Dirk Schoenmaker is Professor of Banking and Finance at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research and teaching focus on the areas of sustainable finance, central banking and financial stability, financial system architecture and European financial integration. He is regular speaker at academic and professional conferences.
Dirk Schoenmaker is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Research (CEPR). He is co-author of the textbooks 'Principles of Sustainable Finance' (Oxford University Press) and ‘Financial Markets and Institutions: A European perspective' (Cambridge University Press) and author of ‘Governance of International Banking: The Financial Trilemma’ (Oxford University Press). He earned his PhD in economics at the London School of Economics.
Before joining RSM, he was Dean of the Duisenberg school of finance from 2009 to 2015. From 1998 to 2008, he served at the Netherlands Ministry of Finance. In the 1990s he served at the Bank of England. He is a regular consultant for the IMF, the OECD and the European Commission.
Article (40)
Academic (35)
Reinders, H. J., Schoenmaker, D., & van Dijk, M. (2025). Climate risk stress testing: A critical survey and classification. Journal of Climate Finance, 10, Article 100061.
Schoenmaker, D., & Schramade, W. (2024). Shareholder primacy or stakeholder governance? Finance Research Letters, 69, Article 106244.
Schoenmaker, D., & Schramade, W. (2024). Which discount rate for sustainability? Journal of Sustainable Finance and Accounting, 3, Article 100010.
Bongaerts, D., & Schoenmaker, D. (2024). Liquidity and clientele effects in green debt markets. Journal of Corporate Finance, 86, Article 102582.
de Adelhart Toorop, R., Schoenmaker, D., & Schramade, W. (2024). Decision Rules for Corporate Investment †. International Journal of Financial Studies, 12(1), Article 24.
Kennedy, S., Fuchs, M., van Ingen, W., & Schoenmaker, D. (2023). A resilience approach to corporate biodiversity impact measurement. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(5), 2567-2582.
Pazienza, M., de Jong, M., & Schoenmaker, D. (2023). Why Corporate Sustainability Is Not Yet Measured. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(7), Article 6275.
Reinders, H. J., Schoenmaker, D., & van Dijk, M. (2023). A finance approach to climate stress testing. Journal of International Money and Finance, 131, Article 102797.
Schoenmaker, D., & Stegeman, H. (2023). Can the Market Economy Deal with Sustainability? Economist (Netherlands), 171(1), 25-49.
Schoenmaker, D., Schramade, W., & Winter, J. (2023). Corporate Governance Beyond the Shareholder and Stakeholder Model. Erasmus Law Review, 2023(1).
Pazienza, M., de Jong, M., & Schoenmaker, D. (2022). Clarifying the Concept of Corporate Sustainability and Providing Convergence for Its Definition. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(13), Article 7838.
Kurznack, L., Schoenmaker, D., & Schramade, W. (2021). A Model of Long-Term Value Creation. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 11.
Schoenmaker, D. (2021). Greening Monetary Policy. Climate Policy, 21(4), 581-592.
Duijm, P., & Schoenmaker, D. (2021). European banks straddling borders: Risky or rewarding? Finance Research Letters, 38, Article 101525.
Duijm, P., & Schoenmaker, D. (2020). Data on cross-border exposures of 61 largest European banks. Data in Brief, 30, Article 105613.
Schoenmaker, D. (2020). Een financiële sector ten dienste van een duurzame economie. Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht, 10.
Schoenmaker, D. (2020). Trans-Tasman cooperation in banking supervision and resolution. Journal of Banking Regulation, 21(1), 15-25.
Hougaard Jensen, SE., & Schoenmaker, D. (2020). Should Denmark and Sweden Join the Banking Union? Journal of Financial Regulation, 6(2), 317-326.
Schoenmaker, D., & Schramade, W. (2019). Investing for long-term value creation. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 9(4), 356-377.
Schoenmaker, D. (2018). Resolution of international banks: Can smaller countries cope? International Finance, 21(1), 39-54.
Schoenmaker, D. (2017). What happened to global banking after the crisis? Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 25(3), 241-252.
Schoenmaker, D., & Wierts, P. (2016). Macroprudential Supervision: From Theory to Policy. National Institute Economic Review, 235(1), 50-62.
Schoenmaker, D., & Sass, J. (2016). Cross-border Insurance in Europe: Challenges for Supervision. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. Issues and Practice, 41(3), 351-377.
Goodhart, C., & Schoenmaker, D. (2016). The Global Investment Banks are now all Becoming American: Does that Matter for Europeans? Journal of Financial Regulation, 2(2), 163-181.
Schoenmaker, D., & Van Tilburg, R. (2016). What Role for Financial Supervisors in Addressing Environmental Risks? Comparative Economic Studies, 58(3), 317-334.
Schoenmaker, D., & Wierts, P. (2015). Regulating the Financial Cycle: An Integrated Approach with a Leverage Ratio. Economics Letters, 136, 70-72.
