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El valenciano que vio Silicon Valley y se vino arriba: "Quiero crear un Internet descentralizado"
El valenciano que vio Silicon Valley y se vino arriba: "Quiero crear un Internet descentralizado"
20 year old Fran Villalba Segarra, IBA student at RSM, is in the process of developing a decentralised cloud system that encrypts files that are uploaded to it. Here, the young developer is given an in-depth feature on his plans and his background.
20 year old Fran Villalba Segarra, IBA student at RSM, is in the process of developing a decentralised cloud system that encrypts files that are uploaded to it. Here, the young developer is given an in-depth feature on his plans and his background.
Fran Villalba Segarra
Role: Student
Reference type: Featured