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Q&A: 'Wij brengen bedrijven met een kapitaalbehoefte samen met investeerders'
Q&A: 'Wij brengen bedrijven met een kapitaalbehoefte samen met investeerders'
Korstiaan Zandvliet is alumnus of RSM and co-founder of crowdfunding platform Symbid. In this interview he tells more about the enormous growth of the crowdfunding market en about the opportunities there are for his business.
Korstiaan Zandvliet is alumnus of RSM and co-founder of crowdfunding platform Symbid. In this interview he tells more about the enormous growth of the crowdfunding market en about the opportunities there are for his business.
Role: Alumni
Reference type: Featured
Pekelharing, M.
Role: General
Reference type: Journalist