Schoenmaker, D. (2015). Regulatory Capital: Why Is It Different? Accounting and Business Research, 45(4), 468-483.
Schoenmaker, D., & Siegmann, A. (2014). Can European Bank Bailouts Work? Journal of Banking and Finance, 2014(48), 334-349.
Gros, D., & Schoenmaker, D. (2014). European Deposit Insurance and Resolution in the Banking Union. Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS), 52(3), 529-546.
de Vries, C., Slijkerman, J., & Schoenmaker, D. (2013). Systemic Risk and Diversification across European Banks and Insurers. Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(3), 773-785.
Schoenmaker, D., & Wagner, W. (2013). Cross-border Banking in Europe and Financial Stability. International Finance, 16(1), 1-22.
Avgouleas, E., Goodhart, C., & Schoenmaker, D. (2013). Bank Resolution Plans as a Catalyst for Global Financial Reform. Journal of Financial Stability, 9(2), 210-218.
Schoenmaker, D. (2011). The Financial Trilemma. Economics Letters, 2011(111), 57-59.
Goodhart, C., & Schoenmaker, D. (2009). Fiscal Burden Sharing in Cross-Border Banking Crises. International Journal of Central Banking, 5(1), 141-165.
Kremers, JJM., Kroes, TRJ., & Schoenmaker, D. (2000). Reforming financial supervision: experiences from the Netherlands. OECD Financial Markets Trends, 75, 159-169.
Popular (3)
Boot, AM., Schoenmaker, D., van Wijnbergen, S., Baarsma, B., Jacobs, B., Benink, H., & et, AL. (2020). Een Europese Aanpak is ook in ons Belang. De Volkskrant.
Jacobs, B., Schoenmaker, D., Bovenberg, AL., & et al., . (2012). Zes Stappen naar een Betere Woningmarkt. De Volkskrant, 23 febr.
Jacobs, B., Bovenberg, AL., Schoenmaker, D., & et al, . (2012). Een Betere Woningmarkt in Zes Stappen. Me Judice, 23 febr.
Professional (2)
Schoenmaker, D., & Schramade, W. (2020). Incorporating Sustainability into Corporate Finance. Corporate Finance, (07-08), 242-247.
Schoenmaker, D. (2015). The new Banking Union Landscape in Europe: Consolidation Ahead? The Journal of Financial Perspectives, 3(2), 189-201.
Book (16)
Academic (6)
Schoenmaker, D., & Schramade, W. (2023). Corporate Finance for Long-Term Value.
de Haan, J., Schoenmaker, D., & Wierts, P. (2020). Financial Markets and Institutions: A European Perspective. (4th edition ed.) Cambridge University Press.
Schoenmaker, D., & Schramade, W. (2019). Principles of Sustainable Finance. Oxford University Press.
de Haan, J., Oosterloo, S., & Schoenmaker, D. (2015). Financial Markets and Institutions: A European Perspective. Cambridge University Press.
Schoenmaker, D. (2013). Governance of International Banking: The Financial Trilemma. Oxford University Press.
Allen, F., Beck, THL., Carletti, E., Lane, P., Schoenmaker, D., & Wagner, W. (2011). Cross-Border Banking in Europe. CEPR.
Professional (10)
Loorbach, D., Schoenmaker, D., & Schramade, W. (2020). Finance in transition: principles for a positive finance future. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
Schoenmaker, D. (2020). THE IMPACT ECONOMY: BALANCING PROFIT AND IMPACT. (Working Paper 2020-04 ed.) Bruegel. Working Paper Vol. 2020-04
Bongaerts, D., & Schoenmaker, D. (2020). Green certificates: a better version of green bonds. (Policy Contribution 2020-20 ed.) Bruegel. Policy Contribution Vol. 2020-20
Schoenmaker, D. (2019). Greening Monetary Policy. (Working Paper 2019-02 ed.) Bruegel. Working Paper Vol. 2019-02
Sapir, A., Schoenmaker, D., & Veron, N. (2017). Making the best of Brexit for the EU27 financial system. (Bruegel Policy Brief 2017/01 ed.) Bruegel. Bruegel Policy Brief Vol. 2017/01
Batsaikhan, U., Kalcik, R., & Schoenmaker, D. (2017). Brexit and the European financial system: mapping markets, players and jobs. (Policy Contribution Issue No 4 / 2017 ed.) Bruegel. Policy Contribution Vol. Issue No 4 / 2017
Schoenmaker, D., & Darvas, Z. (2017). Institutional investors and home bias in Europe’s Capital Markets Union. (Working Paper 2017/02 ed.) Bruegel. Working Paper Vol. 2017/02
Schoenmaker, D. (2017). From Risk to Opportunity: A Framework for Sustainable Finance. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR. RSM Series on Positive Change
Schoenmaker, D., & Veron, N. (2016). European Banking Supervision: The First Eighteen Months. Bruegel.
