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Newsroom | Van start-up tot scale-up: hoe groei je door?
Newsroom | Van start-up tot scale-up: hoe groei je door?
On the eighth of November, Financieele Dagblad and BNr Nieuwsradioorganizes the hundredth edition of Newsroom. Here many speakers, including Henk Volberda, will discuss how Dutch companies can grow more internationally. A radio clip is included.
On the eighth of November, Financieele Dagblad and BNr Nieuwsradioorganizes the hundredth edition of Newsroom. Here many speakers, including Henk Volberda, will discuss how Dutch companies can grow more internationally. A radio clip is included.
Role: Faculty
Reference type: Referenced
Rodenburg, S.
Role: General
Reference type: Journalist