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Eusko Jaurlaritzak Klima Aldaketaren aurkako portuen kudeaketa azalduko du Rotterdamen egingo den AIVP- Munduko Portu Hirien Sarearen 15. biltzarrean
Eusko Jaurlaritzak Klima Aldaketaren aurkako portuen kudeaketa azalduko du Rotterdamen egingo den AIVP- Munduko Portu Hirien Sarearen 15. biltzarrean
The Basque Government will present the management of the ports of Climate Change, the AIVP- World Network 15 Conference, to be held in Rotterdam port city and RSM.
The Basque Government will present the management of the ports of Climate Change, the AIVP- World Network 15 Conference, to be held in Rotterdam port city and RSM.