Schoenmaker, D., & Van Tilburg, R. (2016). FINANCIAL RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE TIME OF CLIMATE CHANGE. (Bruegel Policy Brief Issue 2016/02 ed.) Bruegel. Bruegel Policy Brief Vol. Issue 2016/02
Book editing (1)
Academic (1)
Schoenmaker, D. (2020). The Economics of Banking. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Chapter (3)
Academic (2)
Gianfrate, G., Schoenmaker, D., & Wasama, S. (2023). Cost of capital and climate risks. In Handbook of Business and Climate Change (pp. 480-502). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Schoenmaker, D. (2020). Sustainable finance. In Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance (pp. 253-254). Taylor and Francis Inc..
Professional (1)
Schoenmaker, D. (2016). The UK Financial Sector and EU Integration after Brexit: The Issue of Passporting. In N. Campos, & F. Coricelli (Eds.), The Economics of the UK-EU Relationship: From the Treaty of Rome to the Brexit Vote Palgrave Macmillan.
Digital or Visual Products (1)
Professional (1)
Schoenmaker, D. (2020). A Social Licence to Operate for Business and Finance. Digital or Visual Products, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
Discussion paper (1)
Professional (1)
Cosemans, M., & Schoenmaker, D. (2022). Carbon Bias in Index Investing. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
Report (4)
Academic (1)
Slijkerman, J., Schoenmaker, D., & de Vries, C. (2005). Risk Diversification by European Financial Conglomerates. (Discussion Paper 05-110/2 ed.) Tinbergen Institute. Discussion Paper Vol. 05-110/2
Professional (3)
Bertels, J., Lear, E., Gutierrez, V., Ding, H., Ferwerda, W., Krolopp, A., Spors, F., Zimmer, D., Chatterton, P., Bery, A., del Valle, C., Ewerton, M., Galgani, P., Guarnaschelli, S., Hart, S., Herrera, D., Kerkhoven, D., Kleiterp, N., Kiss, E., ... Zabel, A. (2023). Towards financing large-scale holistic landscape restoration in Europe: Recommendations for EU policy actors to attain inspirational, social, natural, and financial returns. Commonland.
Ferwerda, W., & Schoenmaker, D. (2020). Financiële sector kan transitie naar duurzame landbouw versnellen.
de Jong, A., Schoenmaker, D., Gruenwald, M., & Pala, A. (2018). Large Shareholders in Corporate Governance. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
Teaching case (2)
Academic (2)
Yue, T., Schoenmaker, D., Mulder, A., Moolenaar, SW., Geoffroy, M. C., & Arellano Geoffroy, P., (2019). Sustainable Finance for Landscape Restoration in Spain, 16 p., RSM Case Development Centre
Schoenmaker, D., Schramade, W., & Nolan, J., (2019). Shifting from Shareholder to Stakeholder Model: Using Sustainable Investment to Align Profit with Purposefulness, 20 p., RSM Case Development Centre
Additional positions (4)
StaatsbosbeheerStart date approval: 13 Sep 2024End date approval: 12 Sep 2027Place: AMERSFOORTDescription: Raad van Toezicht
Part-time professor, European University InstituteStart date approval: 01 Oct 2024End date approval: 30 Sep 2027Place: FLORENCEDescription: 2 dagen per jaar college voor centrale bankiers
SFL Sustainable Finance LabStart date approval: 19 Oct 2024End date approval: 18 Oct 2027Place: UTRECHTDescription: academisch co-voorzitter
PFZWStart date approval: 26 Jan 2025End date approval: 25 Jan 2028Place: ZEISTDescription: Bestuur pensioenfonds
Additional activities (1)
Lecture on sustainable finance during the Rabo College DayDirk Schoenmaker (Speaker)16 May 2017
Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Professional)
Corporate Finance
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023
- Code: BM02FI
- Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master
Finance & Investments Honours Class
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020
- Code: BMHON1FI
- Level: Master
Past courses
FI master thesis
- Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
- Code: BMMTFI
- Level: Master
Sustainable Finance
- Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023
- Code: BERMSS035
- Level: PhD
Finance for Positive Change
- Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022
- Code: B3EL106
- Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
Introduction Week
- Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Code: BMIWFI
- Level: Master
Sustainable Finance
- Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BMME113
- Level: Master, Master, Master, Master
Financial Markets and Institutions
- Study year: 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017
- Code: BM01FI-A
- ECTS: 4 Level: Master
Living Management
- Study year: 2018/2019, 2017/2018
- Code: BM20FI-A
- ECTS: 8 Level: Master
Study Trip
- Study year: 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017
- Code: BM16FI-A
- ECTS: 2 Level: Master
- Study year: 2018/2019, 2017/2018
- Code: BM21FI-A
- ECTS: 5 Level: Master
Commercial and Investment Banking
- Study year: 2017/2018
- Code: BM10FI-A
- ECTS: 6 Level: Master
Derivatives and Structured Products
- Study year: 2016/2017
- Code: BM08FI-A
- ECTS: 6 Level: Master
- Study year: 2016/2017
- Code: BM19FI-A
- ECTS: 8 Level: Master
Living Management
- Study year: 2016/2017
- Code: BM17FI-A
- ECTS: 10 Level: Master
- Study year: 2016/2017
- Code: BM18FI-A
- ECTS: 3 Level: Master
Featured in the news
Featured in the media
Is it time to add a new layer to strategic asset allocation?
Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker is quoted in this artcile about strategic asset allocation - it would be a mistake to regard sustainability in isolation or as an afterthought.
Friday, 1 November 2024 -
What can central banks do to take the Paris Agreement seriously?
While global emissions continue to increase, banks continue to finance the expansion of the fossil-fuel industry. At the systemic level, this trading is a pretence of financial stability now for a more disorderly transition…
Wednesday, 30 October 2024 -
What can central banks do to take the Paris Agreement seriously?
Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker writes about central banks taking a macro approach to managing system-wide risks stemming from the climate transition. In the EU, emissions have fallen but banks have not fully internalised the costs of…
Wednesday, 30 October 2024 -
SMART engagement: A hybrid approach to non-sustainable companies
Dirk Schoenmaker is co-author of this article about sustainable investment that uses use as a case study the recent oil and gas engagement program of a Dutch based pension fund, which was implemented by its investment manager. …
Thursday, 10 October 2024 -
Let 'long-haul flyers' and transfer passengers pay for aviation costs
Dirk Schoenmaker is a co-author of this article in which a group of economists argues that the costs of aviation are being passed on to society. The announced higher flight tax for long-distance flights is not enough and must be…
Monday, 7 October 2024 -
Italian dance around Commerzbank is a test case for European integration
Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker is quoted in this article about whether there is a need for a capital markets union, a discussion that arose with the moves by Italy's UniCredit to take over Germany's Commerzbank. He sees it as a bit of a…
Sunday, 6 October 2024 -
Economically undesirable
Letter to reacting to an opinion piece written by Dirk Schoenmaker published earlier. The letter-writer says: "Experiments with social councils and a multitude of interests that have to be served are sympathetic, but…
Sunday, 22 September 2024 -
Merger wave? EU countries not keen on foreign buyers of 'their' banks
'According to RSM Professor of banking and finance Dirk Schoenmaker , the large banks in the United States were created through mergers of regional banks. He expects that such a process will inevitably also start in Europe.…
Friday, 13 September 2024 -
Time to make companies more socially responsible
Opinion piece by RSM's Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker & Uni Utrecht's Prof. Rutger Claassen: Social responsibility requires an adjustment of the voting rights. The current dominant position of shareholders in corporate governance fits a…
Thursday, 12 September 2024 -
Resolving the stakeholder governance dilemma: An integrated performance approach
Dirk Schoenmaker and Willem Schramade's opinion piece about the contentious issue of stakeholder governance . They say the challenge of multiple goals in stakeholder theory can be addressed through an integrated performance…
Saturday, 31 August 2024 -
CEO hits bonus target with little effort
Dirk Schoenmaker comments on top executives of the largest Dutch listed companies who exceeded their bonus targets last year . "I fear that the commissioners of these listed companies are not the force for change', …
Friday, 28 June 2024 -
Olaf Sleijpen: Sustainable investment - the perspective of the Dutch central bank
Olaf Sleijpen, Executive Board Member of Monetary Affairs and Financial Stability of De Nederlandsche Bank, recommends Dirk Schoenmaker's book on sustainable corporate finance, in his speech at the jointly hosted Erasmus/Netspar…
Friday, 28 June 2024 -
Bunq employees secretly looked into customer accounts: 'This unfortunately happens at all banks'; Five questions
Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker comments on the news story that employees of online bank Bunq secretly looked at the bank details of customers. "The standard is very clear: it is not allowed, but it is not unique to Bunq." …
Thursday, 27 June 2024 -
Selling De Volksbank is a solution with little imagination or promise
Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker is co-author of this comment piece proposing a more diverse banking landscape and considering the probable sale of Volksbank. In Dutch, paywall.
Thursday, 20 June 2024 -
Large companies abandon sustainable ambitions: 'Return is more important'
Is green investing activist? Dirk Schoenmaker comments on the political resistance to sustainability policy in pension funds and companies.
Wednesday, 19 June 2024 -
Liquidity and clientele effects in green debt markets
Dirk Schoenmaker & Dion Bongaaerts' research on modelling green and regular bond markets proposes an alternative security design that preserves green earmarking but prevents fragmentation.
