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The global reach of business graduates from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) has grown significantly. In 2024, alumni volunteers and local chapter members have set up and relaunched six new communities within RSM’s dynamic and evolving global alumni network. These new local alumni chapters are spread over Asia, Europe and North America – with more new communities to come in other locations.

Led by alumni volunteers, the six newest chapters have created a strong local network of professionals that support each other with career opportunities, mentorship, workshops, business collaborations, and social activities. Alumni events in 2024 have taken place in:

  • New York City, where about 450 RSM alumni live
  • Hong Kong, where about 250 RSM alumni live
  • Belgium, where about 750 RSM alumni live
  • Hamburg, where about 300 RSM alumni live
  • Luxembourg, where about 200 RSM alumni live
  • United Kingdom, where about 1,700 RSM alumni live

These chapters are the latest additions to RSM’s global portfolio of active alumni chapters led by 80 alumni volunteers in almost 40 locations. So far this year, they've hosted more than 50 events and activities for RSM alumni around the world. RSM keeps close, ongoing connections with its alumni with support provided by the Alumni Relations Office.


The former RSM Benelux chapter has been split into three separate chapters. The Dutch chapter launched in 2023, and RSM recently launched the new Belgium and Luxembourg chapters.

Around 200 RSM alumni reside in Luxembourg: chapter board member Mattéo Dumas (MSc Finance & Investments 2022) says an important thing about being part of the RSM alumni community is a feeling of safety. “You know that wherever you land for your next life step, you can count on a global network of fellow graduates happy to help you and share their insights. You also have shared Rotterdam nostalgia to talk about, and it’s good to meet people from various horizons.”

Mattéo says that people beginning their careers, like him, are lucky to have this platform to meet others with more experience. “Networking here can be very finance-centred, so it’s nice to meet people in other fields. Luxembourg is special in its own way so sharing our experiences in this context, and connecting with each other feels tangible and useful.” He added that about 30 alumni joined  the chapter’s first get-together so there’s capacity to create a strong community in the small country. 


The common thread running through students and alumni of RSM is curiosity, says Belgium chapter board member Niclas Gottmann (IBA 2016), a policy officer at the European Commission. “Curiosity to engage with different viewpoints, to scrutinise the status quo, and to think up innovative solutions to problems. It’s incredible to see the diversity of career paths that RSM alumni choose that extend beyond traditional business.”

“Here, you can actively observe, analyse and shape the interactions between the public and private sector. I’m excited that our alumni chapter can tap into this unique ecosystem,” Niclas says, adding that RSM alumni’s work stretches from Belgian SMEs to multinationals and all the way to the halls of political power in Brussels along Rue de la Loi.  

“We aim to create a sense of professional community within the RSM Alumni Chapter Belgium so we can learn from each other's unique expertise and experience, and to simply have some fun and social contact outside of work.”

New York City

“Being an RSM alumna is a great honour and a lifelong connection to a global network of talented, ambitious, and innovative professionals,” says New York City chapter leader Stefanie Eimesser (MSc Marketing Management, 2013). “It's a shared bond that transcends geographical boundaries and unites us through a commitment to excellence and continuous learning.”

Stefanie says New York City is a strategic location for fostering connections among RSM alumni. “Our RSM alumni chapter creates a platform for networking, professional development, and mutual support. It also serves as a bridge between Europe and the USA, allowing us to leverage our international perspectives while contributing to the local community as well as to the growth and success of the RSM community by giving back.”

Stefanie plans to host a series of events that will focus on networking, professional development and thought leadership, including a speech by an inspirational industry leader and social gatherings to foster camaraderie among alumni. 

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, chapter leader Ethan Ung (MSc Strategic Management 2006) is a managing director at BrandCharger Direct. Ung: “Hong Kong is a vibrant city that high-flying talent feels attracted to. So it makes sense to have a RSM alumni chapter here.”

Ethan hopes new alumni in Hong Kong can make friends and find like-minded people to exchange ideas and knowledge, help each other out and to do business together.

Up next: Ireland and beyond

RSM plans to re-establish an alumni community in Ireland for the alumni moving there to work in the tech industry. Alumni in Dublin are encouraged to join in.

Over the coming months, alumni activities are scheduled in Germany, UAE, Belgium, Indonesia, UK, Luxembourg, Australia, Singapore, Iceland, Greece and Japan. The best way to stay up-to-date with local activities is to contact the RSM alumni team for more information about the local chapters and to receive invitations to local events and connect with the local community’s group chat.

RSM alumni network

RSM is more than ‘just’ a business school, it’s a network of thinkers and doers, a community built on laughter, debate, knowledge sharing and the shared belief that its people can make a difference. With a growing network of more than 50,000 alumni worldwide, RSM’s alumni community brings alumni opportunities for lifelong learning, professional development and social connections throughout their careers. Alumni include all RSM graduates, from the first post-kandidaats, IIB and Bedrijfskunde programmes in the early 1970s up to those who graduated only this year. 

“Nurturing international alumni communities is not just about maintaining connections; it's about creating a lasting impact for the benefit of our alumni, the school, current students, and having a positive impact on societies on a global scale,” says Alice Eekman, alumni relations manager at RSM.

There are lots of local alumni chapters worldwide to make alumni from RSM and Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) feel at home. If your city isn't on the map, contact us via so we can help you set up a new chapter. And if we are coming to your neck of the woods, register for the event – you won't regret it.

More information

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) is one of Europe’s top-ranked business schools. RSM provides ground-breaking research and education furthering excellence in all aspects of management and is based in the international port city of Rotterdam – a vital nexus of business, logistics and trade. RSM’s primary focus is on developing business leaders with international careers who can become a force for positive change by carrying their innovative mindset into a sustainable future. Our first-class range of bachelor, master, MBA, PhD and executive programmes encourage them to become critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinkers and doers.

For more information about RSM or this release, please contact Erika Harriford-McLaren, communications manager for RSM, on +31 10 408 2877 or by email at

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