Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo


Would you consent to be contacted by our team once to discuss and better understand your hiring needs?
The CV book package contains personal data of our students, including their names, CVs, hyperlinks to their LinkedIn profiles, and for some students, their email addresses and phone numbers. This data qualifies as sensitive personal data as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our students have provided specific, informed, and unambiguous consent for the processing of their personal data solely for recruitment purposes. By opening the link, you agree to the following terms: Usage Restrictions: The personal data provided herein may only be used by your company for recruitment activities and purposes. It must not be shared with affiliates or third parties. Additionally, this information must not be used for direct marketing or any other commercial activities. Consent and Time Limitation: Our students have consented to share their personal data with you for a limited period, ending on 31 July 2025. Termination of Use: You agree to cease using this information after 31 July 2025. By proceeding, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to these terms and to respect the privacy and data protection rights of our students.