Monday, 17 June 2024 -
'Take power away from shareholders'
Discussion article focusing on an article by Dirk Schoenmaker that appeared in NRC in May 2024. "Dirk Schoenmaker (professor of finance at Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Hans Stegeman (chief economist at Triodos Bank) wrote…
Thursday, 16 May 2024 -
Haal de macht weg bij de aandeelhouders
Take Power away from Shareholders - opinion piece by Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker & Hans Stegman. Shareholder capitalism causes social and economic damage. Better still is a business model that works for all stakeholders. (paywall, in…
Monday, 13 May 2024 -
Companies need to look at more than just their shareholders
(In Dutch) Dirk Schoenmaker and Hans Stegeman write an opinion piece about corporate responsibilities. "The quarterly figures are rolling in and the shareholder party has started again. ... Customers, society and the environment…
Sunday, 12 May 2024 -
Food prices; Climate change reaches the supermarket
(In German) Dirk Schoenmaker is quoted in this article about supermarket price increases due to climate change. "Scientific studies indicate that climate change is a price driver that should not be underestimated and whose…
Sunday, 28 April 2024 -
Researcher at Erasmus University Targets Environmental Impact (Decision Rules for Corporate Investment)
Researchers at Erasmus University investigate the decision rules for corporate investment by designing a company value frontier. Report of the research from Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker, Reinier de Adelhart Toorop and Willem Schramade…
Thursday, 14 March 2024 -
Decision Rules for Corporate Investment
Research paper by RSM faculty Dirk Schoenmaker & Willem Schramade on investigating the decision rules for corporate investment by designing a company value frontier.
Monday, 4 March 2024 -
Decision Rules for Corporate Investment
This article by Reinier de Adelhart Toroop, Dirk Schoenmaker, and Willem Schramade develops novel value concepts-ranging from shareholder value to shareholder welfare and integrated value-resulting in varying preferences for…
Monday, 4 March 2024 -
Banks: climate label must provide insight into the risk of damage to homes due to climate change
RSM Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker is quote in this article about homes in the Netherlands receiving a climate label, which he welcomes as as a starting signal for action.
Wednesday, 21 February 2024 -
The Next Goal: euro area banking integration A single jurisdiction for cross-border banks
RSM Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker's research is referenced in this report from the European Parliament
Tuesday, 20 February 2024 -
Farmers, nature and animals need a fair price
RSM Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker writes for NRC on the latest farmer demonstrations. Consumers have to pay more for milk, meat and vegetables, only then can the farmer spare nature.
Wednesday, 7 February 2024 -
Climate Risk Stress Tests Underestimate Potential Financial Sector Losses
Assessing Climate-Related Shocks on the Financial Sector
Sunday, 2 July 2023 -
Carbon bias in index investing
Mitigating Carbon Bias in Investment Portfolios
Saturday, 1 July 2023 -
Deep Dive Into Sustainable Corporate Finance
A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Finance
Wednesday, 31 May 2023 -
Why Corporate Sustainability Is Not Yet Measured
Challenges and inadequencies in current corporate sustainability measurement approaches
Thursday, 6 April 2023 -
'UBS scenario could one day occur in the Netherlands'
Swiss Federal President Supports UBS Takeover of Credit Suisse, Raising Concerns About Bank Size and European Banking System Stability
Monday, 20 March 2023 -
Prijsstabiliteit vereist klimaatactie door ECB
An article written by Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance at RSM.
Wednesday, 8 June 2022 -
Sturen op integrale waardecreatie: de uitdaging van de hedendaagse CFO
In this article, Dirk Schoenmaker en Willem Schramade from RSM discuss how the CFO can manage on integral value.
Wednesday, 18 May 2022 -
Working Transition into the Equation
RSM's latest publication is about valuing companies in transition, seeks to bridge the gap between transition management and corporate finance. The paper is co-written by professors Dirk Schoenmaker and Willem Schramade. …
Friday, 18 February 2022 -
Europese waakhond slaat alarm over risico's op huizenmarkt
Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance at RSM, joins the discussion about the housing market in the Netherlands.
Monday, 14 February 2022 -
Dirk Schoenmaker nieuwe co-voorzitter Sustainable Finance Lab
The new role of Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance at RSM, is discussed.
Tuesday, 25 January 2022 -
JPMorgan's Paris Traders Are Only Part of the Threat to London
Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance at RSM, is quoted in this article about how Brexit is transforming the landscape of Europe’s finance industry.
Tuesday, 21 December 2021 -
Advies aan ABP: investeer alleen in bedrijven met ambitieuze duurzaamheidsplannen
Dirk Schoenmaker, chair of the ABP Scientific Committee on Sustainable Investment Policy and Professor of Sustainable Finance at RSM, is quoted in this article.
