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Dijana Aleksic
Part-time PhD candidate
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

More information


Academic (1)
  • Aleksic, D., Hewett, R., & Giessner, S. (2025). On GenAI and channeling employee creativity. In M. Orel, M. Černe, & S. I. Wong (Eds.), Humanizing the Digital Workspace: Creativity, Innovation and Leadership in the Age of Technology Springer Nature.


Past courses

People Analytics

  • Study year: 2022/2023
  • Code: BM17HRM
  • Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master

Featured on RSM Discovery

Discovery 42: Exploring the future of people management

This magazine is about people and culture: the future of people management. Our articles focus on three themes: digitised organisations; the human side of work and different team, knowledge, and authority distribution.