorly maintained. Therefore, Woonderhoud recently launched this application. Woonderhoud wants to get…

  • Toekomstbestendige metropoolregio kost 50 miljard

    The Hague (mrdh) faces a huge, billion dollar transformation. As is stated in the report 'Roadmap Next Economy' presented on Thursday, in which the future plans for the area are explained. Transition specialist, Jan Rotmans,…

  • Hoogleraar over Klimaattop: je vraagt een kalkoen om zichzelf op het kerstmenu te zetten

    What Jan Rotman expects the National Climate Summit to be held Wednesday in Rotterdam? Not so much. The professor sustainability of Erasmus University called the meeting "a ritual". On the list of participants, he sees mostly…

  • Trouw maakt duurzame top 100 bekend

    The Dutch newspaper Trouw, initiator of the annual ranking, announced the top 100 Dutch people who meant the most in the field of sustainability. Jan Rotmans is featured on the 6th place.

  • '1 óver 12 voor glastuinbouw' (1)

    Currently many Dutch horticultural companies are stuggeling and require immediate action with a new approach, new products and new revenue, according to professor Jan Rotmans during the Symposium Glastuinbouw. …

  • Hanzehogeschool Groningen host internationaal communicatiecongres Euprera

    Hanzehogeschool Groningen will host the international communication congress EUPRERA (The European Public Relations Education and Research Association), with one of the keynote speakers being Jan Rotmans. …

  • Jos de Blok van Buurtzorg pleit voor humane zorg

    The new health care system introduced in 2006 aimed to strengthen market forces in healthcare and increase efficiency. In the same year, Jos de Blok Buurtzorg started, seperate from the market, and thus able to work more…

  • Hoogleraar Rotmans: ’Gas is geen transitiebrandstof’

    Jan Rotmans states that gas cannot be a transition fuel, as it would still not lead to much improvement for the environment. However, according to Mr Rotmans, Biofuel is still not a potential replacement for gas on a national…

  • Rotmans wil Nederland ook aardgasvrij maken

    Jan Rotmans states that gas cannot be a transition fuel, as it would still not lead to much improvement for the environment. However, according to Mr Rotmans, Biofuel is still not a potential replacement for gas on a national…

  • Zomernummer Slow Management over kantelen

    End of August over 20 entrepreneurs will visit the Brazilian based company Semcoto end a project of training, reflection and inspiration for learning companies and self directed teams. Jan Rotmans is quoted on his views on…

  • Zwarte champagne voor Aboutaleb bij opening kolencentrale

    Multiple videos show Greenpeace offering black champagne to mayor Aboutaleb after he opened the new coal power plant. Jan Rotmans, also opposing the opening, is quoted stating it was a "Black day" for Rotterdam. …

  • Op weg naar samenleving 3.0

    According to Jan Rotmans, society will soon be in a transition period in which the power relations and current assumptions will be radically changed to that of (network) society 3.0.

  • Stadsleven - Green Business

    Stadsleven (Citylife) is a monthly live talkshow, with this month's theme being ‘Green Business’. Jan Rotmans is mentioned as being one of the speakers as transition-guru.

  • MPP3 – ‘Alle kolencentrales moeten dicht’

    A debate between Wim Turkenburg and Jan Rotmans concludes that drastic measures are necessary to reduce C02 emissions and that the politicians in The Hague have not been able to achieve that so far. However, is the best way to…


    An article featuring top lists of professors mentioned in the media. In the top 10 professors in the news, Cor Molenaar was placed second, Henk Volberda eighth and Han Entzinger 10th. Jan Rotman has been third most referenced in…

  • Lezing in Abdijkerk

    Jan Rotmans is mentioned giving a lecture in Abdijkerk on his vision on the transition and care for creation.

  • 'Sluiting kolencentrales is onvermijdelijk'

    Many professors have appealed for shutting down all coal power plants in the Netherlands. One of whom is Jan Rotmans, who states that it is only a matter of time before they close. However, the energy producers such as E.ON…

  • Alle kolencentrales in Nederland kunnen dicht

    Many professors have appealed for shutting down all coal power plants in the Netherlands. One of whom is Jan Rotmans, who states that it is only a matter of time before they close. However, the energy producers such as E.ON…

  • Jan Rotmans naar Apeldoorn

    Jan Rotmans,Professor of Transitions and Transition Management, will attend an event on energy use in the future. The event is part of the "My 2030s" series. Next to lectures, discussions, interviews and debates, there will also…

  • Energiomställningen kräver globala samtal

    This article is about the Swedish Energy Outlook that takes place on 13 May. The event is aimed at giving new insights concerning the decisions needed in the transition to a sustainable energy system. Jan Rotmans is one of the…

  • Energiutblick 2014: Främja föregångarna så följer fler med in i framtiden

    This article is about the Swedish Energy Outlook that takes place on 13 May. The event is aimed at giving new insights concerning the decisions needed in the transition to a sustainable energy system. Jan Rotmans is one of the…

  • Framtidens energisystem i fokus på Energiutblick

    This article is about the Swedish Energy Outlook that takes place on 13 May. The event is aimed at giving new insights concerning the decisions needed in the transition to a sustainable energy system. Jan Rotmans is one of the…

  • Robeco: Samenleving 3.0 wordt in de steigers gezet

    During the investment event 'Robeco Live' for retail customers, Jan Rotmans talks about fundamental changes that await us. This article summarizes the most important points.

  • De vicieuze cirkel van centralisatie en decentralisatie

    In this article, co-written by Lucas Meijs, the authors explain why the governments should be moving along with local power.

  • Manifest: schaliegas is niks voor Nederland

    55 professors, including Jan Rotmans, Rob van Tulder and Gail Whiteman, signed a manifesto that explains why the exploitation of shale gas for is a bad idea for the Netherlands.

  • Urgenda wil energieneutrale bouw

    This article is about the plans of the Urgenda foundation to make the building sector more sustainable. Jan Rotmans, the chairman of Urgenda explains how the investments should be made.

  • Energiefabriek winnaar Groene Parel 2009

    This article is about the 2009 Climate Innovation Prize, won by 'de Energiefabriek'. Jan Rotman served as head of the jury.

  • De Energiefabriek winnaar Groene Parel 2009

    This article is about the 2009 Climate Innovation Prize, won by 'de Energiefabriek'. Jan Rotman served as head of the jury.

  • ‘De Energiefabriek’ wint Groene Parel en presenteert zich in Kopenhagen

    This article is about the 2009 Climate Innovation Prize, won by 'de Energiefabriek'. Jan Rotman served as head of the jury.

  • Waterschappen winnen groene prijs voor energie uit afvalwater

    This article is about the 2009 Climate Innovation Prize, won by 'de Energiefabriek'. Jan Rotman served as head of the jury.

  • `De Energiefabriek' winnaar Groene Parel 2009

    This article is about the 2009 Climate Innovation Prize, won by 'de Energiefabriek'. Jan Rotman served as head of the jury.

  • Duurzame samenleving komt van onderop

    This article is about Jan Rotmans' view on sustainability and the 'Dag van de Duurzaamheid' ("Sustainability Day") on 9 September 2009.