Monday, 22 November 2021 -
Executive Courses Tap the Sustainable Investing Boom
A number of business schools such as RSM and Stern recognize their responsibility to help the financial sector contribute or even speed up the transition to a sustainable economy. Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance…
Tuesday, 5 October 2021 -
'Meer huizen bouwen geen remedie voor torenhoge huizenprijzen'
According to Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance of RSM, the high house prices are not the result of a shortage of houses, but of an abundance of money.
Thursday, 30 September 2021 -
Green industrial policy, is that a good idea?
According to Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance at RSM, a green industrial policy is about much more than industrial policy only, it is about system transitions.
Friday, 10 September 2021 -
Webex-seminar: Decision rules for long-term value creation
Thursday 17 June 2021 Dirk Schoenmaker (RSM) will give an online presentation entitled: "Decision rules for long-term value creation." If you would like to participate, please send an e-mail to Simone Pailer ( You…
Wednesday, 26 May 2021 -
Financiële sector als aanjager voor duurzame economie in nieuwe MOOC
“The financial sector can boost investment in sustainable companies and accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy,” says Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance RSM. The financial sector is often seen as an…
Wednesday, 20 May 2020 -
De smart open-up, het beleid en de recessie: een inventarisatie
An article that disusses the aid measurements of the Dutch government, on which Dirk Schoenmaker of RSM has commented: "The government now largely pays staff salaries. That is of course very friendly. But we have to change the…
Tuesday, 12 May 2020 -
Hoe kan de overheid de economie het beste steunen in deze crisis?
In an article how the government can best support the economy during the corona crisis, Dirk Schoenmaker of RSM expressed his opinion.
Saturday, 25 April 2020 -
Green bond issuance: Denmark's split offering
An article in which Dion Bongaert's and Dirk Schoenmaker's research on green bonds is mentioned. The research proposed unbundling green bonds into a standard bond and a green certificate to take care of the green earmarking of…
Wednesday, 1 April 2020 -
Opinie: Nederland moet Europese aanpak via noodfonds stimuleren, niet eurobonds
Dirk Schoenmaker of RSM has co-written an article pleading that The Netherlands must encourage a European approach via an emergency fund, not Eurobonds. "The corona virus is a common enemy that requires common European policy on a…
Thursday, 26 March 2020 -
Het gaat er nu vooral om het mkb te redden
Dirk Schoenmaker of RSM has commented on the corona crisis hit on SMEs. Regarding ECB's to support the SME sector he stated "I think it is right that you make money available to banks under the condition that they pass it on to…
Friday, 13 March 2020 -
Het gaat er nu vooral om het mkb te redden
An article in Het Financiele Dagblad, in which Dirk Schoenmaker of RSM pleads that during the corona crisis it is most important to focus on saving SMEs.
Thursday, 12 March 2020 -
Forging a new future between the UK and the EU
How to change the paradigm in finance to incorporate a changing environment
Takeaway in trek op vlak gesloten AEX
Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance at the Rotterdam School of Management, has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses the change in the AEX in response to the Brexit vote. The AEX barely changed. Dirk…
Tuesday, 22 October 2019 -
Social purpose: how business schools around the world measure up
Dirk Schramade, Member of Erasmus Platform for Sustainable Value Creation, and Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance at the Rotterdam School of Management, have been mentioned in an article. The article discusses…
Monday, 21 October 2019 -
Kabinet: zorg dat iedere ton CO2-uitstoot dezelfde prijs krijgt
Dirk Schoenmaker of RSM has co-written an article in NRC regarding the Dutch cabinet's choice for the CO2 tax.
Wednesday, 24 April 2019 -
Hoe de financiële sector duurzaamheid kan aanjagen
Dirk Schoenmaker of RSM has published a new book, Principles of Sustainable Finance. In the book he argues that the financial sector can play a role as a driver of sustainability.
Thursday, 4 April 2019 -
‘Fusie Deutsche en Commerzbank trekt eenwissel op bankenunie’
The potential merge between Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank has released a torrent of comments. Dirk Schoenmaker from RSM emphasises that Germany is "overbanked." The sector needs remediation and one needs to start at a certain…
Friday, 15 March 2019 -
‘Centrale Bank moet energietransitie versnellen’
Dirk Schoenmaker of RSM has commented that the European Central Bank must contribute to the climate objectives of the European Union through its monetary policy. He states that "the stimulus package now works against…
Thursday, 28 February 2019 -
Groene obligaties: nu nog klein, maar erg in trek
An article about the 'green obligations' that businesses have. De Nederlandsche Bank calculated that the amount of sustainable corporate and government loans has doubled since last year to 20 billion euros. Dirk Schoenmaker of RSM…
Monday, 12 November 2018 -
Nachhaltige Investments werden für Institutionelle immer wichtiger
Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance at RSM, has given a lecture on investment in Vienna at the IQAM Research Center.
