Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo


Trade is an important means to achieve poverty reduction and empowerment. The slogan ‘Trade. Not aid’ regards millions of disadvantaged and marginalized small producers in developing countries who are able to fight poverty on their own, if only the market would allow them. Fair access to the trade system under better trade conditions would help them to overcome the barriers to development. This concept is worldwide acknowledged as Fairtrade. Fairtrade is the alternative approach to the conventional trade system and addresses the injustice and discrimination against the poorest and weakest producers. Keynote speeches and position paper by Gerry Gereffi and Bert Koenders. Fairtrade is a classic example of sustainable supply chain management and after its introduction in the Netherlands in 1988 many other initiatives originated. Sustainable supply chain management has proved to be an effective means for companies to contribute to global sustainability. However, it has not been easy. Comparing the various supply chain management initiatives, many questions arise. Which one has been the most successful? What are the current trends? What are the opportunities for the future? Where does the responsibility of global multinational companies end? What roles need to be assigned to NGO’s, governments and science? We take great pleasure in inviting you to discuss all these issues in the upcoming Max Havelaar Lecture ‘Chains for Change’. Various speakers from a wide range of perspectives will provide us with their vision and ambitions on how supply chain management can contribute to global sustainability and empowerment.
