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Master Exchange

Graduate students from our partner schools are welcome to join the master exchange programme. RSM offers you a portfolio of courses from our specialised Master programmes. You can either join us for a full term (4 months) or short exchange (7-8 weeks) both in Fall or Spring.

Open to exchange students are the following Master programmes: Accounting & Financial Management, Business Information Management, Finance & Investments, Global Business & Sustainability, Human Resource Management, Management of Innovation, Marketing Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Supply Chain Management. 

Full term exchange students can furthermore participate in the reputed International Consultancy Project, a unique course and the cornerstone of the Master Exchange Programme at RSM. Over a period of 4 months, a team of international exchange and RSM students works intensively on a consultancy project, for a company or institution. 

Our International Office is dedicated to supporting you before and during your exchange. Once nominated by your home university, you will receive our online application form and once accpeted, all relevant information for your exchange at RSM and in Rotterdam will come your way. We will organize you an exchange ambassador (buddy) prior to arrival and upon arrival we organize orientation activities, social events, and regular evaluation sessions. We have close connections with all of our partner school institutions’ study abroad advisers/coordinators, and an open-door policy, whereby you are always welcome to pass by our office. 

In the Master exchange programme you will experience:

Programme Overview

Fold out your tab of interest below, for the programme overview details

Full term and/or short exchange

Incoming (post)graduate exchange students participate in courses which belong to our specialized Master’s programmes.  Our Master programmes are 1-year graduate programmes. The academic year is divided upon a block based system. Exchange students are welcome to participate in a 2-block term (both Fall and Spring) or participate in a short exchange programme, meaning one block of courses (7-8 weeks), see MSc short exchange.  Participation in the International Consultancy Project is only possible on a 2-block term basis, see ICP

The academic calendar 2023 - 2024 is:


Block 1:                             September 4 – October 20, 2023 (exam week: October 23-28), (resit week January 8 -13, 2024);

Block 2:                             October 30 – December 14, 2023 (exam week December 15-22 December),(resit week March 18-23, 2024).


Block 3:                            February 5 – March 15, 2024 (exam week: March 18-23/resit week May 6-11, 2024);

Block 4:                            March 25 – May 3, 2024 (exam week May 6-11), (resit week June 24-29, 2024); 

Block 5:                            May 13 – June 21, 2024 (exam week June 24-29), (resit week July 22-27, 2024).

Introduction programme

Prior to each full term (end of August & end of January), an introduction programme is organized. This programme is strongly recommended for all incoming students in order not to miss out on important information. Of course, it is also THE day to meet all fellow students. 

Due to the small number of students joining us in October for Block II only, in March for Block IV and/or in May for Block V, a smaller welcome meeting is organized. This welcome will take place in the first week of courses.

At Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, you will have over 45 different courses to choose from each term – giving you the chance to gain specialist knowledge for the career of your choice. These courses belong to our specialized Master’s programmes.

These are:

  • Supply Chain Management,
  • Business Information Management,
  • People, Organisations & Change,
  • Finance & Investments,
  • Marketing Management,
  • Accounting & Financial Management,
  • Global Business & Sustainability,
  • Management of Innovation,
  • Strategic Management,
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship.

For more information on the master programmes, please visit the programme sites or for more information on the courses, see our online course guide. (on this page, please tick for English language & Rotterdam School of Management)

In addtion to the master courses, exchange students can participate in the International Consultancy Project. The project is carried out by an international team of students and supervised by both an academic and corporate coach.

Upon receipt of the nomination from the partner school, incoming Master/MBA exchange students will receive a Welcome email with further instructions to complete the online application. Also attached to this email is the course overview and information on how and when to register.

Language of instruction
All courses are conducted in English.

Course load
Courses are denominated in EC credits. In EC credits, 60 credits represent the workload of a full year of study. 1 EC is the equivalent of 28 student working hours and includes in-class hours, self study, group work, writing papers, and exam preparation.  A 10 EC course has approximately 12 contact hours a week.

Class format
The classes are a mix of (guest)lectures, case studies, interactive projects, papers, presentations of students and discussion groups.
Class size varies between 30 and 50 students. Class participation and attendance affect final grades. The MSc programmes at RSM are pre-experience programmes, average age of students is 22-25 years. Most Master students have some relevant working experience through internships, business projects or part-time management jobs. For this reason incoming MBA students fit in quite easily in our Master courses and/or International Consultancy Project.

Exams are scheduled at the end of each course, preceded by a study week. The assessment of the performance of students varies: written or take-home exams, progress reports, in-class presentations, group performance and essays.

In the Dutch grading system, grades from 1.0 up to 10.0 are used, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. In general, grades with one decimal are issued; the lowest passing grade is a 5.5. When rounding off these grades, grades with a 0.4 or lower will be rounded down, and grades with a 0.5 will be rounded up. Students in our exchange programmes receive their transcripts reflecting grades with one decimal.

Code of Conduct

RSM hosts a large number of students in its various programmes. It is important for us and our student community to have a code of conduct describing the main rules of behaviour at this school. Some view rules of conduct as self-evident and comply with them automatically. Others find them less clear and may even be unfamiliar with such codes.

The aim of this document is therefore to clarify the rules of conduct and make them transparent for all RSM students. These rules relate not only to conduct during classes, but also conduct among students, conduct towards instructors, including in evaluations of courses, and conduct while conducting research. By complying with these rules, we may prevent undesirable behaviour towards one another and mutually ensure a positive and pleasant study environment.

