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Rotterdamse 'Airbnb' voor huurwoningen haalt 11 miljoen op
Rotterdamse 'Airbnb' voor huurwoningen haalt 11 miljoen op
The Airbnb website Nestpick was originally created by RSM alumnus Fabian Dudek. It has now grown to a very successful and international company in which Mangrove Capital, Enern and Rocket Internet invested about 11 million euro's.
The Airbnb website Nestpick was originally created by RSM alumnus Fabian Dudek. It has now grown to a very successful and international company in which Mangrove Capital, Enern and Rocket Internet invested about 11 million euro's.
Role: Alumni
Reference type: Referenced
Veenstra, J.
Role: General
Reference type: Journalist