Tuesday, 10 July 2018 -
Kroniek ondernemingsrecht
Research conducted by Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance, and Abe de Jong, Professor of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, both from RSM has been mentioned in an article. Their research, "Large…
Friday, 13 April 2018 -
A small bank doing things differently
Financial institutions and investors are key to getting companies to give social and environmental impact the same weight as profit, says Dirk Schoenmaker, Victoria University’s 2017 Reserve Bank of New Zealand Monetary Fellow and…
Thursday, 23 November 2017 -
Global financial implications of transitioning to low-carbon economy
Sustainable finance and central banking expert Professor Dirk Schoenmaker of RSM will be holding a free public lecture at Victoria University of Wellington later this month, as the 2017 Reserve Bank of New Zealand Professorial…
Tuesday, 7 November 2017 -
'Redden Banken Met Staatssteun Niet Meer Uit Te Leggen'
The rules on rescuing banks in Europe must be brought to the light. Joanne Kellermann, executive director of the Single Resolution Board, agrees with Dirk Schoenmaker's suggestion to appoint a "silent curator" through the European…
Monday, 2 October 2017 -
Professor: Nordeas flytt kan vara bra för Sverige
Nordea's relocation of its headquarters from Stockholm to Helsinki may prove to be good for Sweden in the long run. In the event of a future financial crisis, the financial market has doubts about the Swedish state's ability to…
Thursday, 14 September 2017 -
Professor: Finns ingen anledning att fly Nordea
RSM's Dirk Schoenmaker says that the fact that Nordea is relocating its headquarters to Finland is not at all bad for Sweden, and that there is no reason for Swedish customers to leave the bank. "With the new branch structure, the…
Thursday, 14 September 2017 -
Professor: Nordeas flytt kan långsiktigt gynna Sverige
According to Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance at RSM, Nordea's relocation of its headquarters from Stockholm to Helsinki may prove to be good for Sweden in the long run. "With the new structure of the branches,…
Thursday, 14 September 2017 -
"Cursus mindfulness volgen is syntoombestrijding"
When a hostile acquisition leads to environmental damage, job losses or price increases, the community drives it up, not the shareholders. A social test by, for example, the Enterprise Chamber is necessary. …
Monday, 29 May 2017 -
Toets overnames op maatschappelijke effecten
When a hostile acquisition leads to environmental damage, job losses or price increases, the community drives it up, not the shareholders. A social test by, for example, the Enterprise Chamber is necessary. …
Wednesday, 24 May 2017 -
Toets overnames op maatschappelijke effecten
When a hostile acquisition leads to environmental damage, job losses or price increases, the community drives it up, not the shareholders. A social test by, for example, the Enterprise Chamber is necessary. …
Wednesday, 24 May 2017 -
Slechte leningenprobleem EU: doormodderen of ingrijpen?
Europe has a problem of € 1 000 billion, almost half the Dutch GDP. For that amount European banks have bad loans (non-performing loans, NPL's) on the balance sheet. Only nuance is in place, says Dirk Schoenmaker."The true extent…
Wednesday, 12 April 2017 -
Banken in eurozone wereldwijd zwakst gekapitaliseerd
ABN Amro and ING are among the most profitable banks in Europe, according to the Financieele Dagblad. Also the provision of mortgages and loans is on the rise. Dirk Schoenmaker thinks it is a good example of FIFO: First In First…
Monday, 13 March 2017 -
KBC, ING en ABN Amro beste banken van Europa!
ABN Amro and ING are among the most profitable banks in Europe, according to the Financieele Dagblad. Also the provision of mortgages and loans is on the rise. Dirk Schoenmaker thinks it is a good example of FIFO: First In First…
Monday, 6 March 2017 -
ABN Amro and ING are among the most profitable banks in Europe, according to the Financieele Dagblad. Also the provision of mortgages and loans is on the rise. Dirk Schoenmaker thinks it is a good example of FIFO: First In First…
Friday, 3 March 2017 -
Klimaatbeleid met ministerie van I&M naar het kernkabinet
Last week, Hans de Boer, head of the VNO-NCW, pleaded to create a better climate policy to the Ministry of Economic Affairs to transfer). We believe that the climate at EZ is not in safe hands and would be even more subordinated…
Thursday, 23 February 2017 -
Klimaatbeleid met ministerie van I&M naar het kernkabinet
Last week, Hans de Boer, head of the VNO-NCW, pleaded to create a better climate policy to the Ministry of Economic Affairs to transfer). We believe that the climate at EZ is not in safe hands and would be even more subordinated…
Wednesday, 22 February 2017 -
En weer lapt de burger
Eight years after the crisis and the government still needs to rescue banks that are on the verge of bankruptcy. The government of Italy paid 20 billion Euro yesterday, to save Monte dei Paschi and maintain the rest of the sector.…
Saturday, 24 December 2016 -
Europe may be at the mercy of US banks
US banks are about to surpass their European counterparts in the European investment bank market, which could, in the future, be dominated by the big five American banks.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016 -
