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Vrijwilligerswerk zoekt veelal ‘gezellige jufs’, maar minder migranten, ouderen of gehandicapten
Vrijwilligerswerk zoekt veelal ‘gezellige jufs’, maar minder migranten, ouderen of gehandicapten
Article about vacancy texts of volunteering can deter many potential volunteers. With their language they give the elderly, people with a bi-cultural background or handicap the feeling, consciously or not, that they are not welcome.
Article about vacancy texts of volunteering can deter many potential volunteers. With their language they give the elderly, people with a bi-cultural background or handicap the feeling, consciously or not, that they are not welcome.
Stephanie Koolen-Maas
Role: Faculty
Reference type: Written by
Luca van Seumeren
Role: Faculty
Reference type: Written by