Dainis Zegners is Assistant Professor at the Department of Technology and Operations Management at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. Dainis’s research focuses on how firms manage information asymmetries on digital platforms and online marketplaces. He is also interested in using data from sports competitions to study questions relevant to management. In particular, he has several projects that use data from chess tournaments to examine questions related to human decision-making.
Dainis holds a Ph.D. and in Management from LMU Munich and a Diploma (equivalent to M.Sc.) in Economics from the University of Bonn. Before joining the Rotterdam School of Management, he was Assistant Professor at the University of Cologne.
Dainis is co-lead of the "Digitalisation, new ways of working and the new employee" theme in the interdisciplinary Erasmus Sectorplan SSH-Breed.
Article (3)
Academic (3)
Künn, S., Seel, C., & Zegners, D. (2022). Cognitive Performance in Remote Work - Evidence from Professional Chess. The Economic Journal, 132(643), 1218-1232.
Strittmatter, A., Sunde, U., & Zegners, D. (2020). Life Cycle Patterns of Cognitive Performance over the Long Run. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 117(44), 27255-27261.
Zegners, D., & Kretschmer, T. (2017). Competition with Aftermarket Power when Consumers are Heterogeneous. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 26(1), 96-122.
Conference proceeding (1)
Academic (1)
Zegners, D. (2016). Voluntary Disclosure of Product Information: The Case of E-book Samples. In Working Paper available on SSRN
Data Modelling & Analytics
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023
- Code: B3T1102
- Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
BIM Research Methods
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
- Code: BM06BIM
- Level: Master
Big Data and Business Analytics
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BMME012
- Level: Master, Master, Master
Strategy and Economics of Platforms
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BMME131
- Level: Master, Master, Master, Master
BIM Master Thesis
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Level: Master
BAM Master Thesis & Internship
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
- Level: Master
BIM Thesis Clinic
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Code: BMRM1BIM
- Level: Master
Past courses
Advanced Research Methods
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: B3101
- Level: Bachelor 3, Bedrijfskunde (Business Administration)
Big Data Management and Analytics
- Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
- Code: BM04BIM
- Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master
BSc Project Analytical Decision-Makers
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: B3T1103
- Level: Bachelor 3
BSc Project Behavioural Experts
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: B3T3103
- Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
BSc Project Business Developers
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: B3T5103
- Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
BSc Project Financial Strategist
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: B3T6103
- Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
BSc Project Global Thinkers
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: B3T4103
- Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
BSc Project Performance Analysts
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: B3T2103
- Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
Business Information Management
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: BT1213
- Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 3, Pre-master
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: BT1204
- Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 1
Philosophy of Science
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: BT1207
- Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 2, Pre-master
Quantitative Decision Making
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: BT1215
- Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 2, Pre-master
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Code: BT1211
- Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 1
BAM Master Thesis & Internship
- Study year: 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- ECTS: 16 Level: Master
Business Architecture and Transformation
- Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BM03BIM
- ECTS: 5 Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master
BIM Research Methods I - Old style
- Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BM05BIM
- ECTS: 2
Featured in the media
Working from home isn't all black and white, study finds
Dainis Zegners, Assistant Professor at the Department of Technology and Operations Management at RSM, was the co-author of a research about remote working.
Tuesday, 7 December 2021 -
Gaming for the head: how to train the brain playfully
Dainis Zegners. Assistant Professor at the Department of Technology and Operations Management at RSM, took part in research about brain performance in playing chess.
Monday, 15 November 2021 -
Working from home could be damaging for mentally demanding tasks
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Thursday, 25 February 2021 -
Research Home working makes difficult tasks harder
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Thursday, 10 December 2020 -
Are Mentally Demanding Tasks More Difficult To Handle At Home?
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Tuesday, 8 December 2020 -
“The Queen’s Gambit” is right: young chess stars always usurp the old
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Monday, 16 November 2020 -
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Wednesday, 4 November 2020 -
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Monday, 2 November 2020 -
Working from home appears to be less suitable for mentally demanding...
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Monday, 2 November 2020 -
Thuiswerk blijkt minder geschikt voor mentaal zware taken
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Monday, 2 November 2020 -
'Online werken moet niet te gemakkelijk de norm worden'
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Monday, 2 November 2020 -
Thuiswerk blijkt minder geschikt voor mentaal zware taken
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Sunday, 1 November 2020 -
Thuiswerken blijkt minder geschikt voor déze taken
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Sunday, 1 November 2020 -
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Sunday, 1 November 2020 -
Making the right move?
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Sunday, 1 November 2020 -
Leistungsfähigkeit des Gehirns in den vergangenen 125 Jahren gestiegen
We all use our cognitive abilities every day to perceive and process information. We are doing better today than 100 years ago, as a new empirical study shows. But we have to come to terms with the fact that from around our…
Monday, 26 October 2020 -
Kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit - Fitter als unsere Vorfahren
We all use our cognitive abilities every day to perceive and process information. We are doing better today than 100 years ago, as a new empirical study shows. But we have to come to terms with the fact that from around our…
Tuesday, 20 October 2020 -
Zijn mentaal veeleisende taken thuis moeilijker uit te voeren?
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Monday, 19 October 2020 -
Productiviteit: cognitief lastige taak thuis moeilijker te doen
Article about the effects of working from home. Working from home can have adverse effects on the performance of cognitive tasks, according to research by Dr Dainis Zegners of RSM. Dr. Zegners and his fellow researchers from…
Monday, 19 October 2020 -
Mentally demanding tasks are harder to handle at home
A new study looking at skills in online chess tournaments from RSM, Erasmus University claims that working from home could be damaging for mentally demanding tasks. Working from home, whilst doing complicated tasks and detailed…
Friday, 16 October 2020 -
Hjemme godt, ude bedst
Article about working from home in Denmark during the corona crisis. It adresses the negative consequences of working from home. Mentally demanding tasks are more difficult to handle at home than when you are physically…
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