Kleinere rol voor Deutsche
In the international bank market, Deutsche Bank seems to be playing an ever shrinking role. This is due to the settlement the bank is facing for misleading some of its customers. Dirk Schoenmaker is references for his recent…
Saturday, 1 October 2016 -
Kleinere rol voor Deutsche
In the international bank market, Deutsche Bank seems to be playing an ever shrinking role. This is due to the settlement the bank is facing for misleading some of its customers. Dirk Schoenmaker is references for his recent…
Friday, 30 September 2016 -
Deutsche in problemen, iedereen in stress
In the international bank market, Deutsche Bank seems to be playing an ever shrinking role. This is due to the settlement the bank is facing for misleading some of its customers. Dirk Schoenmaker is references for his recent…
Thursday, 29 September 2016 -
Europese zakenbank telt niet meer mee
The top five largest investment banks still solely feature American banks. However, the European banks are highly necessary and according to Dirk Schoenmaker, should work hard to stay independent from the American banks. …
Tuesday, 27 September 2016 -
Europese zakenbank telt niet meer mee
The top five largest investment banks still solely feature American banks. However, the European banks are highly necessary and according to Dirk Schoenmaker, should work hard to stay independent from the American banks. …
Saturday, 24 September 2016 -
Sylvie Matherat: Bessere Kapitalmärkte sind entscheidend
More developed capital markets are crucial for Europe's growth: Chief Regulatory Officer Sylvie Matherat spoke in Brussels about the importance of investment banking in Europe. In a discussion with Dirk Schoenmaker, Matherat…
Monday, 12 September 2016 -
Verzekeraar ziet onweer
Insurance companies are having difficulties, which is noticed by the financial sector. Dirk Schoenmaker is quoted stating this is caused by the pressure put on the business models of the insurance companies, which makes the…
Thursday, 11 August 2016 -
Is het niet hoog tijd voor wat minder gas, minister Kamp?
New analysis show the measures to prevent global warming are insufficient, the Netherlands still continues drilling for gas. Dirk Schoenmaker is quoted stating he finds this irresponsible.
Thursday, 30 June 2016 -
Kritiek van Schäuble op ECB is niet terecht
Dirk Schoenmaker analyses the claim of the German minister of finance Wolfgang Schäuble stating a correlation between low interest rates and the rise of the extreme right politics in Germany.
Thursday, 16 June 2016 -
Amid Tight Brexit Polls, Netherlands’ Trade And Investment Leaders Wary Of Referendum
On several days chairman of the Netherlands British Chamber of Commerce, welcomed leaders who conducted a large amount of business between the U.K. and the EU for seminars on the looming Brexit referendum. Dirk Shoenmaker responds…
Tuesday, 24 May 2016 -
European companies should maintain relationships with European banks in the face of increased competition from US financial institutions – according to a new paper from Professor Dirk Schoenmaker. …
Friday, 29 April 2016 -
Europees bedrijfsleven te afhankelijk van Amerikaanse banken
European companies like doing business with American banks and investors. According to a study by Dirk Schoenmaker, this could be caused due to the funds provided to them after the crisis in 2009. However, this is still not…
Monday, 18 April 2016 -
BNR Archief 18 April
European companies like doing business with American banks and investors. According to a study by Dirk Schoenmaker, this could be caused due to the funds provided to them after the crisis in 2009. However, this is still not…
Monday, 18 April 2016 -
Week 15 at and around CBS
Dirk Schoenmaker is referenced to keynote the seminar on financial regulation. Dirk’s presentation is titled “Should the ‘Outs’ join Banking Union?” and he will address the pros and cons of entering the Banking Union. …
Monday, 11 April 2016 -
Beursgang sluit status nutsbank SNS niet uit
After the successful return of ABN Amro to the stock exchange the debate on the next state bank starts. Should SNS Bank also go to the stock exchange or continue to be a social bank and remain in public hands? Here, an apparent…
Tuesday, 29 March 2016 -
SNS kan maatschappelijk belang behouden op beurs
After the successful return of ABN Amro to the stock exchange the debate on the next state bank starts. Should SNS Bank also go to the stock exchange or continue to be a social bank and remain in public hands? Here, an apparent…
Tuesday, 29 March 2016 -
Olaf Sleijpen: Sustainable investment - the perspective of the Dutch central bank
Olaf Sleijpen, Executive Board Member of Monetary Affairs and Financial Stability of De Nederlandsche Bank, recommends Dirk Schoenmaker's book on sustainable corporate finance, in his speech at the jointly hosted Erasmus/Netspar…
Financial sector can accelerate the transition to sustainable agriculture
Willem Ferwerda and Dirk Schoenmaker write about the financial sector's role in the transition to sustainable agriculture in the Dutch economics journal ESB.
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