The cornerstone of the MSc exchange programme is the International Consultancy Project (ICP), a unique consultancy assignment designed for RSM’s exchange students and a select group of RSM students. This project is a key attraction for exchange students coming to Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.

In a team of 5 international students, all with different backgrounds and competences & skills, students work intensively on a consultancy project for a company for about 3-4 months. Both coaches from the university and company supervise the project and the aim is to respond professionally to a real world management problem and to learn from working in multidisciplinary and culturally diverse groups. For the companies it provides a unique opportunity to gain access to valaubale knowledge, recommendations or solutions for a business problem in a relatively short period of time.

RSM provides training in consulting, presentation and communication management, to help students master the skills necessary for project management and consultancy work.

The ICP is only open to students who stay for a full term (minimum of 2 bloks in Fall or Spring). The project represents a workload of 12,5 EC.

The ICP reflects RSM's greatest strengths as a top 10 European business school recognised for the international diversity of our participants and the close relationships with business.

Companies who have delivered projects for the ICP are for example: AON Global Risk Consulting, GE Power, Fontijne Holland B.V., INNIO, DSW21, ARS T&TT, B&MI, Marcadus B.V., September Multimedia, WCC-group, Domino's, CX Company, Libersy, Leapfrog 3D Printers.

Read a testimonial on an ICP participant.

The Dutch grading system has a scale from 1 (very poor) to 10 (outstanding). The lowest passing grade is 5.5.

Dutch grades     Dutch grade range     Explanation         Frequency        EC Grade

10                           9.5-10                   Excellent               0.2%                  A

9                             8.5-9.4                  Very good           3.4%                    B

8                            7.5-8.4                  Good                    16%                    C

7                           6.5-7.4                  Satisfactory            31.8%                D

6                           5.5-6.4                   Pass                     34.4%                 E 

1-5                       1.0-5.4                   Fail                        0-11.9%               F


Special marks

VD - Pass
O - Student did not meet the requirements to pass the course
NO - No show at examination

EC (European Credit) workload

In EC, 60 credits represent the workload of a full academic year. 1 EC is equal to 28 student working hours; these include class hours, self-study, preparations for exams, reading and/or writing papers.

For Bachelor exchange students, the minimum workload is 20 EC; maximum is 30 EC per full term (Fall or Spring).

For Master exchange students, the minimum workload is 20 EC during the autumn term and 18 EC during the spring term (2 blocks). Maximum workload is 30 EC.

Students participating in our short Master exchange programmes have to complete a minimum workload of 12 EC in one block.

Practical Information & Need to Know


Students studying at one of our partner schools are welcome to apply for an exchange at RSM and are to be nominated through their home institution. Nominated students will receive a so-called Welcome e-mail which will inform them on further application procedures, about one month before the application deadline.

Students applying for a graduate exchange at RSM are expected to have good academic standing at their home institution, and should have at least completed the 3 years of business studies.

Part of your home institution’s selection process is an evaluation of your proficiency in English. We trust our exchange partner schools in nominating students who will not have difficulties in class due to the language.  As a guideline, the following definitions of language levels are applicable: TOEFL iBT minimum score 91+ (minimum 22 on all sub scores); IELTS minimum score 6.5 (minimum 6.5 on all sub scores); Level B2.2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). For TOEIC test scores we require all four components. For the Listening and Reading part, the required minimum is 800 and for the Speaking and Writing part, the required minimum is 320. and have a minimum score of 800-850.

Please note that the English language requirements for participation in the International Consultancy Project are more strict:

TOEFL 95+ (internet-based), with a minimum of 23 in all subscores

IELTS 6.5, with a minimum of 6.5 in all subscores.

provided. In all official statements, the language level needs to be mentioned.

To study at RSM as a graduate exchange student, you must first be nominated by your home institution. Please contact your university's study abroad adviser/coordinator for more information on requirements and selection procedures. 

Deadlines to be nominated are:
Fall term:          May 1
Spring term:    October 1

In the Welcome E-mail you will receive from our programme manager, you will find further information about the online application procedures. Subsequently, you need to complete the online application and upload requested additional documents (a copy/scan of your recent academic transcript, proof of your proficiency in English). Other additional documents include a completed Student ID card application form and completed checklist for entry visa and/or residence permit (both can be downloaded via a link provided after submitting the online application). At the end of October, you will receive the course registration form that you will need to fill in and return before the deadline mentioned in the information.

After the application deadline and if you have met the academic and English language requirements, the official letter of acceptance will be sent to your home university by email. The programme manager will provide you with all the relevant information about your exchange. 

Deadlines for application:
Fall term:         May 15
Spring term:   October 15

Contact us

The RSM International Office at RSM facilitates the Bachelor and Master Exchange programmes for both incoming and outgoing students.

The staff members of the International Office are happy to help and advise you prior to, during and after your exchange in Rotterdam. For the most recent information on every programme, please consult the exchange programme’s websites, visit our office or contact us through email:

Use the drop-down menu at International Office, to see who to contact for specific information. 

Visiting address:

RSM Erasmus University
International Office
Mandeville (T) Building, Room T05-14, 18 & 22 
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-(0)10-408 2398 

The International Office is located at the 5th floor in the Mandeville (T) Building.

Our offices are T5-22, T5-18 and T5-14. 

Opening hours: 09:00 - 12:00 h - 13:00 - 17:00 h