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Hobby de manager: "Cateodata inveti mai mult dintr-o infrangere decat dintr-un joc castigat"
Hobby de manager: "Cateodata inveti mai mult dintr-o infrangere decat dintr-un joc castigat"
An interview with Dieter Schulz, MBA alumnus of RSM and current CEO of Danone South-East region. He tells about why he chose for Romania, Danone and how his career-path led him to his current position.
An interview with Dieter Schulz, MBA alumnus of RSM and current CEO of Danone South-East region. He tells about why he chose for Romania, Danone and how his career-path led him to his current position.
Role: Alumni
Reference type: Featured
Cristian, E.
Role: General
Reference type: Journalist