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  • Why partnerships for development?
  • In which context do partnerships operate?
  • What are partnerships?
  • How to make partnerships work?
  • Authors
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  • Boonman, M. (Mark)
  • Huisman, W. (Wendela)
  • Sarrucco-Fedorovtsjev, E. (Elmy)
  • Sarrucco, T. (Terya)
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Commentary on the report by Carol Wills (the full commentary is offered as a separate download ...) “Handicraft is the trade of the poor. They don’t have land to produce food” Joan Karanja, Director of Cooperation for Fair Trade in Africa (COFTA) “That is the little difference we can make…
Fair Trade Facts and Figures 2010: A Success Story for Producers and Consumers cover
  • Van Tulder, R. (Rob)
Monday, 20 June 2011
The notion of ‘partnerships’ can be seen as a process in which partners commit to long-term, structural interaction based on a shared analysis that every actor suffers from a number of failures, consequently a shared vision of sustainability and a shared ambition that all partners should play a role…
The Partnership Box cover
  • Van Tulder, R. (Rob)
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
These are challenging times, surrounded by considerable uncertainti es. Issues are complex, interests are high and often conflicting, no convenient paradigms or ideologies exist anymore to guide the actions of people. Solutions to societal problems have to be developed and implemented in collaborati…
Partnering Skills - The need for an integrated approach cover
  • Kolk, A. (Ans)
  • Pinkse, J. (Jonatan)
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
In view of the very limited number of tripartite partnerships for climate change in general, and those focused on development (developing countries) in parti cular, as shown in an earlier position paper (Kolk & Pinkse, 2010), it would seem useful to take a step back and consider the linkages between…
The Climate Change - Development Nexus and Tripartite Partnerships cover
  • Drost, S. (Sarah)
  • Van Wijk, J.C.A.C. (Jeroen)
  • Vellema, S.R. (Sietze)
Monday, 23 May 2011
Value chain promotion is considered a key element of private sector development strategies and pro-poor growth. However, (value) chain concepts are rather complex and unclear. This paper unravels the concept of global value chains and studies the diversity of key value chain-related (supply chain,…
Development Value Chains meet Business Supply Chains cover
  • Kolk, A. (Ans)
  • Pinkse, J. (Jonatan)
Monday, 23 May 2011
This position paper provides an initial overview of the role of tripartite partnerships for climate change in the broader framework of policy options available to address the issue. First, we will position partnerships in relation to other policy modes for climate change, including emissions…
Policy Modes for Climate Change cover
  • Van Tulder, R. (Rob)
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
These are challenging times, surrounded by considerable uncertainties. Issues are complex, interests are high and often conflicting, and convenient paradigms or ideologies no longer exist to guide us. The solutions of the past, where governments, civil society or firms had clearly delineated…
Partnering Skills - the basic philosophy cover
  • Van Wijk, J.C.A.C. (Jeroen)
  • Kwakkenbos, H. (Herma)
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
This paper addresses the question how partnerships include smallholders into sorghum-beer supply chains. Introduction Restrictions on the import of barley malt by the Nigerian government in the 1980s have facilitated an import substitution strategy that is now widely adopted by the African…
Beer multinationals supporting Africa's development? cover
  • Pfisterer, S.M. (Stella)
  • Van Tulder, R. (Rob)
Monday, 2 May 2011
Upscaling of PPPs involves the multiplication, maintaining or further diffusion of the mechanism, activities or outcomes of partnerships. Appropriate and timely upscaling is very important to increase the flexibility and the effectiveness of public policies. Quick scan techniques can be an…
A quick scan for upscaling possibilities cover
  • Drost, S. (Sarah)
  • Van Wijk, J.C.A.C. (Jeroen)
Sunday, 1 May 2011
This report investigates the dynamics of a multi-stakeholder platform (named: coordination group, or CG) for stakeholders of the honey and bees wax value chains in Ethiopia. The CG was initiated by the Dutch development organisation SNV in 2005 as part of a broader programme to improve market…
The Honey and Beeswax Value Chain in Ethiopia cover