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Change and appointment to the Natixis Executive Committee: Fouad Chéhady is appointed Head of Transformation and Business Efficiency Christophe Eglizeau becomes CEO of Natixis Interépargne - 24/11/2017
Change and appointment to the Natixis Executive Committee: Fouad Chéhady is appointed Head of Transformation and Business Efficiency Christophe Eglizeau becomes CEO of Natixis Interépargne - 24/11/2017
Christophe Eglizeau has been appointed CEO of Natixis Interépargne. He will remain a member of the Natixis Executive Committee. Christophe holds an MBA from RSM.
Christophe Eglizeau has been appointed CEO of Natixis Interépargne. He will remain a member of the Natixis Executive Committee. Christophe holds an MBA from RSM.