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Annemarie Jorritsma, professor Muel Kaptein en Herman Kaemingk spreken op M&A en NVP Lenteborrel van 9 maart
Annemarie Jorritsma, professor Muel Kaptein en Herman Kaemingk spreken op M&A en NVP Lenteborrel van 9 maart
Professor Muel Kaptein is mentioned to be one of the speakers at the M&A and NVP Lenteborrel on the 9th of March. He will speak about how sectors and companies should deal with integrity and changes.
Professor Muel Kaptein is mentioned to be one of the speakers at the M&A and NVP Lenteborrel on the 9th of March. He will speak about how sectors and companies should deal with integrity and changes.