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DUIC Krant: De broers achter evenementenbureau XSense
DUIC Krant: De broers achter evenementenbureau XSense
RSM alumnus Huub (33) en Paul (31) van de Vecht are owners and founders of the events agency XSense, one of the biggest festival organizers of the Netherlands. Here, an interview with the two brothers provides insights in their way to the top.
RSM alumnus Huub (33) en Paul (31) van de Vecht are owners and founders of the events agency XSense, one of the biggest festival organizers of the Netherlands. Here, an interview with the two brothers provides insights in their way to the top.
Huub van de Vecht
Role: Alumni
Reference type: Quoted
Paul van de Vecht
Role: Alumni
Reference type: Quoted