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A study by the scientist Anthony Strittmatter (University of St. Gallen), Uwe Sunde (LMU Munich) and Dainis Zegners (Assistant Professor at the Department of Technology and Operations Management at RSM) evaluated the information from a chess database collected between 1890 and 2014 in around 24,000 chess games. The result of the evaluation shows that brain performance has increased measurably over the past 125 years. According to the scientists, the step-by-train observations from the chess study can be transferred to brain processes in everyday life: The quality of a particular move thus reflects an ideal measure of the performance of a demanding cognitive task, as it is becoming increasingly important in today's labour market, is the conclusion of the authors of the study.


  • Dainis Zegners
    Role: Faculty
    Reference type: Referenced

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  • Zeitjung (Online)